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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 161 Bullying (Subscription Request)

The pungent smell of blood permeated the air.

The peaceful and harmonious village an hour ago has now been completely eroded by the smoke of war. The smelly blood extends from the entrance of Konoha Village to every street outside Konoha, like a red carpet paved with bright red paint.

There are people from Konoha and Kirigakure lying on this road.

It has only been less than an hour since the war broke out, and the undermanned Konoha has completely retreated to the inner area.

The outer area is now completely occupied by Kirigakure ninjas.

They rushed into the houses with wild laughter, took away the property of the owners like robbers, and even used ninjutsu to destroy the buildings in the village.

The order received by this group of ninjas seems to be to destroy Konoha after the invasion.

Whether it is killing or building, it can be a target.

Ruins and corpses are everywhere.

The battle between ninjas is extremely fast, not to mention the situation where the two armies are directly facing each other in their prime.

Without considering any tactical command, they just relied on each other’s team strength to compete. Even if Konoha wanted to retreat, reduce losses, and wait for the main force to arrive before counterattacking, it also paid a heavy price to cover the villagers living in the outer area and retreat to the inner circle.

The war broke out too abruptly, and Konoha, who had not reacted, even had to participate in the battle with the two Hokage advisors who were over 60 years old.

It was not until they completely retreated to the inner circle that the rhythm of the war began to calm down.

These Mist Shadow Ninjas did not seem to dare to go too deep into Konoha, as if… they did not want to occupy Konoha directly, but more like harassment, but they had already gone deep into the core area of ​​the Land of Fire alone. Does this ninja army still have a plan to retreat?

This is a question that many Konoha high-level officials could not guess.

“Who is that?”

“A strange face, seems to be from Hyuga, and very young…”

“It seems to be the guy who just flew across the battlefield. Is he a deserter again? Or… is this guy responsible for delivering messages and mobilizing the ninja army’s signalman?”

“Don’t underestimate it. Konoha is not so easy to take down. Their main force has not arrived yet. The village is just an empty shell now. Be ready to retreat at any time.”

Above the outskirts of Konoha Village, six identical Ryosukes were suspended in mid-air, looking down at the chaotic town below.

And below, both the Kirigakure ninjas and the Konoha ninjas have discovered his presence.

Among them, the Kirigakure ninjas are discussing, but have not issued an order to attack for the time being.

The Kirigakure jonins in charge of command seem to be very alert to Ryosuke’s existence, or… they have been absolutely vigilant since they launched their offensive plan.

Ryosuke’s observations have always been very subtle. Even though he was not prepared to fight with these people before, he inadvertently observed many details while scanning for White Zetsu.

Needless to say, those ordinary Kirigakure Genin and Chunin were completely used as cannon fodder.

They didn’t even notice the weirdness of the invasion plan, and were happily enjoying the so-called “results of war”.

In the back, those Kirigakure Jonin and some Chunin who noticed that something was wrong had always been reserved. Whether they were fighting or enjoying the results of the war, they were extremely cautious.

It seemed…

They were also very puzzled by this sudden invasion and attack, and they couldn’t believe it.

But under pressure from the village’s top leaders, they could only obey orders and come to the front line even if they didn’t want to.

After Ryosuke appeared, the chaotic outer area of ​​Konoha temporarily quieted down, and almost all the Kirigakure ninjas looked up and looked at him.

The Konoha ninjas behind the inner defense line also looked at the figure above with confusion, and many sharp-eyed ninjas recognized Ryosuke’s identity.

“But unfortunately, even if I know the reason and know that you are forced to provoke this war as victims, I can’t let you go.”

Looking at the figures who looked up at him with cold eyes, Ryosuke murmured softly, “If you want to blame… you can only blame the different forces you belong to. Although I don’t take Konoha seriously, it is the place where I have lived for ten years after all…”

Burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil, he did not intend to bully people too much, but he took action under the pressure of emotions.

When he looked at this matter from the perspective of a Konoha villager, Ryosuke felt only irritation.

But if he was a member of Kirigakure, perhaps he would only feel pity.

Seeing everything clearly in front of him, he didn’t waste too much time observing. The moment the voice fell, the five figures beside him had clapped their hands at the same time and quickly formed seals.

“Fire escape.”

“Water escape.”

“Earth escape.”

“Lightning escape.”

“Wind escape.”

Five lifelike dragons fell from the sky, soaring over Konoha like real dragons.

Under Ryosuke’s precise chakra control, five different types of chakra spewed out from his five shadow clones, changing into dragon-shaped forms from the air and rushing towards the reckless Mist Ninjas below.

His current chakra volume is no longer comparable to that of ordinary ninjas. Even the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan’s first-class ninjas with blood and abilities may not be able to compare with him.

Perhaps only the Jinchūriki can compete with Ryosuke in terms of chakra volume.

“Is he crazy?”

