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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 488

Chapter 488

On the way back to DEM Club.

Sandosa and Xiang Baiming introduced in detail what they had done over the years.

Except for things like the arrival of elves, which she really couldn’t control, she had cleaned up all the criminals in the streets and alleys, inside and outside.

It can be said that the public security in Tiangong City is the best in the entire island country.

“Do you know what happened to the fire in Tiangong City five years ago? Bai

Ming asked.

Hearing this, Sanda Sawa thought about it for a while and slowly explained:”The fire that year was because Kotori was young and could not control spiritual power. Kurumi and I arrived at the scene later, Many people were saved, but two people are still missing.”

“In addition, we also found traces of an elf. At that time, I wanted to follow her and win her over, but most of my energy was focused on Qin Li. Moreover, the other elf seemed to be crazy, facing her. Tiangong City was attacking indiscriminately, so Kuang San and I could only be busy rescuing people. When we tried to find her, the other party disappeared.”

Speaking of this, Sandosa and some doubts looked at the silver-haired girl in Bai Ming’s arms.

I always felt…It seems like I have seen it somewhere.

Much like the elf that appeared at the fire scene five years ago.

However, the girl didn’t notice the spiritual power from her body, so she just thought that she looked more similar. soon.

Everyone came to DEM’s branch in Tiangong City.

People were coming and going in the company, and they were all surprised when Bai Ming and others arrived.

And when he saw Tobiichi Origami wearing an AST combat unit, he was even more surprised.

But after all, there were two familiar faces, Shandasha and Kuangsan, so no one came to question them.

Take the elevator all the way to the president’s office on the top floor.

There is no one in the luxurious and exquisite room. In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, you can overlook the scenery of the entire Tiangong City.

At this time, Kuang San came up, a little troubled, and said in a slightly uncomfortable tone:”Bai Ming, I have been feeling swollen in my head before, and I feel uncomfortable, as if someone is stuffing something into my head.””

“Stuff something?”

Bai Ming thought about it and almost guessed the reason.

“Probably because of the correction power of the world, you are the Tokisaki Kurumi of this era, but because you traveled directly with me, you lost the memory of those thirty years, just like in order to prevent the system from making mistakes, the world is probably heading towards Your head is stuffed with the memories of your activities as”Tokisaki Kurumi” for the past thirty years.”

“That’s it…All right.”

Tokisaki Kuangzo held his forehead in distress.

However, Bai Ming saw that she was really uncomfortable and threw a refreshing magic spell on her.

“Thanks, I feel better.”

After that,

Bai Ming placed Tobi Origami wearing an exoskeleton on the sofa and tried to remove her weapons.

In this way, when she wakes up later, even if she goes crazy again, she will not be able to cause more damage.

But in After several warnings that”the DNA test does not match”, Bai Ming lost his patience and directly removed the core that provided energy. The exoskeleton fixed to the girl’s body suddenly fell off and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Afterwards, Bai Ming couldn’t help but look more After a few glances.

After all, the clothes of the AST troop members are really sexy.

When wearing the equipment, it is a bit obstructive.

But after taking it off, it is equivalent to wearing a uniform that looks like dead water.

The girl’s thigh skin is dazzlingly white.

White He looked at it openly and openly.

At this time, the elf girl who had been left alone until now finally spoke out a little dissatisfied.

“Names, obviously you all have names, I…I didn’t, doesn’t it feel unfair?”

The girl said with a slightly red face.

“So what name do you want?”

Tokisaki Kurumi laughed dumbly.


The girl who was still a little dissatisfied suddenly became embarrassed again. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What should she name herself?

However, the knowledge in her mind did not allow her to do this at all.

“…Then let’s call you”Tou Xiang”.”

A clear voice came from the side.

Kuang San turned his head and saw that the speech just now came from Bai Ming.

“From now on, you’ll be called Yatogami Tohka, okay?”

Bai Ming once again displayed the spirit of appropriation, without the slightest embarrassment of plagiarizing other people’s names.

After all, rather than giving her a new name, it would be easier to use the name in the original work and avoid confusion.


Ten The names of elves have special meanings.

Combined together, plus Mio’s words, it is the order from zero to ten.

Bai Ming cannot bear to break this order.

At the same time, it is easier to remember.

Just like the ancient landowners named Qiuxiang. A maid like Dongmei

“`…Yatogami Tohka.”

The girl lowered her head and muttered the name carefully.

Then a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of her mouth:”…That person’s name is Yatogami Tohka!”

For an ignorant girl, it is undoubtedly a very happy thing to no longer have to be hunted, to have made friends, and to have a new name.

Of course, what she enjoys more is an environment where she can communicate with others normally.

Compared with the past The encounter was really not easy.

On the other side,

Sayaka Sanda finally contacted the headquarters in London.

The machine projected a three-dimensional image in mid-air.

The figure in the image was a silver lady wearing glasses and dressed as an OL. Dressed as a girl with short gray hair.

She doesn’t look big, but she gives off an aura that doesn’t allow strangers to approach her.

“Shahe, what’s the matter?”

The voice is also a little cold (Li Li Zhao)

“Erya, you are cosplaying again. Are you cosplaying into a strong woman with a successful career today?”

Sanda Sahe was not surprised and asked with a curious tone.

“I think you don’t understand at all. This is obviously a female college student who has just graduated. She works as a secretary in a large company. Under the order of the president, she was forced to wear this lace suit. In order to fit the character, I deliberately didn’t wear underwear today….Clothes…Clothes……”

The girl in the three-dimensional image can see everyone in the room.

And when his eyes fell on Bai Ming, like a scratched disc, his voice became stuck one after another, and finally there was no sound at all.

“Why don’t you speak? I have something important to report to you today! Remember what I told you about the process of becoming an elf? That adult showed up in Tiangong City on time today…….”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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