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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 133 You asked for leave to have a baby, didn’t you? (Subscribe)

The third transformation started suddenly in the middle of the night.

However, this had no effect on Ryosuke, who had been prepared for a long time.

“As expected, the pain of the third transformation was even worse than the second transformation, because I paid more in the accumulation process…”

“The changes in my body are obvious, and the intensity is increasingly changing towards the Otsutsuki clan, especially in terms of appearance…”

“The five senses are improving, and the amount of chakra is also beginning to increase slowly in a strange way…”

Sweat dripped on the floor like soybeans.

Ryosuke was the only one in the silent room.

Last time, because it was an emergency, the entire transformation process was carried out in the study.

This time, it was only Ryosuke, and it was carried out in his own room.

As for Hyuga Hiashi, in order not to disturb his transformation process, he waited in the next room so that he could be rescued in time in case of an emergency.

Sitting down by the bed, Ryosuke lowered his head, supported his arms on his knees, and clenched his palms tightly together to distract his attention.

He was now suppressing the tingling all over his body by feeling the changes in his body.

Just like when a person is sick and has a fever, if he is extremely focused on doing other things, it is very likely that until the disease is over, the brain has not yet realized what changes have taken place in his body.

When that kind of concentration relaxes and begins to disperse, all kinds of tired and sleepy thoughts will surge into the mind.

Ryosuke is in such a state now.

He feels the changes in his body very attentively, confirming his guess about the limiter in his mind.

Just as he speculated at the beginning, this limiter is fixed in time, but the effect of transformation after opening the limit is not fixed.

With three years as the limit, what kind of training he does in these three years, how much he pays, how much he will get in return.

Like this time, Ryosuke not only pays attention to physical training, but also pays attention to the spirit.

So, in addition to the fact that his body is sometimes like a balloon, and sometimes like a deflated tire, his spirit also has a tearing pain.

This pain seems to split him in two, separating his body and soul.

Experience the pain and feel the transformation.

The surging chakra swept through his body like a tsunami.

This uncontrollable chakra explosion made Ryosuke’s body emit a substantial aura. This process was not easy, but he couldn’t help but smile.

He grinned, revealing his white teeth.

He didn’t feel that this was a torture at all. Instead, Ryosuke enjoyed this process.

Of course, he was not a person with special fetishes, but he was extremely satisfied with this substantial feeling of strength improvement.

Because the accumulation of this training was very comprehensive, the whole transformation process lasted for a long time.

First, the strength of the body’s external and internal parts gradually increased, followed by the purification of the blood. Then, Ryosuke’s eyes also became temporarily blind, and the five senses began to have different perceptions of the world.

The sky gradually darkened, but slowly brightened as time went by.

Ryosuke sat still in the house, and Hyuga Hiashi outside the house also did not move.

In their range, the only thing that was in a relatively active state might be time.

Time doesn’t care what they are doing. It’s like a galloping wild horse, not caring what people in its jurisdiction are doing.

One day, two days, three days…

I don’t know how long it took, after Ryosuke no longer had the energy to feel the changes in time, and it seemed that a long time had passed before the changes in his body began to slowly stabilize.

The body that was constantly expanding and deflated slowly returned to its normal state.

After waiting for a long time, and confirming that this transformation was completely over, Ryosuke stood up from the bed naked.

He had been in this posture for too long, and he had to get up and move around.

But originally, Ryosuke’s strong body had become different.

On his body, the evenly distributed golden muscles seemed to be flattened, making him look like an ordinary person who had not undergone any exercise.

But in fact, Ryosuke could feel that his physical strength was several times stronger than before.

Using a more popular way of understanding, take Dragon Ball as an example.

He is now like an ordinary person who grew up on King Kai. Even if he has not undergone any training, once he goes to Earth, where the gravity is ten times lower than King Kai, he will be the strongest person in terms of physical fitness.

He can easily crush those muscular martial artists with the body of an “ordinary person”.

Because from the beginning, they were at different heights, so their strengths cannot be compared.

And Ryosuke is in such a state now. He has broken through the original limit and improved his height, or the level of life.

