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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 619

Chapter 618

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Yinlang laughed while holding his stomach. He laughed so hard that his stomach hurt. Later, he couldn’t help but lie on the bed and continue laughing.

At the same time, his body was twisting and twisting like a maggot.

Even a problem as large as the destruction of the world could not be solved. Can it be solved?

I’m afraid this is not the organization that Chuunibyou gathered together.

He also said that it can solve all her problems.


I am a member of the Star Core Hunter~.

If there is a disaster that can destroy the planet, it must be her. Only a high-level player can do this.

As for the others, Silver Wolf still paid attention to them.

Especially when these people spoke seriously but talked nonsense, she smiled even more exaggeratedly.

Even before she joined the Star Core Hunters, she had never encountered such a group of people.

The most powerful hacker in the universe:”You can’t be serious, right?”

Discharge Girl:” So the newcomer thinks we are joking?”

Headless female killer:”Although the topics in the group have always been very free, I can still testify to this, especially the strength of Boss Bai Ming.��!”

Headless female killer:”But except for Boss Bai Ming, everyone else is just a salty fish.”

The most powerful hacker in the universe:”Well, you are still coming?”


See here.

Bai Ming also almost guessed the identity of the second newcomer.

A character from a turn-based mobile game.

That is, broken iron.

In the mobile game plot, the one with the strongest hacker ability is undoubtedly…The Black Tower Lady of the Black Tower Space Station.

This is not surprising.

Black Tower’s high IQ can be seen everywhere in the game plot.

In addition to the entire huge space earthquake being the private property of the Black Tower, there are many aspects that reflect the Black Tower’s crushing of other people’s IQs.

She is a member of the genius club.

When he was young, he solved the solitary wave algorithm and Spark model conjecture.

In his youth, he discovered the transformation method of sigma baryons.

In his middle age, he proposed the black tower sequence and published a paper on rejuvenation.

In old age, the Black Tower returned to youth, captured the alien core and sealed it, and saved the planet from destruction nineteen times.

Compared with him, Silver Wolf is indeed a child with no hair at all.

Although his hacking ability is top-notch, his IQ is crushed by several levels.

Bai Ming still remembered that Silver Wolf failed in an operation to invade the Black Tower Space Station, and all seventy-six accounts were immediately frozen. He hugged the computer and cried for a long time.

Bai Ming:”If you don’t believe it, if you have time in the future, I can go over and give you a test. I hope that someone will not kneel down and worship me.”

Seeing this sentence.

A question mark appeared on Silver Wolf’s face.

Obviously, he was responding to Bai Ming’s statement just now, saying that it was not him who had a problem but the other party who had a problem.

Are these people addicted to playing?

When Yinlang saw the ID on the other side, which happened to be the Bai Ming mentioned by other group members, he really wanted Bang Bang to punch the other side twice.

The conversations in this chat group are outrageous.

If he hadn’t understood how the chat group got into his head, Silver Wolf would have quit the group on the spot to save his IQ.

The most powerful hacker in the universe:”Okay, I will have an action in a while. If you dare to come over, I will respect you as a man.”

Just like a network keyboard warrior.

As a genius hacker, she has done many similar things.

For example, after breaking through the other party’s firewall, you deliberately leave a few sarcastic words in a conspicuous place.

But Silver Wolf didn’t just turn into a keyboard warrior.

Only this time, she couldn’t find the intrusion interface at all.

Of course, the reason why he said this was because Yinlang was curious about how the other party was going to get here.

She was sure that the other party probably didn’t even know where she lived.

And even if he knew, how could he come here?

Could it be that he came along the network cable and flattened her?

Discharge Girl:”Come on, be tough-talking.”~~~”

Little Lucky Grass God:”Ah, let’s take back this decision…….”

Nacida thought this newcomer was a bit outrageous.

Even if you don’t believe it, you still like to dance like this.

Nightmare Elf:”You know the last one who jumped like this, the grass on the grave in the group was already three or four meters high.”

Headless Female Killer:”There was one in the group before.”

Holy Kesha:”That’s definitely not me.”

She admired Bai Ming from beginning to end. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If it weren’t for her, the order of the Heavenly Palace would not have been destroyed.

Jibril:”I suspect you are hinting at me, but I have no proof!”

Good guy.

Looking at the whole group, except for her, aren’t they all good children?

As for Athena.

He speaks a little arrogantly, and usually talks very little. He is either diving or peeking at the screen.

So, who else could it be besides her!

Bai Ming:”You are quite self-aware.”

When Jibril joined the group, she was more excited than anyone else.

Jibril:”I…Of course I do!”

Facing Bai Ming, Jibril couldn’t stand up at all.

After all, if she really dared to contradict this man, she would really have a hard time in the future. She might have to lie in bed all day long and not be able to get up.

The most powerful hacker in the universe :”snort! We’ll see.”

Yin Lang left the chat group.

But in fact she was still peeking at the screen, turning on the computer to connect to the Internet, and preparing to go to the database to check if there was such a thing as a”chat group”.

Bai Ming smiled knowingly.

Speaking of which, The world view of the mobile game Beng Tie has some connection with the Teyvat continent where Nasida is located.

Because both worlds are a”leaf” growing on the tree of imaginary numbers.

And the tree of imaginary numbers is rooted in the quantum sea.

As for Beng Tie Bad, that’s easy to understand.

It is a screening mechanism of the Imaginary Number Tree itself, a bit similar to the Demon King’s decadent wind in the world of Little Garden.

If you cannot resist it, the world will be collapsed and destroyed.

And destroyed The world will fall into the quantum sea, become a incomplete world bubble, and eventually disappear completely.

On the tree of imaginary numbers, many worlds have already been destroyed.

According to fate, the next world may be Teyvat’s turn, or it may be It’s Honkai.

But even if Honkai really affects the two worlds, don’t worry.

After all, with Bai Ming’s current strength, it’s not difficult to solve Honkai.

“There are many good things in Bengtie’s world.”

For Bai Ming, the biggest treasure nowadays is the beautiful girls from different worlds.

There are not many other things in the Mijia game, and the most beautiful girls are the ones…


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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