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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 527

Chapter 527

Hua Ye took a few steps back cautiously due to the abnormality.

But maybe his bad appearance was seen by his subordinates, which frustrated his face, and he stared at Bai Ming with angry eyes.

“who?! Dare to ruin my good deeds?!”

However, Bai Ming seemed not to hear it. Without even looking at Hua Ye, he chuckled and looked at Kesha who was stunned.

“First meeting, Miss Kesha”


Responded subconsciously.

Kesha’s eyes were a little confused.

This was the first time she saw Bai Ming in person.

Compared with the recorded video, it had an indescribable temperament.

It cannot be described in words and words. But Kesha is certain that the man in front of her is better than any opposite sex she has ever seen….Perfect.

That’s right, it’s perfect.

All over.

No flaw can be found anywhere.

Even the scene of natural birth cannot be achieved, but every move of the other party can be made completely natural.

“Don’t be so nervous, I’m here to help.”

Bai Ming chuckled for a lifetime, staring at Kesha, who was far less domineering than when he was the Sky Blade King.

Regarding Kesha’s past, the original work did not describe much.

But looking at it now, it is not the same as the girls he saw in the past. There was no difference.

Then he stopped thinking about it

“It seems I came at just the right time”

“you…Is it really Mr. Bai Ming?”

Although she had just received a reminder from the chat group, Kesha still held a trace of uncertainty in her heart.

Of course.

Bai Ming appearing here is enough to prove everything.

If this man did not appear here, it is conceivable. Yes, after being kidnapped by Hua Ye, how cruelly he will be treated.

And this point.

Although the original work does not describe it clearly, but with Hua Ye’s lustful character, how could he not take action against Kesha?

“If you still have doubts now, it proves that your head is still clear.”

Bai Ming smiled slightly.

“Before getting down to business, at least stand up.”

Bai Ming stretched out his hand, and Kesha looked at the white palm handed over, put her hand on it, and stood up with the help of it.

But until this moment

(beac) She realized something was wrong around her.

It’s so quiet.

It’s even quieter than Merlo’s home in the middle of the night.

But with Hua Ye’s character, it’s impossible for him to be like this.

Then, the girl noticed that Hua Ye, who had been rude to her before, and the soldiers behind him, were all frozen in place, looking completely frozen.

Like a sculpture, motionless.

And it’s not just them either.

The leaves falling in the wind floated motionless in the air, and even the clouds in the sky were completely still.

“I stopped the current time. Now, except for us, there is no moving matter in Merlo Homeland.”

Bai Ming explained with a chuckle.


Even for Kesha, who was born in the angelic civilization, this is a fantasy story like a fantasy.

How powerful is the power that can even stop time?

At least, with Kesha’s knowledge, it’s completely impossible to understand

“By the way, Mero Homeland, Hua Ye has already led his troops to attack, my father, and my friends…Please, save them.”

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Kesha suddenly woke up. When she reacted, she had already grabbed Bai Ming’s sleeve, her eyes full of begging.

“Don’t worry, they are all fine for now.”

Bai Ming said.

The death of Kesha’s old father will also occur in the plot after this. Stimulated by the surrender of the family and the humiliation of his daughter, he died on a hunger strike in prison.

But there is still more to come from that plot. Very far. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What’s more, Bai Ming appeared here, so it was naturally impossible for those things to happen.

But just when Bai Ming was about to cancel, he seemed to think of something Open your mouth

“Although we are here to help, your established future will definitely be shattered next, so do you know what this means?”

Bai Ming asked


Keisha opened her mouth.

She remembered that Bai Ming had told her before that she would become the leader of the female angel civilization and establish a new order of justice.

But all of that was a future he created after he was kidnapped by Hua Ye and suffered hardships.

If Hua Ye is defeated now, he won’t have to take that road anymore.

“As you think now, the current changes will make you lose a lot of things.”

Bai Ming said

“Of course, now that I am here, I will definitely not let you be taken away by Hua Ye again, but if you still want to become a queen famous in the universe in the future, you now have two options”

“One is that I will help you destroy the Heavenly Palace Order and Hua Ye, and the other is to kill Hua Ye and develop the power of female angels as much as possible before a new male angel king is elected.”

After all, we are also group friends.

After spoiling the future before, now we have to make a choice.

Hearing this, Kesha fell into silence.

She knew what Bai Ming meant….Becoming the world-famous Heavenly Blade King may be a good future.

The second option is really challenging. but…Kesha thought of the current situation.

The gap between female angels and male angels is huge. Even if Hua Ye dies, it will only leave the Heavenly Palace without a leader for a period of time.

The fundamental problem between the two still cannot be changed.

Even if it develops successfully, it will lead to a large number of casualties.

Therefore, Kesha made a decision after a short period of reflection.

Now that there is such a big boss who is willing to take action to end the order in heaven that exploits female angels, why does she still do such a thankless thing?

“I choose…First…As long as Hua Ye and the order of the Heavenly Palace disappear, even if I don’t become the Heavenly Blade King, there will be no problem at all.”

Kesha made a decision.


According to Bai Ming, she originally became the Heavenly Blade King in order to resist the order of the Heavenly Palace.

Now that there is a shortcut, there is no need to do more troublesome things.

Bai Ming saw that the girl The determination in the eyes and the smile on the face remain the same

“Of course, let’s start now.”

Bai Ming gently snapped his fingers.

Then, the time that stopped moving forward resumed.

After time was restored,

Hua Ye stood there like a fool.

After all, in his memory, he still stayed at the time when he had just finished asking the question..

And Bai Ming had no time to talk nonsense with Hua Ye, so he turned around with golden eyes..


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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