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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 181 Passionate Naruto (Subscription Request)

In a quiet room, Ryosuke sat cross-legged, looking at the strange-looking fruit in front of him with some distress. Who should I give it to… Familiar figures appeared in his mind. Devil fruits are treasures in the world of One Piece. It is hard to say whether they can have the same strange power after coming to this time. But treasures are treasures after all. Even if you don’t know whether this devil fruit has any effect or not, you can’t just give it to others casually. The person who can get this fruit, first of all, must be a very loyal person to you, and the friendship with you must not be less than five years. Human nature is a psychological attribute that is extremely difficult to judge. Even if Ryosuke thinks he is very smart, he is not confident that he can judge a person’s potential personality in a short time, so… at least he must have five years of contact and observation to be on his list. All of a sudden, the number of candidates in Ryosuke’s mind was greatly reduced. Five years ago, he had not yet publicly demonstrated his amazing strength and talent. At that time, the number of people who could follow him and assist him could be counted on two hands. But among them, there are a small number of people who have already received Ryosuke’s favor.

In some secret experiments of the family, those who have been following him loyally have obtained new abilities that can make them surpass their own talents and limits.

Though those new abilities can make up for some of their strength deficiencies, they will also bring a certain degree of burden to their bodies. It will take a long time to perfectly control those abilities.


They were also eliminated from Ryosuke’s list of options.

The remaining candidates are only two, one is Hyuga Souji and the other is Hyuga Seicai.

Both of them have been following Ryosuke since he was four years old and began to show his talents.

In the early days, they served as Ryosuke’s guards,

and later, after successfully being promoted to Jonin, they became Ryosuke’s right-hand man to control the situation in the Land of Fire.

Souji represents Hyuga and deals with the nobles of the Land of Fire to obtain a huge supply chain of resources for Hyuga.

The other Hyuga Seicai also helped Ryosuke solve a lot of troubles.

He kept his identity secret. In addition to his summons, he always took high-quality medical talents specially selected from the clan and carried out some secret experiments outside Konoha Village with the resources obtained by Souji.

These two people met Ryosuke’s needs in terms of ninja talent and loyalty.

But unfortunately…

“They are also too busy.”

Since it is a test and research on the ability of the devil fruit, there is no doubt that they must be kept by his side all the time.

But with the current status and responsibilities of these two people in Hyuga and the Land of Fire, it is not suitable for them to be guards and follow him all the time as before.

So far, the last two candidates in Ryosuke’s mind have been eliminated.


He rarely showed a look of distress, scratching his head and not knowing how to choose.

Should this fruit really be given to Hinata?

Even if she applies for early graduation, she can stay in the clan every day.

Although as the future clan leader, she has a heavy burden on her, but now her father is still in power, so she still has time to accompany her research.


“Forget it, let’s think about it when we get back.”

Staring at the strange fruit covered with swirl patterns, Ryosuke temporarily gave up his decision.

Although he didn’t need to be distracted to participate in complicated matters such as family or communicating with people from other worlds such as the Yorozuya, he still had a lot of things to do.

The research on this devil fruit didn’t have to start right now.

Thinking of this, Ryosuke casually found a wooden box in the room and put the fruit in it.

Now, he planned to go to the appointment first and meet an old friend…

When he came to the familiar back mountain, Uzumaki Naruto was already sitting on the Hokage Rock waiting.

It can be seen that he has been sitting for a while, and it is unknown whether he has been here before dawn.

Hearing Ryosuke’s footsteps, he turned around with a smile and waved, “Why are you here just now?”

“I haven’t been home for a long time, and it took some time to pack up.” Ryosuke explained and was about to walk over.

But before he took a step, Naruto’s figure suddenly disappeared in front of him.


A hint of interest rose in his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of Ryosuke’s mouth.

He gently raised his arm, and the next moment, a fist wrapped in red chakra rushed straight at him, and the violent and violent force mixed in it seemed to want to punch a hole in the air.


A huge roar sounded between the two of them,

and the aroused energy slashed around like a sickle.

“So enthusiastic?”

Ryosuke’s palm was not eroded by the violent chakra of the tailed beast at all, and it directly passed through the tailed beast’s coat and blocked the punch.

The dust around him scattered, and the birds and beasts scattered.

In front of him, Naruto’s deep red beast eyes were full of excitement, wrapped in the rich chakra of the tailed beast.

The passionate fighting spirit passed through his fist, transmitted to Ryosuke’s palm, and then directly reached his mind and consciousness.


The voice of envy sounded from Naruto’s mouth,

The next moment,

He had disappeared in front of Ryosuke again, and instantly moved away from him.

At this time, Naruto no longer looked like a normal human. His scarlet eyes, sharp claws like beasts, sharp fangs and three tails flying and dancing, he had definitely entered the state of tailed beast.

“With the strange power punch taught by my teacher and the power of the Nine-Tails, I can’t shake your body!”

The hoarse voice was full of regret. Under the erosion of the Nine-Tails Chakra, Naruto could not maintain a relatively normal mood.

But compared with the previous loss of control, he could already control this power better.

“Just relying on you, a little brat, you still want to fight him. Not to mention you, even if my body goes on the field, I can’t guarantee that I can suppress this strange guy.”

In his body, the sealed Nine-Tails stood up rarely, no longer lying lazily on the ground.

“Then lend me more power!”

Already aware of the gap between himself and Ryosuke, Naruto did not lose it, and the smile on his face was a little wanton.