“Shoot him down! This flying guy is a little weird, don’t underestimate him!”

“With this level of chakra volume, is he Konoha’s Nine-Tails Jinchūriki?”

“Water escape, water dragon bullet technique!”

Below, the Kirigakure ninjas were puzzled when they saw that Ryosuke dared to attack directly.

But soon, when many of their techniques collided with the five dragons, they felt the horror of their control over the techniques.

From the hugeness of the dragons, they could only feel Ryosuke’s mastery of the changes in chakra forms and the thickness of chakra volume.

But when many of their techniques were combined together, forming a larger water dragon in the form of joint ninjutsu to bite the fire dragon, they felt more in-depth content.

“No… Impossible! How can his fire escape technique be so strong?”

“How can this guy’s lightning escape technique penetrate wind escape technique! This is a restraint in attributes!”

“Something is wrong, prepare to retreat… prepare to retreat!”

In different areas and different positions, the Kirigakure ninjas in charge of command shouted out orders one by one.

Facing Ryosuke’s five shadow clones and techniques, the Kirigakure ninjas scattered in the outer areas of Konoha responded differently.

The combined super S-level water dragon bullet technique, the wind escape technique that rose high like a tornado…

But without exception, the combined techniques of this group of ninjas could not withstand his destruction.

In front of the huge water dragon that looked like a train, the fire dragon that looked like a small fire snake easily penetrated the water dragon bullet technique and evaporated all the water attribute chakra formed by it.

And the thunder dragon, which flashed with dazzling light and had extremely strong destructive power, directly dispersed the huge tornado with mutually restrained attributes.

An aftermath flew in all directions, and in the blink of an eye, it had already blasted and electrocuted many Kirigakure ninjas who had not had time to run away…

Then, they discovered that not only was ninjutsu, but this guy who suddenly appeared was also extremely powerful in physical skills.

Like a tiger rushing into a rabbit’s nest, this guy rushed into the ninja army without any hindrance, and almost every time he attacked, he could harvest the lives of many Kirigakure ninjas.

Faced with this completely crushing strength, it only took less than a minute to start the battle, and the Kirigakure ninjas in charge of commanding various places had already thought of retreating.


At this time, a figure in the Konoha defense line directly ignored the order and rushed out of the defense line, and also rushed into the crowd.

As he continued to move, red and violent chakra emerged from his body, and his fierce momentum seemed to be no weaker than that of the restrained Ryosuke.

This figure was naturally Naruto. From the moment Ryosuke appeared, he was already a little eager to move.

And after Ryosuke took action, he rushed out of the protection circle as soon as possible to kill the enemy with him.

As Naruto left the defense line, another figure followed closely behind him, it was Uchiha Sasuke.

There was one, then two, and then three.

One after another, Konoha ninjas rushed out of the defense line without orders.

They were already frustrated by being forced to retreat by the invaders, and now with the powerful Ryosuke leading them, they no longer suppressed their hearts.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

Without hesitation, before Konoha launched the official counterattack horn, the Kirigakure ninjas in charge of command directly issued a retreat order.

Those Kirigakure jonin and chunin who had already prepared for the retreat had already quickly withdrawn from Konoha Village the moment the order was issued.

And those cannon fodders who could not see the situation clearly were left behind to delay time.

After receiving the news, Jiraiya and others who hurriedly came to the defense line area from the temporary command post first looked at Ryosuke in the sky, and then quickly issued an order to encircle and kill.

This group of Kirigakure ninjas were so bold and reckless that they caused such a great loss to the village, of course, it was impossible for them to have a chance to evacuate.

If this group of people really escaped, the whole ninja world would laugh at Konoha, and even the current close alliance relationship might be loosened.

Konoha got the position of the alliance leader based on its overall combat power and reputation.

Standing in the air indifferently, Ryosuke had no idea of ​​facing the gaze of those Konoha high-level officials.

He had been mentally prepared for exposing himself.

At the beginning, he hid himself only to accumulate strength, and now that his strength has reached a relatively extreme stage, there is naturally no need to hide too deliberately.

With his arms crossed and watching his shadow clone killing all around, Ryosuke suddenly felt lonely in his heart.

“Maybe… Uchiha Madara also had this mentality when facing the ninja coalition.”

Although this timeline has not happened yet, Ryosuke has seen that plot, so he inexplicably resonates with this scene.

In the plot of the five villages gathering the ninja army, that guy’s performance was extremely calm from beginning to end.

Rather than a battle, it was a battle of guidance for the ninja army, a guidance paid with life.

Looking down at the weak ninja army from a high position, facing their brave fights that risked their lives from time to time, there would be a little ripple in his heart.

Facing such a scene, Ryosuke had this feeling for some reason.

However, he was not upset. He just wanted to end this farce as soon as possible and then go back to use up what he had just learned from Bruno.

