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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 121 A long-awaited meeting (Subscription required)

Like an ordinary office worker, Ryosuke took a hot bath when he got home.

But after coming out, he did not go back to his room to sleep, nor did he immediately talk to Hyuga Hiashi about this trip.

Instead, he sat in the corridor of the courtyard, looking at the door lazily.

He was waiting for the start of dinner while waiting for…his wife.

She was coming soon.

Although he did not develop his perception, Ryosuke knew that Hinata was coming back soon based on his usual understanding of Hinata.

“Hanabi, aren’t you going to come out to greet your sister?”

Puzzled, Ryosuke looked at Hanabi who was silently helping the housekeeper Aliang clean up the dishes in the room, “Didn’t you always like to wait for Hinata to finish school in the courtyard?”

Today’s Hanabi seemed to be in a bad mood.

If it were before, she would have sat opposite him, staring at him and blaming him for stealing Hinata’s love.

In the room, Hanabi turned her head and looked at him, hesitated for a moment and replied: “… Today you finally came back from a mission, I will let you have my sister for a day.” As she spoke, she turned her head quickly. It seemed that all her attention was on the plates in front of her. Ryosuke fell silent, and did not ask more questions, but turned his head and continued to look at the door. Although Hanabi’s words gave people a feeling of tsundere, Ryosuke did not hear the previous high spirits from her tone, but a kind of… lonely emotion. Before he could think more, a figure appeared at the door of the house. The long lavender hair was draped over the shoulders, and the bangs covered the thin eyebrows. Although the pure and flawless eyes were pure, they faintly revealed a noble temperament. The face that originally had a little baby fat had also become thinner during this period of time. The advantage of the Hyuga clan’s bloodline gave Hinata milky skin. Under the shining of the red sunset, she stood at the door and looked a little luxurious. Wearing a loose pure white kimono, Hinata raised her lips the moment she saw Ryosuke. She no longer had other people in her sight. She walked faster and faster, and finally pounced on Ryosuke.

“Ryosuke, you are finally back.”

A soft and sticky voice sounded.

The same words as always, like the scene when Ryosuke came back from a long trip the last two times.

But compared to the tone of Ryosuke’s return the last two times, Hinata’s voice this time was full of longing and dependence, and even… a little aggrieved.

“Grow taller.”

Ryosuke smiled gently, stood up and stretched out his hand to embrace his wife who rushed to him.

Although it was in front of the housekeeper and sister-in-law, he didn’t feel inappropriate at all.

With a slight weighing, Ryosuke knew that Hinata’s recent training intensity had increased again.

Not only was the muscle a little stiff, but even the meridians were slightly damaged.

He didn’t know how to care about someone sincerely, but he felt that keeping an eye on their physical condition was the best care.

Feeling a palm like a fish, exploring something through her clothes, Hinata’s face was a little red, as if she remembered something.

Her heart was pounding wildly, and even her body temperature was rising rapidly.

But soon, she remembered her husband’s temper and calmed down, “I… I paid attention to rest.”

“Liar, your body can’t lie to me.”

Ryosuke gently pinched her cheek as a punishment for lying, “You promised me before you set off that you should pay attention to rest after exercising and take Hanabi out to play more often.”

Sure enough.

Hinata sighed in her heart. She always felt that her husband’s attention seemed a little different from that of ordinary boys in some aspects.

“I rested well, and occasionally accompanied Hanabi to play, but…”

She was about to explain aloud, but she stopped halfway through her words, “Father… Where is father?”

Hinata looked at Ryosuke and asked.

“Father said he won’t have dinner, he has something to do.” Ryosuke answered casually, “But… he asked us to go to the study after dinner to start a family meeting, mainly for the mission I left recently, and some of the next plans.” “What’s wrong? Suddenly asking about father, don’t you see each other every day?” “Nothing…” Hinata fell silent, nodded, stepped back, and left Ryosuke’s arms. At this time, Ryosuke also had the opportunity to observe her changes up close. Perhaps it was the pressure that made Hinata grow rapidly, and her height changed. Even in terms of temperament, she was much more mature than before she left. Although Hinata was still a little childish and childish when they met just now. But in fact, she has changed. In the past, Hinata’s essence was a child pretending to be an adult, but now, she has begun to slowly have some adult’s responsibility and bearing. Like just now, from some subtle movements, Ryosuke could see that although she still relied on him, she had begun to learn to face some things by herself and had the courage to face things. Something seemed to have happened in this family during the time he was away.

