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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 622


Jibril’s strength is not that unbearable.

The world of Yuuki Yuna is indeed despairing. Those girls who risk their lives to protect the earth, after turning on full power, will most likely be at the level of Jibril today.

Although Yuki Yuna is a brave man, he looks like a yuri fan, but in fact his level of strength is very high.

A god can easily destroy the world, and he is not just a simple god of the earth, but a”god” in Yuki Yuuna’s worldview.

In comparison, the same is true for the sacred tree among them.

At the end of the third season.

The sacred tree dedicated its power to Yuuki Yuuna, allowing Yuuki Yuuna to complete the”God Control Body” and possess power comparable to the gods.

And this kind of power even exists above galaxy clusters, reaching a level that the universe is not yet full of. in this case.

Those who cannot resist the gods can naturally only be regarded as cannon fodder.

But this is also because the gap in strength is too big.

This is somewhat similar to the Forbidden World.

After all, everyone was playing happily on the earth at first, but when the concept of the devil appeared, they immediately jumped to the level of a single universe.

The energy that Aleister calls”ten times the Big Bang” is even more outrageous.

It’s so outrageous that it makes people feel as if the author’s brain has been damaged by physics.

After all, the level of power is too high to make people actually feel it.

【Group news: Group member”Yuki Yuna” released a task to investigate the truth about the world】

【Note: Make sure the group member”Yuki Yuna” survives, otherwise the mission will fail. 】

Wait until the end.

As expected, only Bai Ming accepted the commission.

Model Na:”I won’t go there to hold you back, but I hope you don’t forget to start the live broadcast, Baimei-sama.”

Butterfly Kanae:”Wish you good luck.”

Sword Girl:”Blessings.”

Nightmare Elf:”We won’t go there this time either. , but after the matter over there is resolved, we can go there and play for a while~”

Yuki Yuna:”Welcome, welcome.”

Looking at the discussion in the group, Bai Ming also informed the girls of Hakoba that he would leave for a while. , directly accepted this commission.

And the other side.

Yuki Yuna soon received an application from Bai Ming.

For other group members to travel to other worlds for the first time, their consent is required.

This is also to ensure the stability of the world of group members.

Otherwise, if one could enter and leave other worlds at will, the world would have been in chaos.

Yuuki Yuuna is the world of brave men.

A country surrounded by the huge walls of the sacred tree.

Although he could still see the blue sky, Yuki Yuna felt unrealistic for some reason.

The gentle wind blew outside the window, and the clouds moved with it.

It looks like a picture of leisurely healing.

However, Yuuki Yuna could not relax no matter what.

After agreeing to Bai Ming’s application for entry.

Before the other party came over, Yuki Yuna gradually became nervous.

It can be judged from the few words in the previous conversation.

The world she lives in, and the Brave Club, hide many unknown secrets.

And next.

As long as Bai Ming arrives, she will be able to learn the truth about the world.

Because of this, the girl began to feel uneasy.

She felt that she might not be able to accept the truth of the world.

After all, before joining the Brave Club to fight monsters, she was just an ordinary junior high school girl.

Before that, he had lived a fairly peaceful life.

Then, in a daze, he became the so-called”brave”.

Just like the protagonist of the magical girl anime

“You seem worried.”

At this moment.

A calm voice suddenly sounded from beside Yuki Yuna.

The frightened girl stood up reflexively and looked over.

Then, she saw a black man wearing a casual suit. The young man appeared at the place next to him at some unknown time.

But just a second ago, the place just now was empty!

“Who are you…Lord Bai Ming?”

After a brief moment of surprise, Yuuki Yuna quickly recalled it. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) But until this moment.

It was not until this girl who was a member of Bai Ming’s group that she dared to take a closer look at Bai Ming. ’s appearance.

Although I had seen Bai Ming’s true appearance in other people’s private live broadcast videos before.

But after seeing it with my own eyes, I still had a feeling of being”amazed”.

His appearance was so handsome that even those international superstars only Being able to feel ashamed of oneself makes Yuki Yuuna, who has no feelings for boys, have an uncontrollable crush on Shiro Ming when they meet for the first time.

“`If there is no second person named Bai Ming here.”

Bai Ming chuckled.

Yuki Yuna is different from Tokisaki Kurumi, Minami Natsuki, Jibril and other girls.

They don’t make people feel amazing.

Although she has an average appearance, she is also the protagonist of this world. But Yuki Yuna, who was wearing a women’s uniform, gave him the impression that he was just an ordinary female junior high school student.

“No…Excuse me.”

Yuki Yuna quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

But Bai Ming didn’t care about these small things.

“So, are you ready to see the truth about this world?”

Bai Ming asked[]

Although the story of Yuuki Yuna as a hero lasted for more than three hundred years from beginning to end.

But Bai Ming, who has the strength to solve everything, is not used to slow handling.

What’s more, this world doesn’t have as many side plots as the dungeon where Ais is.

In this world, the only thing is”God”.

As long as the gods are eliminated (well done), the disaster will end.

Therefore, in this case, Bai Ming certainly does not need to spend a few days leisurely like last time, conquering a few goddesses before doing the main story.

“I…Ready. Yuki

Yuna took a deep breath.

But at this moment, the door of the Brave Club was suddenly opened from the outside.

Several figures familiar to Yuki Yuna walked in from the door talking and laughing.

Like Yuki Yuna, they are all members of the Brave Club, and they are also the chosen ones who use a special system to transform into magical girls.

When they saw Yuki Yuna and Shiro Ming, several girls came in They were also completely stunned.

They did not expect that Yuki Yuuna, who is usually outgoing and lively, would be alone here with a man. For a time, all kinds of gossip thoughts began to play out in the minds of the girls.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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