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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 486

Chapter 486

The target of Kuangsan’s mouth is naturally Tobiichi Origami.

After Bai Ming entered the scene, he used a seal to suppress Toiichi Origami’s movements. This was why even though Bai Ming had spoken so many words to the elf, Tobiichi Origami, who hated the elf, still did not move.

After all, this is not a late-stage pirate. A memory directly suspends reality.

The situation is now clear.

Through the conversation, Tobiichi Origami was able to determine that this man was an accomplice of the elves.

Therefore, after making a judgment, he was ready to drive away the enemy with a sword.

However, the confinement Bai Ming had placed on her would not be broken so easily.

As a result, Tobiichi Origami stood by with his eyes split open.

“Of course the other one didn’t forget.”

Bai Ming gave the girl a calm look, and then looked at Yuan”Nine Zero Three” origami.

“You accomplices! Actually helping the murderer of human beings!”

Tobiichi Origami opened his eyes wide and bloodshot, showing his strong hatred for the elves.

Even Kurumi Tokisaki beside him felt the girl’s strong hatred.

It was just like when he knew that he had killed his friend. The same way you hate the origin elves

“How is this going? She asked with a slight frown.

The black-haired elf girl was hiding behind Bai Ming, sticking out her little head and frowning at Tobi Origami, whose eyes seemed to devour her.

She also had the same question..After all, she really didn’t know what happened. She only knew that after she appeared, a group of people wearing similar clothes appeared to attack her.

And the girl in front of her, she had seen more than once.

Among those people, the offensive The one with the most violent attitude.

The hatred he held even scared her.

“Oh, that’s right.”

Bai Ming needs to explain.

“When she was young, she witnessed her parents being killed by elves, so Casi still harbors hatred to this day.”

“So this is ah.”

Tokisaki Kurumi nodded.

No wonder she saw the same shadow from Tobiichi Origami as she was in the past.

It turned out that it was all because of the elves that led to the death of relatives and friends.

A harmonious family, because of external forces The reason why they are so fragmented, anyone would hate those culprits

“I’ve never killed anyone!”

The girl behind Bai Ming said righteously.

She can admit that the nearby area was destroyed like this.

Moreover, she also tried her best to control the scope of the space shock, and the damage caused by each occurrence was getting lower and lower.


If these AST members hadn’t been chasing her, she wouldn’t have to run to the neighborhood to take refuge every time.

When they reappeared, it would cause a new round of space shocks.

“But you are the same as the elf who killed my parents!”

Tobiichi Origami roared angrily.

“no the same! I repeat, I have not killed anyone! And with your strength, I can easily get rid of you!”

Facing Origami’s angry attitude, the elf girl couldn’t bear it.

She used to be merciful.

But she didn’t know how long she could maintain restraint.

Next to her, Tokisaki Kurumi approached Bai Ming and asked in a low voice :”Will the mind of a girl who receives a spiritual crystal be affected? Besides, you were the one who picked out suitable partners in the past and asked Mio to choose another opportunity to give them to them. Isn’t your judgment wrong? Or did Mio fail to implement your request?”

“neither. Bai

Ming shook his head.

Then he sent a private message to Kuang San in the group.

Bai Ming:”Actually, her parents were not killed by other elves. The enemy was herself.””

Kurumi didn’t reply. After all, the real person is right in front of her. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But her eyes widened when she saw the answer.

If this is the case, then what will happen to Tobiichi Origami? Isn’t it exactly the same as her?

Bai Ming:”It’s still different from you.”

Then, Bai Ming briefly described what happened to Origami when she was young.

A fire broke out in Tiangong City five years ago.

The source of the fire was an elf named Wuhe Kotori, who was unable to control the fire. It was caused by controlling his own power.

Nightmare Elf:”Is the murderer That Wuhe Kotori?

Bai Ming:”Of course.”…”

Bai Ming:”No.”

Kuang San in real life gave Bai Ming a charming eye roll0……

The truth is that Itsuka Kotori only caused a fire, and the same building and nearby residents were evacuated in time, and no one was injured or killed in the fire.

However, Tobiichi Origami, who gained the power of spirits in the future, used Kurumi’s Twelve Bullets to go back to five years ago and wanted to find out the real murderer who killed his parents at that time.

When he saw Mio’s clone”Phantom”, which was the origin spirit that gave the girls spiritual crystals, he unilaterally believed that she was the culprit who killed their parents, so he directly launched an attack.

Mio is naturally not something that Tobiichi Origami can hurt.

After being discovered and confused, he fled.

But when Tobiichi Origami was chasing Mio, the light she emitted accidentally hit the place where her parents were.

Bai Ming:”Above.”

Nightmare Elf:”Ah this…This is too…”

Bai Ming:”Are you trying to say nonsense? I think so too, but that’s the fact.”

Bai Ming:”If I now explain that she is the murderer of her parents, do you think Tobiichi Origami will collapse immediately?”

Nightmare Elf:”Subway old man’s mobile phone.jpg.”

After seeing this sentence, Kurumi Tokisaki’s facial features almost wrinkled into a ball. He looked at Bai Ming and wanted to say”You are still a human being”.

After all, at that time, she almost had a mental breakdown after knowing that she had killed Sayaka Sanda, but fortunately, she used the fourth bomb to turn back her own time and was able to return to normal.

If it were anyone else, it would definitely be a huge mental torture.

Bai Ming:”But no matter what, if you want her not to go crazy like she is now, she must realize the truth of the past.”

Tobiichi Origami is also one of the elves after all.

Moreover, after he changed the past, these elves were all his half-daughters in a strict sense.

Naturally, we can’t just leave it there. in reality.

The atmosphere between Tohka and Origami became tense again.

If this continues, I’m afraid Tohka will have to run away again.

Thinking of this, Bai Ming looked at Origami and said:”Look at my eyes.”

The girl turned her head involuntarily to look at him, and then her fierce attitude became stiff, and she fell asleep..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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