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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 155: Forced to take action (Subscribe)

“Miss Hinata is the child of the head of the Hiashi clan. From the moment she was born, most of our clan members acknowledged that she was the next heir to the clan. How can this be changed at will?”

As an important family festival, the clan meeting is an annual event held by the Hyuga clan.

Almost all the ninjas in the Hyuga clan gathered in the large open space in front of the mourning hall, waiting for the statue of the heroic spirit of the ancestors to be invited out of the mourning hall.

And the serious process of burning incense and inviting the spirit in front of the mourning hall is only qualified for the clan leader or the heir.

On the high platform, except for the three people of the main family, including Ryosuke, several clan elders and the head of the branch family, Hyuga Hizashi, no one else is qualified to step on it.

But Hinata had just taken the long column of incense and was about to kowtow and invite the spirit, when several people stood up from the crowd to stop her.

They believed that Hinata’s strength and talent were not enough to be the heir to the clan leader.

And if someone opposed, there would naturally be someone who would stand up to defend it.

“As for the position of clan leader, Miss Hinata has been studying hard since she was a child. Neji may be stronger than Miss Hinata, but what can he do in handling family affairs?”

The ninja who led the Hyuga branch family, who was at the level of Jonin, calmly looked at the person who refuted, “Ningji’s greatest contribution is to make us Hyuga proud.”

“Not to mention the fact that the first generation graduated early, after all, there are many genius-level ninjas in the village who can do it, but not every genius can comprehend the secret technique that only the Hyuga clan can learn.”


As he said, he turned his eyes to Hinata on the stairs, “I didn’t belittle or disrespect her. I respect Miss Hinata’s opinion. I have always admired her for what she did at such a young age. “

“But… as the heir of the family, she does not have enough strength to convince others, which is a mistake in itself.”

“Not only did she fail to graduate early, but her grades were also suppressed by the Uchiha people.”

“If it weren’t for that Uchiha Sasuke graduating early, maybe Miss Hinata would have a hard time even holding the top spot in the grade? Wouldn’t that mean that we Hyuga are not as good as Uchiha? Even the seat is taken by someone else.”

This is a very good statement. It not only completes the explanation of opposing Hinata as the head of the clan, but also emphasizes from another perspective that he is considering the family.

If Ryosuke hadn’t known that he had planned it in advance and had ill intentions, he would have really believed him…

In fact, he might not believe it. Compared with listening to one-sided words from others, Ryosuke still prefers to verify the facts himself.

But even Ryosuke thinks his words are very good, and many other people in the clan are beginning to waver.

“And Miss Hinata has been trained as the heir to the clan leader since she was born. With so many resources allocated to her, she can certainly do some things that seem amazing.”

“But in fact, if it was our branch family’s Neji who was trained like this since childhood, maybe he could do it too? Even… I personally think Neji might be able to do it better than Hinata, don’t you think? Neji.”

As he said this, he cast his eyes on the still somewhat confused Neji beside him.

As a newly graduated Genin, Neji originally had no chance to stand in the front row to watch the ceremony.

But because he did some outstanding things, the clan members had no objection to him standing in the front row.

“I… should be able to.”

He first glanced at Ryosuke on the podium unconsciously, and Hyuga Neji nodded, “But if I spend all my time learning to handle affairs, my combat effectiveness as a ninja may be reduced…”

His tone was a little hesitant, giving people a feeling of indecision.

It was this feeling that made the jonin more determined, “What Hinata can learn, you can definitely do, Neji.”

“You are a genius from our branch family, you will never lose to anyone, even if you have to take care of both, I believe you can do it.”

As he spoke, he looked at the high platform, who had never spoken and calmly watched him.

“Chief, it was Miss Hinata herself who said that the position of chief should be occupied by the capable, only in this way can we ensure the strength of our clan.”

“If there is really a candidate in the branch family who can sit on the position of chief, the main family is willing to abdicate, and the relevant clan rules have been announced in the clan, you should have read those regulations… right?”

“Chief Hyuga, since you have decided to re-establish the clan rules, you can’t violate them from the beginning and fail to comply with them.”

Someone else stood up in the crowd and spoke.

“Yes, clan leader, I actually think Neji is more suitable to be the clan leader than Miss Hinata.”

