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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 149 What does it mean to not dare to face it (please subscribe)

“Watch your way!”

“Hey, hey, hey, aren’t you going to apologize?”

“Tsk, who are you?”

On the street of Konoha, two Hyuga clansmen were jokingly clashing with a villager.

They were playing around and didn’t pay attention to the road, and accidentally bumped into passers-by, but they were justified in yelling at the person who was bumped, taking the initiative.

Due to their identities, and the person who was bumped was just an ordinary ninja, he could only apologize to the two people first.

But perhaps because of his surrender and apology, the two Hyuga felt his “honesty” and “easy to bully”, and their attitude became a little more arrogant, mocking and belittling his quality.

But they didn’t really fight, just a common quarrel.

And this scene was seen clearly by Ryosuke in the distance.

Looking at their backs as they left with their heads held high, he didn’t step forward to stop them, but shook his head silently and left.

He could stop these two people, but there were others who would do the same thing as them.

If a tribe has too many people and is poorly managed, some people will always behave… with low EQ, and among these people with low EQ, there will be some who seem to have lost their minds.

For example, the two people just now.

Like this scene, he has actually seen a lot recently, and the Hyuga tribe has also received a lot of anonymous reports.

The once low-key Hyuga seems to have begun to change because of the death of the Sandaime.

But in fact, the death of the Third Hokage is only one of the reasons. Some other reasons are due to the changes within the Hyuga and the continuation of past contradictions.

Facing the sunset, Ryosuke walked towards home, followed by a gray and white fat cat.

It has been almost a week since Sarutobi’s death.

And Jiraiya still hasn’t brought Tsunade back to the village. It seems that the process of persuading the other party is not going smoothly.

And within the Hyuga, during this period, the reform plan has been carried out to the final stage. All regulations have been negotiated and implemented. Now it only takes time to change the old system that has lasted for a thousand years.

But now that the main family is no longer in complete sovereignty, the branch family also has certain rights, and the lives of the branch family members are not restricted by the caged birds.

Slowly, some people who have been suppressed for a long time began to jump out.

As the Hyuga clan, which claims to be the “first largest clan in Konoha”, almost everyone in the Hyuga clan actually has a pride that is not inferior to the Uchiha clan.

Although their previous style of doing things tended to be humble and low-key.

But except for a few people who really have these qualities, most people are actually forced out.

In the past, the Hyuga clan was almost the only one who had the final say. The entire Hyuga clan had to obey the order of the main family.

The main family of the Hyuga clan has always been in a high position, relying on all aspects of the intelligence chain, and has a relatively complete understanding of the ninja world, the Land of Fire, and Konoha Village.

The people of the main family understand that there are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heavens, so they have always strictly controlled the clan members and prevented them from acting recklessly.

But now that the family changes have been completed, the clan is no longer dominated by the head of the family. In addition, without the caged bird with life as a threat, many people began to show their true nature, disobeying discipline and orders.

With the backing of Hyuga, many of them act without scruples.

They are ignorant of intelligence and arrogant because of the family.

This is not a good thing for the future development of a family. Of course… this is only temporary.

When I returned home, Hinata had not returned from school.

After the family affairs came to an end, she began to return to her previous life, going to school and practicing daily.

However, Hyuga Hiashi came back very early today, and brought back a message for Ryosuke.

That is, Jiraiya returned to the village.

“He didn’t bring Tsunade back.”

In the courtyard, a father and a son quietly brewed tea, waiting for the eldest and second daughters in the family to return home.

Because the power has been dispersed, Hyuga Hiashi no longer needs to stay in the study all day like before, and has time to do things that he should enjoy at his age.

“…What is the village going to do next? Let Jiraiya be the fifth generation?”

Ryosuke was a little surprised about this situation, but it was not completely unexpected. “But this information should not be something that people in our clan can get, right?”

After all, Tsunade herself is very averse to the position of Hokage, and she doesn’t like being constrained by conditions.

Her personality and various conditions are influencing her to stay away from these political intrigues.

In the original timeline, Tsunade was forced to become Hokage. Part of the reason was her love for Konoha Village, and the greater probability was that Naruto was the factor that pushed her decision.

So later, when Kakashi became a candidate, she quickly abdicated and handed over a lot of affairs left to others.

Now that Naruto is gone, Jiraiya did not bring Tsunade back, so Ryosuke was mentally prepared.