In this new stage, he is still an extremely ordinary person.

But in the original stage, Ryosuke has reached the limit.

Dong Dong Dong…

There was a knock on the door.

Hyuga Hiashi, who was guarding Ryosuke next door, also stood up from the ground at the moment he made a move.

Almost without hesitation, he used the instant body technique, came to the door of Ryosuke’s room from the other room, and knocked gently.

“…Father, please wait a moment.”

Ryosuke was helpless to Hinata Hiashi who was anxious to ask about his physical changes.

But now he was in such a mess that he was embarrassed to see people.

Unlike the last time in the study, this time he was in his own room.

It took about a minute to clean up the dirt accumulated on his body during this period. Ryosuke changed into clean clothes and then hurriedly opened the door.

The one who came to him was Hinata Hiashi who was a little impatient.

And outside the house.

Trying to suppress his anxiety, Hinata Hiashi hurriedly looked up when he heard the door open.

What came into view was not any other changes in Ryosuke.

The first thing he saw was the faintly fluorescent pupils on Ryosuke’s face.

“This… your eyes?”

Staring at the eyes in front of him dully, Hyuga Hiashi blurted out the question in his heart, feeling a little dazed.

This seems to be different from the Byakugan recorded in Hyuga history.

“It should have evolved again.”

Ryosuke replied with a smile, dispersing the chakra around his eye sockets.

And as he released it, the Byakugan in his eyes began to return to its original appearance, and no longer radiated light.

Impatiently stepped into the house, and after Hyuga Hiashi carefully closed the door, he whispered, “Were you… in the open state just now?”

When Ryosuke used the Byakugan in the past, his eyes would also emit a little light, but because it was extremely weak, it was difficult for anyone to notice.

Only his father, who often saw Ryosuke using his ability, could figure it out.

But apart from the glow, Ryosuke’s Byakugan in the open and closed states are no different from ordinary Hyuga, and the veins will bulge because of the chakra gathering around the eye sockets.

But this time…it seems to be different.

“Yes, I think this is the process of eye evolution, which makes up for some deficiencies.”

Ryosuke helped him pull out the chair beside the table and motioned him to sit down.

He also sat down on the other side of the chair in front of him.

But after so many days, the water on the table must be undrinkable, so he did not pour water.

“Specific changes…”

As soon as he sat down, Ryosuke planned to introduce to his father some of his feelings after this transformation, and discuss with him as usual.

“You don’t need to explain these things to me, just know them yourself.”

But before he could say a few more words, Hyuga Hiashi had already reached out to stop him, “It’s best not to mention your ability to anyone in the future, and hide yourself well, including Hinata, don’t mention it.”

“We don’t need to know everything about you, we just need to know that you are safe in this process.”

As he spoke, he opened his Byakugan and observed Ryosuke’s physical condition.

Sitting opposite him, Ryosuke was stunned.

Then, he smiled softly, “I know, father.”

This feeling of being cared for is very wonderful, and every experience makes him feel different.

These feelings have had some impact on his relatively rational character.

But he personally does not reject this influence, because this feeling makes him more and more like a “person”, rather than a “machine” that used to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

“I’m glad you’re okay.”

After confirming that Ryosuke was fine and looked healthy, Hinata Hiashi finally relaxed.

He stood up from the chair, “Like you, I haven’t had a good rest these days. I need to go back and have a good sleep.”

After relaxing, he felt the fatigue transmitted from his body to his brain.

He felt… he should go back and rest for a while.

“Please take more rest.”

Ryosuke also stood up and followed him, “You can consider putting the family affairs aside for now. Anyway, I am here, and those people have no chance to make trouble.”

His footsteps paused at the door. Hearing his caring words, Hyuga Hiashi turned his head with a smile and replied: “I can’t put everything on you. What I hope is that as you grow up, the family can also grow with you.”

“Instead of… you are carrying this family forward, I don’t want the family to become a burden to you.”

“And from your transformations, I can see that no matter who is in our family, their personal strength will never have the chance to catch up with you, but if it is a collective strength, there may be a chance to fight side by side with you. In fact, Hinata has always thought so about this.”