“With Neji’s talent, he is indeed more suitable.”

“After all, he is the head of the clan, he can’t be too weak, right? As for Hinata… I think it will be difficult for her to even be promoted to Jonin, I don’t want a bunch of us to go and study with her during the Jonin exam…”

Several people spoke one after another, and they all had a high status in the clan and held certain positions.

Some of them spoke tactfully, some spoke bluntly, and some spoke more harshly.

With them taking the lead, there were inevitably many people with strange expressions in the crowd.

Ryosuke saw all these people.

Hinata Hiashi stood on the high platform and did not speak.

Meanwhile, the elders were all a little angry and kept scolding, but no one was willing to pay attention.

“Hizashi, take care of your son!”

Although elder Kazuo looked down on Hinata at the clan meeting the year before, he stood up to defend Hinata at this time.

In the past year, Hinata has learned to handle family affairs from them, which really made them see a lot of brilliant things.

“These idiots take the handling of family affairs too lightly. Do they really think that the clan leader is like a ninja, who doesn’t care about anything and sees who has the stronger fist?”


The other elders also frowned and looked at Hizashi Hizashi, wanting him to go down and persuade Neji to retreat.

Hizashi Hizashi didn’t say anything, but stood silently beside his brother.

The people below saw that Hizashi Hizashi didn’t speak to stop him, so they shouted louder and more confidently.

The atmosphere was a bit noisy, which was extremely disrespectful to this serious spirit-inviting session.

But the rhythm has been driven, and everyone’s eyes are on the three main families of Ryosuke, waiting for the answer of Hyuga Hiashi.

As time passed, more and more people questioned, and more and more people in the crowd wavered, and all their performances were easily revealed.

Some people were moved at the beginning, but did not stand up.

It was not until Hyuga Hiashi showed a look of embarrassment that he jumped out.

And some people were led away by the idea in this commotion.

After all, people always make decisions unconsciously according to the ideas of the public, which is sociable.

However, there are also some determined people among them, who are arguing with those who want to support Hyuga Neji as the next clan leader.

All of a sudden, the crowd was divided into several factions, but most people still looked at this scene in confusion and at a loss.

“That’s almost it.”

A subtle voice sounded from the high platform. Ryosuke is not only very powerful in combat, but even the active ability of the brain has been improved in one transformation after another.

In less than ten minutes, he remembered the reactions of everyone present and reminded Hyuga Hiashi quietly.

Although the voice was very subtle, the people next to him could hear it.

Hyuga Hiashi, who had known the whole story for a long time, had a calm face, but the excited expressions of the elders next to him paused.


After Ryosuke spoke, Hyuga Hiashi took a step forward without hesitation and shouted to the crowd below.

His voice was loud and clear, and it was transmitted to the noisy crowd.

Soon, the discussion and noise stopped, and they all looked up with different thoughts.

“Since the tribe has elected a new clan rule, then as the clan leader, I have of course read it and agreed.”

Seeing the crowd quiet down, Hyuga Hiashi continued: “Indeed, it is clearly written in the newly released and publicized clan rules that if someone feels that his ability is better than the current clan leader’s successor, he can challenge with the recommendation of a certain number of clan members.”

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of commotion in the crowd below.

But Hyuga Hiashi would not give them a chance to discuss, and then said, “So now… your candidate is Neji, right?”


Below, many ninjas, led by the senior ninja, were delighted.

“No! Chief, you can’t agree to the recommendation of these ungrateful wolves!”

“Yes! The new rules were proposed by Miss Hinata, and now you, a bunch of ungrateful wolves, are betraying her! What’s the logic!”

But many people in the crowd were excited.


The senior ninja led by the troublemaker turned his head and looked at the person who spoke, and said seriously: “I’m sorry, I’ve said it just now, I respect Miss Hinata very much in my heart.”

“But… this matter cannot be ignored because of respect, I am also considering the interests of the family.”

“In fact, from your opposition to this matter, I believe others can also see that you all know that Miss Hinata’s strength is far inferior to Neji. In this case, why don’t you accept this matter?”

Be calm and measured, and consider the interests of the “family” from the beginning.

This group of troublemakers showed a completely different attitude and appearance from the dark at that time, and they looked very dignified.

