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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 134 Fishing (Subscription Request)

“So this is your sister! You should have told us earlier, otherwise we would have been so embarrassed just now.”

Ino’s cheerful voice rang out on the street.

Accompanied by the barbell-like laughter of Haruno Sakura.

Next to them was the Hyuga family of three with a frown on their faces.

Just now, Ryosuke and his friends had just left the Hyuga clan and met Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura on the way to school.

Then, before they could even say hello.

The two of them shouted directly on the street, asking if the two of you had asked for leave to have a baby, and whether it would be hard to have a baby at such a young age.

A few questions and two loud voices directly attracted most of the villagers on the street, of course, because the topic was quite explosive.

The embarrassing scene was so embarrassing that even the young couple who were very good at maintaining their appearance could not hold back, and quickly pulled the confused little Hanabi away from the commercial street.

After finally changing places, they quickly explained that Hanabi was actually their sister.

Helplessly looking at the little sisters in front of her, Hinata held her forehead and complained: “… To be honest, I don’t feel that you two have any embarrassing emotions at all.” Although Hinata will appear more dignified and even cold in front of outsiders. But this coldness is also divided into levels. Like Ino and Sakura, the two friends who have been with her since she was an “autistic child” will not be so pretentious. “It’s embarrassing, okay? The whole street seemed to be quiet just now.” Haruno Sakura couldn’t wait to reply, “That group of people are too gossipy. What’s good to hear? It’s none of their business.” “That’s right, there are a few people who deliberately passed by us, and I noticed it.” Ino also echoed, “But I still have to remind you that safety measures are very important, especially…” With a smirk on her face, she began to talk about some indescribable content. As for what they said, Ryosuke next to her was already powerless to complain. He stood by and acted as a transparent person. By the way, he also covered Hanabi’s ears to prevent her from being polluted. Maybe it was because Hinata had always behaved too normally, so when he saw other girls, he felt something was wrong.

Or maybe, Ino and Sakura were behaving the way they should at this age, and Hinata was the one who was wrong.

“Let’s go, we’re almost late, I don’t want my sister to leave a bad impression on the teacher on her first day of school.”

Hinata’s face was dark, interrupting the chattering of the two.

But it was obvious that some things were hard to stop after getting excited.

In this way, the originally comfortable family of three became very lively, even noisy, because of the insertion of a pair of little sisters.

It seemed that because they hadn’t seen each other for a long time, the two of them were very enthusiastic.

Along the way, it was almost the two of them who were talking. Although Hinata had interrupted them from time to time, the two of them still often said some words that made people feel overwhelmed.

Finally, after speeding up their pace, they arrived at the gate of the ninja school.

“You two… aren’t you going in?”

Stopping, Ryosuke and Hinata and the other three did not continue to move forward.

With a puzzled look on their faces, Ino and Haruno Sakura turned their heads to look at the two.

“No, there are still some things in the clan. We have to settle down before we can go back to school.”

While tidying up Hanabi’s appearance, Hinata nodded and explained, “There shouldn’t be many classes in school today, but you have to get along well with your classmates.”

As the saying goes, when the mother is away, the elder sister becomes the mother.

Hinata has always been very much like a sister in front of her younger sister.

“Study hard, we will pick you up after school.” Ryosuke also spoke up and told little Hanabi.


With two strange sisters around her, Hanabi, who has been staying in the Hyuga clan most of the time since she was born, seems very well-behaved and a little shy in front of outsiders.

“Don’t worry, there are two of us seniors taking care of her in school, so you can rest assured.”

But unfortunately, there was a severe patient with social awesomeness and a mild patient at the scene, so her shyness did not have the opportunity to last too long.

