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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 137: Loneliness of the Master (Subscription Request)

“What’s up, Naruto?”

When Ryosuke returned home, Hinata and Hanabi had already gone to bed, but Hyuga Hiashi was still awake.

He seemed to have learned from Hinata what Ryosuke was going to do tonight, so he waited in the yard for him to come back.

“His situation is in a more complicated situation. The third generation may not be able to protect him. I just hope Jiraiya can bring Tsunade back to the village as soon as possible.”

Hearing his father’s question, Ryosuke spoke regretfully.

Although when he talked to Naruto, he always helped him analyze from the perspective of an observer, and did not help him judge whether Sarutobi Hiruzen was a good person or a bad person to him.

But in fact, in Ryosuke’s heart, he has already made a certain analysis of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

First of all, his attitude towards Naruto is definitely kind.

At least from the usual contact, Ryosuke can see that Sarutobi Hiruzen is more guilty about Naruto, and he really treats him as a junior.

Compared to the possibility that Sarutobi Hiruzen would hurt Naruto because of this incident, Ryosuke is more inclined to protect Naruto under the suggestion of other high-ranking officials in the village.

After all, as an important weapon of war in the village, this uncontrolled power has a great impact on his originally stable situation. In addition, there are many radicals among the high-ranking officials in the village, and it is not impossible to come up with some insidious and inhumane ideas.

In this situation, he thinks that Sarutobi Hiruzen will try his best to protect Naruto.

But again, he is not Naruto, nor is he Sarutobi Hiruzen. He can’t make choices for them, nor can he represent them, and he doesn’t know their true thoughts.

“Then don’t you plan to help him?”

Sitting in the corridor of the yard, Hinata Hiashi looked at Ryosuke in confusion.

He didn’t know what the situation was, but he knew that Ryosuke had a good relationship with Naruto.

“I can only say that I will do my best.”

Ryosuke also walked to the courtyard corridor and sat down, enjoying the quiet night view with his father. “Since he chose to graduate from the Ninja School early and become a ninja, he should be prepared to face these things.”

As a friend, he can no longer calmly look at Naruto’s life as a bystander as before.

He always has some emotions of his own because of his sense of participation.

But these emotions will not let him control Naruto and make some decisions he thinks are right.

“It seems like a decision you would make.”

Hinata Hiashi chuckled, and he was more certain in his heart that Ryosuke really regarded Naruto as a friend.

Because if he was not a friend, based on Naruto’s value, at least Ryosuke would never give him the opportunity to choose himself, but would help him make the most favorable considerations.

Next to him, Ryosuke couldn’t help laughing at his understanding of his father.

The father and son looked at each other, and they could see the calmness and thinking in each other’s eyes, and then they quickly looked away and looked at the sky.

In the courtyard, there was no other sound, only the father and son were watching the moon together, enjoying a moment of tranquility…

In addition to Naruto, in fact, Ryosuke has gradually integrated into this world in other aspects.

In the past, he was looking at this real world based on comics with an attitude of playing with the world.

He could ignore everything else while preserving himself.

But with the influence of this family, with Hyuga, and with everyone he knew in this world, Ryosuke gradually became a member of this world, and there was no way to look down on this world from a high position.

Although this change made him feel complicated and he had more things to consider and worry about, he did not reject it.

“Hyuga Neji successfully passed the graduation test!”

“Hyuga’s first genius, Hyuga Neji officially became a ninja!”

“The hope of our Hyuga clan’s rise is here!”

It seemed that Ryosuke’s encouragement at the time made Neji determined to face the pressure.

In less than three days, he had considered everything and submitted the graduation test application for the second time.

And this time he succeeded.

“Lord Ryosuke, with Neji’s talent, he will definitely become a great general in your hands in the future.”

Just as Hinata said at the time, under the family reform plan in full swing, this good news will undoubtedly become the best medicine to stabilize people’s hearts.

Although he did not go to school, the news that Neji successfully graduated from the Ninja School early was spread all over the Hyuga clan.