Compared with the battle with Bruno, he could see the fighting methods of different power systems. Fighting with the guys below would not gain him anything and would only waste extra time.

Looking down from the sky, the ninjas of Kirigakure withdrew from Konoha Village like ants and fled to the dense forest farther away.

However, their evacuation team was extremely neat and the direction was completely consistent, as if they had already made a plan for evacuation.

The plan to evacuate from the core area of ​​Konoha must be extremely unexpected.

However, soon, the Kirigakure ninjas who retreated neatly showed puzzlement one by one.

After crossing the piled-up tree branches like a small mountain, they suddenly stopped their evacuation steps and stared at the terrain in front of them, which was completely different from an hour ago.

The shattered ground was even more broken than the battlefield outside Konoha, and the area within a radius of 100 miles was completely cleared.

Although there were no signs of ritual bombing, the scene full of large and small deep pits made it impossible to imagine what kind of fierce battle could have caused it.

“Where is the forest?”

“It didn’t seem to be like this when we came here?”

“Is the guy who knows time and space ninjutsu still here? How can we go back without him?!”

The commanders who were originally calm were panicking.

With the team that was beginning to riot, they walked carefully into this barren land.

And every step on the ground made a subtle click.

But it was not because they stepped too hard, but because the ground nearby had been completely destroyed, and even the soil under the ground was affected and became extremely loose.

“Captain, what should we do now?”

“Has that guy already escaped? I said there must be something wrong with this mission!”

“The direction that the Hyuga flying in the sky left at the beginning seems to be this way. Now he has returned to Konoha unscathed. Could that guy be dead?”

“Judging from the situation here, he must have encountered something. Although I don’t know what the situation is, he may have temporarily hidden. That guy is not weak. Let’s look for him again…”

As they got closer to the center of this desolate area, their hearts became more gloomy.

There was no trace. The mysterious man under the command of the Fourth Mizukage did not wait for them here as planned. It seemed that they had already regarded them as abandoned pawns and were only responsible for bringing them here, not taking them back.

In order to avoid causing greater commotion, several battlefield commanders pretended to be calm on the surface, but they discussed in a low voice what to do next.

Whether the mysterious guy escaped or died, they could not sit here and wait for death.

The ninja army advanced step by step. Fortunately, those cannon fodders seemed to be quite powerful and effectively blocked Konoha’s counterattack team. No one caught up.

But suddenly, the commander-in-chief seemed to realize something and murmured to himself, “But since that Hinata knew that there were our reinforcements here, he couldn’t have failed to notice the direction of our retreat, and he could fly…”

When he said that, he didn’t realize the problem.

But after he said it, he suddenly stopped, and a sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart.

And beside him, several other adjutants also stopped.

I don’t know when, it seemed that the surroundings around them became very quiet, extremely quiet.

Even the team that was originally a little turbulent was completely silent.

With a stiff body, the commander-in-chief turned his head to confirm something.

But as soon as he turned around, he was faced with expressionless faces.

The teammates around him, whether those deputy commanders or the ninja army in the back, all looked like dead people with pale faces, staring at him without blinking…

“What a pity, he is a suicide.”

Ryosuke looked at the annihilated Mist Ninja Army in front with some regret.

The Konoha ninjas who caught up were sealing the chakra of most of them, leaving them for the post-war reckoning.

The commander-in-chief of the Kirigakure is an old-fashioned all-round ninja. Among ordinary ninjas, he is very unique in both command ability and personal strength.

But unfortunately, he is an ordinary ninja without any bloodline limit blessing, and his research on Yin escape technique is not very deep. It is very easy for Ryosuke to invade his consciousness and occupy his body.

From Bruno’s mind before his death, Ryosuke only searched for some brief images. Before he could read the guy’s memory carefully, the guy had died.

So he just took this opportunity to think about whether he could see something from the commander-in-chief.

Ryosuke still cares about why the characters who should not appear in this world came to him so abruptly,

but unfortunately, this guy knows nothing.

As Ryosuke guessed, the Kirigakure is still in dire straits under Uchiha Obito’s revenge mentality.

And these people are indeed the ones who came to test Ryosuke’s strength under the orders of Black Zetsu and Obito.

But Obito did leave them a way out. Bruno, a visitor from another world, was the key to their ninja army’s ability to sneak into the core area of ​​the Land of Fire quietly, and was also the center of their retreat plan.

But unfortunately, this ninja army is not worthy of being used as a test of strength.

They did not expect that Ryosuke could actually detect and sense such a distance, and they did not expect that he would directly choose to bypass the huge Kirigakure Ninja Army and attack Bruno in the back.


Just as Ryosuke digested the memory he saw from the Kirigakure commander-in-chief, someone from the Konoha ninja behind him suddenly shouted.

When he turned around, he saw pairs of admiring and respectful eyes.

And further behind, Jiraiya and other Konoha high-level officials looked at him with complicated eyes…


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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