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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 451

Chapter 451

The Temple of Hades.

Bai Ming sat on the chair, while Erebus and Nix stood in the audience.

Alger lay on the table and yawned in boredom.

Yahweh is responsible for explaining the information of Rizevim.

There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

After hearing this, Nix was frightened for a while:”That guy Rizevim actually has the idea of destroying the world, and he doesn’t even let us go?”

Originally, Nix had some sad thoughts because of Rizevim’s death.

But after hearing Yahwei’s personal statement after searching his memory, he realized that Rizevim had fully embraced the idea of killing the world after awakening with Beast King 666 in his arms.

I don’t care about allies or companions at all.

Rizevim only values himself

“”610” For him, cooperation is just a temporary pretense.

When the so-called partners are about to achieve their goals, it is the most pleasant thing for Rizewem to stab them in the back.

After all, he has no interest in the step-by-step world. Any interest.

After thinking about it, ni���Si Ye looked at Bai Ming with a complicated expression.

I didn’t expect this matter to take such a dramatic turn.

If Bai Ming hadn’t come and their hell leader had continued to cooperate with Rizevim, they would probably have died in the hands of that demon in the end.

Bai Ming, on the other hand, rescued their brother and sister.

Bai Ming noticed the subtle changes in Knicks and felt a little helpless.

After the truth is revealed, I’m afraid the fun of teasing the Knicks will be much less in the future.

I’m afraid I won’t be able to see the resisting look in this Loli goddess’s eyes anymore.


“I almost put the world into crisis.”

Yahweh sighed

“It’s okay, you have done a good enough job. If the Beast King had not been sealed, the world would have been destroyed long ago. Bai

Ming consoled him.

“It can only be said that Michael and the others were incompetent and failed to secure the place where the Beast King was sealed.”

“I didn’t tell them about the Beast King.”

Yahweh whispered.

“Oh, that’s okay.”

Bai Ming ignored the topic lightly.

Before leaving, he turned to look at the harvest from Rizevim.

Some research materials on Lilith’s meat, and some artifacts collected from all over the world.

But most of them To Bai Ming, they are all useless products.

That is to say, the research data on the”Holy Grail” and the artificial artifact can be seen.

Ignore the latter.

But the effect of the Holy Grail is also average.

A set of three Holy Grails.

It is nothing more than improving immortality and healing. Or resurrect the dead.

And not all the dead can be resurrected. The soul of the dead must still exist in the world before they can be resurrected.

Originally, Rizevim planned to use the Holy Grail to resurrect the evil dragon as his bodyguard.

However, Erebus arrived in time, so that he could not There was time to hold the resurrection ceremony.

Therefore, those evil dragons were not resurrected.

“This Holy Grail was snatched from the hands of a girl by Rizevim, who seemed to be a vampire.”

Bai Ming thought for a while and decided to wake up the girl before dealing with the Beast King.

After all, it seemed…She is also a very cute girl. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


It seems to be the winter season, with white snowflakes falling from the dim sky, covering the world in silver.

At this moment, several figures appeared out of thin air high in the sky, looking down at the city with people coming and going.

After deciding what to do, Bai Ming went directly to the location obtained from Rizevim’s memory.

But this is not where the girl lives.


The original holder of the God-killing Gear”Holy Grail of the Netherworld”, a hybrid descendant of humans and vampires.

Rias’s relative, Gaspar, a squatting vampire, once lived with Valerie in the vampire city.

Following the direction of the special aura, Bai Ming transferred again and appeared above the vampire city.

Vampires are different from demons and fallen angels. Although they will not die from exposure to sunlight, they will become weak and weak.

Therefore almost all vampires live in cities of their own making.

The city is covered by a huge expulsion barrier.

During the day, the streets are deserted, and only at night do vampires go out for activities, which is completely opposite to the human schedule….0When

Bai Ming came here, it happened to be night.

However, the streets were deserted, with a few people coming and going in a hurry.

This is because of the war.

The vampire forces are not of one mind.

They are the Camila sect and the Tsepesh sect.

Although there were some conflicts between the two factions, it was still relatively stable. However, due to the intervention of Rizevim and the Disaster Group, Marius Tepes, the fifth successor of the royal family of the Tepes faction, became interested in rebellion. She backstabbed her father, Queen Tepes, and supported Valerie Tepes, the holder of the Holy Grail, to become the puppet queen.

Malius’s purpose was simple.

Until the power of the Holy Grail held by Valerie was very powerful, she teamed up with Rizevim to study the Holy Grail and wanted to use it for herself.

Rizevim has taken the lead in taking out a Holy Grail.

Needless to say, the torture and experiments Valerie suffered during this period

“They were all being used as spearmen by Rizevim without even realizing it.”

Bai Ming observed the location of King Tepeshi City, and then flew in without any scruples.

The light overflowing at night was already eye-catching, not to mention that he was a vampire who was extremely sensitive to light.

King Tepeshi City’s The vampire soldiers reacted quickly.

But after feeling a strong sense of oppression, they could no longer hold the weapon in their hands.

Because the aura of the visitor had completely surpassed the true ancestor of the vampire!

This is Bai Ming In order to avoid too much trouble, the result of deliberately leaking a breath.

If the authority of the Winged Dragon is displayed here, symbolizing the power of the phantom god of the sun, it may be able to burn out all the vampires in this city in an instant.

But after all, Bai Ming We are not here to engage in indiscriminate massacre.

Inside the royal city.

Like a doll, a slender blonde girl is sitting alone on a chair, staring blankly ahead.

There is obviously no one in the room, but the girl seems to be following People were talking to themselves like a conversation.

Until a certain moment.

The void changed, and Bai Ming and his party appeared in the room, and saw a girl with pale skin who seemed to be malnourished.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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