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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 109 The Beginning of the Alliance (Subscription Request)


On the edge of the cliff on the east side of the Wave Country, a pale and somewhat wrinkled palm suddenly emerged from the bottom of the cliff, and then suddenly grabbed the ground, and the strong fingers pressed five finger prints on the ground.

While panting, Ryosuke climbed up the cliff with his bare hands and got on the island in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

Crossing the sea is not an easy task, even with his physical fitness, it is relatively difficult.

Especially after soaking in the water for a long time, it will also cause insufficient blood supply to the heart and dizziness.

Ryosuke’s skin is still wrinkled all over his body, just like a newborn baby.

After observing the surrounding environment, he collapsed on the ground to rest.

Nowadays, the natives of the Wave Country have long been transferred to the Fire Country. This is what Ryosuke once promised them, so that they can have a home in the Fire Country again.

Since it is his promise, of course it will be fulfilled.

So now, in addition to the people of the alliance plan, there are people from the Seagull Shipping Chamber of Commerce on the island.

After the arrival of the envoys of various countries, they were divided into several parts.

Among them, Konoha is in the east, and the one who is responsible for monitoring the eastern sea area is undoubtedly the Hyuga who is responsible for exploration in the team.

This is also the reason why Ryosuke can easily go to the island from the east without being discovered.

He stayed in Sanno Village before to wait for the news of Hyuga Hizashi, so that he could successfully enter the scope of the Wave Country without being noticed.

After lying flat on the edge of the cliff for a long time, Ryosuke sat up. His mouth was full of the salty smell of sea water.

He was wet all over and there was a strange taste in his mouth. This feeling was not good.

But the focus now is not this.

Ryosuke resisted the feeling of nausea, stood up and walked towards the dense forest on the edge of the cliff.

While walking, he also opened his Byakugan to perceive and observe the current situation in the Wave Country.

No one from the Hyuga side came to meet Ryosuke, because the current situation in the Wave Country is very serious.

Each country invited by the alliance plan sent a corresponding delegation to the scene.

Among them, the people of Konoha on Ryosuke’s side, Sand Village in Wind Country, and Bear Country were attacked to varying degrees, especially in Sand Village, where a senior ninja had died.

The people who attacked Konoha were wearing Sand Village forehead protectors.

The people who attacked from other countries were wearing Konoha forehead protectors.

It was expected, and Ryosuke had already been mentally prepared for this.

Fortunately, the representatives of the delegations from other countries were not stupid, and they did not evacuate directly because of a sneak attack.

Instead, they chose to continue their journey and came to this island.

The message that Hinata Hizashi passed to Ryosuke clearly explained what happened after they came to this island.

Since they were all attacked and were wearing the corresponding ninja village forehead protectors, of course they confronted each other first.

But when they took out the bodies of the enemies they encountered, they could recognize some people in the village from them, but they were basically rebel ninjas.

For example, the Sand Village senior ninja named Ikeda that Konoha encountered.

In fact, as early as after the end of the Third World War, this guy was imprisoned for leaking important information about the Sand Village. Later, he found an opportunity to defect from the village and became a traitor.

But of course, this kind of news could not be announced to the entire ninja world, so Konoha was not aware that this guy was already a traitor.

The same is true for the ninjas encountered by other countries. Some of them are traitors from Konoha, but basically they are Chunin.

In Konoha, ninjas who can reach the level of Jonin are still relatively determined.

But because of this, every Jonin who defected from Konoha is extremely powerful.

And among these attackers, although most of them are traitors, there are also a few who are working ninjas in their respective villages.

There is only one reason for this situation, that is, these people are spies.

No wonder the news of their alliance was leaked.

It seems that in order to destroy this alliance, the people who planned all this behind the scenes pulled out some nails that had been buried for many years.

The nausea after landing gradually faded, and Ryosuke’s eyes became clear and his thoughts became clear.

From his perspective, it was easy to see that this was a naked alienation plot.

After all, he always looked at things from the perspective of an observer, so that he could see more clearly.

But from the perspective of others, they might not be able to see through it, or even if they saw through it, they were unwilling to believe each other’s words, and dared not bet their sincerity on the sincerity of the alliance.

So although this alienation plot was clumsy, it was indeed very effective.

Under the effect of this alienation plot, the forces on the island are now divided into four parts. Except for the Cardo forces in the most central castle, everyone else is wary of each other and waiting for the meeting time to start in their own territory.

The Hinatas were responsible for the exploration work on the east side of the Wave Country. Even if they saw Ryosuke, they would pretend not to see him.

So Ryosuke could march in the dense forest and approach the camping point on the Konoha side. By the way, he found a relatively hidden tree hole for himself and built a temporary base so that he could better observe the entire island next.

The Hidden Mist Village, the Hidden Cloud Village, the Hidden Rock Village, and even the Akatsuki Organization…

Rest in the tree hole, Ryosuke ate a ration pill to replenish his energy while thinking about the possibility of the mastermind behind the scenes.

The people behind the scenes may be part of these people, or they may be all of them.

After all, once their alliance is reached, the threat will be to other countries in the ninja world that are not involved.

If Akatsuki also participates in this plan, then its status will be quite special.

After all, Black Zetsu hopes that the ninja world will be more chaotic, so that the overall strength of each village can be weakened through war, and a good foundation can be laid for the future capture plan of the tailed beast.

If you want to see through the enemy’s thoughts, you need to consider the problem from the enemy’s perspective.

The transparent white eyes saw most of the Wave Country in his eyes. Ryosuke’s eyes were a little dull, and his mind was turning quickly, thinking about the possible actions of the forces behind the scenes.

He no longer had extra energy to focus on other aspects, including facial expression management.

First of all, except for Akatsuki, other countries can only start from the side if they want to destroy this alliance, and cannot attack them head-on.

They have to cause chaos within the alliance without exposing their own forces, leading to the split of the talks.

If not, the frontal action will only speed up their alliance, unless they can wipe out everyone on this island, but this is impossible.

In addition to ninjas, there are also nobles and neutral countries such as the Iron Country and the Soup Country who came to participate in the talks this time.

Besides, those who can participate in this meeting are all elites from various villages. They can’t bury all the news in the Wave Country.

At that time, there will always be someone who can escape and pass on everything that happened to the outside world.

Hatred will make the alliance come together faster.

So… what should be done to disintegrate the alliance from the inside without exposing itself?


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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