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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 466

Chapter 466

Sister Misaka woke up and was on the bench in the park.

Misaka Mikoto looked at her worriedly, looking worried.

Although Bai Ming said that the dead Misaka sisters could theoretically be resurrected, this incident was caused by her after all.

Bai Ming didn’t comfort her either.

He didn’t believe Sister Pao couldn’t adjust to such a trivial matter.

“The plan has been terminated.”

Bai Ming suddenly said

“how do you know?”

Sister Pao raised her head

“If the plan goes ahead, we have been here for such a long time, and other ANBU people have come over, but there is nothing.”

But Aleister is more calm than he thought.

If it were those demon gods, they would have rushed in front of him as soon as they knew him.

After all, they have played all over the world”830″, any novelty will be strongly sought after by the demon gods.

In the original work, the demon gods were very excited when they were exiled to another world by the”ideal send-off”.

However, based on Aleister’s attitude towards the demon gods, hate��

The most important thing is that the devil will not discover his existence.

Negotiation has always been Aleister’s main method, but this is not limited to face-to-face meetings.

After all, Aleister was afraid of something.

Although he dared to wave his staff at the devil, it had to be done with a well-planned plan.

Otherwise, no matter how many cards Aleister has, they will be easily wiped out by the Demon God.

In addition to the demon, there is also the great demon Coronzon who almost killed him in the past.

At that time, Aleister thought he had summoned a demon, but instead the demon took possession of his body. If the disciples he had accepted had not fought hard to expel him, there would be no Academy City.

It can be said.

Apart from the Demon God, Coronzon is his strongest enemy in this world and knows his true identity.

The two have not seen each other for nearly a hundred years.

No one knows what kind of trump cards each other has accumulated.

Fortunately, Coronzon was also very afraid of the Demon God, otherwise Aleister would be in trouble as well.

At this time.

Sister Misaka woke up.

She opened her eyes and sat up in a daze.

The scratches on her body made her look as pitiful as a homeless kitten.

But Sister Misaka doesn’t have this understanding

“The experiment failed because of onee-sama’s participation? Misaka asked doubtfully but surely”

“Of course!”

Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt helpless.

“Are you still thinking about the experiment? Then let me tell you! The experiment has been cancelled! You all don’t need to participate in the experiment! In other words, you don’t have to die anymore! Do you understand?”

Misaka Mikoto spoke in a tone that she had never heard before.

Moreover, it was more like educating than explaining.

Although the girl in front of her looked similar to her age, Misaka Mikoto regarded her as a younger sister in her heart.

After all, he is an individual born from her genes.


Hearing this, Sister Misaka lowered her head and remained silent.


Misaka Mikoto was a little dumbfounded

“She is talking to other Misaka sisters on the Misaka network to understand the situation and show off to other sisters.”

Bai Ming said

“Show off what?”

“Of course it’s to show off that she’s with you now. As I said, to all the Misaka sisters, you are the most special one.”

“I’m a little embarrassed when you say that.”

Misaka Mikoto’s cheeks turned red. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She never thought that one day she would be so needed.

“By the way, what will they do in the future?”

Misaka Mikoto asked the question she was most concerned about.

“They will probably be sent to medical institutions around the world in the name of body adjustment.”

“A medical institution again?”

Misaka Mikoto had an ugly expression on her face.

She has now developed ptsd over this word.

“It’s not what you think. It’s indeed a medical institution this time. After all, even though they look as young as you, their life span is actually very short.”

“In order to save costs, all Misakas will use special prohibited drugs to stimulate their body growth during their development. With a fourteen-day cycle, a batch of mature individuals will be born, so it is normal for their lifespan to be short, so don’t, onee-sama. Do you have any idea, because Misaka has been a consumable with a unit price of 180,000 yen from the beginning.”

Miss Misaka, who was sitting on the bench, said quietly.

“Human life is not a consumable!”

Misaka Mikoto was strangely angry 0..

“You are a living person!”

Looking at the angry Sister Pao, Sister Misaka could only fall silent.

She could not understand what Misaka Mikoto meant and could only face it in silence.

At this time, Bai Ming chuckled and said:”The reason why you feel cheap now is It’s normal. The body can use drugs to stimulate development, but personality and three outlooks cannot. When you have more life experience in the future, you will know the meaning of life, and you won’t say this.”

“meaning of life…Misaka didn’t understand what it meant, but Misaka was very confused inside, so she looked at the kind-hearted man for help, hoping for an answer.”

At this time, Sister Misaka is far from as calm as she appears on the surface.

The contact with Sister Pao and Bai Ming’s answer were all words that Sister Misaka heard for the first time.

To put it simply, she has now encountered the three major philosophies of life.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I going to do?

These three questions spread on the Misaka network at the same time, setting off a hurricane of discussion

“You need to feel this yourself.”

Bai Ming just said it casually, but he didn’t know that Sister Misaka is a curious baby now.

“No matter how bad it is, you will gradually feel it when you get along with Misaka Mikoto in the future.”

“Get along with me?”

Misaka Mikoto said in surprise

“After so many things, don’t you want to leave a little sister Misaka as a souvenir?”

Actually, Bai Ming also wants to take away these 2.3 Misaka sisters.

After all, there are 20,000 sisters. It must be a very spectacular sight.

But now is not the time.

“But over there at school…”

If there is an extra person in the dormitory out of thin air, the dormitory will definitely notice it!

In her heart, the existence of the dormitory is more terrifying than Accelerator

“Just move out and live there. After all, it will be very convenient for your future life. Aleister will agree.”

Although Tokiwadai Academy is a closed school, if the chairman asks, it’s just a matter of moving out, so naturally it’s quite easy.


Noticing the longing look on Misaka’s sister, Misaka Mikoto really couldn’t bear to say the word”no”.

“In this case, let’s take my sister to check her body next.”

“Where to go?”

“Chasing Souls in the Underworld”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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