Ino stretched out an arm and hooked it around Hanabi’s neck. “Come on, come on, I’ll take you to report. Hinata’s sister is my sister. If someone bullies you in school, just come to my class and find me.” As she spoke, she hugged Hanabi and started walking into the school. “Just you?” As a patient brought up by Ino, Haruno Sakura was not to be outdone. She quickly chased after her and also stretched out her arm to hook Hanabi’s neck. “You should find me. Among the girls in our class, my grades ranked the highest except for your sister.” “Broad forehead, why do you have to follow me in everything?” Ino glanced at her. “Ino pig! I’m taking care of Hinata’s sister, okay? What’s it to you?” Sakura also fought back fiercely. With a pitiful Hanabi in the middle, the three of them walked side by side towards the school in a strange posture like conjoined twins. Until they entered the school gate, Ryosuke could still see Hanabi twisting her neck with difficulty, trying to send out a call for help.

“Actually, I’m more worried about the two of them. If they are in the same grade, no one should be able to bully Hanabi.” Hinata said helplessly. She also saw Hanabi’s eyes asking for help.

But unfortunately, she couldn’t help her.

After a pause, Hinata remembered that Ryosuke didn’t seem to be very familiar with the two of them. She was afraid that he would misunderstand, so she quickly explained: “But I don’t mean that the two of them will cause trouble. Ino and Sakura are quite sensible when it comes to serious matters. I’m just afraid that they will lead Hanabi astray.”

“I didn’t know anything before, I was always…”

At this point, she stopped quickly again.

Because Hinata suddenly woke up and found that she was actually taking a topic to a strange place.


Ryosuke looked at her with some confusion, “What did they teach you?”


Hinata quickly shook her head and pulled his arm to go home.

But this pull didn’t move. When she turned around, she found that Ryosuke’s eyes were still in the distance, and she didn’t know what he was looking at.

“Brother Neji!”

Before she could follow Ryosuke’s gaze, she heard him shout.

And then, there was a sound of footsteps, slowly coming towards them.

With a gentle smile, Ryosuke was the first to greet them.

His face was full of discomfort, and Hyuga Neji still maintained his former respect, but he accepted the title of elder brother, “Ryo… Ryosuke, Hinata.”

He also greeted them and asked what their purpose was for coming here today.

The family has been very busy recently, and Neji knew it.

However, because he was still young and had not been involved in family affairs like Hinata, he did not ask for leave to participate, but had been in school, and his life rhythm was still mainly based on improving his strength.

“I sent Hanabi to school today. Her foundation has been well laid, and her age is almost up to the admission standard.”

Ryosuke explained with a smile.

Hyuga Neji was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Hanabi was already old enough to go to school.

Looking at Ryosuke and Hinata, who were completely different from before, he was a little dazed.

Too many things have happened in the past few years, which has changed some of his perceptions.

At the beginning, when he and his father went to the main house to meet Ryosuke and the others, he vowed to take good care of them in school.

But he didn’t expect that now, the two of them have already walked out of their own paths, but he, the first genius of Hyuga, the “big brother”, is still wandering in the same place.

“… Today I will resubmit the application for graduation examination.”

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, Hyuga Neji mentioned it inexplicably.


Hinata didn’t hear it clearly and looked at him in confusion.

Ryosuke heard it clearly, and he was looking forward to it in his heart, “It seems that it has been… almost half a year. Is Brother Neji finally ready to challenge again?”

That was before the family meeting last year. After that, he hadn’t heard Neji apply for graduation again for a long time.

It was originally a speech driven by emotions. After Hyuga Neji calmed down, he hesitated again, “… Forget it, I’d better wait a few more months.”

Once, he had already lost face for his family.

If he fails again, then in the eyes of outsiders, Hyuga is really inferior to Uchiha.

Although Uchiha Sasuke failed to apply for graduation twice, and succeeded for the third time for unknown reasons.

But… after all, he is one year older than the other, and this gap is enough to make up for one failure.

“Think about it again, Brother Neji.”

Ningji’s expression still clearly revealed his inner thoughts. Regarding his hesitation and retreat, Ryosuke encouraged him: “It’s just a graduation failure. We Hyuga can still afford to lose.”

“The most important thing is to have the courage to try.”

“Like Hinata, she also summed up the results after repeated failures, and finally convinced her father to support her proposal to change the family.”

“Yes, Brother Neji.”

Hinata also persuaded, “If you fail, with the current happy atmosphere in the clan, I believe the clan members will not blame you.”

