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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 579

Chapter 579

Kaguya learned about Haruhime’s deeds from Bai Ming.

He looked very surprised.

Although the Sanjono family was not as good as the Gojono family she belonged to, it was still a famous family after all.

The reason why she chose to leave her family was purely because she wanted to see a wider world.

But why did Haruhime appear in Orario?

She had seen that fox girl before. She was weak and didn’t like to fight. She was very quiet.

Bai Ming expected that she would have this expression, so he explained the reason

“That’s it, I didn’t expect that person to experience such a thing.”

She was framed by an adulterer, expelled from her home, kidnapped by bandits, and sold to Flower Street.

The only thing I’m lucky about is that she still maintains her innocence until now.

Although Kaguya doesn’t know what it is like for such a young girl. Maintaining innocence in”410″

“Got it, I’ll go right away.”

Kaguya got up and got out of bed.

Shortly afterwards, Bai Ming saw Kaguya leading the two of them away.

Although five years have passed, some of the main buildings in Orario have not changed much.

Flower Street is located in the West District closest to the city wall..

Compared with the bustle of several other areas, Flower Street is deserted during the day.

We all understand the reason.

Adventurers need to go to the dungeon during the day to fight and gain experience, so naturally no one will come to such a place to spend money.

Therefore, when Kaguya and her party When the three of them arrived here, the entire row of brothels was deserted.

However, there was still a lingering smell on the street, which made the cheeks of the girls except Kaguya blush.

“Kaguya, did that person order us to do this?”

The girl from the small human race has a head of capable purple medium-long hair.

Although she looks thin, she is wearing a silver armor and is the human shield of the team.

At this moment, she is blushing and observing the surroundings.

Even five years ago , she has never been to a place like this.

Even if she takes a look at it, she will be so embarrassed

“Although prostitutes should not exist, they…Wouldn’t it be contrary to our goal to just go in and rob people in broad daylight?”

The speaker was an Amazon woman.

She didn’t have any objections to the brothel. After all, the existence of this area was necessary to effectively reduce the crime rate of Orario adventurers.

However, she was a little uncomfortable with Bai Ming’s order. I understand.

After all, they are”just” no matter how you say it.

No matter in the past or now

“Sanjono Haruhime was a poor girl who was sold into a brothel by thieves through private channels. Strictly speaking, she was the victim. It was natural for us to rescue her in the past, and it was not contrary to justice.”

Kaguya said calmly.

“Besides, we have already pledged our allegiance to Lord Bai Ming, and his orders are absolute.”

“All right…”

After hearing this, the other girls didn’t say much.

Soon after.

Kaguya and his party arrived at the end of Flower Street.

The prostitution house run by the Ishtar family where Haruhime is located is located here.

There are wooden houses painted in vermilion with red walls and red columns, and the roof of the attic on the top floor is a scale-shaped tile that is rare in Orario.

Under the eaves were red lanterns, but the candles inside were not lit.

The door of the brothel was closed, and the front door was deserted.

Kaguya and the other three looked at each other and did not choose to enter through the gate.

Bright sunlight shines through the curtains.

The girl sitting in front of the bed looked up at the sky outside the window quietly.

In the clear blue sky, sparrows were flying chirpingly.

The eyes that had been dull for a long time revealed a hint of yearning.

If I could turn into a bird and fly in the sky, I wouldn’t have to suffer this humiliating treatment.

A girl with blond hair like ears of wheat, with sadness in her emerald eyes.

Of course, this is all meaningless fantasy.

She is weak and cowardly.

A year ago, she was kicked out of the house by her father. After many twists and turns, she was sold to a brothel as a prostitute.

At first she thought about explaining, but to no avail.

As for resistance. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She had never thought about it.

Because girls don’t dare to resent others, and they can’t even do things like anger.

Even if it was her father who cruelly drove her out of the house, Haruji never resented her.

Because it’s your own fault.

A year has passed.

Haruhime has accepted the end of her life as a prostitute0….

But even so.

She would occasionally hope that a hero like a hero from the Hero’s Tale would appear in front of her and save her from this place.

Of course, she was just thinking about it.

After all, even if you go out, with your”dirty” body, you won’t have any place in the outside world.

Just when the girl was thinking this.

Outside the window of the room where he was, a petite figure suddenly fell in.

She has long black hair and eyes as red as wine.

Haruhime was startled by the sudden visitor.

But before he fell, he was gently caught by a girl with smooth black hair.

“Sanjono Haruhime?”

Kaguya stared at the fox-eared girl in front of her. Although her memory was thin, before she set off, Bai Ming stuffed the image of Haruhime directly into her brain.

But just in case, she decided to confirm it.

If she saved the wrong If you kill someone, that would be embarrassing


The woman’s eyes contained unquestionable majesty, so Chunji only dared to respond in a low voice.

“That’s it.”

Kaguya nodded, and then said lightly

“Sir, let us come to your rescue.”

Then, before Haruhime could respond, Kaguya threw Haruhime directly from the window with a slight throw.

When Haruhime lost her voice in panic, she was caught by the Amazon girl waiting downstairs..

2.9″Okay, Deputy Commander Kaguya, it’s time for us to withdraw.”

With these words, the girls ran towards the mansion where Bai Ming lived.

Although most prostitutes were sleeping during the day, the Ishtar Familia is not a small force.

Members of the Familia who happened to patrol here When they saw Haruhime being kidnapped, they immediately sounded the alarm.

If they were ordinary prostitutes, they would not be so panicked.

But for some reason, the Lord Ishtar valued Haruhime very much and ordered them not to let Haruhime leave Yi. The territory of the Star Familia.

So, those fighting prostitutes who were still sleeping were awakened by the alarm. After learning the reason, they chased in the direction where Kaguya and the others escaped.

Others didn’t know it, but some prostitutes knew it very well.

Just because of Haru Ji is an important tool for the main god Ishtar to take revenge on Freya.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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