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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 570

Chapter 570

It wasn’t until the girl with dark red hair opened her eyes that Riveria’s guess was verified.

The expression on the face of this elf princess could no longer be tense.

Raise the dead, flesh and bones.

Even the gods who have exhausted their imagination before are unable to do such a thing!

Because it’s not like no one has asked in the past where mortals will go after death.

The answer was that after death, the soul will wander in the deepest part of the world until the day it enters Hades.

As for whether gods can resurrect the dead.

The answers from the gods, without exception, were all shaking their heads.

After all, even gods cannot control their own life and death.

Although the death of gods will not make them disappear, they will still need to go through ten thousand years of sleep and reincarnation before they can continue to appear as gods.

If it were the teleportation and other abilities that Rhodes showed before, it would still be acceptable.

But the scene he saw now 26 really shocked Riveria’s outlook on life.

Even the dead can be resurrected.

This is probably the true power of being a god!

In comparison, gods like Loki are just a group of”mortals” with slightly stronger power.

It was like the status of Orario’s gods in the eyes of mortals like them.

And Bai Ming, maybe this is how he views gods like Loki! certainly.

Except for Riveria, the expressions and moods of the other girls were not much better than hers.

After all, this is a miracle that can even resurrect the dead!

Even Aisi, who knew Bai Ming’s identity, couldn’t help but breathe slightly heavier after seeing the girl who had been dead for many years being resurrected by Bai Ming.

If this works, can she ask Bai Ming to resurrect her dead parents?

Under the gaze of everyone and Bai Ming.

The beautiful girl with long dark red hair like a camellia slowly opened her eyes.

The eyes with the same hair color and eye color were a little confused at first.

The soul that has been sleeping for several years has not yet fully awakened after returning.

It wasn’t until Bai Ming withdrew the divine power that set off the girl’s body and stepped her white and tender feet on the soft grass that the girl’s consciousness gradually returned.

Memories before death flowed from the depths of the brain like a tide.

Track down the dark faction and delve deeper into the dungeon with your companions.

After arriving at the thirty-second floor, they were ambushed again. after that.

Everything has been changed.

The screams of the beleaguered companions, the sights stained red with blood, the madly mocking dark factions, and the rioting monsters

“Kaguya, Lyu, Laila…Ah ah ah ah ah!”

The girl with long dark red hair knelt on the ground, holding her head and making a painful sound.

At the same time, there was another question that deeply troubled the girl.

That is, wasn’t she already dead?

At this moment.

She She felt someone approaching her.

Before the girl could react, she found herself being held in a warm embrace. It was as warm and reassuring as the midday sun.

The girl’s body gradually stopped shaking, The painful expression gradually returned to calm.

She slowly raised her eyes in Bai Ming’s arms.

At this close distance, she looked at the young man’s face, which was too handsome to be human.

“Welcome back, Alize Robel.”

The young man’s voice seemed to come from the depths of his soul, soothing the girl’s emotions.

“yes…Did you do something to me?”

The girl raised her head.

Bai Ming nodded faintly, which was regarded as recognition.

The girl named Luo Beier wanted to ask something else, but she saw the man in front of her raised his finger, and a ball of light like a lamp splashed out from his fingertip, and then slowly Slowly blending into the center of his eyebrows.

Bai Ming focused on what happened to the family of the goddess Astraea after that, the current situation of the only surviving compatriot Liulion, the whereabouts of the goddess, and the fact that he resurrected them. After all, it was too long, so it would be more efficient to stuff the memory directly.

About a minute later,

Robel knew the cause and effect.

After knowing that the Astraea family had been framed, she almost After everyone was wiped out, the girl showed a sad and angry expression.

After learning that Liulion sent the goddess to a safe area, went to kill the enemy alone, and was wanted by the Adventurer’s Guild, she showed a sad expression.

Of course, it is the greatest blessing that they are all still alive. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Until the end, the memory of Bai Ming personally digging out their corpses from the ground and resurrecting them appeared.

Luo Bei Er also realized something and quickly broke away from Bai Ming’s arms, kneeling on the ground and saluting Bai Ming.

“Lord Bai Ming, you used your divine power to resurrect me and my compatriots. This kind of kindness cannot be repaid…….ah!!!”

Halfway through her words of gratitude, Robel felt the cold touch coming from the ground. She lowered her eyes slightly, but what she saw was her thigh skin as white as snow and her knees with a slight pink sheen.

At the same time , , there is also a strange feeling under the body.

The grass blades growing on the grass are tall and flexible. Occasionally, due to the girl’s movements, they will be gently swept to some unspeakable places, causing an unbearable itching feeling.

And It wasn’t until this moment that the girl discovered that she was completely naked after her resurrection.

The girl’s reserve made her subconsciously hug herself after realizing this problem to prevent herself from being exposed.

Fortunately, there were only Bai Mingzhi around. Besides, there is no other male.

But for Robel, even though she acted carelessly during her lifetime, meeting Bai Ming openly like this, even if the other person is a god, makes the girl unbearably embarrassed. She can’t wait to find a crack in the ground. Just get in there and never come out again!

“Forgot about this.”

Bai Ming chuckled.

A set of neat clothes appeared in his hand.


The girl took the clothes, and her fingertips accidentally came into contact with Bai Ming.

The former quickly withdrew his fingers like a frightened little fox, and his fair face turned extremely rosy.

“many…Thank you sir.”

After saying this, he immediately put his clothes in front of himself.

Bai Ming also turned around with a smile.

In the process, no one noticed the cunning in Bai Ming’s eyes.

While resurrecting the girl, he used His ability can completely restore their clothes simultaneously.

But he completely skipped this step.


He did it on purpose!.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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