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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 498

Chapter 498

Bai Ming found Alger who was playing outside and informed her of her plan to return to the Little Garden and asked her to prepare well.

As soon as he heard that he was going back to Little Garden, Alger, who had not wanted to go home, his eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately hugged Bai Ming’s arm, unable to shake it off.

Afterwards, Bai Ming moved the Apocalypse Beast that had turned into a puppy, left a message for Rias and her group, and returned directly to the Little Garden.

Hakoba Higashi Ward.

Seven figure exterior door.

The lobby of the unnamed main building.

Black Rabbit and the children of the community are preparing materials for a welcome banquet.

Because of Bai Ming’s relationship, today’s Wuming is different from the past. It can be said that it is the richest community in the entire East District.

After Black Rabbit received the news that a guest was coming, he immediately got busy.


A blue portal appeared out of thin air.

Black Rabbit looked at the light door expectantly, and then saw two figures one behind and one behind….A dog?

Dogs aside, who is this beautiful girl with long dark purple hair?

Could it be that Bai Ming found a new mistress outside?

Just when Black Rabbit was thinking this.

This purple-haired girl who looked super cute looked around with a surprised expression after landing.

Then, after taking a deep breath, he suddenly shouted loudly:”Hakoba, I, Al-chan, am finally back again!!!”

Thousands of years have passed since she was sealed.

At that time, even if she was still in the Little Garden, she was still in an unconscious state.

Not to mention, after her sovereignty was given to Luos by Athena, she was completely reduced to a monster.

“Lord Bai Ming, she is…What’s wrong?”

Seeing this,

Black Rabbit couldn’t help but get a little closer to Bai Ming and asked cautiously.

When she wasn’t talking, she was still a pretty and elegant girl.

However, why did her personality change when she spoke.

And she still didn’t look very smart. look

“Argel, the magic star Luos once held, don’t tell me you don’t know her.”

Bai Ming said.

After the words fell, Black Rabbit was immediately frightened and opened his mouth.

Ever since Luos inherited the Pasius community, this once five-digit community has lost its former prestige.

However, the reason why it still exists A large part of the reason why he is well-known lies in the strongest gift that Luos possesses.

——Demon Star Sovereignty.

And this is also the capital that allows him to show off his power at the lower levels.

However, not long ago, Luos lost completely because of the gift game with Bai Ming. The gift of the magic star naturally fell into Bai Ming’s hands.

Originally, Black Rabbit didn’t care much.

After all, Bai Ming’s strength does not require the sovereignty of the Demon Star in her eyes.

At most, it just serves as the icing on the cake.


What she never expected was.

The seal of the Demon Star was released.

And it was only a few days after the harvest festival ended and the messenger from Athena left.

Black Rabbit looked at Algor who seemed to be extremely curious about everything. After realizing what was going to happen, he immediately looked at Bai Ming in panic, as if he wanted to get a reasonable answer from him.


“Because I like it, right?”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Bai Ming said.

Don’t talk about whether Algor is the sovereign of the Demon Star.

Even if he is not, as long as he is a beautiful girl, he will be happy to unlock the seal.

Hearing this, the black rabbit statue He was shocked like a bolt from the blue.

He stood motionless for a long time, and then he realized what he was doing. His anxious face even had tears in his eyes:”Then…That’s a magic star. If the Greek gods blame it later, that’s not right….If it is the gods and gods who are to blame, we cannot afford it at all.”

Seeing the panic on Black Rabbit’s face, Bai Ming couldn’t help but feel amused.

Then, he directly kneaded the girl’s rabbit ears and pulled Black Rabbit’s whole body in front of him, with an understated smile on his face.

“so what? Could it be that…And the group of gods stipulates that the seal of the demon star cannot be broken?”

“fall…There is no such rule, but at the dawn of the Little Garden, the Demon Star was jointly sealed by the major gods because it was too messy. Now that you have unlocked the seal of the Demon Star, those gods who have participated in the war before will definitely be quite happy. If there are criticisms, Wuming’s situation will become difficult.”

“and…The most important thing is, Lord Bai Ming, you may be targeted by those higher gods. After all, Lord Bai Ming, your identity……”

Black Rabbit did not continue.

After all, Bai Ming is the real Demon King.

As for Black Rabbit’s worries, Bai Ming just smiled.

“It seems that Black Rabbit, you still like to use the habitual thinking that you used in Hakoniwa. You have joined the group, why don’t you think more freely?”

“and do you think…In this small garden, what group of gods are there now that can control me?”

Hearing this, Black Rabbit’s expression was slightly startled.

Yes. That

‘s true.

In another world, after Bai Ming defeated the God of War Artosh, he became the only god who is omniscient and omnipotent.

In the small garden, it is at least three figures. Spiritual power.

But today’s Hakoniwa basically won’t take action if it’s a two-digit number.

“Even if I’m on stage with double figures, I still have my own way.”

Bai Ming said with a chuckle.

In the future, the road to becoming a domineering god may also further enhance the power of the three illusory gods.

And when that time comes,

Bai Ming also plans to have a big one in the small garden to show those high-ranking gods. What is the real”God””!

“So, Black Rabbit, there are some things you don’t need to worry about at all, just be my pet in Wuming.”

Bai Ming smiled.

The close breath gently slapped Black Rabbit’s face.

It was only then that Black Rabbit realized that the posture between himself and Bai Ming was so close.

After realizing this, with long blue hair The black rabbit’s white cheeks instantly showed a hint of cherry color, and her body struggled twitchingly.

As a pure rabbit, she had never experienced such a battle.

When Bai Ming saw this, he stopped teasing her, otherwise it would cause trouble. It’s not good if you’re anxious.

After letting go, Black Rabbit quickly turned his back and tidied up his messy clothes.

Bai Ming also hooked Algor who wanted to sneak out.

“Just got back, where do you want to go?”.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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