And several diehards in the clan who knew Ryosuke’s ability also couldn’t wait to come.

Among them was Hyuga Tamao who accompanied him on the mission to the Land of Waves.

Hyuga Tamao, who was only at the level of Chunin, lost an arm after returning from a mission, and his strength may not even be as good as Chunin.

But even so, no one in the Hyuga clan, or even the entire Konoha Village, would look down on him because of his declining strength.

On the contrary, because he had once turned the tide of the war and reduced the village’s losses with his own strength, his prestige in the village can be said to be different from the past.

“What do you mean one of my generals? Hinata is the future leader of the Hyuga clan, and I will have to listen to her when the time comes.” Ryosuke chuckled, wiped his sweat with a towel, walked out of the training ground and headed towards them.

“Why? You came here just to tell me this?”

“We are here to deliver the information sent back by Sister Xingcai and Brother Souji from Kyoto City. But when you mention this issue, it’s actually the same… It’s the same thing. After all, Miss Hinata is your wife, Ryosuke.”

Hinata Tamao raised his only remaining arm and scratched his head, “And… her strength is not as good as yours.”

After he said this, the other people who were carrying a lot of scrolls behind him panicked and walked unsteadily.

“The chief of the clan is not someone who is strong.”

But fortunately, Ryosuke simply shook his head and denied his idea.

If someone else said this to belittle his wife, he might not be happy, but if it was Tamao who said this, he would not be too angry.

After all, from the other party’s perspective, he really has to respect himself more, which he can understand.

Besides, the idea of ​​respecting strength is not uncommon in the clan, even in the village and the ninja world. This is a flame that has been passed down from the Warring States Period, which has led to the idea that only the strongest can become a leader.

“Anyway, we will listen to Lord Ryosuke. We will follow whoever you want to listen to.”

Originally, Hyuga Tamao wanted to continue arguing on this issue.

But next to him, a Hyuga clan member who looked smart and was holding dozens of scrolls had interrupted and stopped his thoughts, “But Lord Ryosuke, there is a question… We are actually quite curious.”

“Tell me, but I may not be able to answer you.”

Ryosuke moved his eyes to him.

“Actually… It’s nothing. We just want to know how strong you are now compared to Uchiha Itachi, Hatake Kakashi and others?”

The Hyuga clan member laughed and asked the question in his heart carefully, but soon he denied it himself, “If it’s not convenient, you don’t have to say it.”

“We are just a little curious. After all, when you went to the Land of Waves with us, you could fight with the senior ninja in that posture. If you use your own body, you can’t… crush them directly?”

As for this question, the other people were also a little nervous.

They have seen Ryosuke’s ability, but they don’t know exactly how high his level is.

“Well…” Ryosuke deliberately prolonged his tone and looked at them with a chuckle, “Actually, I don’t know either.”

“…Ah, this.”

Hinata Tamao and the others looked down in disappointment.

But this answer was not surprising. After all, Ryosuke had been carefully hiding his strength, just not wanting others to know.

They were already very honored to have the opportunity to know his ability.

“I really don’t know.”

As soon as he saw their expressions, Ryosuke knew that they thought he was deliberately hiding it, and explained helplessly: “I may not be sure about Uchiha Itachi, but it’s not difficult for me to win against Hatake Kakashi.”

“But I haven’t fought specifically, so I don’t know.”

“And… I haven’t fought seriously with others for a long time.”

He didn’t say these words casually.

After returning from the Land of Waves, Ryosuke’s strength has greatly improved after a period of rest and consumption of the experience accumulated from participating in the battle between the Third Hokage and the Fourth Raikage.

After the third transformation, his physical strength and other abilities have increased several times, and he must be much stronger than what Tamao and the others knew.

But Ryosuke has never had a suitable opportunity to fight an evenly matched opponent.

So he himself is not sure what level of strength he is at now.

For Tamao and the others comparing him with Uchiha Itachi and Hatake Kakashi, he can only give such an answer.

