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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 618

Chapter 617

After saving the progress of the strategy, the girl turned her attention to what was in front of her.

A translucent virtual screen.

Just like the three-dimensional images she uses every day, it looks no different.

But what puzzled her was.

I probably didn’t use any tools.

Not only that, he can also hear sounds.

And the voice seemed to be ringing directly in my head!

The sudden change made the girl both amazed and curious

“Could it be that someone inserted some kind of device into my body when I wasn’t paying attention?”

In the vast universe, there are indeed many Cybermen who transform their bodies into machines.

But Silver Wolf is definitely not one of them.

Although the girl started out as a hacker, she still firmly believes that the creativity and potential of the human brain are far higher than Programs with fixed logic.

Some problems that cannot be solved by programs.

As a human being, she only needs to change her way of thinking, and the problem will be solved.


Silver Wolf regards reality as a grand online game, and pursues the””Pass the level”.

In order to clear the level, Silver Wolf left her mark in different places.

823 But this time, she seemed to have encountered something that was divorced from reality.

“A chat group that can connect all worlds? I really didn’t expect that this world…No, there are such strange things in other worlds!”

Unlike most of the group members who were suspicious when they first joined the group,

Silver Wolf confirmed the authenticity of the chat group after ruling out dreams, cyber prosthetic interference, and the influence of the Star God.

“It seems that there is another place for me to show my talents!”

Silver Wolf’s tone was full of fighting spirit.

In her eyes, the existence of the chat group is another hidden main line that is different from the current main line of the game.

This main line is unheard of, and may not even be known to the legendary Star God.

This Silver Wolf is very excited about the superiority that only she knows.

As a”high-level player”, she can’t wait to participate in it and dig out the story of this hidden main line.

Discharge Girl:”These two newcomers seem to be very good. Not very surprised.”

Nightmare Elf:”It seems that it has been through strong winds and waves, otherwise it may be a bit nerve-wracking.”

God’s Tongue:”But the identity of this (aecg) newcomer is very obvious.”

Little Lucky Grass God:”What is a hacker?

Bai Ming:”Every parent knows that he plays computer games.””

Prison attack officer:”This…It feels like it’s very perfunctory. Jibril:”

I won’t say anything. I’ll put such a big arena here first. If you want to come in and fight with me, please deduct 1.””

Headless female killer:” 2.”

Nightmare Elf:”2.”


Butterfly Chane:”2.”

Bai Ming:”1.”

Bai Ming:”1111111.”

Discharge Girl:”Okay! I decide now that the ring match between Jibril and Bai Ming will begin! Whoever regrets it is a puppy!”


Jibril:”Why don’t you, old man, stop making fun of me?”

Jibril was furious when she saw that Mingming was causing trouble. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You are such a strong old man, and you still come out to bully elementary school students. How can you be considered a hero?!

Of course, Jibril only dared to think about these words in her heart.

Now, it’s better for her to be a coward!

As a Flügel, she has a very flexible bottom line!

Butterfly Kanae:”Unnamed, the strongest hacker in the universe. If you encounter any trouble, you can just say it. Everyone in the group is very righteous. If there is trouble, there will definitely be someone willing to help.” The strongest hacker in the universe:”Oh ? Do you still provide foreign aid services? It feels like the support NPCs added by the system before opening the dungeon.”

Silver Wolf became a little excited.

This”main line” actually has such a simple and crude”branch line”?

In other words, the way to participate in this main line is as simple as hiring foreign aid?

Thinking of this, Silver Wolf seemed impatient.

The most powerful hacker in the universe:”How exactly do you want to provide assistance? We should not be in the same world, right?”

She was curious about how these group members would help her solve the problem if she ran into trouble.

Sword Girl:”Relying on the time travel function of the chat group, you can enter and exit on your own.”

Butterfly Kanae:”But it requires points. Newcomers currently don’t have points, but they can sign in or sell some mysterious props to the chat group.”

I’m not being accepted. Rabbit:”As long as you publish the commission, some members will accept it!”

The strongest hacker in the universe:”As long as you publish it, some people will accept it? I want to ask, what kind of trouble can you solve.”

Although he was very curious, Silver Wolf He also has his own reason.

After all, it would feel a little inappropriate to let someone from another world come over casually.

What if the person who comes here is a bad guy?

Or does he carry some kind of fatal germ?

These are all issues worth considering.

However, Silver Wolf also felt that he was just guessing.

After all, even the chat group appeared, so those should not appear.

Moreover, from the current conversation, Silver Wolf can also determine that the people in the group chat seem to have experienced the process of time travel.

The Most Powerful Hacker in the Universe:”What if the commission cannot be completed?”

Kanae Butterfly:”It shouldn’t be a big deal. At most, the points invested will be wasted.”

The Most Powerful Hacker in the Universe:”Then you can handle it. What level is the question?”

Don’t expect that all the abilities will be at the level of rescuing kittens and puppies.

That would be boring.

Butterfly Kanae:”It depends on the difficulty of the problem, but under normal circumstances, there is no problem.”

Butterfly Kanae:”Of course, if even we can’t handle it, then you can only understand, as long as it is If Lord Bai Ming appears, all problems will be solved.”

The strongest hacker in the universe:”All?”

Silver Wolf didn’t like this word very much.

She felt that this sentence was exaggerated.

The most powerful hacker in the universe:”Is he the master of the group? How tall is he exactly?”

Model Na:”As high as three or four floors.”

Discharge girl:”You just need to remember one thing, that is, as long as Bai Ming takes action, Your troubles will definitely be solved.”

The most powerful hacker in the universe:”Then if the world is suddenly destroyed, can he do it?”

Nightmare Elf:”Of course.”

The most powerful hacker in the universe:”……”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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