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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 629

Chapter 628


“Humph, want to escape?”

“I want to play with you again.”

Bai Ming looked at the burning sky that gradually retreated into the void.

The god of this world seemed to be frightened by the desert barrier he created casually, and was now ready to turn around and run away.

Seeing this, Bai Ming smiled.

Who? It is said that villains always talk a lot and rush forward without thinking?

This god came directly without saying a word.

Of course, after being shocked, he ran away immediately without hesitation.

Isn’t this just- Is it a manifestation of the brain?

It’s just.

You’ve come, but you still want to leave?

“Come out.”

Bai Ming said to the sky.

The next second, as Bai Ming’s voice fell, the entire desert boundary was set off by fierce wind, sand and scorching heat. A breathtaking sense of oppression enveloped the enemy.

A simple and majestic aura spread out from Bai Ming’s body.

At this moment, a sacred and majestic blue light pillar spiraled towards the sky.

Almost all creatures in the world saw this shocking scene at this moment. The strong light dispersed the sand, dust and clouds, as if it could The aura that penetrated the sky connected the heaven and the earth.

Everyone stared intently.

Their eyes stared straight into the blue light.

The blue-black giant seemed to be riding on this beam of light, carrying violent thunder and earthquakes. A trembling tremor comes to the earth.

The huge giant that cannot be described in words seems to support the sky and the earth.

The vibration caused by its presence in the world is like the whole universe is shaking, shaking violently.

When the giant comes, In an instant.

Everyone’s heart seemed to be tightened at this moment.

The body was shaking.

Even the ability to speak seemed to have been lost.

And the reason for all this was entirely because of the appearance of the blue-gray giant..

A terrifying existence that completely transcends the laws of reality descends from this world in an unparalleled manner.

The feeling of the gods is the first to bear the brunt.

He is the most powerful existence in this world.

But the more powerful he is, the more he can feel the danger of the giant. Sex.

Even with his current strength, it is difficult to compete with the enemy in front of him.

Thinking of this, the god immediately made a decision.

He used divine power to reconnect with the out-of-control weapons, and controlled them to launch a suicidal charge towards the giant..

However, just when the god was ready, the green-black giant started to move.

His figure was blurry in the dust and mist, but only his scarlet eyes were extremely penetrating.

It was like peeping at people from the abyss. The demon king of the world.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the appearance of the giant divine soldier came into everyone’s eyes and deep into their souls.

His figure was majestic and towering over the sky.

His scarlet eyes contained anger.

The figure standing in the desert barrier was absolutely It is the most that people have seen in this life.

Not to mention the survivors who are confused and living at the end of this world.

Even the sacred tree, which is as old as the gods, has never seen such a scene.

But it is a scene that has never been imagined. , just happened in their eyes.

The fictitious thunderclouds in the sky were chaotic.

The hot wind blew against the earth.

“this…What the hell does this happen?”

“Could it be that the sacred tree was broken by a monster?!”

“We are all going to die, we are all going to die, today! The sacred tree has abandoned us!”

“Mom, I don’t want to die”

“Damn it, where are those brave men! We have already reached this juncture, and yet we haven’t appeared yet. Do we want to watch the world being destroyed?!”

“Maybe, even the brave men have been wiped out, after all, they are such huge monsters”

“hateful! I just said those brave men are a bunch of trash! How could a group of little girls have the ability to protect us!”




In a world protected by a sacred tree.

After seeing the arrival of the Titan Soldiers, the survivors’ various aspects of life were instantly revealed.

For a while.

His accumulated dissatisfaction with the people living in a small area exploded.

They started shouting crazily in real life or on the Internet.

Bai Ming glanced at the girls behind him who could hold an egg in their mouths, and decided not to tell them about this.

But those who danced the most happily and those who sneered, he had already scanned them with his spiritual consciousness.

Once it’s over, they’ll be gone forever.

They are all a group of potential criminals anyway. If they disappear as soon as possible, they can save some food. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Compared to these human reactions.

The Stardust, whose emotions had been wiped away by the gods, rushed towards the Titan Soldier crazily.

The monster formed by the fusion of the twelve constellations was once again functioning.

But before they could touch the body of the giant god soldier, a huge palm that covered the sky and the sun waved.

Completely ignoring the dozens or even millions of monsters, the huge palm drew a white line in the void.

In an instant.

As if an invisible storm blew by, all the monsters in the barrier were instantly crushed and disappeared by the giant god soldiers, slowly dissipating into scattered ashes.

Not only that, the remaining power remains unabated.

The god only felt a huge force acting on him.

Immediately afterwards, five cracks that almost completely tore the sky apart appeared on the body after the god appeared.

Just this.

It almost cost the god half of his life.

Most of the flames burning on the sky were extinguished in an instant.

Rolling black smoke spreads out from the torn cracks[]

It looks like a destroyed battleship in a science fiction movie.

And this scene was specially broadcast to the whole world by Bai Ming.

So everyone was shocked.

They didn’t know why, but the shock from their eyeballs was undeniable.

Besides them, the girls behind Bai Ming were also buzzing.

After all, they know how difficult the monster is, and they can also guess how powerful the god who created the monster is.

But now, half his life was wasted by a punch from the giant god soldier?

Is this really something humans can do?! besides.

At the moment when the god was shot down, the members in the chat group also started to violently swipe the screen.

However, most of the group members quickly calmed down.

After all, they are all old people in the group and know that this is far from Bai Ming’s true strength.

His most powerful power is the power of a multiverse-level domineering god!



Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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