From Hanabi’s emotions and Hinata’s words, Ryosuke roughly judged some things.

But he still didn’t ask more, after all, some things needed Hinata to face herself.

He… can only serve as a guide and assistant, otherwise she will not grow up.

At dinner, Hyuga Hiashi did not participate.

And the relationship between the two sisters, Hanabi and Hinata, was the same as before.

It seems that there is no change.

Dong Dong Dong——

After dinner, after a short rest, Ryosuke and Hinata came to the door of the study.

“Come in.”

Hyuga Hiashi’s voice came from inside.

Opening the door of the study, everything inside was still the same as before, with no difference.


Ryosuke shouted respectfully.

And then, Hinata waited for a while before speaking with him.

“You… sit down first.”

Hyuga Hiashi first looked at Hinata, and then turned his eyes to Ryosuke without leaving a trace, “Tell me about what happened when you left this time, and… your personal opinion.”

Straight to the point, but it was also what Ryosuke meant.

He briefly summarized what he encountered during this trip.

Then, he focused on some more subtle contents, such as the attitudes of the major forces within the alliance, and the subsequent impact of the defeat of external forces such as the Fourth Raikage.

“So… do you think Sarutobi Hiruzen will start the election ceremony of the Fifth Hokage after returning to the village?”

After hearing what Ryosuke said, Hyuga Hiashi didn’t care about the alliance or external forces, which were “small things” that could bring them benefits.

Instead, he directly pointed out the possible psychological changes of the Third Hokage after his defeat in the battle with the Fourth Raikage.

Now that the alliance has been reached, there will be no disputes in the ninja world for the time being, which is the biggest gain for Hyuga.

This time, Ryosuke has bought himself enough time to grow, which is the big meat that their clan wants. As for the so-called division of interests, it is just some scraps.

Compared with those, Hyuga Hiashi is more concerned about Sarutobi Hiruzen, which may have an impact on them.

“If nothing unexpected happens.”

Ryosuke answered truthfully according to his considerations along the way, “He obviously has the idea of ​​retiring, and perhaps he had such an idea before, especially in recent years, some of his policies and strategic arrangements have begun to appear weak.”

“This shows that Sarutobi Hiruzen is very clear that his ability is not as good as that of a man in his prime, and he does not want his political achievements to have any big mistakes in the last few years, which will be infamous for thousands of years.”

“Then what do you think…will be the candidates for the fifth generation Hokage?”

Hinata Hiashi asked again.

Hinata sat aside, and as before, she quietly wrote down all the content of the meeting.

“First of all, of course, it’s Tsunade and Jiraiya, two long-established figures.” Ryosuke nodded and expressed his opinion, “These two are well-known predecessors in the ninja world, and they are both disciples of Sarutobi Hiruzen.”

“No matter in terms of qualifications or strength, if they serve as the fifth generation Hokage, no one in the village will disagree except that guy.”

“But the two of them seem to be very resistant to the position of Hokage, so it is not ruled out that Sarutobi Hiruzen will not be able to recall them.”

Nodding silently, Hyuga Hiashi did not interrupt him and motioned him to continue.

“Next, there are the younger generation, namely Hatake Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma, and Nara Shikaku.”

“Hatake Kakashi is needless to say, his strength and fame are enough to serve as Hokage, but he lacks in qualifications and has had some bad mission records.”

“As for Sarutobi Asuma, although he himself has no idea of ​​becoming Hokage, he is the son of Sarutobi after all, and has experience as a guardian ninja of the daimyo’s mansion. In addition to his strength and ideas, he is also qualified to sit on the fifth generation Hokage.”

“Finally, among the younger generation, I think Nara Shikaku is the most likely to become the fifth generation.”

