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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 491

Chapter 491

The temptation of being able to go back to the past made Tobiichi origami agree to put aside his hatred temporarily.

And Kurumi also empathizes with the origami experience.

“What time was it?”

“Five years ago on August 3rd.”

Tobiichi Origami will always remember this day.

Hearing this, Kuangsan nodded.

Just five years ago, she could have easily done it with her own spiritual power.

“Emperor Keke, come out!”

With Kurumi’s voice, a huge golden clock emerged from the void.

At the same time, a light home clothes also transformed into an orange and black spiritual outfit.

Even the hairstyle was changed.

On her head was a lace headdress that looked like a maid’s outfit. , and two cute twin tails.

Bai Ming once thought that the setting of this series is definitely based on Sailor Moon.

After all, they are all”177″ beautiful girl transformation series.

Think about it carefully, there are still rumors on the Internet At first, the author wanted to write about the lily setting. At first, the Chonggong Shinshi were not men, but women.

Later, after being educated by the editor, it was changed to the harem setting.

Bai Ming thought to himself.

If the setting has not been changed, with Lily’s It was impossible for the audience to be so popular in his world.

I didn’t think about it any more.

Kurumi once again fired twelve bullets with his flintlock gun.

As for the candidate to go back to the past, Bai Ming was naturally the same.

But Kurumi didn’t do it this time Plan to go there.

Bai Ming naturally understands her concerns.

After all, in today’s changing history, there is a high probability that Kurumi was also present at the fire in Tiangong City five years ago. It would be awkward if they met, so it would be better not to meet.

And Bai Ming didn’t say anything else. , directly grabbed Origami’s collar and walked into the time portal opened by Shi Ni-no-dan.

Speaking of which, the quality of Origami’s uniform was really good. Even though she was carrying it like this, it didn’t even crack?

The feeling of time travel was not pleasant.

Even Kurumi felt that way, especially for Origami, who was just an ordinary person.

It took about half a minute for her to wake up from the dizzy feeling. When she opened her eyes, the dim sky came into view. Eyes.

The climate is also quite hot.

After all, it is August, which is the height of summer. The cicadas in the park are as loud as trumpets.

“here it is……”

The girl was a little confused at first. look around.

This is not the previous office. The environment is both strange and familiar.

“In Tiangong City five years ago, according to the timeline, your parents would die soon.”

Bai Ming said.

After hearing this, the girl couldn’t help but her heart beat faster and her breathing became much heavier.

The power of the elf can actually go back to the past time!


Her parents are not dead yet! There is still a chance to save them. Them!

Thinking of this, Tobiichi Origami almost immediately ran in the direction in his memory, but before he could run far, he was stopped by Bai Ming


Origami looked at Bai Ming with red eyes.

“In the past era, you were an outsider. If you intervene rashly, I don’t know what the future will be like.”

Bai Ming shrugged.

“So, during this period, just stay with me honestly.”

Although Tobiichi Origami couldn’t listen to it at all now, under Bai Ming’s pressure, he could only stay calmly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The two left the park and walked on the street Strolling.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the street not far away, and it was also accompanied by the sky being dyed red.

The time that Tokisaki Kurumi adjusted happened to be the timeline when the fire first broke out.

This is just right, and Don’t waste time waiting for too long.

Sensing something strange, Tobiichi Origami gradually couldn’t hold back the commotion.

He tried to run to the scene of the incident several times, but he could only linger around Bai Ming.

Although this kind of sneaking away like a pet The behavior looked a bit pleasant, but Bai Ming also knew that business was important. He quickly changed history and returned.

After all, besides Origami, there were many elves waiting for food.

Bai Ming grabbed Origami’s shoulders and took him flying towards the fire. The scene.

After crossing the barrier, the sight suddenly opened up.

The flames were burning fiercely in a building. The fire was as fierce as if someone had poured gasoline on it and then ignited it. The entrances and exits of the building were full of people fleeing with their families. Crowd.

Although everyone has a look of panic on their faces, Tiangong City is a high-risk zone after all, and space earthquakes often occur, so the residents here basically have quite a lot of experience in escaping. 0…….

Bai Ming looked at the flames of the building thoughtfully.

The fire in Tiangong City five years ago.

It was because Itsukawa Kotori went berserk after receiving the spiritual crystal.

And later, after the official conducted an actual investigation on the scene, they detected the residual spiritual power and gave Itsuka Kotori the code name”Enma”.

In the original trajectory, after Tobiichi Origami learned that Wuhe Kotori was the elf that caused the fire, he believed that she was the culprit who killed his parents, launched an attack like crazy, and even quit the elf army and accepted DEM’s training. Assist, just to kill the Balrog.

Of course, Itsuka Kotori is purely a scapegoat.

His thoughts dispersed and Bai Ming ignored her for the time being.

Just because it is directly above two rows of buildings.

A petite figure shrouded in silver light and wearing a wedding dress appeared in the air.

Under the crown-like headdress on the top of his head is a face that is exactly the same as Tobiichi Origami’s.

Bai Ming saw it clearly.

This should be Tobiichi Origami who obtained the spiritual crystal after the death of his parents.

Looking at the girl next to him who was whispering like an evil spirit:”I found you, I found you!”, Bai Ming couldn’t help but sigh at the wonder of time.

As for Tobiichi Origami, there is only that single figure left in my mind at this moment.

Memories of childhood are gradually fading, and even the voices and smiles of my parents are gradually blurring.

But only the night of the fire, the figure floating in the sky like an angel, left a deep memory for Origami. 4.5 The murderer who was looking for five years ago was so close at hand, Tobiichi Origami could no longer control himself and ran towards the direction of the elf.

I wanted to activate the exoskeleton, but found that the equipment was damaged.

But even so, the girl still ran over.

But of course Bai Ming will not do what she wants.

He used divine power to imprison her in place, unable to move.

Tobiichi Origami struggled with all his strength, and then begged to no avail, looking extremely pitiful.

Bai Ming didn’t explain much, he just held her shoulders to strengthen her vision, allowing her to see clearly the true face of the”angel” in the distance.

And when Origami saw the face of his”enemy” clearly, he felt somewhat familiar.

It wasn’t until a few seconds later that he reacted, with an incredible expression on his face. that angel…Why does he look so similar to her?.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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