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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 647

Chapter 646:

In the long-lost world between the two of them, Tokisaki Kurumi naturally has to pester Bai Ming and doesn’t want to let go.

Due to the”entanglement” of the girl.

Bai Ming had no choice but to sacrifice his life for justice, and spent the past few days stuck with Tokisaki Kurumi.

As for the group members’ teasing, the two of them completely ignored it. have to say.

Kurumi Tokisaki is enough to satisfy any man’s fantasy about women.

After all, her spiritual power allows her to summon countless selves from past timelines.

Each self is not a clone, but an existence with true independent consciousness.

This also leads to the reason why Tokisaki Kurumi can still maintain full vitality no matter how Bai Ming works.

Anyway, if you can’t do it yourself, you can just summon other sisters.

Until about a week passed.

Only then did Tokisaki Kurumi end the world between the two of them.

After saying goodbye to Bai Ming, he returned to the world of dating with a smile.

Although it wasn’t that he didn’t want to stay with Bai Ming, he still had family and friends to take care of, so he couldn’t leave for too long.

But with the existence of the chat group, she can go to Bai Ming to play at any time in the future.

And after parting ways with Kuang San.

Bai Ming also found Wu Ming who was helping to see the city again.

“Lord Bai Ming, you are back.”

Because of the chat group, the girl also knew that Bai Ming had not left.

Today Wuming was wearing a red kimono and dressed up a little. He looked more beautiful than usual.

Ming Ming was still active in the group. When he saw other group members She can also act gracefully and generously, but once she meets Bai Ming, she becomes a little nervous.

Island people have always admired the strong.

This is especially true for island women, especially girls with a background like Wuming.

In the plot, the reason why she likes Shang Sheng Ju, on the one hand, because of the aura of the protagonist, and on the other hand, because the other party has shown a pretty good masculinity in this apocalyptic world, plus several heroic rescues, it is understandable to like him.

But after joining the chat group, The plot of Kotetsujo begins when the train arrives at the first station where the protagonist Ikoma is, and the gang members join in and the rampage begins.

There is no plot in which the second train loses control and causes the station to fall, causing everyone to flee, and there is no plot The story of the two people joining forces to fight in the future.

After seeing the powerful strength of the group members and the power of the Baiming God, Wuming’s thoughts will naturally not be focused on ordinary people like the male protagonist.

In addition, in the chat group Such a man, and Bai Ming’s attitude towards her is really different from other people, so Wuming naturally quickly fell in love with her.

During the conversation, some of Wuming’s small actions were naturally noticed by Bai Ming.

While talking to Kabbah A girl who has no hesitation in her internal battles is reserved and shy about such small things. However, Bai Ming is not as reserved as Wuming. As for”love”, once he is sure of it, he will quickly take action. After all,

Bai Ming is not as reserved as Wuming.

As early as the beginning, he had been committed to turning the chat group into his own harem chat group!

Now that there is a suitable opportunity, Bai Ming will certainly not beat around the bush.

When he came to the bedroom, he saw Wuming looking shy and pleasant. , Bai Ming also slowly raised the girl’s smooth chin.

The brand was quickly planted by him.

The homeless girl finally had a new home.



After ending the plot of Iron Castle.

Bai Ming also returned to the DXD world.

The mission rewards for other group members have already been distributed.

One person has a total of 12,000 points, but because of the possibility of killing special Kabane mutants, the amount of points each receives in the end is still slightly different.

But this is normal.

Although Iron Fortress is an anime with a very simple world view.

Even though Kabane can only run faster and harder than ordinary zombies, the mutants in it are much stronger than ordinary zombies in the apocalypse.

Some elite individuals can even fire cannons from their mouths that can destroy a street. This is really unscientific.

But there’s nothing more to say now.

After all, they were all completely destroyed by Bai Ming.

Naturally, he also gained a lot of points. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In addition to the unified 12,000 points, because Kabane from around the world was directly taken away, an additional 60,000 points were received.

“It’s just that now, I don’t have much desire for things like points lottery.”

Bai Ming looked at the six-digit balance and said with a helpless smile.

If this kind of reward had been arranged early at the beginning. Please give me flowers []

, then Bai Ming would definitely be in despair.

But with Bai Ming’s current strength , there is no need to waste the time of drawing.

Unless you draw when you have nothing to do.

After all, if you can’t draw the abilities or props above the infinite multiverse, they are of little use to Bai Ming.

Even if it is infinite Gems.

That can only be a power limited to one universe.

Unless it is six gems, it can be put to some use.

Otherwise, it is just a toy.

Thinking of this, Bai Ming shook his head.

Bathed in the sunshine He stretched out slowly.

Thinking back to the beginning,

Bai Ming never thought that he would be promoted from an ordinary person to a terrifying powerhouse who can easily crush a universe.


So outrageous!

“If we rest for a while, maybe the plot of Silver Wolf will begin.”


The next few days were spent accompanying beautiful girls and water groups.

Although it feels good to live a useless life like him, lying on his back every day and being served by many beautiful girls, he can’t go on like this forever.

Rias, Himejima Suzaku, and even Esdeath don’t always revolve around Bai Ming.

After all, they all still have their own things to solve.

For example, more than half of the summer vacation has passed, and school will start in about a week.

But because so many things happened at the beginning of the summer vacation, and because they had so much fun afterwards, all the girls’ summer homework was basically untouched.

Asia, who has the most correct attitude, actually wrote most of it, while Xenovia, who usually doesn’t study well, didn’t even sign her name in the summer homework book. then.

In the next few days, the girls mostly worked together to make up for their lessons.

Only Bai Ming, a lonely old man, basically didn’t need to do anything.

Although it’s fun to live lying down, doing nothing for a while can get boring.

“After so many days, the plot of Bengtie must have begun, right?”

With uncertain thoughts, Bai Ming opened the chat group and directly sent a private message to Yin Lang.

“Hello? Zaima is small?”.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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