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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 465

Chapter 465

Moreover, the power of Accelerator’s reflection seems to be powerful, but in fact it is just that.

His reflections only work on beings who can understand.

Not to mention the divine power Bai Ming used, he was unable to reflect the magic of the Forbidden World alone.

Only after understanding what magic is can we analyze and reflect it. besides.

Even reflection has its limits.

Once the limit of vector manipulation is exceeded, reflection is also impossible

“Speaking of which, what do you want to do with Accelerator? Bai

Ming asked.

After hearing this, a complex look flashed across Misaka Mikoto’s face.

Of course she hated Accelerator for killing Misaka’s sister.

However, she couldn’t say the words”kill him”. exit

“I’ll let him go this time, and I’ll defeat him myself later if I’m strong enough!”

Very much like the speaking style of a passionate comic protagonist.

“Then let’s go.”

Bai Ming was not surprised.

Even if she has seen darkness, Misaka Mikoto still has a pure heart, which is different from him.

If he were the protagonist, Accelerator’s body would be separated now.

Misaka’s sister was affected by the aftermath and fell into a coma.

Misaka Mikoto hugged her.

With Sister Pao’s current arm strength, it was easy to do so.

Before leaving, Misaka Mikoto looked back

“Just leave him here?”

“Someone will come to clean up the mess later, and now that Accelerator has been defeated, the absolute ability user plan will also be terminated.”

Bai Ming said

“Why are you so sure? just in case…”

“Aleister would not allow the plan to go forward unless something unexpected happened.”

The Absolute Abilities Plan is the calculation result of Academy City’s supercomputer tree diagram.

But in Aleister’s own calculations.

Even if Accelerator really kills 20,000 Misaka sisters, it is impossible to upgrade to 1v6.

After all, Academy City’s superpowers are magic in another sense that Aleister himself transformed and concealed using the”Book of Laws”.

Level 6 does exist, but it will not be achieved so easily.

More Besides, Sister Misaka is still of great use to him.

Too many deaths would be more than worth the loss.

“In fact, it is possible for those dead Misaka sisters to be resurrected.”

Misaka Sister is a doll created using cloning technology.

Once created, it will automatically be connected to a place called”Misaka Network”.

Therefore, every Misaka Sister created has a presence in the Misaka Network A unique backup.

After hearing this news, Misaka Mikoto finally felt better

“What should we do with the remaining Misaka sister?”

“It will be well arranged by your chairman.”

Bai Ming glanced at the sky.

At the same time.

School District 7, a windowless building.

In the center of a room full of pipelines and advanced instruments, there was a life support device filled with orange liquid.

A man wearing a green surgical suit The figure is upside down in the liquid.

He is the chairman of Academy City.

Aleister Crowley.

The information transmitted back through the air loop is being played on the three-dimensional screen in the form of video. ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In addition, there are several screens that play the battle process between Accelerator and Bai Ming in a loop.

“Aiwass, do you know something?”

Aleister said.

And in the darkness of the room, an angelic woman appeared with her body emitting a shimmering light, suspended in the air.

The angel on the science side was used by Aleister in the past. The angel of physics summoned by his wife’s body exists as his bodyguard

“Not sure, but at least it’s not a force of physics.”

Aiwass spoke, and then the conversation changed.

“And shouldn’t this question be answered by you on the magic side?”

Aleister naturally couldn’t answer this question.

Judging from the picture alone, the ability of the man brought by Misaka Mikoto was completely different from any magic in his memory. The current knowledge cannot explain the current situation. situation.

It was such a picture that made Aleister make a unique association

“Aiwass, what do you think?…Does another world really exist?”

“It’s unclear, but the demons have proven this to us. None of them has discovered a universe outside this universe.”

0 Asking for flowers,

Aiwass said.

“But we found it.”

Past video materials were retrieved by Accelerator.

Some showed Misaka Mikoto gesticulating in the air, as if she were a mental patient.

Others showed Misaka Mikoto suddenly disappearing from the dormitory, but then suddenly reappearing..

These two pictures, coupled with Bai Ming appearing here now, make Aleister have a bold guess.

A brand new world that even the devil has not discovered is superimposed on this one in some way. The universe with countless phases is connected together

“Do you want to have some contact with that man?”

Aiwass said


Even though Aleister was excited to discover the existence of another world, he cared more about whether he could find a way to deal with the devil from Bai Ming than being curious about the other world. The only thing in his life was to kill the devil. This is the only long-cherished wish.

Whether it is this Academy City, the Fantasy Killer owned by Kamijou Touma, or the absolute ability user evolution plan.

Everything that happens in Academy City has Aleister’s participation..

And the ultimate goal of these plans is to help him defeat the demon in the phase.

Even Bai Ming, who came from another world, is no exception.

Of course.

“After all,”Another World” is special to this world.

Aleister must also pay enough attention to it.

The importance of the third place, which he ignored in the past, can also be compared with Fantasy Killer because of Bai Ming’s appearance. existence.

And for a better test, Aleister will also give the resources originally given to Kamijou Touma to the third person.

Thinking of this.

On a new screen, a man wearing a monk’s uniform appeared. blonde nun

“oh? Will sending this nun to the third one affect your plans?”

Of course Aiwass knows what the nun in front of him means.

After all, this nun is an important part of Aleister’s fantasy killer plan.

“No problem.”

Aleister didn’t care.

For him, even Fantasy Killer was just one of his plans to defeat the Demon God.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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