“The election of the Kage of a village involves the entire village. They certainly can’t keep it secret. To choose a suitable person, they must first inform the families in the village. If there are more candidates, the villagers will also be allowed to participate in the election.”

“After all, if our families don’t agree, even if the Konoha high-level officials choose a Hokage, they won’t be able to convince the public, and no one will obey the orders they issue.”

“As for Jiraiya…”

At this point, Hyuga Hiashi paused, shook his head and said, “The fifth Hokage may not be him.”

“Before Sarutobi Hiruzen died, the village had planned to let Jiraiya serve as Hokage, but he clearly refused and was very disgusted with this matter. It was also he who proposed to find Tsunade to come back and be the fifth Hokage.”

“Although he didn’t bring Tsunade back this time, he still didn’t plan to be Hokage. It seems… he is still trying to find someone to “suffer” for him.”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help laughing, “Jiraiya’s style of doing things is really weird, I can’t see through him at all.”

“Although the current period is stable, once the news of Sarutobi Hiruzen’s death is fully spread, and there is no new Hokage in office, this calm sea is likely to be disturbed.”

“But at this time, Jiraiya did not stand up, but looked down on this position, which is really confusing.”

“This guy used to be like this, so sometimes I think he is very reliable, but sometimes I think his personal style is problematic.”

And Ryosuke also laughed, and his smile was a bit weird.

The Hokage, as the highest commander of the strategic organization of Konoha Village, was actually refused by Jiraiya and Tsunade. If the old guy Shimura Danzo was not dead, he would probably be directly angry to death.

After all, this guy coveted this position very much, but he never had the opportunity to sit on it.

As for Jiraiya’s personal style… it can only be said that it is a man’s nature.

“Who does the village plan to push out to suffer for Jiraiya? Do you know anything about this?” Ryosuke asked curiously. Although it is not clear, there should be more or less a few candidates, right? Unfortunately, Hyuga Hiashi shook his head, “As a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen, it is normal for Jiraiya to inherit the position of Hokage after his death.” “But now he has refused, and the village itself is also very troubled by this situation, so it has given conditions and left the problem to Jiraiya to solve by himself.” “Either, find a suitable candidate for the fifth generation Hokage within three months, otherwise, he will take this position himself.” It can be heard that although Jiraiya has been away from the village for a long time, his status and position have not been reduced at all. “Anyway, no matter what, as long as it is not Sarutobi Hiruzen or Shimura Danzo who is the Hokage, it will not affect us Hyuga. During this time, we should still be busy with our own things. After all, there are many termites in our own clan that need to be cleaned up…” In the evening sunset, Naruto, who had finished a day of practice, sat on the swing in a very embarrassed manner to rest. Next to him was Uchiha Sasuke, who was also covered in dust. The two of them now looked like they had rolled in the mud.

“I saw you were so brave before, and you scared Orochimaru away. I thought you had mastered the power of the tailed beast, but you became weaker instead.”

Uchiha Sasuke panted and sneered at Naruto, “What? Don’t you dare to use the power of the tailed beast?”

He seemed very proud.

Today, Uchiha Sasuke finally defeated Naruto head-on for the first time in a long challenge, which made him very excited.

“It’s sealed temporarily, and I still have a lot of shortcomings. I need to make up for those shortcomings before I can better control the tailed beast.”

Sitting on the swing, Naruto swayed his body.

He was not frustrated by his defeat. He had long guessed that he would not be able to catch up with Uchiha Sasuke’s progress.

In fact, since the death of the third generation, every time he accepted Uchiha Sasuke’s challenge, he could feel the other party’s changes.

Although there were new improvements in every battle before, this time was different. Uchiha Sasuke seemed to have a lot of insights after observing the battle of the third generation.

The speed of improvement is much faster than before.

But part of the reason is that Naruto is no longer relying on the power of the Nine-Tails.

“Not enough…”

Sasuke, who was still a little excited, suddenly became alert after hearing Naruto’s words.

“You… have a new direction?”

He asked hesitantly.

“Yes, I have started practicing, but it is not going well.”

While nodding, Naruto touched his abdomen, “The control of chakra has been affected by the seal, and many techniques cannot be performed normally.”

He did not ask others to help remove the five elements seal imposed by Ryosuke when he left his body.

