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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 473

Chapter 473

Ever since Westcott could remember, he had noticed the difference between himself and others.

If he were classified as a genius, no one would have any objection.

Even in a settlement where the blood of magicians is inherited, he has shown talents that are even better than those of adults.

Only the village elders can contend with him.

In addition, he also has extraordinary achievements in other areas such as language, sports, mathematics, etc.

But Westcott was not complacent.

After all, as long as you stand on the same track, you will one day be surpassed by others.

It wasn’t until one day when my beloved dog passed away that I realized the biggest difference between myself and other people.

That was the friend who had grown up with him since he was born.

Although he felt a little sad when his beloved dog died, on top of that, there was an inexplicable sense of excitement that was even worse than the sadness.

He felt a strong sense of pleasure when he saw the sympathetic expressions on the faces of his relatives and friends.

After this, when Westcott celebrated her tenth birthday, her mother fell ill and died.

Although his mother’s death brought him an unparalleled sense of loss, at the same time, Westcott also felt a supreme sense of intoxication in his heart.

Too sad to be myself.

If you don’t pay attention, tears will burst out of your eyes.

There is sadness and despair all around.

Alas! What a joy it is!

Especially when Westcott watched his mother being buried in the grave, he felt the most intense and supreme pleasure in his history.

And when his village was devastated by the flames of war, Westcott suddenly realized with excitement.

Turns out you can still do this?…

The enemy’s actions gave Westcott reason to act.

While the remaining survivors were angry and desperate, he secretly felt joy.

Thank you very much, thank you for giving me the opportunity to take revenge.

How dare you destroy my village and brutally murder my companions.

Thank you very much for giving my killing a righteous name.

Thank you very much, thank you for giving me the reason to do it.

Thank you so much, thank you for making me a victim. after that.

DEM Company was established and secretly implemented a plan to make mankind accept revenge.

The existence of the elves gave Westcott the direction and strength to take revenge.

About thirty years ago, the Origin Elves were summoned here from another world by them.

But after that, traces of the Origin Elf were lost.

Honjo Niya is the second elf captured by Westcott.

After various experiments and research, the source of the elves’ power has become quite clear.

And while constantly stimulating the spirit of the second elf and making him despair, the elf crystal was reversed.

Westcott also successfully obtained the power called”God’s Eclipse Chapter”.

For him, the current Honjo Erya has no value to use.

However, his habit prevented him from killing Honjou Erya.

After all, only watching the other person slowly die can give him a strong sense of pleasure.

Although the spirit crystal was taken away by him, Honjo Niya did not die directly.

The vitality of elves is terrifyingly tenacious.

But the more you struggle like this, the more enjoyable it becomes.

Westcott decided to observe the condition of the elves every day from now on.

If he misses it, he will definitely regret it for the rest of his life. the other side. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) In thunderstorm weather, DEM Company welcomed two uninvited guests


Tokisaki Kurumi stopped and looked at the high-rise buildings under the rain.

“This is the headquarters of DEM. I tried to invade before to investigate what research they were doing, but I almost ended up leaving it there.”

Thinking about his rash behavior in the past, Tokisaki Kurumi still has lingering fears. The

AST combat troops of DEM headquarters are not even a little bit stronger than the troops of other countries.

Especially the woman who is known as the strongest magician.

If it weren’t for his loss, After losing several clones, she didn’t know what would happen to herself.

But when she thought of this, Tokisaki Kurumi looked at Bai Ming beside her again.

Remember…The time when I joined the group was around that time.

If her life is really in danger, she can just ask Bai Ming to save her, right?

“With your strength, it is normal to explain here.”

Bai Ming said helplessly.

“After all, your use of time spiritual power is too superficial.”

Not to mention Allen, the strongest magician, even Shinji Takamiya can defeat Tokisaki Kurumi.

“…ok I admit it.”

Tokisaki Kurumi sighed.

If others said that to her, she would definitely retaliate in a strange way.

But Bai Ming can be regarded as her first teacher.

Especially since she had been constantly trying to go back to thirty years ago. Fishing for law enforcement is a way of absorbing time.

If Bai Ming hadn’t reminded her that she could go to major prisons around the world to absorb the time of serious criminals, she might still be foolishly fishing for law enforcement, accumulating guilt in her heart little by little.

After all, she was Strictly speaking, some of the people who absorbed time in the past are not felons in the legal sense.

But the felons in prison are easy to say.

Killing them will not cause any psychological pressure at all.

“ï½€But she is very stupid. Can Mr. Bai Ming personally give some guidance to the little girl in the future?”

As he said this, Kurumi Tokisaki ran his scarlet tongue across Sakura

‘s lips. The girl named Kurumi showed her most beautiful expression at every moment.

I remember that in the original work, Kurumi Tokisaki also took the initiative like this. , a type that stirs people’s hearts.

However, Itsuka Shido in the original work is also a typical Japanese light novel male protagonist, and his attitude towards girls is neither rejection nor acceptance.

If it were a normal man, he would be surrounded by many girls, and most of them Even if he was forced to push, he would not refuse, and he had successfully reached the base.

But then again,

Kurumi Tokisaki should be the least difficult to guide among the ten elves, but at the same time he is also the best. Type.

I can’t say that the guide is not good, because Tokisaki Kurumi is quite sophisticated in the way of teasing people, but he knows how to measure things, and he will never do anything he shouldn’t do.

The reason why the guide is good is that basically as long as you are willing If you help Tokisaki Kurumi resurrect her friend Yamada Sayaka, you can get it for free.

Bai Ming’s current approach is naturally the latter.

Although it is not the time yet, as long as Bai Ming assists in resurrecting Yamada Sayaka, even if he later When Kurumi Tokisaki puts her in eighteen different shapes, the girl will definitely cooperate fully while being shy.

I have to say,

Kurumi Tokisaki is indeed very good.

If she were to become a girlfriend, there would definitely be a surprise every day, every day. Wedding night!

Fortunately, Bai Ming can withstand it and is not an innocent virgin.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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