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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 124: Graduating Early Again (Subscription Request)

Is this… a quarrel?

Ryosuke paused as he entered the house, silently retracting his forward legs.

He found a place by the door, leaned his back against the wall, and opened his Byakugan.

In the main house, his father and Hinata were rarely confronting each other.

It seemed that Ryosuke had never seen such a scene since he came to this world.

Facing her father, Hyuga Hiashi, no matter how much her personality changed, Hinata always had a little awe of him.

So most of the time, Hinata was very careful when talking to her father.

But now, this awe disappeared, and she dared to confront her father head-on.

Hanabi was still at the training ground, so now in the house, except for a few servants, there were only Hinata and Hyuga Hiashi.

In the main house, the two of them sat opposite each other.

“Although you are the head of the family now, I am also the future head of the family. I have the right and status to change all this unreasonableness, and I will apply for your assistance!”

Staring at Hyuga Hiashi, Hinata’s eyes were full of seriousness, “Hanabi is your daughter! She is also my sister! She will never be an outsider, and I will not let our relationship become like you and Uncle Hiashi.”

“I have already told you that this is the system of the family for thousands of years. You can’t change it just because you want to.”

Sitting opposite her, Hyuga Hiashi, as a father, looked very unhappy, “What we can do is to ease the relationship between the main family and the branch family, instead of abolishing this system.”

“Our Hyuga clan can be immortal for thousands of years, relying on this mechanism of mutual dependence and mutual protection between the master and the minister.”

“If there is no caged bird, with our clan’s advantage in pupil skills, it would have been dug out and divided up by the forces of various countries long ago.”

Hinata mentioned his relationship with Hiashi, which touched his heart.

How could he not want to change all this? Once, he and his brother had this purpose, one as the head of the main family, and the other as the head of the branch family, thinking about changing all this together.


It was obvious that their relationship had broken down. Like other main and branch families, they were no longer able to work together like real brothers.

However, his daughter, who had never been very attentive, had recently shown an eye-opener for him. She actually dared to talk to him like this.

Perhaps… he shouldn’t have dampened her spirits.

Thinking of this, Hyuga Hiashi’s expression eased a little, “Even if Hanabi is cursed, as long as you still trust each other, this matter can be resolved.”

“The relationship between the main family and the branch family cannot always remain the same as it is now.”

“The family system cannot be changed, but the relationship can be eased.”

“Father! You know clearly that as long as you leave this family, even if Hanabi has us in her heart, she will still be affected by others. She is still young.”

Unfortunately, Hinata has obviously considered this matter, “And it’s not just a problem for Hanabi. The system itself has flaws. I don’t want to cancel this system, but… change it.”

“As long as Hyuga no longer has the distinction between the main family and the branch family, there will be no contradictions between them. Everyone can plant the curse to protect the bloodline from flowing out, but the ability to control the life of the person under the spell through special techniques should be excluded.”

“You are too naive, Hinata.” Hyuga Hiashi shook his head, “I have told you before that this method will not work.”

“The distinction between the main family and the branch family is a tradition for thousands of years. In addition to protecting the bloodline from flowing out, In addition to preventing the outflow of blood and the safety of the clan members, it can also ensure the purity of the bloodline. “

“The higher the purity of the Byakugan, the stronger the ability it can exert. Just like Ryosuke, his bloodline has been restored to its ancestral state, and the purity is even higher than that of the main family. In addition, he himself has extremely powerful talents, which is why he can develop so many abilities. “

But Hinata obviously didn’t want to give up on his words, and continued to argue, “But this doesn’t explain why we have to control the lives of the branch families.”

“Obviously, both you and the others in the branch family know that it is because of the curse that the relationship between the main family and the branch family will become worse and worse.”

“Since you and Uncle Hiashi once wanted to change all this, why don’t you choose to remove the curse, or modify some of the techniques. “

Hinata Hiashi quickly retorted: “If the bird in the cage has no means to control the branch family, the people in the branch family will not be able to obey the orders of the main family honestly, and may even rebel. “

“Then… this is the problem. “

As if waiting for the answer she wanted, Hinata’s excited face suddenly calmed down.

