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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 612

Chapter 611

Although there was some noise, the candidate who could sleep on both sides of Bai Ming was finally decided.

Asia and Ingvir!

The reason for doing this is because the girls are very confident about these two people.

Even if everyone is asleep at night, they won’t do anything out of the ordinary.

Although Rias was a little helpless, she had no objection.

So far.

The first time we stayed together, we finally fell into a short period of calm.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Because of the large number of people, it became a situation where”three monks had no water to eat”.

The night is getting darker.

The girls who originally had their own thoughts fell asleep one after another.

Until the early hours of the morning.

When the only sound in the room was the gentle breathing of the girls, Himejima Akeno quietly stood up.

“Haha, the more this kind of environment is, the more taboo it feels.”

“You guys are indeed still too young.”

Himejima Akeno quietly got up from the bed

, and then crept into Bai Ming’s bed.

Bai Ming, who had noticed the girl’s arrival in advance, opened his eyes.

What caught his eye was the black-haired girl wearing simple pajamas.

And in Under those pajamas, Himejima Akeno was even wearing charming black silk underwear. The proud Yue Xiong’s arms were pressed tightly against her.

At this point, Bai Ming had no reason to refuse, so he was just doing it under the quilt. The kiss between lovers.

Just when Himejima Akeno felt that it was about the same, her body suddenly stiffened, and her blushing cheeks suddenly became more rosy.

And the movements in Bai Ming’s hands became more and more wanton.

The next morning.

Bo Thin mist slowly passes through the gaps in the woods.

The rising sun illuminates the branches with a faint golden color. The warm sunshine shines on the lake, the breeze picks up, and the small waves jump.

The breeze blowing from the window, gently The breeze blew on the faces of the sleeping girls.

Rias let out a comfortable murmur. After stretching, she slowly opened her eyes.

Rias felt quite good today.

Because she slept better than usual last night. Be satisfied.

Even though she played until late yesterday, she had no intention of going back to sleep.

But just when Rias was about to get up, she felt a little resistance.

Only then did she realize that her moon I don’t know when a pink foot was pressed against her chest.

What was going on?

The girl immediately woke up.

After lifting the foot that was pressing on her body, she sat on the bed and wanted to see who was sleeping. It’s so muddy when I’m sleeping.

But it doesn’t matter if I don’t look at it. I’m shocked when I look at it.

Yesterday, the beds were neatly arranged in a row. By this morning, except for the few on the edge, they were usually relatively calm.

For example, Esdeath , Himejima Suzaku and the others are all normal.

The other girls’ sleeping postures are extremely indecent.

Xenovia didn’t know how to change the direction, half of her body was pressed on her bed.

Kuroka and Shiro Yin, one on the left and one on the right, each occupied half of Bai Ming’s territory.

Asia was also lying on his body, sleeping very soundly.

Ravel’s sleeping position was not bad.

On the contrary, Ingvir, who was the most stable, was squeezed in at some point. On one side.

Of course, Bai Ming’s hands were not very restless.

One of them got inside Kuroka’s clothes.

The other was placed on Himejima Akeno.

Good guy!

When did Himejima Akeno get past her? Yes!

At this time, she was pressing on Bai Ming’s lower legs, with her head resting on his thigh.

The crystal saliva flowing out from the corner of her mouth moistened Bai Ming’s clothes.

At the same time, her mouth was opening and closing from time to time, and her face was The happy smile she showed.

It was like eating some kind of delicious food in her sleep.

Why was she the only one excluded? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thinking of this, Rias’ A look of sullenness appeared on his face.

Damn it!

I really want to join!


I should have stopped him!

“You guys, why don’t you get up quickly! Look what it’s like now!”

Rias rarely showed her momentum as a demon noble.

After Rias shouted, the girls who were still sleeping peacefully also woke up one after another.

However, in the face of Rias’s”intimidation”, No one cared at all.

Seeing this, Kuroka and Koneko hugged each other tighter.

Akeno Himejima raised her head and glanced at Rias feebly, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After all , She was indeed a little too tired last night.

Although it was exciting, she had to try her best to restrain herself. You can imagine how much she endured.

Moreover, she didn’t want to talk now because the muscles on her face were so sore.

Seeing this ,

Rias was even more furious.

However, until she was pulled into Bai Ming’s arms, her original aura was gone.

Only endless shame and shyness remained, but she felt Holding her warm embrace, she also understood why other girls were reluctant to get up.

Even she wanted to stay a little longer.

After that, everyone got up one after another in a noisy atmosphere.

After tidying up the bed After that,

Bai Ming had lunch with the girls again.

Like yesterday night, it felt good to occasionally spend the night with these girls. Naturally, the more such activities will be in the future, the better.

As for Bai Ming’s proposal, those girls naturally No objection.

The summer vacation trip is about to end.

They want to take advantage of this time to get along well with Bai Ming. It is best to do everything they should do.

As for Bai Ming’s thoughts, it is much simpler. They can’t help but think about it. Remembering the scene last night.

Himejima Akeno made him feel really great, and of course very bold. I’m afraid no one of these girls would dare to do this except her.


Maybe It was because they were tired from playing yesterday.

Today they did not go shopping anymore. Instead, like Bai Ming, they stayed in the outdoor swimming pool of Himejima’s house to rest.

While looking at Esdeath and Himejima Suzaku in front of them, they were so beautiful At the same time, Bai Ming was enjoying the fruit plate service from Himejima Akeno.

Of course,

Bai Ming also did not forget about the girls who were sent to the world of Hakoba by him.

When it comes to the harem, he will naturally not favor one and the other, and will definitely want to Treat everyone equally.

However, just when Bai Ming decided when to go to Hakoniwa,

Rias appeared in front of him without knowing it.

“`Lord Bai Ming, there is news from the underworld. It seems that Lord Gurefia wants to see you…….”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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