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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 606

Chapter 605

Artemis’ consciousness still exists.

But if Bai Ming had arrived a little later, he might have been able to see the Moon God return to the heaven.

Of course, this can’t happen.

Knowing the plot clearly, he was already in control of everything.

Even if Luna really dies like in the original work, he can easily bring her back from the underworld and resurrect her.

Within the crystal.

Sensing movement outside, Artemis suddenly woke up.

After a brief daze, she realized what had happened.

His body is extremely weak, probably because he absorbed some of his divine power after being captured by Andalis. the moment before losing consciousness.

Artemis guessed what Andaris wanted to do.

Her divine power ranks among the best in heaven.

If all the power is gathered to create the Moon God’s arrow, even if the power of the gods is gathered, it will be difficult to resist it.

Even after the surface continent is destroyed, other gods can restore the destroyed environment.

But those lives affected are unlikely to come back. at the moment.

The only chance to kill Andaris is the”Arrow of Orion” in the heavenly treasure house. 01 That is a powerful artifact that can restrict divine power and can even kill gods. if only…

But at this moment.

Artemis heard a crisp sound.

Bai Ming knocked on the crystal outside.

Some confused sounds came through the translucent barrier of crystal.

“Now that you’re awake, why don’t you want to come out? Is it because sleeping is too comfortable?”

Looking at the familiar man in front of her, Artemis was stunned for a moment.

She reacted immediately.

With a sound like breaking glass, the crystal that sealed Artemis completely broke, leaving the goddess’s beautiful body exposed to the air.

After scanning Artemis’s body with appreciative eyes, Bai Ming snapped his fingers.

A white coat was put on Artemis’s body, covering the body that was enough to make most of the opposite sex excited. The plump body.

Artemis looked at the man in front of her, her eyes were in a trance, and she was in a daze.

Even the judgment of the gods could not understand the current situation.

Until a shirt appeared on her body out of thin air.

Artemis Si’s expression gradually returned to rationality.


She didn’t know what was happening.

The man in front of me had met once before because of Hestia when they were in Orario.

Although Bai Ming’s special status left a deep impression on her, she was on a mission at the time, so she didn’t have a close friendship with him.

But why does he appear here?

“It seems that his brain is not very bright.”

Bai Ming sighed helplessly.

Then, he casually blended a ball of light that passed by before into Artemis’s eyebrows.

After a moment, the expression of the Moon Goddess became sad.

Before losing consciousness, her dependents , all of them were killed by Andaris.

Now, she is the only one left in the entire family.

Recalling that when they were about to die, they were still screaming for her to escape, Artemis’s face showed A look of self-blame and guilt.

If she hadn’t been different, they probably wouldn’t have had to carry themselves as a”burden”. At least, a few of them would have survived.

Survive by yourself.

What’s the point?

Thinking of this.

Artemis even had the idea of committing suicide and returning to heaven.

“Artemis, do you want to see the girls of your Familia again?”

At this moment, a calm voice came into the ears of the goddess.

The question came from the black-haired young man with a smile. After a pause for a few seconds, the self-pitying Moon Goddess widened her eyes, and her pupils looked at Bai Ming with shock.

She dared She swore that she heard correctly.

But Bai Ming’s reply made her unbelievable. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The god’s character made her regain her calmness. She asked in reply

“What do you mean by what you just said?”

“It means what you hope most in your heart. Bai

Ming said with a chuckle.

“Those girls in your family have just died. Although their souls have gone to the underworld, they have not yet been reincarnated. I have a way to resurrect them in this world in their best condition and appear in front of you.”

Suddenly got Bai Ming’s answer.

Even with Artemis’s character, she found it incredible for a moment.

As a god, what she knows best is that the life and death of life is difficult to reverse.

In other words, it is impossible to reverse at all.

Although gods can use their power To resurrect the corrupted world, but that is more like restoration. It is to use divine power to give birth to new life on the original basis.

If the dead life is resurrected, even the God of Death will find it difficult to do it.

But even so.

Al Themis was still a little surprised.

If the man in front of her could resurrect all her family members, it would be as if the tragedy had never happened.

“I…what should I do?”

Artemis’ breathing was a little heavy.

Although Bai Ming’s declaration was hard to believe, because it was Bai Ming’s words, Artemis subconsciously believed this man’s words.

“What do I need to do so that you can resurrect those children?”

“You’ve lost your temper, Artemis.”

Bai Ming looked at the blue-haired goddess holding his hands, the smile on his face not diminishing.

“What do you think the price for something like this is?”

Bai Ming’s words calmed down the moon god.


It is impossible to reverse life and death without paying a price.

The kindness of others is never free.

This is something that Artemis has deeply understood since the lower world. One thing I realized.

Almost everything in the lower world revolves around interests.

“What do you need from me?”

But Artemis still asked firmly.

Anyway, she couldn’t lose anything anymore.

Hearing this,

Bai Ming smiled even more on his face.

And this smile also made Artemis understand the look in the eyes of the man in front of her. Appeal.

From Bai Ming’s eyes, she saw the love for beautiful things.

And the object of this love is herself.

Artemis, the goddess of the moon.

The man in front of her doesn’t want something. But her.

But even so, Artemis was willing.

She saw her favorite, more than twenty family members, dying in front of her eyes.

That scene made Artemis feel what she called for the first time. The”reservation of a virgin goddess” is not worth mentioning when it comes to her feelings for those children.

She used to be a firm prohibition on love. She also prohibited the children of the family from trying anything related to men and love.

However, if possible,.

Artemis is willing to pay any price.

As long as those girls can be resurrected, fall in love, etc., she will not prohibit these things at all.

The lifespan of gods is endless, but the lifespan of mortals is extremely short.

She has no reason because of her own inadequacies She likes it, and forcibly involves her.

If Bai Ming can resurrect her family, then Artemis is absolutely willing.

But when the words come to her mouth, it is a little difficult to say.

After all, she is a billion-year-old virgin goddess.

“I have got the answer from your eyes. From now on, Artemis, I will be your only god.”

Looking at the nervous goddess in front of him, Bai Ming smiled and said.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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