She looked at her father seriously, “The main family is unwilling to give up their rights, and the branch family is unwilling to be controlled by incompetent people. Just like me, Uncle Hizashi didn’t want me, who was once useless, to become the head of the family, so he made such a mistake.” “If the people of the main family were strong enough, like Ryosuke, how could the people of the branch family resist and resist, and how could they use caged birds to control life as a deformed method.” His face unconsciously darkened. As the main family and enjoying the benefits of the main family, Hinata Hiashi instinctively wanted to refute and suppress others. But facing his daughter’s serious eyes, he fell silent again.

Her father’s silence seemed to encourage Hinata’s confidence. Her thoughts became clearer and her words became bolder. “The power of ruling depends on persuasion and loyalty. If you don’t have enough persuasive ability, how can you get others’ selfless dedication?” “If you rely on the curse seal to control others, unless you erase their own emotions and make them puppets who only obey orders, one day, the accumulated negative emotions will completely explode, and then Hinata will no longer exist!” “I propose to abolish the method of controlling people’s lives in the caged bird, and in order to ensure blood The purity of the bloodline can continue to distinguish the main family and the branch family, but the position of the head of the Hyuga family is occupied by the capable. If the branch family is capable, let the people of the branch family sit, and if the main family is capable, let the main family sit. “Hinata Hiashi half-squinted his eyes, “Then… if the people of the branch family are in power, how do you want the people of the branch family to continue to maintain the idea of ​​protecting the main family?” The advantage of the confrontation with her father made Hinata’s momentum rise again and again. She slowly opened her mouth and uttered two words, “face.” This idea made Hyuga Hiashi stunned, and at the same time, it also stunned Ryosuke who was quietly waiting for the two to finish at the door. “For a long time, our people in the main family have represented the face of Hyuga. We can hand over the actual power to the branch family, but the transcendent status brought by the pure bloodline is indelible. ” “The extension of this system, every elected head of the family will not be a fool. The main family is the face of the Hyuga family. Even if there are no outstanding people in the contemporary era, the advantage of bloodline cannot be covered up…” Hinata explained bit by bit, as if she was well prepared. Not only did Hyuga Hiashi gradually become speechless, even Ryosuke was somewhat surprised by the methods and reasons she came up with.

I didn’t expect that the little girl who knew nothing at the beginning had grown up to this point without realizing it.

If it weren’t for the restrictions of age and strength, perhaps she would be qualified to sit in the position of the head of the family now.

Ryosuke was somewhat looking forward to Hinata’s change.

Judging from her attitude and words in response, Hinata should not have argued with Hyuga Hiashi about this issue for the first time. This may be the reason why he always felt that the relationship between the two was a little stiff after he came back.

And the suggestions put forward by Hinata are very similar to the way the emperor and the prime minister got along in the island country in the previous life.

There is not much real power, but because it represents face, it is protected.

Of course, there is no absolutely appropriate system for everything. Even the smartest people can’t think of a system without omissions.

The word “calculated without omissions” is more of an exaggerated modification.

The new system that Hinata came up with certainly has some flaws, but from the perspective of the family, this system is more complete and accurate than before, and it is more in line with the necessary conditions for the growth of the family.

In the past, there were few outstanding people in the branch family, because when they understood that their lives only existed for the main family, their upper limit was almost determined.

Only a few people can still maintain a fighting mentality when they know that their existence is for others.

But now, if this new system is implemented, then most people in the Hyuga clan will have a goal to work hard for, and will begin to truly practice and strengthen themselves.

From a long-term perspective, Hinata’s idea is more appropriate.

But unfortunately, there is still a more important problem now.

“It can be seen that you have seriously considered the method you thought of from all aspects, which is much better than your previous meaningless arguments.”

In Ryosuke’s perception, Hyuga Hiashi did not refute Hinata’s method.

“But there is one question I don’t know if you have ever considered, that is, even if I agree with your idea, how can you implement it?”

