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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 157: Pick Up Friends (Subscribe)

The traitors on the danger list were executed on the same day, including other people associated with them.

Even without the need for Hyuga Hiashi and his men to do anything, the emotional crowd had already dug up their ancestral graves, digging out those deceased previous generation traitors, and even those before them.

While digging, they also shouted that these people did not deserve to sleep in the ancestral graves.

Faced with such a chaotic scene, Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi, who were originally angry, calmed down a lot.

A farce finally came to an end.

That night, the clan was as quiet as a dead land, without fire, and without any sound.

There was not even a sound of chickens crowing or dogs barking. These domestic animals also felt a little wind in this tense atmosphere, hiding in their own nests, not daring to make any noise.

The same was true in the main house of Hyuga.

Except for Ryosuke who was still staring at the entire clan under the night sky with his bright eyes, Hinata and her father had already gone to bed to rest.

They were really tired these days, and they didn’t have such a good recovery ability as him.

On the high building, it was late at night, and the winter wind was getting colder. The whistling wind seemed to freeze people into ice.

With his back against the edge of the mahogany railing, Ryosuke sat on the railing, staring at the entire range of the clan calmly and lazily.

In his arms, a fat cat was getting into his robe.

“Go in when it’s cold.”

Speaking softly, Ryosuke stretched out his palm and wrapped the fat cat with his robe, “I don’t know if your fat and hair grow for viewing, and you have no ability to resist the cold at all.”


The fat cat called softly, but did not go back to the house, but continued to stay in Ryosuke’s arms.

Whenever Ryosuke was free, it would always come over like this, and seemed to like the feeling of being by his side.

“What a pity. He can understand human speech and has spiritual power, but he can’t extract chakra to become a ninja cat.”

Ryosuke shook his head, “You should stop those exercises you have been doing secretly.”

“Those exercises will only consume your energy faster. As a cat, you are not young anymore.”

“You should take good care of yourself. If you can live to the time when I master Yin-Yang escape technique, maybe I can help you get rid of your restrictions.”

Cats are much younger than humans, not to mention that this fat cat was already more than ten years old before coming to Ryosuke.

If it weren’t for the fact that its physical functions have declined with age, it might not have been injured outside.

But perhaps it is precisely because of its age that it has such a high spirituality and can understand human speech.


Compared to the previous one, this cat cry seemed a little lonely.

But soon, it fell asleep in Ryosuke’s arms.

Tenderly stroking its hair and feeling its breath, Ryosuke turned his attention back to the clan land.

In addition to the cold temperature, the night view under the moon is still extremely beautiful.

It was a pity that there was only a fat cat to accompany such a night scene.

But it was just a fleeting thought. If someone really disturbed him, he would not be here to enjoy the moon.

Now, Ryosuke sat here, not thinking that there might be some traitors who would show up tonight.

Monitoring the clan land was only secondary to him.

The main reason was that there were too many things happening recently, and he needed some time to calm down, and the cold wind could make his thoughts colder, more detached, and more outsiders’ views.

There were a lot of things happening this year.

First, the third transformation took place, and then there were major events in which the leaders of Konoha’s light and darkness fell one after another.

Then, the fifth generation Hokage took office, Konoha carried out a power transition, and the cleanup plan within Hyuga was successfully completed. All of this happened within a year, which was too tight for Ryosuke.

But he could foresee that the next new year, or even every year, might be more tight, and the leisurely days of previous years might be gone forever.

Although the ninja world is peaceful on the surface, there are undercurrents in secret.

Black Zetsu was exposed in his last appearance, and it is very likely that he will pass this news to Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Obito is very likely to reveal it to the people of Akatsuki.

This also means that Konoha will be targeted by Akatsuki in advance.

It can be said that even if Nagato drives the puppet of Six Paths of Pain tomorrow and brings a huge meteorite to Konoha in advance to convey his theory of pain, it is not impossible.

However, this is not a bad thing for Ryosuke.

For facing these guys who are already inhuman in terms of combat power, he has been fully prepared to deal with them.

The progress of training is extremely slow. In terms of the body, no matter how high-intensity training is, even weight-bearing cannot bring about the same rapid changes to this body as before.

And the study of the technique has become more and more full over time, and there is no direction to make up for it.

Even if he has studied many techniques, there is no room for application.

Nowadays, Ryosuke’s training seems to have nothing to improve except increasing the amount of chakra.