As for Kakashi, Ryosuke can give an answer even if he has never fought him, because he doesn’t take it seriously at all.

But Uchiha Itachi’s Mangekyō Sharingan is a bit troublesome.

With those eyes, he is comparable to the Fourth Raikage in his prime, and can be said to be at the top of the ninja world.

So Ryosuke really can’t give an accurate answer without fighting him.

“Li… Awesome!”

Tamayuu and the others stopped unconsciously and stared at Ryosuke with wide eyes, “How old are you now, Ryosuke? Can you already suppress Hatake Kakashi?”

“Then in time, won’t you surpass all the previous Hokage of Konoha and become a super ninja who can rival Hashirama Senju?”

“Wait! Did you notice that Ryosuke said that he was sure to beat Hatake Kakashi, but not sure to suppress Uchiha Itachi? So… Uchiha Itachi’s strength has surpassed Kakashi?”

But in addition to the excitement after learning about Ryosuke’s strength, some people also caught the information he accidentally revealed in his words.

“As far as I know, after becoming a rebel ninja, Uchiha Itachi often went in and out of various underground exchanges. Judging from the level of the tasks he accepted, his strength increased rapidly.”

For these confidants of his, Ryosuke would not be stingy with this information, “And Hatake Kakashi, after his Raikiri was developed in recent years, no other outstanding techniques have appeared.”

“His strength has stagnated for a while. I don’t know if he has not found a direction for improvement, or is willing to sink…”

As he said, Ryosuke took a few people home.

After they sent all the intelligence scrolls to his room, he sorted out a scroll that they could know from the information obtained from the Hyuga Intelligence Agency and gave it to them.

Although these few loyal and faithful people of Ryosuke were also heroes who had been on missions to the Kingdom of Waves, they were relatively young among that group of people.

Due to the influence of age and ability, their status in the clan can only be said to be the backbone, not touching the top of the core power, so they don’t know a lot of information.

But as the backbone, there is still room for improvement.

Under the influence of their loyalty, Ryosuke is willing to share some intelligence with them, so that they can know more about the ninja world and see a wider world, not just limited to the clan or the village.

In the grateful eyes of Tamao and others, Ryosuke bid them farewell and left the main house.

The house became quiet again, but he did not return to his room immediately to read the intelligence scrolls sent back by Xingcai and others.

Instead, he sat down in the courtyard.

Lowering his head, Ryosuke slowly watched his palm open and clench into a fist.

A question from Tamao and the others just now made his heart, which had always been calm, a little restless unconsciously.

That is, how strong is his strength level.


With a helpless sigh, Ryosuke himself also wanted to know the answer to this question.

After the third transformation, his strength was much stronger than before. He couldn’t help it and wanted to exert his full strength to shed his sweat and blood to fight a real life-and-death battle.

But unfortunately, he couldn’t face such an enemy for the time being.

Now the only people in Konoha Village who are capable of fighting such a battle with him may be Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

In fact, Ryosuke still looks down on Sarutobi Hiruzen, after all, he is too old.

I don’t know if there are any hidden injuries in the battle with the fourth generation Raikage some time ago.

Compared with Sarutobi Hiruzen, the third generation Hokage, he even looks forward to Shimura Danzo more, after all, that guy has the Sharingan and can die many times.

“Is this… loneliness of a master? I didn’t expect that such a pretentious expression could come out of my mouth.”

With a self-deprecating smile, Ryosuke stretched out his hand and waved to the fat cat that had built a nest in the yard.

The fat cat also meowed obediently, ran towards him with short legs, and jumped lightly, and jumped into his arms.

Tenderly stroking the chubby and soft body with his palm, Ryosuke suddenly had an idea in his heart, “I don’t know if my current strength can fight Naruto with several tails, maybe… six tails?”

“But Naruto’s current body should not be able to support six tails.”

Thanks to the book friend Gentleman’s Code Loli for the reward and support.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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