This seal will not only affect his borrowing of the power of the Nine-Tails, but also affect his own chakra control, but this is also a kind of practice for chakra control, so he has kept it.

Sasuke, who was still excited, suddenly stopped swinging.

He clenched his fists and stared at Naruto, and it took a long time to say, “I’m leaving first.”

With that, he left the park without looking back.

After Naruto’s reminder, he remembered that the opponent’s performance in the recent battle was indeed unsatisfactory, even worse than before, and it was obvious that he was not very good at controlling chakra.

So this guy was secretly practicing behind his back, and was planning to use victory to confuse him and lower his vigilance? What a cunning fox!

Uchiha Sasuke cursed in his heart.

Although Naruto couldn’t see through his psychological changes completely, he guessed a lot.

Looking at the other person’s back, he shook his head helplessly.

But in his heart, he still cared about this guy.

Recently, he has been very depressed, and he can only let go a little when fighting with Uchiha Sasuke.

Although they didn’t know each other and got along for a long time, Naruto inexplicably felt that this simple-minded guy might be the only person he could trust in this village besides Ryosuke.

“Hey, kid!”

Just when Naruto was about to leave and go home to wash off the mud, a voice suddenly sounded from the side.

When he turned around, he saw a middle-aged man with pure white hair and strange clothes standing at the entrance of the park, waving at him with a smile on his face, “Do you know… where is the most famous bathhouse in the village now?”

In the bathhouse with mist curling and the fragrance of flowers, Naruto was taking a bath with the middle-aged uncle he just met.

The water here is hot spring water imported from nearby. The temperature is high, but it is very comfortable to soak in.

As soon as he entered the water, Naruto felt that the fatigue of practicing all day was dispelled.

He stretched comfortably. To be honest, this was his first time to step into such a place.

In the past, he had no chance to enter the door.

“I said why did you have to hand over my purse just now? Didn’t the boss say it was free?”

Jiraiya, who was hiding in the corner and wanted to peek at the other side of the bathhouse through the baffle, swam back to Naruto helplessly, “And… I said you are a big face.”

“The whole bathhouse, regardless of men or women, was directly contracted by you. Just now, there was a long line of people waiting to come in and take a bath.”

The greatest pleasure of taking a bath was destroyed in an instant.

“You said you wanted to invite me, so of course you pay.”

Glancing at him, Naruto replied coldly, “As for those people, I didn’t ask them to clear the place, they just didn’t dare to see me.”

“Don’t dare to see you?”

Jiraiya looked strange, “I think you are too withdrawn, they are afraid of affecting you, so they left on their own?”

As he spoke, his tone was obviously cautious.

“Don’t pretend to be an outsider.”

Facing his “poor” disguise, Naruto didn’t want to play along with him at all, “You should know what’s going on, Master.”

As he said, he turned his head calmly and stared at Jiraiya with his blue eyes.

Jiraiya was stunned by this title, and then glanced away with a guilty look, “What master? I’ll just invite you to take a bath, but I don’t plan to teach you more advanced skills. You’re still young…” “You came to me so actively, there must be something important, Master Jiraiya.” But before he could finish, Naruto interrupted him, “White hair, a unique forehead protector, and a love of peeping.” “I think there should be no one else in Konoha Village who has these characteristics except you?” “This…” Jiraiya smiled awkwardly after his identity was exposed. He wanted to explain something, but he still didn’t have the chance to say it. “Since you don’t admit that I am your disciple, I won’t call you my master.”

“Although you and my father are master and disciple, it seems… you don’t have any good feelings for me. After all, we haven’t met since we were born.”

“Then let’s forget this identity now. Now please tell me what is the purpose of coming to me and what do you need me to do.”

“If it is something that is particularly difficult for me, please forgive me for not being able to agree. Even if you force me to do it, I won’t agree.”

The cold and calm voice was transmitted in this bathhouse. Naruto’s emotions were very stable and he didn’t feel depressed at all.

After experiencing so many things, he didn’t seem to be so unwilling and wronged when he saw these people who were supposed to be his “relatives” again.

And opposite him, Jiraiya stared blankly at the child in front of him, who was almost exactly the same as his beloved disciple at the time, and the guilt in his heart was infinitely expanded.

He also knew what those people meant by not daring to face him.

Indeed, facing such a child, there should be few people in Konoha Village who can face him with a clear conscience.

“Naruto, I…”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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