But the main reason is that his strength has reached a certain level, but he has not actually fought to prove it, so he has no way to see where his loopholes are.

This also led to Ryosuke now looking forward to some guys coming to visit him quickly.

As for taking the initiative to provoke others, perhaps he would have done so without scruples before, but now that he has a family and a clan, he can no longer act arbitrarily…

The chaotic thoughts gradually became clear in thinking. It was late at night, and many subtle conversations in Liangjie’s perception gradually quieted down.

Time passed bit by bit. Although his white eyes were always open, his pupils lit up with a faint light.

But there was no spirit in his eyes, as if he was emptying himself.

In this painting with the starry sky as the background, there was no other big movement except the crescent moon and floating clouds in the sky.

Even the boy who was looking at the moon was leaning against the mahogany bar motionlessly, just like Zhang Yide who was sleeping with his eyes open.

Although people did not move, time waited for no one.

When the sky gradually brightened and the first ray of sunrise came.

Ryosuke’s eyes regained their spirit, as if he had come back to life from a deep sleep, but he slowly closed his eyes again.

When he opened his eyes again, his white eyes were no longer bright.

One night passed, and it was calm.

Under his perception, although every household discussed today’s events in a low voice, no one made any radical remarks.

Those betrayers seemed to have been eliminated in the cleaning work.

And Ryosuke’s confused heart became clear again because of the precipitation of this night…

Although Ryosuke was looking forward to Nagato carrying a meteorite to Konoha for revenge the next day, unfortunately, until the end of last year and the beginning of this year, the entire Konoha Village was stable and nothing major happened.

The major events here refer to things that Ryosuke is interested in.

And there are some small things that he is not interested in.

There is no result of Shimura Danzo’s disappearance so far.

And with his disappearance, most of the members of the root under his command also disappeared, leaving only two or three kittens who don’t know the situation.

Therefore, Konoha’s top leaders urgently recalled many people who were idle outside after the war, such as Tsunade.

It seems that Tsunade was troubled by Jiraiya’s recall letters one after another. Tsunade also returned to the village this year and temporarily replaced the position of Hokage advisor vacated by Shimura Danzo.

This is what happened in Konoha recently.

And Hyuga gradually came out of the smoke of the reorganization at the end of last year.

Compared with the past, when people were forced to obey orders by threatening their lives, the current Hyuga is very different.

Although there was indeed turmoil at the beginning, people often distrusted each other.

But it was this mutual distrust that disrupted some of their original small teams and began to shift their focus to the family.

And with a more complete management system, instead of the simple master-servant relationship of simply following the orders of the master family as before, the cohesion of the family that was previously broken up began to regroup, and it was more stable than before.

This kind of life was too peaceful, so peaceful that Ryosuke doubted whether his previous judgment was wrong…


In the dense forest outside Konoha Village, a large area of ​​​​cleared land that was once cleared due to fighting was directly converted into a training ground.

At this time, two figures were intertwined in the training ground.

A-level technique…

With just one glance, Uchiha Sasuke realized the difficulty and power of the chakra aggregate in Naruto’s palm.

A flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and he chose to dodge directly.

Easily avoiding Naruto’s attack, Uchiha Sasuke’s movements were completely different from when he had two magatama.

Faster movements and more perfect combat awareness are the transformations that began to occur after he had three magatama.

Avoiding the attack, the black three magatama in Sasuke’s eyes were charming, and he tried to counterattack.

But unfortunately, his exploration of Yin Dun research was too shallow, even with the blessing of Sharingan, the illusion he cast was still useless to Naruto.

The Rasengan was avoided, and Naruto’s reaction speed was extremely fast. He kicked out again. The seemingly ordinary whip kick made Uchiha Sasuke feel that his life was threatened.

Without hesitation, he did not care about the consumption of chakra in the battle, and directly used the instant body technique to stay away from the battlefield.

The next moment, Naruto kicked in the air and slammed hard on the ground.


The sound of the ground breaking sounded.

Then, a strong force made his feet sink into the ground as if he was stepping into soft mud.

Then, a roar resounded throughout the training ground.

“What… what is this?”

Stopping his attacking posture, Uchiha Sasuke stared at this magnificent scene in amazement.

In the dust, Naruto’s voice came out calmly, “After the training of chakra control, the teacher taught me some special skills in strength.”

