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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 168 Exchange of Information (Subscription Request)

Cold and shaking.

In the hospital corridor, the girl in red lying on the bed closed her eyes.

As the small wheels under the bed pushed her into the ward,

the strong smell of disinfectant made her nose twitch.

The smell was not pleasant, and it pulled her out of her beautiful dream in an instant. When she woke up, the first image that flashed through her mind was the blood-stained silver-haired man…


Based on the battle before she fainted, Kagura shouted instinctively the moment she woke up, and then jumped up and kicked the person who was approaching him.


Then, with a slight sound, she felt her ankle being firmly grasped by a warm palm.

Under the anger, the huge force contained in her kick could not shake Ryosuke’s body at all.

“Looks energetic, should be fine now.”

The voice that came to my ear was no longer the cold voice during the battle, but the gentle voice when they first met, but now it seemed that this gentle voice was a bit hypocritical.


The angry Kagura was about to ask something.

But suddenly, she noticed that there seemed to be other people in the ward. When she turned her head, she found that her two companions were also lying on the bed, and they seemed to be awake earlier than her.

“Gin-chan! Glasses!”

Standing on the bed, she shouted in surprise, looking at the two family members beside her who were wrapped like dumplings in white bandages.

“What glasses? Hey, can you call me by my name properly, hiss…”

Gintoki returned to his previous lazy look with dead fish eyes, and Shimura Shinpachi was very dissatisfied with this name. He was about to refute, but before he finished speaking, he was involved in the wound again, and he couldn’t help but cry out in pain.

“But… what’s going on?”

Standing on the bed in confusion, Kagura looked at her two companions on the bed and the smiling Ryosuke beside her, and had no idea what was going on.

Didn’t she say… to kill these invaders?

“Heh, it’s just this annoying guy acting.”

Gintoki sneered and said dissatisfiedly, “What a bad guy. Just to test our strength, is it necessary to be so cruel?”

“If you don’t use cruel methods, how can you, a lazy guy, go all out?”

Ryosuke chuckled and sat down beside the bed, “Besides, I was very careful every time I attacked.”

“Don’t look at my fighting power. In fact, my medical level is not weak. I can beat you into a coma, and I can also treat you back to the original intact state. In the process, I even helped you heal some hidden injuries that were left.”

“For example, you…”

He looked at Gintoki, “Your health was originally very bad. In addition to diabetes, the hidden injuries to your kidneys are also very serious, and there is also a prostate…”

“Ahem… There is no need to elaborate on this kind of thing.”

Gintoki interrupted him.

Ryosuke smiled casually, but did not continue, “In short, my moves are very sure, and I have a very precise control over my strength.”

The moment the voice fell, his body suddenly disappeared in front of several people, and the next moment he was in front of Gintoki again, throwing a punch.

The movement was louder than when Kagura, who was born with great strength, swung the umbrella. The crackling blue lightning surrounded his arm, and the power contained in this punch gave people a feeling that it could directly smash the entire hospital.

But in the horrified and panicked eyes of Kagura and Shimura Shinpachi, Ryosuke’s fist stopped steadily in front of Gintoki.

Just a little arc made his body feel a little bit numb.

“Just explain, there’s no need to do it…” Sitting on the hospital bed, Gintoki’s dull eyes were very relaxed, “It’s not that I don’t want to do it, but using abilities beyond the limits of the body will put a lot of burden on the body, and some burdens are even difficult to recover.” As early as in the previous battle, he noticed Ryosuke’s precise control of strength, so his expression did not change because of this punch. “I just proved that I am sure, I don’t want to leave too much bad feelings in your hearts. From a personality point of view, I still like you three.” Ryosuke retracted his hand, and the next moment he was back to where he was sitting just now, as if nothing had happened, “Rather than using the word invaders from another world to describe you, I actually prefer to call you guests from another world.” “…” Sitting on the hospital bed, Shimura Shinpachi looked at his tightly wrapped legs and pulled the corners of his mouth silently. This kind of hospitality is really unbearable. He was a little annoyed, but due to his lack of strength, he still didn’t show it. “As for what you said… your fighting style will put a burden on the body, mainly because I didn’t expect that after coming to our world, you could actually restrain yourself from practicing our system.”

“Although I believe that you should all be top-notch masters in your original world, after all, you don’t seem to have a complete training system, and your strength must be generally lower than ours.”

Ryosuke didn’t really care about what the three people thought of him. He just wanted to know what he wanted to know.