Whether from the perspective of a father or the head of the family, Hyuga Hiashi performed extremely well in front of Ryosuke.

Although he was touched, Ryosuke didn’t know how to express it. He could only smile innocently, touch his head and reply: “…I’m looking forward to it.”

“You should also pay attention to yourself in the next few days.”

Looking seriously at this “child” who was already taller than him, Hinata Hiashi reached out and patted his shoulder, “You can put your training on hold for now. I suggest you focus on observing your body.”

“It’s best to wait for a week and confirm that there are no hidden dangers left in the body’s changes again, and then continue what you want to do.”

“I’ll pay attention.”

After watching his father leave, Ryosuke returned to his room.

Although he hadn’t slept for several days, he was full of energy and didn’t feel tired at all.

He still had a lot of things to do. He needed to adapt to his strength after the transformation as soon as possible, and to discover the various changes in his body.

Including his eyes between the Byakugan and the Samsara Eye…

Time passed quickly.

After the transformation, Ryosuke continued to practice at home to consolidate his abilities, and didn’t see many outsiders, including those trustworthy subordinates.

But this process lasted less than a week, and he felt a little boring.

Of course, his personal strength has improved, and it has been improved unprecedentedly.

But after the improvement, because there was no suitable opponent to verify, Ryosuke couldn’t really feel his changes, so he could only temporarily interrupt his hard work.

The early morning of spring was very comfortable, neither hot nor cold.

“Sorry, today is your first day of school, but I don’t have time to go to school with you.”

Just after finishing breakfast with Hinata and the others, they dressed up and prepared to go out.

The family of four stood at the door, and Hyuga Hiashi looked at the little Hanabi with an apologetic look.

Today is the first day of the ninja school.

Because Hanabi has already laid a good foundation in physical training, she needs to go to the ninja school next and start to participate in the learning of how to become a ninja.

And Ryosuke and Hinata also have to go to school for a long time, but they are not going to school by themselves, but to send Hanabi to school.

“It’s okay, father, you are busy, and my sister and Ryosuke will accompany me.”

Waving to her father with a smile, little Hanabi didn’t care about this at all.

I don’t know if it is a summary of Hinata’s first child’s parenting method. As the second child, Hanabi is obviously not as restrained and afraid as the previous Hinata when facing her father.

But on the other hand, it is because Hyuga Hiashi gradually took off his disguise as the head of the clan in front of these children.

He began to slowly restrain his old-fashioned look, and there would be a soft smile on his face from time to time.

“Let’s go, don’t be late for the first day of school.” Hinata urged Hanabi to leave quickly, as she had to come back to finish the family affairs that she had not dealt with yesterday. “We’re leaving first, father.” Looking at Hinata, who had already left with her sister, Ryosuke greeted his father and then hurried to catch up. On the way out of the clan, people would greet them from time to time, and the three of them responded very politely. Hanabi held Ryosuke’s hand, and Ryosuke had some strange thoughts while walking. Because Hanabi was holding Hinata’s hand on the other side. In terms of age, he and Hinata were four years older than Hanabi. But in terms of physique, their current situation was a bit strange. Ryosuke, who had undergone three transformations, was taller than many adults, of course. Hinata was not short either. As a ninja, her growth was quite significant after long-term exercise. Of course, her physique is not as big as Ryosuke’s, but compared to Hanabi, she looks like an adult.

So, Ryosuke is now walking on the street hand in hand with Hanabi, and Hinata is on the other side, which makes this relationship suddenly become like a young couple holding their young daughter to school.

“Hina… Hinata!?”

At this time, a scream sounded in panic.

The voice sounded like only one, but it was actually the overlap of two voices.

A golden figure and a pink figure intertwined, rushing towards the three people like two tigers.

They raised dust as they ran wildly, but they braked suddenly in front of Ryosuke and the others and stopped moving forward.

Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura, who had not seen each other for a while, blocked their way, opened their mouths exaggeratedly, and shouted: “This… You asked for leave during this period, are you going to have a baby?!”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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