And the tailed beast chakra on his body surged again, faintly revealing the fourth tail.

The hard training in the village made him feel exhausted.

Thinking back to the last time he could fight so recklessly, it seemed to be the defense battle a year ago.

“Can you control the four tails? It seems that you get along well with the Nine-Tails.”

Ryosuke didn’t mean to be a sparring partner. A gentle smile hung on his face.

In a flash, his body appeared beside Naruto, “But… you are still far away.”

The voice sounded clearly in Naruto’s ears.

Not good!

The palm of his hand slapped instantly, mobilizing the chakra in his body to flow into the major acupuncture points like a torrent, and then, a completely unimaginable force came from his back,


Then there was the sound of skin breaking, muscle tearing, and bones breaking in the body at the same time.


Naruto, wrapped in the chakra of the scarlet tailed beast, flew out like a cannonball, and his body broke one thick tree after another.

“Next… what surprise are you going to give me?”

Slowly retracting the whip kick that flashed with light blue arcs, Ryosuke also waited for Naruto’s next attack with some expectation.

He didn’t hold back the force just now.

Even the Shurado puppet that had undergone physical transformation had its arm cut off by this kick.

But Naruto was able to block this attack, which really surprised Ryosuke.

His bright white eyes penetrated the dust and trees, and he could clearly see Naruto who had entered a self-healing state.

Whether it was external or internal injuries, they were recovering at a very fast speed.

Just now, in addition to the thick and substantial tailed beast coat that helped Naruto resist part of the force, his own nerve reaction speed was also very fast. The moment he noticed that he was approaching, he had already made preparations.

When the whip kick was pulled out, Naruto had clearly anticipated where he would land, and used medical ninjutsu in advance to block the remaining force.

Yin Healing and Destruction…

A-level medical ninjutsu, the user must correctly judge the position that will be hit before being attacked by the opponent, and quickly concentrate a certain amount of chakra at that position.

Then, after being hit by the opponent, the wound will automatically recover.

This technique is very familiar to Ryosuke, because when he created his own Yin Seal, he had the effect of integrating this Yin Healing and Destruction technique.

However, his Yin Seal does not need to be distracted to perform the technique. As long as the body is injured and the chakra is not exhausted, it will automatically be injected into the wound for repair.

“Multiple, Shadow Clone Technique!”


A serious and dull voice sounded from the dust, and then, one after another, like frogs, knocked away the trees pressing on them and jumped high.

The number of them, Ryosuke casually glanced and knew that there were nearly a hundred.

Did he finally understand this clumsy but practical human wave tactic?

There was some nostalgia in his eyes.

Naruto was relatively smart and calm in the original timeline, but because of this, he always disdained this reckless fighting method that wasted chakra.

The other party always believed that it was better to gather chakra in the main body to gain greater power than to divide it among many clones.

But now it seems that he has changed a little in this year.

Faced with these hundreds of people rushing like ferocious beasts, Ryosuke didn’t care at all.

“Boiling escape.”

He just closed his palms casually, and the two different attributes of chakra in his body flowed in the meridians respectively.

Finally, a thick mist like frost spewed out from his mouth, which was not relying on the shadow clone, but directly combined and intersected the complete different attributes of the technique in the body.

At the same time, Ryosuke could clearly feel that there was an additional perfect rule in his blood gene.

In a few seconds, Ryosuke, who had a very thorough study of chakras of various attributes, completed the fusion of nature changes and combined the bloodline boundary technique that could be imprinted in the blood gene!

Behind the mountain of Konoha Village, the surging fog was like a wave. No matter the dust or the trees, they melted like ashes the moment they came into contact with the fog. On the other side, more than a hundred red beasts flew into the fire like moths. Bu——

Bu Bu Bu——

A series of extremely dull sounds rang out, like small stones falling into the water. Each shadow clone had a limited amount of chakra.

After rushing into the acidic fog, the tailed beast coat covering their bodies collided violently with the boiling chakra. In just a few seconds, more than a dozen shadow clones exhausted their chakra and slowly dissipated.


Naruto didn’t seem to be going to give up.

Facing this boiling chakra that seemed to be able to melt everything, the main body at the back of the crowd gave it a try.

The many shadow clones in the overwhelming fog took off their thin tailed beast coats.

They held the scarlet chakra that gathered the tailed beast chakra in their hands,

and waved the tailed beast Rasengan in front of them, and they rushed through the fog without fear.


Bang, bang, bang.

The sound of the clones breaking one after another sounded,

but even so, there were still many clones that broke through the fog and came to Ryosuke.

Then, they were easily dispersed by him.

With completely overwhelming combat power, Naruto did not bring any sense of crisis to Ryosuke now.

The power level was different. He didn’t want to fight Naruto. At least… the opponent’s current strength was too immature.

“Hey kid, give up.”

After confirming the power of Ryosuke again, the Nine-Tails in Naruto’s body lazily lay down.

He seemed to have understood something.

But unfortunately, Naruto didn’t want to listen to him.

“No gain!”

In his mind, there were battle memories sent back after the shadow clones dissipated.

But unfortunately, there was no information worth analyzing.

Whether it was speed, strength, reaction, chakra control, or the use of techniques… Ryosuke was much better than himself.

“But… it’s not over yet!”

At the end of the battlefield, Naruto, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes.

His face appeared like a strange pattern painted with ink.

The chakra of the tailed beast on his body had been completely restrained, replaced by another elusive aura.

… