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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 467

Chapter 467:

Although Soul Chasing in the Underworld is a supporting role in the Demon Restriction, it is a pivotal role.

With quark-level medical skills, he can heal even the most serious injuries and diseases.

For example, reattaching a severed wrist without leaving any trace, performing heart surgery under local anesthesia, and even the laws are rumored to be twisted.

It may seem exaggerated to the outside world, but Bai Ming knows that the medical skills of chasing souls in the underworld are indeed miraculous.

Overcoming aging and lifespan limits is one of his specialties.

Bai Ming and Misaka Mikoto brought the weak Misaka 114 to the hospital where the ghosts were chased.

The nurse was very dedicated. When she saw Sister Misaka, she immediately put her on the bed and pushed her into the operating room.

The tense atmosphere in the hospital immediately made Sister Pao nervous.

But Bai Ming smiled, patted her head and said,”There’s nothing wrong with Miss Misaka, and I have a huge surprise for you later.””


Misaka Mikoto didn’t know why.

But when she saw Bai Ming’s mysterious smile, she started to look forward to it.

About ten minutes later, a thankful and fat doctor came to the two of them.

“Doesn’t look like an experimenter, huh? Is this the real person?”

The fat doctor was slightly startled when he saw Misaka Mikoto.

Although Misaka Mikoto and Misaka’s sister looked exactly the same, as an insider of the absolute ability user plan, he could still tell the difference between the clone and the original body.

Then, he Sighing, she probably understood what was going on.

When Misaka Mikoto saw the balding old man in front of her, her mouth immediately opened into an O shape. Her original cherry mouth could even fit a light bulb into it.

She was so shocked that she was speechless.

Although Bai Ming was mentally prepared, when he saw the fat doctor, he still complained in his heart.

This ghost chaser really looks like the elderly version of Master Zhi and Bulbasaur. A fusion of.

Master Zhi, where did your Pikachu go?

But Bai Ming quickly returned to normal.

After Misaka Mikoto on the side reacted, she suddenly exclaimed:”Gua. Gua Tai has become a human!””

The girl was both shocked and excited.

Gutai is her favorite virtual character. Not to mention dolls and pendants, even the pattern of her underwear has Gutai, which shows how much she loves Gutai.


Netherworld Chaihun touched his smooth head.

As a character in a popular children’s animation, he also knows a little information.

But is he so like that frog?

“Well…That, no…I got the wrong person.”

It was only then that Misaka Mikoto realized that she had gone too far.

While her face turned red, she quickly bowed and apologized, embarrassed and wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.

At the same time, she secretly looked at Bai Ming.

This was the huge thing in his mouth. Surprise?


It is indeed a surprise.

After seeing Dr. Guatai, all the negative emotions in my heart disappeared immediately.

Ming Tuhun Zhuihun waved his hand and said indifferently:”Do you know the plan for the absolute ability user?”

“Accelerator failed and the plan has been terminated. I sent her here because I thought you had a way to adjust the clone’s short-lived physique.”

Bai Ming said

“this…That’s it.”

Hearing this, Mingtu Zhuihun was stunned for a moment, and then showed a sigh of relief.

“There are still good people in Academy City.”

Although he doesn’t know what happened, as a doctor, of course he has a negative attitude towards the absolute ability user plan.

But after all, he is just a doctor and cannot interfere too much, but he will do his best to save people and heal their injuries. His own full strength.

Although it is difficult to adjust the clone’s short-lived physique, he is not without options.

After all, he was the one who saved Aleister from near death.

Bai Ming promised that he would do his best to save the Misaka sisters.

“Oh, by the way, the bill for the treatment will be sent to the building in School District 7. Aleister will be happy to pay it.”


The Underworld Soul Chasing didn’t think there was anything wrong.

After all, the absolute ability user plan would not have been possible without Aleister’s acquiescence.

After that. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The two of them After leaving the hospital,

Misaka Mikoto was still a little reluctant to leave.

She was still muttering,”Doctor Guata.””

If Miss Misaka finds out, I’m afraid she will be very sad.

“Nothing happens, so I’ll go back first.”

Bai Ming said

“Huh? Leaving so soon? Don’t you want to stay and rest for a while?”

Misaka Mikoto said subconsciously.


Bai Ming immediately agreed.

But a few seconds later, it was Misaka Mikoto’s turn to be stunned.

It was already dark, and if she were at Tokiwadai Academy, she would have gone to bed long ago.

But now…

“I wouldn’t mind sharing a bed with you.”

Bai Ming said sincerely

“But do I mind?”

Misaka Mikoto barely managed to hold back.

Although she is an acquaintance in the chat group, she is also of the opposite sex. She has never had any close contact with anyone of the opposite sex except her father.

“Wait, is your expression coveting my body?”

Bai Ming showed a vigilant look.

“I am not interested in children.”

Hearing this, Misaka Mikoto couldn’t hold back at all.

She should have said this, right?!


Misaka Mikoto then raised her head and looked at Bai Ming beside her.

He has a slender and well-proportioned figure, and his windbreaker makes him even more handsome and handsome.

When his eyes moved 910 to Bai Ming’s face, he could not help but feel his heartbeat speed up slightly due to the handsome profile.

Even the international superstars seen on TV can’t compare with the human form in front of them, which is almost made up of golden proportions.

So, in other words, she really has a reason to be greedy for his body.

“Don’t worry, I won’t share a bed with you.”

The bed at Tokiwadai Academy is only big enough for an adult, and a child will feel very cramped.

If they sleep together, I’m afraid Misaka Mikoto will have to lie on top of him.

Although they are still in the same room, Misaka Mikoto had no objection.

Then, Bai Ming took Misaka Mikoto and teleported directly there.

The dormitory was not in the room, which meant that he did not come to check the room, which was really dangerous.

Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief, but then she saw her bed strange noises coming from

“sister…Huhu…Everything smells like onee-sama! hey-hey…Hey Hey……”

After turning on the lights.

Kuroko Shirai with her butt sticking out is rolling on the bed holding her quilt, her hair and clothes are messy, her face is full of happiness and intoxication

“So dazzling! who is it! Turn on the lights at such a late night!”

Shirai Kuroko muttered dissatisfiedly, but soon he saw Misaka Mikoto who looked like she was crawling out of the abyss.

“white! well! black! son!”


Shirai Kuroko, die!.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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