“But if you succeed, I believe the clan members will be proud of you. We Hyuga haven’t had a genius who can graduate early for a long time.”

The continuous persuasion made Hyuga Neji’s heart waver again, “Then… Then I’ll think about it again.”

There was no direct answer. The clan members might not be dissatisfied with him because of another failure.

But there will definitely be a storm in the school again, so he is still under great pressure.

Because Neji still had to go to school, and Ryosuke and the others had other things to do, they didn’t talk much. After a few more words of encouragement, they said goodbye to each other.

On the way back, they didn’t pass by the social dead commercial street.

Instead, they took a longer route home.

However, along the way, Hinata was a little silent, as if she hadn’t returned to school for a long time, which made her feel a little emotional.

“…I found that I haven’t exercised properly for a long time.”

Hinata didn’t speak until she entered the clan land. She talked about what she was thinking just now, “Because there are endless affairs every day, there is no time to practice. Although I can accept this process of contributing to the family and feel honored, I feel like I am no longer a ninja.” Hearing her question, Ryosuke asked back with a smile: “Then what do you think you have become?” “I don’t know.” Hinata answered quickly, her eyes full of confusion, “Anyway, I’m not a ninja anymore. I have been following the elders recently and have no time to practice properly. Maybe now I can’t even perform basic Baguazhang proficiently.” “This is something that is bound to happen.” Ryosuke explained, “For anything, few people can take care of everything.” “If you want to do something, you will inevitably lose something because of the passage of time. For example, my father was once a top-notch strong man in the clan, but since he succeeded to the position of clan leader, his strength has slowly declined due to the busy affairs.” “As long as you feel that what you do is worthwhile, that’s enough.” Listening quietly, Hinata nodded, and the confusion in her heart slowly let go. Considering the time, it is indeed impossible to balance cultivation and learning management, but as the heir of the head of the family, she still feels that it is worthwhile to work for the family.

Compared with the past, she needs to write it down first, then slowly think and understand it.

Now when Ryosuke talks about some deeper truths, she can quickly understand them.

During this period of learning and handling affairs, the elder did teach her a lot.

“Come to me in the afternoon, and then we will go to receive fireworks together.”

They stopped in front of the elders’ pavilion.

Ryosuke felt warm and a little strange about this sentence.

However, he still smiled softly, “Okay, but there should be nothing to teach on the first day of school, so school may end early.”

“I will come to pick you up early, and we can go to the snack street together before dinner.”


When it comes to food, Hinata’s eyes light up.

With anticipation, she said goodbye to Ryosuke, walked into the elders’ pavilion, and began to learn to handle the affairs of the clan.

And Ryosuke, after her back disappeared, slowly turned around and left.

“Strength…” Walking home alone, Ryosuke thought of what Hinata mentioned just now, and there was also some expectation on his face. This time he should be able to catch a lot of big fish by taking advantage of the changes in the clan. Although the Hyuga clan has a thousand-year heritage, there are still some people who think that the clan leader should be inherited by the strongest person in the clan, and there are quite a few of them. It’s just that because of the corrupt system in the past, they didn’t express it blatantly. There are also some radical elements among them. Because they are dissatisfied with the system of birds in cages, and they are self-righteous, they have been secretly discrediting Hyuga and seeking benefits for themselves, becoming the family’s termites. Like the previous Hyuga Hizashi, he actually had a little idea under the influence of some people in the branch family. It was also under that mentality that he gradually had the idea of ​​letting his son become the main family, because Neji’s talent is really good, and Hinata used to perform very badly. This part of the radical elements who no longer care about the family hides very deeply. Even though the main family has been investigating for generations, they have never been able to completely eliminate the termites in the entire family. This is the hidden danger within the Hyuga clan. Except for those who are absolutely “clean”, such as Hyuga Xingcai and the elders, who have no chance to seek any benefit for themselves or the people around them, the main family trusts them. In fact, Ryosuke and others have always been vigilant about most of the Hyuga. This is also the reason why Ryosuke’s talents and abilities have been blocked in the clan and only a few people know about it.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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