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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 639

【Group message: It has been detected that there are too many members participating in the task. The points task is now temporarily launched to assist Wuming in killing Kabane. The reward will be settled after the task is completed. 】

See the task that suddenly pops up.

Misaka Mikoto and others were stunned for a few seconds.

After reacting, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

They came here just to relax.

But I didn’t expect that such a good thing would happen?

Bai Ming also felt a little surprised.

It seems that the benefits of this chat group are becoming more and more friendly to the people after the upgrade.

Originally, when he was in the dark bullet world, gastrea animals were much harder to kill than Kabane.

But only the gastrula on 1v4 have rewards.

Now, as long as you participate in killing Kabane, you can get points. Compared with the past, the benefits are almost making people want to cry.

And what I want to cry even more is.

In the past, when he accumulated points, the benefits were meager.

Now I no longer need points, but the benefits are ruined.

Simply outrageous!

This chat group is specifically against him, right?

“Huh? What about zombies? I’m 23 and ready to fight.”

Misaka Mikoto held a few coins in her hand and was ready before coming over.

But the peaceful scene surprised her.

Megumin even gathered her magic power.

She was just waiting for Kabane to appear, and then… Use explosive magic

“It seems that the place where the unknown lady entertains us is safe.”

Butterfly Kanae put the Nichirin sword back.

Looking at the Japanese-style buildings in front of her, she always felt a little weird, but she couldn’t tell the specific details.

“It has a bit of a steampunk feel.”

Tokisaki Kurumi lifted the bangs in front of his forehead.

Most of the tools he saw were emitting white steam.

“Steam friends, if you put it this way, it does feel that way.”

Butterfly Kanae nodded.

After staying in the group for so long, she also knew some vocabulary very well.

“Brother, we meet again, hehe.”

Tina walked up to Bai Ming at some point, hugged him tightly with her two little hands, and had a happy and comfortable expression on her face as if she hadn’t woken up yet.

“Well, first of all welcome everyone.”

After all, they are a group of guests.

But after all, this is the first time Wuming has to entertain so many people.

Therefore, after seeing everyone, his expression is a little reserved

“Ah, I didn’t expect Miss Wuming to be such a cute girl.”

Tokisaki Kurumi teased.

This sentence immediately made Wuming’s cheeks turn red.

He was hesitating and speechless.

“Sure enough, you are better at bullying girls, even I feel ashamed. Bai

Ming said with a smile.

“No matter what, when it comes to bullying girls, I’m still far behind you. After all, I’ve even been bullied by you.”

Hearing this, Tokisaki Kurumi pretended to be hurt, making people look at me with pity.

But just when the group members were about to say a few more words, an angry shout rang out.

“You guys haven’t been tested yet, have you?! Hurry in and get checked!”

An ugly man with dark skin and a samurai haircut raised something like a gun and aimed it at everyone.

The other soldiers dressed as samurai heard the movement and subconsciously raised their guns.

However, the shape was very old, just like World War I The same as the bolt-action rifles of the period.

While the accuracy was a lot lower, the damage was still low.


Misaka Mikoto was stunned.

Then, several people subconsciously looked towards the carriages behind them.

They saw men, women, and children with withered faces, all under the surveillance of samurai armed with weapons, entering one section of the carriage and taking off their clothes one after another. Clothes were inspected.

Misaka Mikoto also reacted.

This rule was probably made to ensure that no one was bitten by Kabane.

But how could these girls really go for inspection?

Tokisaki Kurumi noticed that the man The lustful evil in his eyes was obviously not for the purpose of fulfilling his duties.

A trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, and a sticky black shadow suddenly appeared under the man’s feet. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) A pale arm stretched out from it, Pulling the frightened man in.

Everyone nearby saw the scene in front of them.

They were all frightened and speechless.

After all, this scene was so weird. He was not bitten to death by Kabane, but was dragged to the ground by the white arms.

It was like a scene in hell.

Not to mention the soldiers and the nearby onlookers, even the city lord who welcomed the arrival of the Iron Castle and the city lord’s daughter Iris were all stunned on the spot, with cold hands and feet.

Some people were trembling in fear. He raised the steam gun tremblingly.

Although this kind of gun was not threatening, anyone could easily block it.

But the flies buzzing all the time was still annoying.

Tokisaki Kurumi summoned more whirlpools and ghost hands.

However, This time, she didn’t go on a killing spree, but just took away these people’s weapons.

After all, if she killed people here, she would definitely have a bad impression on others.

Then, the samurai who had come into close contact with the strange events, After their weapons were taken away, they all looked at Bai Ming and his party in horror.

Their bodies couldn’t stop retreating, and in the end they screamed strangely. They were obviously frightened by everyone’s momentum and methods.[]

Just in the blink of an eye.

Only Bai Ming and his party were left at the scene, as well as the city lord and daughter of Xianjinyi, and their bodyguard Jiu Zhilaixu.

This guard’s performance in the original plot is remarkable, and he is considered a very good guard.

740 But after Bai Ming and the others came over.

It is also impossible to continue the original plot.

Now Bai Ming is sure of it.

As long as he said to call it a day, half of these people would immediately run out to kill Kabaneri.

As for the plot?

Can it be eaten?

“several adults……” at this time.

The elderly city lord on the side just opened his mouth when he was interrupted by Bai Ming.

“Just pretend you haven’t seen us and go handle your own affairs.”

After hearing Bai Ming’s words, the city owner of Xianjinyi immediately returned to his usual expression and watched the residents who had undergone the”Kabane inspection” get off the bus one after another.

Beside him, the girl in a Western dress was not impressed by Bai Ming. Affected.

She looked at her father in astonishment.

Why did he suddenly become like a normal person?!

She was the only one who noticed the difference. Of course, Bai Ming did it deliberately.

After all, he was already devoted to pleasure, but he still enjoyed it. The beautiful indigenous girl showed a shocked expression when she encountered something”unbelievable”.

But now Bai Ming did not come into contact with Iris.

Instead, he looked at Wuming, Misaka Mikoto and others

“Let’s do this. I’ll give you five days to kill Kabane. After five days, I will clean up the world.”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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