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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 610

Chapter 609

Butterfly Kanae:”Don’t talk about this, Yotsuya Mitsuko, how are things going at your side these days?”

After the daily chat and spanking, Kanae quickly interrupted the formation in order to prevent the topic from getting more and more distorted.

Lao Mo Na:”I think there shouldn’t be any problem. After all, I used an SSR power last time.” Discharge

Girl:”If it’s just an ordinary evil spirit, it shouldn’t be difficult to solve it based on the newcomer’s current situation, not to mention there are still a group of people. Auxiliary for the game.”

Yotsuya Miko:”Well, there is no big problem at the moment, but…I still don’t dare to look at them. Smaller evil spirits are fine, but if they are bigger, I still don’t dare to open my eyes and look at them.”

Speaking of this, Yotsuya Mitsuko was very helpless.

Although she got the”Death Eye” last time, her life still didn’t change much as”150″.

Whatever should be done.

Nightmare Elf:”Take your time. Well, after all, it is normal to be afraid of ghosts, and your concept cannot be changed all at once.”

Nightmare Elf:”If there is something that cannot be dealt with, you can trust us. Although we are not as strong as Bai Ming, we are more than enough to deal with some evil spirits.”

Miko Yotsuya:”Thank you, Sister Kuangsan!””

After that, seeing that there was nothing to talk about, Bai Ming temporarily quit the chat group after saying hello.

“Don’t know what they are doing?”

Bai Ming, who returned from the dungeon world, left the room.

After scanning it with his spiritual consciousness, he found that Rias and others were gathered in the same room.

Driven by curiosity,

Bai Ming walked all the way outside the room, and also Bai Ming deliberately concealed his aura to prevent the girls inside from discovering him.

Then, Bai Ming’s eyes saw the situation inside through the closed door.

Then, the expression on his face became extremely strange.

What exactly are these women? What’s going on?

In addition to Himejima Suzaku, Rias, Himejima Akeno, and Ravel are all gathered together. They are wearing kimonos of different colors.

Although they look different, what they are doing now is Bai Ming’s. It seems a bit”weird”.

There are flowers and vases in the room, as well as sword mountains for flower arrangements.

The so-called”Sword Mountain” does not mean the sword mountain in the sea of fire, but the copper needles fixed in different shapes. It is made of lead blocks.

It has different sizes and shapes and is used in different containers.

When arranging flowers with lead, first put the sword mountain in the flower container, add water to cover the sword mountain needle, and then insert the flower branch on the sword mountain. The flowers maintain their water absorption.

It seems simple, but in fact it is a skill that tests carefulness.

Of course, if it were only these, Bai Ming would think that this is an ordinary flower arrangement skill.

After all, both in China and island countries, this skill is available It is a traditional skill that only the upper class can practice.

However, in addition to flowers, there are also vegetables and fruits on the table, which is very puzzling.

Even with Bai Ming’s extensive knowledge, he has never seen it before.Continue watching patiently.

Rias in kimono and Himejima Akeno were facing each other.

In front of the two women was a huge sword mountain.

The size of the sword mountain was comparable to the size of a tatami, and it was difficult to imagine that it was a tool used for flower arrangement.

Asia, who was wearing a kimono, stood in the middle and said”start”. A strong demonic arrogance immediately burst out between Rias and Himejima Akeno.

“I’ll attack first! Rias took action instantly and planted a bamboo shoot on the sword mountain.

Himejima Akeno was not to be outdone.

The girl slapped her hand on the table, and a round watermelon was thrown onto the sword mountain.

But it didn’t break. Instead, at the moment of contact, it split like a flower blooming and became eight equal parts.

Bai Ming, who was watching, called out to him,”

You guys are competing in flower arranging. It’s definitely better to open a fruit shop and sell fruit plates.” It’s suitable for you guys. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ravel and Xenovia on the side were shocked by the profound comparison between the two.

But there was no one I wonder if it would look weird to use bamboo shoots and watermelons to arrange flowers.

Seeing that the distance between the scene was widened by Akeno Himejima’s hand, Rias did not give up and was full of arrogance.

The bamboo shoot that was inserted on the sword mountain before , a green bamboo grew unexpectedly.

The girls exclaimed.

Akeno Himejima showed an expression of reluctance0.

But Bai Ming only felt that it was outrageous.

Is he the only normal person in this place?

Seeing the competition end, Bai Ming pushed the door open and entered.

“What are you doing?”

The sudden intrusion made the girls inside unable to react for a moment.

When they saw it was Bai Ming, the girls had surprised expressions on their faces.

But then, when Bai Ming asked them what strange ritual they were doing, Li’s face turned red. Yasu and Himejima Akeno, this explains it.

They took advantage of Bai Ming’s absence to study the required courses for brides in the local area.

Just now, they just wanted to have a competition on a whim.

But Bai Ming knew that”a whim” was just a lie..The real reason is that whoever is chosen to be his first woman can only push his butt from behind.

For a moment, Bai Ming had to lament that the demons were indeed open in this regard.

Of course, the so-called”openness” also meant Just target him alone

“Let’s have a party tonight.”

It’s been a long time since I’ve been with the girls, and Bai Ming felt a little sorry.

But when he heard what he said, the girls naturally agreed happily.

Soon after, with the expectations of the girls, long music played in the hall..

The originally cold night suddenly became lively and warm. 1.9.

Rias’s bright red hair was extremely conspicuous under the light.

Her footsteps swayed briskly to the music, and her face showed an expectant look.

Until Bai Ming appeared..A flower-like smile appeared on Rias’s face.

In Himejima Akeno’s unwilling eyes, she and Bai Ming completed a perfect dance under the light.

But Bai Ming, as a person of fraternity, naturally not only prefers One person.

Next, Himejima Akeno, Ravel, Asia, Xenovia.

Even Esdeath, Himejima Suzaku and other girls.

Bai Ming, who treats everyone equally, just dances with them.

And. After the lively banquet,

I don’t know who mentioned it, why don’t we go back to the room to sleep tonight, and just make the bed together in this spacious room.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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