And behind him, the ground was like the ruins of a destroyed building, in ruins.

But it was just a simple kick!

“Damn it!”

Clenching his fists, Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes were full of unwillingness.

I thought Naruto could only stay in the village and work behind closed doors, and he couldn’t go on missions, so his strength would be reduced, but I didn’t expect that he would improve so fast.

He didn’t have the good luck and family background of Naruto, so he could worship a good teacher and make up for his own shortcomings.

Until now, he didn’t understand how to catch up with Uchiha Itachi, and he didn’t even know where to work hard.

Strange power…

In the distance, Ryosuke, who was watching the battle leisurely on the branch, shook his head, jumped down from the branch and walked towards them.

The peaceful life made him feel boring. The only interesting thing was probably watching these two guys grow up.

As for going down in person, Ryosuke didn’t have the hobby of bullying the weak. The gap in strength between them was too big.

“I lost…”

Although he was very unwilling, Uchiha Sasuke still admitted his failure.

This was the first time he had experienced the feeling of failure after the awakening of the three magatama, but the target was his old rival Naruto, so he could accept it.


The surprised voice sounded from Naruto’s mouth, and his calm face fluctuated a little.

When Sasuke heard his call, he turned his head with a complicated expression and looked at the person coming.

The person who always smiled and looked docile and easy to bully was walking towards this side.

Hyuga Ryosuke, although they were classmates, they didn’t have much friendship and had never fought.

But from the words that Naruto occasionally revealed, Sasuke knew that this guy’s strength was definitely not weak, and even much stronger than Naruto.

After nodding politely to Sasuke, Ryosuke looked at Naruto again, “Your strength has improved very quickly…”

He was not stingy with his praise, and he was very satisfied with Naruto’s changes in a short period of time.

In his heart, he felt that he had cultivated a suitable opponent for himself.

There are not many opponents in the ninja world that he is looking forward to, but among them, with Naruto and Sasuke’s qualifications and talents, they are definitely the most qualified people in the ninja world to become his pursuers on his growth path.

And among the two, Naruto is his friend, and he values ​​him more.

“I’m leaving first. After the next mission, I will knock you down again.”

He didn’t stay for long. Uchiha Sasuke said a harsh word very tactfully and turned away.

Looking at his back silently, Ryosuke and Naruto didn’t speak.

Until Sasuke’s figure completely disappeared in front of him, Naruto spoke helplessly, “What a pure fool.”

He was referring to the pursuit of power.

“Right.” As if remembering something, Naruto took out a forehead protector from his arms and threw it to Ryosuke, “The Fifth Hokage asked me to give it to you, but I have not had time to find you.” Ryosuke caught the Genin forehead protector thrown to him steadily, his expression was a little subtle, “I haven’t graduated yet, why did he give it to me.” “The Fifth Hokage’s original words were that you never go to school anyway, and with your strength, there is no need to study in school.” Naruto repeated Jiraiya’s words very seriously, “And according to your Hyuga rules, even if you become a Genin, if you don’t want to go on a mission, the village has no right to interfere until you become a Chunin. It doesn’t make any difference to you whether you graduate or not, so don’t pretend.” “I’m accompanying Hinata…” Ryosuke opened his mouth helplessly, wanting to explain something, but then stopped. Speaking of which, it seems that he hasn’t accompanied Hinata to school for a long time, so this reason is no longer valid. “Just take it, anyway, I see that he won’t put you in a different class.” Naruto waved his hand and didn’t listen to his explanation. It sounds like he and Jiraiya have been getting along well recently, but maybe… it’s also because Tsunade is mediating.

But then, Naruto’s expression became a little complicated again, “But I have something recently, and I was going to discuss it with you, and you happened to come. It’s about…”

“Eh? Wait.”

Ryosuke interrupted him and looked at him with a chuckle, “You swore to me before that you would make your own decisions in the future. Are you going to slap yourself in the face now?”

“I didn’t, it’s not my business, it’s Sasuke’s business…”

Rolling his eyes, Naruto said helplessly: “Let’s talk while walking, I’ll treat you to dinner, and take a hot spring bath together.”

“I’ve learned recently how comfortable it is to take a hot spring bath after a tiring day of training.”

“Let me guess, your relationship with Jiraiya-senpai didn’t start as a hot spring friend?”

“Hot spring friend? Oh… taking a bath, that’s true.”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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