No wonder they could hide in the Hyuga clan for so many years, betraying the clan’s information while climbing to a high position without anyone noticing.

Ryosuke watched this farce with a smile on his face, and he was enjoying it.

“The age difference is only two, and Hinata and Neji’s age has reached the bottom line required for competing for the successor, so the conditions are established.”

“Since so many of you are willing to nominate Neji as the successor to the clan leader, then I admit that he has the opportunity to challenge Hinata’s position.”

Hyuga Hiashi, who had been silent during their argument, spoke again and determined the facts, “According to the clan rules, the clan will hold individual battles, team battles, and theoretical knowledge assessments in one month. Those who can get higher scores in these three categories of challenges will be qualified to be the next successor to the clan leader.”

Then, he turned his eyes to Neji below, “So Neji, are you ready for the challenge?”

The words were full of seriousness, which made everyone present quiet down.

Everyone’s eyes were on Neji, who was sitting at the front of the crowd.

Those who nominated him to challenge opened their mouths unconsciously, wanting to answer for him.

But unfortunately, the script was written by Ryosuke, and how this scene should be performed could never be the way they thought in their hearts.

“I’m sorry, I’m not ready for the challenge. I prefer to be a supporter rather than a challenger.”

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Neji shook his head calmly, “I support Hinata to become the next clan leader, and I am willing to cooperate with her commands.”

“I know very well that although Miss Hinata’s strength is not as strong as mine, I am willing to be a member of her command and a sharp blade in her hand.”

However, when he spoke, his eyes were always fixed on Ryosuke.


The whole audience was silent.

Those smiling troublemakers had stiff faces.

Neji’s words were like a spear, piercing the hearts of each of them directly.

“…Ningci, what do you mean?”

With a stiff face, the jonin could not maintain his expression, “You…didn’t you always look down on Hinata’s strength? Don’t you think that if you get those resources, you can do better than her?”

The expressions on their faces made Ryosuke laugh unconsciously.

The current situation is just like Liangshan in Water Margin.

A group of people are holding the banner of justice for heaven, and the righteous men who call themselves heroes gather together emotionally to rebel and bring order to the world.

As a result, the people are all there, the war preparations are all there, and the momentum is there, but the leader Song Jiang changes his mind and directly accepts the amnesty, and changes the flag to “follow the will of heaven and protect the country”. This operation really makes his own people a little confused.

“In terms of strength, I do think Hinata is not a qualified clan leader.” Hyuga Neji did not deny the questioning of strength, “but I have never said that if I get those resources, I can do better than her.” As he said that, he turned around and looked at the other people in the clan, “I mentioned the clan rules just now. I asked myself, if I really stood in Hinata’s position, would I propose such a self-destructive regulation.” “But no matter how I try to deceive myself, I know very well that I can’t do it, even if this matter is beneficial to the family.” “I can’t harm my own interests to help others, and I may even put myself in trouble because of it.” This… is it a compliment? This reversal is not to mention the group of troublemakers, even the spectators and fence-sitters are a little confused. “In fact, from what happened today, I understand a truth.”

“That is, compared to force, I think the most important thing for a clan leader is a heart willing to sacrifice everything for the clan.”

“Even in the face of betrayal, Hinata never said a word from beginning to end, nor did she show any dissatisfaction.”

“Although I don’t know why she can be so calm, I think, maybe she knows that the new rules have just been established, and if they don’t even abide by them, there will be civil strife in the clan.”

“In order to avoid civil strife in the clan, she silently endured all this, just to maintain the stability and prosperity of the clan…”

Hyuga Neji said these words passionately, just like reciting lines.

The group of people who had been defending Hinata became even more excited after facing his defection.

And some of the spectators gradually tilted their hearts towards Hinata, because Neji’s words did make some sense and were easy to understand.

And in the crowd, those fence-sitters immediately fell to the side and shouted Hinata’s name loudly.

This scene made those troublemakers blacken their faces one by one.

However, apart from these troublemakers with ugly faces, there were a few faces in the crowd who looked away from Neji in panic and looked up at the platform.

When they met the calm gazes of the two brothers, Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi, on the platform, they seemed to understand something.

It turned out that they, the hidden ones, had already joined the game without knowing it!


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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