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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 600

Chapter 600

The disappearance of the favor made Fairways understand the fact that Dionysus had left.

Although after becoming his accomplice, he already knew that this time would eventually come.

But what I didn’t expect was that this day would come so early.

After the initial hysteria, Fairways despaired.

She thought about committing suicide, but because her body had been transformed into a monster by the filthy fairy, even if she used magic to attack herself and let the monsters in the dungeon bite her, or she could use poison, behead her, and remove the colorful magic stones in her body. Even if she digs it out, she won’t be able to die.

Until now.

Phil Weiss was alone in the solitary confinement room.

Because Bai Ming was dealing with other things before, he didn’t have time to take care of Phil Weiss.

Only now do I have time to think about poor fellow Phil Weiss.

Footsteps are heard.

The girl with long black hair still maintained her posture huddled in the corner, not looking at Bai Ming.

There was a lot of body tissue and dried blood on the ground,25 which was evidence that Phil Weiss had committed suicide.

But the monster’s body made Phil Weiss unable to die.

So in situations where understanding and acceptance are most needed.

The manipulative Dionysus appears.

Phil Weiss has actually died once.

The first time was after his companions were killed by the filthy fairies, and then he was killed by the monsters, and then was transformed.

After transforming into a monster, Phil Weiss was no longer her former self.

The heart is closed and begins to become dark, paranoid, and twisted.

Under Dionysus, he is more like a ruthless tool man.

Generally speaking.

Problems of the mind and spirit are the most difficult to solve.

Generally speaking, this takes time to settle and heal the wounded soul.

But for Bai Ming, the last thing he needs to worry about is his mental problems.

“You are in pain, but I can end your pain.”

Bai Ming said.

The words were obviously straightforward, but they seemed to have magic power, making Fairways raise her eyes.

Her pale and skinny cheeks were bloodless, and there was no elf beauty.

But when she heard these words , but it ignited a glimmer of hope.

She didn’t ask for revenge. She just hoped that someone could end everything for her.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine soon and you’ll be mine forever.”

After he finished speaking, the golden holy spear appeared in Bai Ming’s palm.

It was obviously not flashing, but Phil Weiss was fascinated by it, as if she had completely forgotten her own pain.

This was after Bai Ming became the overbearing god. A weapon of reason that manifests itself with its own authority

“Its existence has transcended the level of the universe. You should feel honored to use it on your body.”

Under Phil Weisi’s gaze, the golden spear in Bai Ming’s hand aimed at her heart, and then stabbed in effortlessly.

No blood flowed out, and there was no feeling of pain.

At this moment.

Phil Weisi The moment the silk is penetrated through the heart, it will die.

As for the pollution of the dirty fairy spirit, it is completely wiped out under Bai Ming’s intentional control.

However, even though the heart is penetrated, Phil Weiss is not dead.

Because here For a moment, in Bai Ming’s world, death lost its own meaning.

Fairweis’s body turned into dust and dissipated in the golden light, but the elf girl’s consciousness became clearer with the destruction of her body.

The whole process It’s not complicated.

In just a few seconds, Bai Ming completed the reconstruction of Phil Weiss.

Or rather…born.

A new heroic spirit born in the golden heaven.

Meanwhile, in reality.

A perfect body also appeared before Bai Ming’s eyes.

The holy body of the heroic spirit of Fairways descended into this world from the golden heaven in the way of a baby being born.

“How do you feel now?”

Bai Ming looked at the girl.

After the words fell,

Fairweis slowly opened her eyes.

She lowered her head and looked at her hands and the slightly bulging front of her mouth.

It was snow-white and soft skin that could be broken by blows, with bulges. The curvature makes people feel the charm of the female body.

Two lines of clear tears fell silently. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Like rain, it moved along the moving body through the jungle and the valley.

Fairweis cried with joy.

The colorful corrosive magic stone embedded in her chest was no longer like exposed blood vessels, with disgusting lines like tree roots protruding on the once white body.

Instead, it was a A normal, perfect female body.

Such a scene was considered a luxury for Fairways in the past.

But now, it was so easy to get.

Fairways understood that the man in front of her gave her everything.

He also knew where the man in front of him came from and what kind of power he had.

To him, the entire world, including the gods, were nothing more than fragile toys.

It was like being the most advanced adventurer in Orario, going to Orario. Just like a small village outside without adventurers or monsters.


When she first had such an idea, Fairways couldn’t help but blame herself.

Great Master, how could a weak ant like an adventurer be placed in this place? Described together?

Becoming a member of Bai Ming’s Golden Supreme Heaven. Although his past will has not changed, Phil Weiss has regarded Bai Ming as the most noble master of 920.

Bai Ming has no doubt about the superiority of his own abilities.

Phil Weiss Wei Si’s problem has been solved.

But as his own dependents, Bai Ming felt that he still had to show sympathy to the new employees.

So, he snapped his fingers.

In the void space on the right side of his body, a complete teleportation gate appeared.

Teleportation The door moved quickly, bringing two new figures into the narrow room.

One had a human face, wore adventurer equipment, and had short, dull red hair.

The other looked like a mixture of various plants. Although the main part of the monster can be seen to have vague humanoid features, it can only howl from its mouth that makes people feel frightened and irritated, and a twisted and weird aura spreads all over its body. The first red-haired woman dressed as an adventurer.

In fact, it was the magic of the clone that automatically appeared in the magic column after Phil Weiss was transformed into a filthy fairy monster.

Both of them are Phil Weiss, but they are fundamentally different.

If we say, Bai Ming The captured Fairways represents the past of the elf girl.

So the red-haired woman after the clone is a humanoid monster with human consciousness born from Fairways’ mental breakdown and the frantic energy in the magic stone.

As for the third Two.

Naturally, they are the filthy fairy.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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