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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 464

Chapter 464


Accelerator was briefly confused.

Is there anyone else nearby?

Then in the next second.

The space next to Misaka Mikoto rippled like a lake, and then a man in a windbreaker appeared next to the third person. Accelerator stared at the man’s figure closely.

But the next second he laughed.

“Who did I think it was? Do you think that a mere space ability user can do anything to me?”

Accelerator has something to be proud of.

As the number one in Academy City, his power leaves all other superpowers far behind.

The enemies he has dealt with over the years can be crushed in just an instant. Living in such an environment, of course it is impossible to be humble

“When death is imminent, all that is left is to speak harshly!”

After Bai Ming appeared, Misaka Mikoto felt a huge sense of security.

“what are you saying?! Did I break your head?”

Accelerator didn’t understand what nonsense Misaka Mikoto was talking about.

It was clearly a battle where she was crushed, but it was made as if he lost.

“One or two of them took the initiative to send them to their homes to die! My uncle is in a very bad mood tonight!”

Originally, Accelerator still wanted to play around, and after teasing them until he was happy, he let the third one go.

But now the successive changes have made Accelerator feel extremely unhappy.

And this feeling of unhappiness is very It quickly turned into strong malice.

Just when Accelerator was about to activate his ability, he heard this sentence

“By the way, do you know Yuriko Suzuko?”


Accelerator had an impatient expression on his face.

Why are you still whining at this time?!

“If you don’t know him, that’s fine.”

“Damn bastard!”

Accelerator’s face was full of dissatisfaction.

He then threw down the blazing ball of light that had already been gathered. The heat energy compressed by Accelerator could not be escaped even if it was hidden in a basement several meters deep.

The ball of light was in flight. , everything that came into contact was melted in an instant, and the heat wave hit his face.

If the object was a human body, the bones would definitely be melted in an instant.

But in the face of such a blow, Bai Ming just lightly stretched out a A finger.

Then in Accelerator’s dull eyes, the ball of heat energy he had carefully gathered was popped like a balloon.

Accelerator’s arrogant expression froze on his face.

But it was not over.

White-haired Evil The eyes of Dang and Bai Ming intertwined, and a shocking sense of oppression suddenly came.

It was as if the temperature and atmosphere had solidified at this moment, and an abyss-like pressure acted on Accelerator’s body.

The latter’s body was immediately crushed to the ground. , his throat seemed to be strangled by a pair of big hands, and his face turned red.

The severe pain from his knees and hands invaded Accelerator’s nerves.

He quickly thought about what kind of power this was.

Gravity? Or an ordinary ability?

At the same time, he also tried to use vector He manipulated the feeling of oppression on his body, but it was in vain. With the knowledge he had, he was completely unable to analyze what it was.

“It’s just a little bit of oppression.”

Bai Ming had a smile on his face. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

All the superpowers in Academy City, including Accelerator and those Anbu superpowers, are just cultivated in a greenhouse. The flowers that came out.

No matter what kind of battles they are, they only happen in Academy City.

As a medium-sized city in the island country, no matter how big the scale of the battle is, how big can it be?

No one has ever been exposed to a real battle. Naturally, it is even more difficult to understand what”sense of oppression” is.

“He’s just the number one in Academy City, he still doesn’t know anything about power.”

“I…I know nothing about power! What a bullshit joke are you kidding! ?”

Hearing this, Accelerator was instantly furious. He felt as if he had been greatly insulted. His eyes (abfb) were bloodshot due to the activation of the ability. A tooth-breaking sound of metal twisting was heard.

He could not see any movement. He originally stopped at the stop. The trains on the platform were twisted into twists as if picked up by huge invisible hands, and then neatly arranged above Accelerator’s head.

“How dare you say it! You bastard!”


Bai Ming snorted coldly.

He saw those iron blocks that were ready to go crash to the ground, kicking up a large amount of gray dust.

For Accelerator,

Bai Ming can’t say he hates or likes him.

Although Accelerator is said to be a villain, he still maintains it in his heart. With the desire and pursuit of good, this can be seen from the encounter with Misaka. Misaka is not bad in nature, and in the ability user evolution plan, it is also shown that as long as the Misaka sisters say begging for mercy or do not want to die, Words, Accelerator will let them go.

However, it is a pity that none of the Misaka sisters have any thoughts of begging for mercy, or do not want to die, or even have the fear of death.

It can be said that Accelerator can grow up to what he is now This appearance of being a god, my second child, is largely due to the environment and the reason why there is life but no one teaches it.

Of course, the sins on Accelerator cannot be ignored.

After all, no matter what, there is still Misaka sister who died. In his hands, Accelerator could not be washed away.

Under the pressure of Bai Ming’s huge divine power,

Accelerator’s limbs were broken and he fainted. The reason why Accelerator was not killed was not because he felt pity for Accelerator, but because of Aleister..

There is no doubt that a large number of suspended loops have already gathered nearby, watching their every move.

If Accelerator is killed here, he will inevitably be blacklisted by Aleister.

Bai Ming doesn’t care, but Misaka Mikoto She may be put on the wrong side in the future.

After all, her friends, parents and other relatives are also living in this world.

Of course, he is just a passer-by, purely based on Misaka Mikoto’s decision.

On the other side.

After the battle, Misaka Mikoto looked at Accelerator, who was lying unconscious in the ruins, had a complicated look on his face.

Although this was not the first time she saw Bai Ming use power, no matter which time, it refreshed her outlook on life. He could defeat the party that even with all his strength could not injure him. Accelerator, Bai Ming didn’t even move his hands, just looked at him, and easily killed Accelerator.

Is this the legendary”killing with eyes”?

After killing Accelerator, Bai Ming didn’t feel anything.

After all, he bullied elementary school students. What kind of ability is that?

It’s weird if you can’t win Accelerator.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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