“Nara Shikaku himself served as a military advisor in Konoha, and has had a lot of experience in handling government affairs over the years. Both his qualifications and abilities are obvious to all. His only shortcoming may be that he was born in the Ino-Shika-Cho clan, but this can also be made up for, as long as he wants…”

Although people of the same era as Sarutobi Hiruzen or similar people are excluded, there are actually quite a few people in the village who have the opportunity to sit on the position of Hokage.

Many of the jonin in the village have their own advantages in terms of ability, fame, and qualifications.

In order to select the best from these people, Ryosuke thinks that Sarutobi Hiruzen should pay more attention to some things in terms of ideology, which is the so-called political review.

After listening to Ryosuke’s narration quietly, Hyuga Hiashi made a summary, “Then next, whether Sarutobi Hiruzen has the idea of ​​nominating a new Hokage, our clan just needs to wait and see, and support his choice at the right time.”

“But if this thing really happens, I think that guy will not continue to hide in the dark, he may take some action.”

“Indeed, that guy is very persistent in the position of Hokage.”

Speaking of that guy, Ryosuke also felt a little troubled.

Logically, Shimura Danzo should have been working on the research of Sharingan for some time now, and started to pile some strange things on himself.

Although in the timeline of the original work, he only successfully transplanted ten Sharingans.

But now the timeline has changed, Ryosuke is not sure whether he will still have ten arms, maybe more than ten, or maybe less.

As long as there is enough consumption of Sharingan, the vitality of Shimura Danzo is comparable to Hercules in mythology.

Hercules’s treasure is the “Twelve Trials” with immortality, which means that if he is not killed twelve times, he will not be destroyed.

And Shimura Danzo has Izanagi, which can consume the Sharingan with sufficient pupil strength and directly reverse the unfavorable factors including death.

Ryosuke has not yet completely crushed this guy’s strength, and it is still more troublesome to deal with him.

“In short, let’s wait and see.”

Hinata Hiashi mentioned Shimura Danzo, and he was obviously a little headache, “Now this guy’s attention is not on us, at least… From the information we have collected so far, he doesn’t seem to have any ideas about our clan, of course, there are also caged birds…”

When he mentioned this word, he stopped abruptly.

And the atmosphere of discussion in the study, which was originally very serious, suddenly stopped.

“It is also affected by the curse. Our people are relatively safe.”

After a long time, Hyuga Hiashi spoke again and finished his words.

“Is that so…”

Ryosuke nodded, as if he did not feel the strange atmosphere just now.

“Let’s stop here for the time being about the Land of Waves.”

Hyuga Hiashi also quickly avoided this topic, “Now let’s talk about what happened in the village during the time you were away. There is one thing that is more important, and I need to synchronize with you.”

Important things…

Ryosuke raised his head in confusion. Sarutobi Hiruzen and others were gone. Is there anything important happening in the village?

“The person involved in the incident is Uzumaki Naruto, who is the orphan of the fourth generation and the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.”

Hinata Hiashi took out a scroll from the desk and handed it to Ryosuke, “Because it involves the Jinchuriki who is a weapon of war, the internal information is blocked very confidentially.”

“This is a notice only issued by the Konoha high-level officials, and our intelligence chain can only get a little information.”

“The specific situation is that during a recent A-level mission, the ninja team led by the senior ninja Hatake Kakashi was attacked by some Kumogakure ninjas.”

“And during the attack, the junior ninja Sarutobi Rin unfortunately died to cover the team’s departure.”

“Afterwards… the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki went berserk and crushed most of the Kumogakure ninjas with almost overwhelming strength. All the Hidden Ninjas were killed. Our intelligence chain did not get accurate information about the specific strength of Kumogakure.”

“But there is at least one jonin in the enemy team. After all, Hatake Kakashi is not so easy to fool.”

“The attack of Kumogakure?”

Ryosuke frowned, “What was the specific time period?”

“About six days ago, Kakashi carried two seriously injured subordinates alone and rushed back to the territory of the Land of Fire at full speed, and then returned to the village under the protection of Konoha Ninja.”

Hinata Hiashi quickly replied, “Except for the battle record report, other information is not secret, so we got very accurate information. As for the sacrificed Sarutobi Rin, his body was not brought back.”

Thanks to the book friends rarely use this and Wind Singer H for their reward support.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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