“Or do I have to guess… Have you tried, but can’t extract chakra?”

He asked tentatively, but didn’t say anything affirmative.

Whether it was Sakata Gintoki or Kagura, Shimura Shinpachi, they all showed the level of their world in the previous battles.

If nothing unexpected happened, it should be a world of low martial arts level.

Compared to the ninja world, which is a high-level martial arts world, their world doesn’t even have a perfect power system, but they have figured out some ways to overdraw vitality in exchange for power enhancement.

But these methods are not a suitable means. After coming to this world for so many years, with their abilities, they should not be unable to find a way to extract chakra.

“Yes, Mr. Ryosuke, we have tried it.”

Looking full of regret, Shimura Shinpachi replied: “In fact, when we first came to this world, we accidentally entered a battlefield and saw the ninjas of the Hidden Rock Village.”

“Then, we also got the method of refining chakra while escaping from the battlefield, but we have not succeeded for so many years.”

If they could refine chakra, they would not be so embarrassed before.

“… Can you refine it now for me to see?”

Ryosuke looked a little curious, but seeing that the two were tightly bandaged, he could only focus on Kagura who was sitting cross-legged on the bed and picking her nose.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fruit of the sacred tree, he guessed in his heart.

According to Uchiha Madara, the origin of chakra was bred by the fruit brought by Otsutsuki.

But the more common saying is that the extraction of chakra is a combination of the physical energy and spiritual energy of the human body, but in this way, as long as one is a human, it is completely possible to refine chakra.

But from the current situation…it seems that the first statement is more accurate.

“I don’t want to listen to you, a nasty guy.” Kagura rolled her eyes and ignored Ryosuke. This little girl still holds a grudge, but her mind is quite simple. “Speaking of this matter, shouldn’t you fulfill your promise first and tell us some information about why we came to your world?” At this time, Gintoki suddenly interrupted Ryosuke’s words. Just now, when he saw this Hyuga Ryosuke wanting Kagura to refine chakra for him to see, he suddenly remembered something in his heart. It seems that from the beginning of their meeting until now, it seems that this guy has always been trying to get information from them, but they have not learned anything they want to know. “… Originally, I wanted to wait until your injuries healed before talking to you in a good way, but since you mentioned it now, I will explain it now.” Ryosuke looked like I had arranged it a long time ago. Staring at Ryosuke, Gintoki didn’t care whether his words were true or false, and signaled the two people next to him to be quiet. “In fact, I don’t know how you came to this world.” With a gentle smile on his face, Ryosuke gave an explanation that made people want to beat him up. “What do you mean?”

Gintoki’s face darkened.

“That is to say… although I know that you are people who came to this world from another world, I don’t know how you came.”

Ryosuke spread his hands, “Even you should know more about what happened when you traveled through the world than I do. From the beginning, I didn’t say that I knew the truth about your travel through the world. It’s just that you misunderstood me.”

“I just said that I would provide some more detailed information. Besides… I came here as a client, right?”


For his explanation, neither Gintoki nor the other two knew what to say.

“Sure enough, you are a liar…”

Kagura muttered in a low voice.

However, as an old man, Gintoki was not fooled by this explanation. He stared at Ryosuke, “It’s not that we misunderstood, but you have been confusing us with words from the beginning, making us think… you know the whole story.”

“And you seem to be very familiar with me, or very familiar with us.”

Obviously, he didn’t believe that Ryosuke knew nothing.

“… I’ve said that the previous battle was just a test for the commission.”

Also staring at Gintoki, after a long time, Ryosuke smiled again and said, “Then I’ll tell you my commission now, and we’ll exchange information.”

“You ask a question, I ask a question, no matter the result or not, I will give you enough rewards so that you won’t live so miserable in this world.”

“But how should we confirm whether Mr. Ryosuke’s words are true or false?”

Raising his arm like asking a question in class, Shimura Shinpachi asked seriously, “Mr. Ryosuke has not given us much trust since he appeared.”

“It depends on whether you want to accept my commission.”

Ryosuke replied helplessly, “This time I won’t threaten you as you, because I have felt your strength from the previous battle, and I am not so interested in you now.”

“So even if you don’t agree, I won’t tell your intelligence to others, you can just eat and wait for death in the Iron Country for the rest of your life.”

“But I need to remind you of one thing, about this information exchange commission… I can tell the truth or a lie, and you can’t verify this for the time being.”