Speaking of this, Hyuga Hiashi looked very tired, “Although the main family represents Hyuga, Hyuga is not the main family’s one-man show.”

“Many things also require the consent of some elders in the clan before they can be implemented, just like the engraving of the bird in the cage, most of the time it is arranged by the respected elders in the clan.”

“Although these elders are also people from the branch family and have been persecuted by the bird in the cage, but… they are already old, and sometimes they care about this system more than the main family. Sometimes they have some old-fashioned and decadent ideas, which often give me a headache, but I have to consider their opinions.”

This answer made Hinata, who was originally full of confidence, stunned for a moment.

It seems that in her mind, as long as her father, the head of the family, and herself, the future head of the family, can coordinate properly, this problem can be solved.

But now it seems…

“Although you are becoming more and more outstanding, even if you think of a solution to the problem, it will be another problem to implement it.”

The expected situation made Ryosuke smile helplessly.

But it’s already very good, at least the first step has been taken.

Next, if she wants to continue to change the family system and continue to protect Hanabi, she will have to make another breakthrough and face the difficulties of the elders.

This matter makes Ryosuke look forward to it.

“Ryosuke? How are you…”

At this time, the little guy Hanabi was dragging her tired body back from the training ground.

Generally, the age of Hyuga is five or six years old, so she is still studying alone at home for the time being.

Seeing Ryosuke, Hanabi tilted her head in confusion, wanting to ask something.


But Ryosuke had already put a finger against his lips, and waved at her with his other hand, smiling, “Father is talking to Hinata about something, let’s go in later.”

Hearing his words, Hanabi was stunned for a moment, and then her expression dimmed.

She slowly walked to Ryosuke’s side with her short legs, also with her back against the wall.

Before Ryosuke could say anything, Hanabi asked in a muffled voice: “Are father and sister… quarreling because of me again?”

As she spoke, her mouth couldn’t help but purse, and she suppressed her inner grievance, “I don’t want to see my sister quarreling with my father. If I leave and their relationship can return to the past, I am willing to leave this home…”

The dripping tears fell like raindrops.

“What are you thinking about?”

This crying look caught Ryosuke off guard. He quickly came to her, wiped her cheek with his palm, and gently explained: “No one can be missing from this family. Besides… they didn’t quarrel, they just had different opinions.”

“Different opinions?”

Hanabi’s eyes were a little confused. Before Ryosuke was away, she had seen her father and sister quarreling. Wasn’t that called quarreling?

However, Ryosuke’s words distracted her attention and stopped her tears.

“When you grow up, you will understand what they are doing now.”

This child is like this. He cries when he says he will cry, and doesn’t cry when he says he won’t cry, just like acting.

Seeing that she didn’t continue to cry, Ryosuke didn’t explain much, and chuckled and retracted his palm, “They should have finished talking, you go in first.”


Hanabi blinked her eyes with tears.

And Ryosuke had already looked to the other side.

In the distance, a figure was following his sight and slowly appeared near the main house.

The child who looked very much like Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi came to Ryosuke and shouted respectfully, “Master Ryosuke.”

The person who came was Hyuga Neji.

However, he no longer had the look of indifference and contempt that he had shown when he met Ryosuke before.

He should have changed his attitude after getting some news about Ryosuke from his father.

The moment Hanabi saw the stranger, she had already obediently entered the house, but she didn’t have the chance to see her cousin.

It seemed that she had never seen Neji since she was born and could remember things, let alone his existence.

“I came to ask the clan leader for permission to apply for graduation examination in advance and become a ninja like Uchiha Sasuke.”

Just like when they came to ask for permission when they were learning Baguazhang, some people who abide by the rules of the branch family even had to come to the main family to tell them about graduating in advance.

“Graduate in advance?”

Ryosuke’s eyes became strange.

These two people, they won’t wait until the eleven little strong men of Konoha have graduated and Kaguya Otsutsuki has been suppressed, and he, the time traveler, has not graduated from the ninja school yet?


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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