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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 482

Chapter 482

Although Bai Ming did not bring an umbrella, he could easily teleport to all parts of the world.

But just when I was about to go back.

Mio grabbed his sleeve

“able…Stay a little longer?”

Chu Chu’s pitiful expression made people unable to bear to refuse.

At the same time, Mio also knew very well.

Today may also be Bai Ming’s last day in this era.

The next time we meet will be thirty years later.

Bai Ming nodded and agreed with her The request.

The rain fell softly, hitting the tiles and making a crisp white noise.

Because of the rain, there were not many pedestrians on the road.

Occasionally, passers-by hurried past and noticed that there was no umbrella, and the rain seemed to separate from both sides. When the two people combined, he subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

But before he could take a closer look, the two people had disappeared.

Subconsciously shivering, the passerby tightened his tight coat and ran back in a hurry Home.

On the other side.

Mio and Bai Ming were walking in the rain.

Because of the divine power, they didn’t have to worry about their clothes getting wet from rain and dirt.

The girl held 05’s arm intimately and looked at the street in front of her, hoping that this The road can go on forever.

But this is just Mio’s little extravagant hope after all.

The street quickly came to the end, but the girl did not stop, but took the initiative to stop in front of a hotel with Bai Ming

“Not going back? Bai

Ming asked.

Mio shook his head. After taking a look at the hotel, a look of hesitation appeared on his face.

Although he had learned a lot about the world through the Internet, he still couldn’t help but hesitate when it came time to put it into practice.

“Better go back.”

Bai Ming admitted that he had special thoughts about Mio.

But as a playboy, he also maintained a carefree and heart-wrenching attitude.

But Mio stood still.

Then he seemed to have made something very important. As if making a decision, he tugged on Bai Ming’s sleeve with some weak force. At this time,

Bai Ming also peeked into Mio’s heart.

After confirming the other party’s thoughts, he stopped treating the girl as a gentleman and directly stopped the girl. Pick it up and then disappear from the place.

Since you want to do that kind of thing, it can’t be in a hotel.

After all, it is the elf’s first time, so of course he should choose an unforgettable place.

For example……Heaven?

With his current ability, he can completely build a cloud city in the clouds like Doraemon did.

After quickly cutting the clouds, Bai Ming placed Mio on the soft clouds like cotton candy, and gently unbuttoned the clothes like a wedding dress.

His fingers gently traced along the other person’s spine, eliciting an imaginative moan.

Continuing to draw the arched arc, Bai Ming looked at Mio’s trembling body and let out a chuckle.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://novelsknight.com////)

One day passed.

In Mio’s reluctant gaze, Bai Ming and Kuang San disappeared from sight.

However, Bai Ming did not leave immediately.

If you want to perfectly realize Kurumi’s wish, you must make some necessary preparations.

Her most cherished friend—Sawazu Sandachi.

Because history has been changed, Kurumi Tokisaki no longer has to go through the process of killing his friends with his own hands. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Sanda Sawa can survive, it will be decades later if they want to meet again.

Sandakusa is just an ordinary person, who has grown old after decades.

So in order to make the ending more perfect, Bai Ming deliberately found the residence of Sayaka Sanda.

In a beautifully decorated single-family villa.

Huge living room.

Kurumi Tokisaki, who is wearing a medical eyepatch and has tender cheeks, is covering his eyes with one hand and spreading the other hand to his side, speaking to the oversized TV:”The evil king’s true eye is the strongest. clatter!”

“Hum! If that’s the case, then I can’t hide it any longer! Wake up, the power hidden in my body, wake up the sleeping spirit, and use it for me!!!”

A brown-haired girl wearing the same student uniform as Kurumi.

“That’s great, your hidden power! but…My evil king’s true eye is not a vegetarian, let it bloom! Destroy it!”


The noisy voices of two girls rang out in the room, and at the same time they were saying various shameful lines.

And Kurumi Tokisaki, who appeared in an open space in the room and was covered by Bai Ming, was covered in shame at this moment. All trembling

“oh oh! It’s such a rare scene. I didn’t expect you, Kuangsan, to be so cute before. I had to take a photo of it as a souvenir.”

Bai Ming made full use of the shooting function of the chat group to record the entire process.

“Delete! Delete it quickly!”

If it weren’t for the fear of being exposed, Tokisaki Kurumi would have been unable to help but fight with Bai Ming at this time.

After all, this period, although it is an unforgettable era for Kurumi, is also the era she wants to forget the most.

Now being Bai Ming was brought here and watched her past self perform shameful dramas. She could dig out a room and three living rooms with just her toes.

“Okay, I have it perfectly preserved in my head.”

Bai Ming nodded with satisfaction.

When he gets along with Kuang San in the future, he will take it out from time to time to tease her. It will definitely be very interesting.

But Bai Ming was not idle after the recording.

He stunned the two middle school girls. After passing by, the elf-like crystal 280 was fused into the body of Sayaka Yamada.

At the same time, the crystal of time that was obtained from Mio was also fused into the body of Kurumi Tokisaki.

And a paragraph was transmitted in their minds. He appeared in their dreams, asking them to work together to fight criminals and maintain world peace.

At the same time, he also gave a warning that if they did not complete the task well, he would take back their power in thirty years. After doing all this, Bai Ming also awakened the two women.

Together with Kuang San, he watched the scene where the two women became excited and excited because of the emergence of spiritual power after the initial shock and dullness.

“In this way, your friend will always be with you in the next thirty years and will not die.”

Actually, in normal history,

Sanda Sayaka did not really die.

At that time, after Kurumi discovered that he had killed his friend with his own hands, the inverse power of his spiritual crystal merged with Sanda Sayaka’s soul. , became the new elf”Queen of White”.

But Bai Ming planned to modify this part of history.

After all, Sandosasa and the Queen of White are only part of it, and it also requires the reversal of Kurumi’s spiritual crystal. After the death of Sandosasa and These two conditions can lead to birth.

Instead of going around and around, it is better to give her the spiritual crystal directly and become an elf with Kuang San.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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