“And you can also tell the truth or a lie, and I can’t verify it for the time being. We are sitting at the same table to exchange.”

Without hiding anything, he directly laid out the problem and gave them the opportunity to choose.

This time, Ryosuke’s main purpose of coming here is to see their strength and see if they can bring him any surprises like Bruno in the One Piece world.

In fact, under his careful observation, Gintoki’s training method is not suitable for him.

Although the previous battle looks very fierce, in fact, if he is willing to use other means, he can easily suppress them.

There is nothing worth learning from these people, and he has lost interest.

As for…getting more information about the other world from them.

There are more than three people from the other world in the ninja world. It is only a matter of time for Ryosuke to know these things. The most important thing for him at the moment is to improve his strength.

As for Ryosuke’s direct statement, Gintoki and Shimura Shinpachi showed no emotion.

Instead, Kagura was very angry, “Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean you are not that interested in us?”

Turning his head and glancing at her, Ryosuke grinned, “This is the fact. You are not a threat to me or to the ninja world. There are too many people who can defeat you, so…”

He didn’t continue, but the three people present understood.

“Damn it!”

Kagura clenched his fists. It was uncomfortable to feel looked down upon.

The atmosphere in the ward fell silent. Gintoki, as the main pillar, thought quietly.

Ryosuke didn’t interrupt, just sat aside and waited for his answer.

Time passed by minute by minute, and after a long time, Gintoki raised his head and looked at him again, “I agree to your information exchange, but I want to ask the first question first.”


Ryosuke replied.

“Why do you know us?”

This was Sakata Gintoki’s first question.

“Because you are not the only ones who came to this ninja world. I also got the information about your names, abilities and appearance from other people.” Ryosuke replied with a smile, making it hard to tell whether it was true or false. Gintoki calmed down and asked, “What is the name of the person who told you all this?” “Is this the second question? Now it should be my turn to ask questions. When did you come to this world?” Ryosuke did not answer him directly, but asked his own question according to the rules. “Six years ago.” Gintoki blurted out this answer, and then waited for Ryosuke’s answer to his second question. “His name is Jiraiya, a middle-aged scholar with white hair. I heard that he was with you…” “Okay, that’s enough, but he is also a ninja of your Konoha?” Ryosuke was interrupted by Gintoki just halfway through his answer, as if he didn’t want to know the answer at all. “How did you travel to this world?” Ryosuke still didn’t answer, and asked again. “A glowing door sucked us in, and then we came here.” Sakata Gintoki answered helplessly, “For the third question, I don’t want to know if that lecherous guy is from your Konoha ninja. I want to know how the people from other worlds other than us are doing now?” “Dead.” Ryosuke replied, “I don’t know about the others. Apart from you, I have only met one person from another world. He is very threatening and hostile to our Konoha, so he was eliminated.” “What are the characteristics of that glowing door?” “The white fluorescence is too bright and appears very abruptly. We were sucked in before we had time to observe.” “What are the appearance characteristics, abilities, and name of the person from another world you killed?” “These are three questions, but I can give them to you for free. He should not be from the same world as you…” One question and one answer, the two people’s questions need to stop and think at the beginning to consider their authenticity. But later, they became more and more fluent, and the questions were not limited to the matter of traveling through time and space. Gintoki also asked some questions about the ninja world, such as chakra energy, the use of ninjutsu, the origin of ninjas, and so on. It can be seen that they are not without desire to improve their strength, but they just can’t find the direction.

And Ryosuke also learned what he wanted to know.

Six years ago, three people and one dog who were eating hot pot in the Yorozuya were sucked into a door that suddenly appeared and came to this world.

As for the characteristics of the door that travels through time and space, there are three points: it emits a dazzling light, has a strong suction force, and has a targeted suction force.

According to Gintoki’s description, the suction force contained in the door that travels through time and space seems to be aimed at certain people. The table, iron pot and other things with them were not sucked in. The target is only the three of them and a big white dog.

It sounds like there is no cause and effect, as if they accidentally broke into this different world.

But judging from the precise appearance and targeted nature of the door that travels through time and space, it may not be an accidental event.

That is to say, this incident may be something that was chosen by some existence under subjective consciousness, but the people who were chosen, such as Sakata Gintoki, do not know the reason.

But besides these, there is another relatively important question for Ryosuke.

That is… is his existence considered an invader?

Ryosuke has no memory of how he came to this world, and he has no impression of the cause of death in his previous life.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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