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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 578

Chapter 578

After staying away from the hustle and bustle.

Bai Ming’s surroundings suddenly became quiet.

After arriving in the bedroom, Bai Ming was just about to sit down when he heard a knock on the door.

“come in.”

The door opened slightly, and the girl with long hair like ink walked in step by step.

Seeing that it was Kaguya, Bai Ming asked with a smile:”Why did you come to me instead of talking to your companions all night? Or are you worried that I will abandon you?”

“Not so, Lord Bai Ming.”

Kaguya immediately knelt down.

She was a little scared.

Although Bai Ming had shown enough charity, in the eyes of the girl, ~ was still unpredictable.

Of course.

What she was more worried about was that since Bai Ming had the ability to easily resurrect them, so relatively , is also capable of bringing them back to Hades.

This is what she is worried about. That’s why she will not reunite with her companions tonight, but follow Bai Ming, hoping to…

“Use your body to serve me, hoping that I will share more kindness with your family members….Yeah?”

Bai Ming appeared in front of Kaguya at some point.

He stretched out his hand to lift her chin and looked at the shrinking look in the other person’s eyes with a smile.

With Kaguya’s city, he can maintain his heart even in front of the gods, but in In front of Bai Ming, she was like a lamb with its fur shaved off.

Just like now.

Whatever she was thinking could be expressed clearly.

Kaguya did not answer, but the slight change in her expression showed her Attitude.

Bai Ming smiled slightly:”I do have the ability to send you back to the state you were in five years ago, but…”

The scene changed sharply.

Bai Ming’s figure returned to the bed again.

“Do you really think that I will be the kind of person who is like a dark sect and will abandon you after playing with your feelings?”


“I already know what you’re thinking, but I’m going to let you say it yourself.”

After hesitating for a moment,

Kaguya spoke out her thoughts as if she was willing to risk everything.

“I…I would never presume to speculate on your thoughts, but…You are more powerful than I imagined in the past. I…I really don’t know what to do, so I can only make this decision, hoping to use my body to please your soul.”

After finishing speaking,

Kaguya lowered his head again and refused to raise it again.

Hearing this, Bai Ming’s expression was not surprising.

His usual smile appeared on his face.

“As expected of a shrine maiden from an island country, the first thing that comes to mind is to sacrifice her body…….Come to my side. Bai

Ming said lightly.

Kaguya’s body trembled slightly, then slowly stood up and walked to Bai Ming’s side.

Bai Ming stretched out his fingers and gently touched Kaguya’s charming side face.

Maybe it was because of what happened just now. The mental journey was so rough that the girl’s face lost some color at the moment.

He could still see the worry and panic in the girl’s eyes.

Bai Ming sighed slightly in his heart.

Although after becoming stronger, he will do whatever he wants like he does now, but Compared with the past, some fun will also be lost.

If Bai Ming’s strength is not much different from them, Kaguya will never show such an attitude and expression. I actually miss the members of the chat group.

Especially those who have been in the chat group since the beginning. A group of friends who have been communicating with each other since the beginning.

When I go back this time, I will find an opportunity to organize another gathering.

“What a stupidly cute thing to do.”

Bai Ming chuckled.

But when he heard that he was evaluated as”stupid”, Kaguya’s eyes were suddenly shaken.

“Lord Bai Ming, I just……”

Before the girl could finish speaking, Kaguya found herself being picked up.

She was picked up lightly by Bai Ming and placed in his arms

“Do you think this is me criticizing you? The point of this sentence is not the stupidity, but the cuteness behind it.”

Bai Ming said in Kaguya’s ear.

“Since verbal comfort cannot make you feel at ease, then as you wish, using the method you mentioned may be able to help you find a little sense of peace of mind.”

“It’s just that from now on, you can only be my pet. You can’t leave, you can’t regret, and you are not allowed to disobey my will. Do you understand me?”

Bai Ming originally had no intention of eating the girl so quickly.

But since the girl took the initiative. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then he could only reluctantly accept it.

“Yes, Bai Mingren….”

Breathing close at hand.

That face was so perfect that even a goddess would be ashamed of herself.

Only then did Kaguya understand Bai Ming’s restrained charm.

Her eyes gradually became blurred, and she gradually lost herself.

Ten o’clock in the morning.

There is still a thin layer of white mist floating in the world outside the window.

The water vapor condensed before the morning sun formed dewdrops on the emerald green leaves, like pearls.

The streets that had been quiet all night gradually gained some popularity.

The white mist full of water vapor stuck to the adventurers’ clothes and equipment, making everything damp.

Bai Ming in the villa looked at the black-haired girl who was as clean as a white sheep leaning against him, with a faint smile on his face.

It seemed like she sensed his gaze.

Kaguya wakes up leisurely.

The 1v4 level gives her an extraordinary physique, otherwise it would be difficult for her to withstand cultivation.

Seeing Bai Ming’s face, it seemed that she recalled the memory of last night, and instantly a red cloud leaped onto her face.

“Lord Bai Ming, let me help you change your clothes.”

However, Kaguya was not embarrassed for too long, and soon found her usual self.

Bai Ming did not use magic, and naturally enjoyed the service of the girl.

“Kaguya, do you know the surname”Sanjono”?”

Bai Ming asked

“I know that when I and I were in the far east, the title of the family was second to mine. Lord Baiming, do you know someone from the Sanjono family?”

Kaguya asked

“Let’s call it acquaintance.”

Bai Ming nodded.

Sanjono Haruhime.

The fox girl who was sold to a prostitute in the original work holds the magic”Ten Thousand Treasure Hammer” that can improve any adventurer by one level.

Of course, what Bai Ming cares about has never been Haru. Ji’s ability.

But purely for her pity’s sake

“You should know where the Ishtar Familia’s prostitution house is, right?”

Bai Ming said

“After that, you bring a few people to take Haruji away. If anything happens, I will take care of you.”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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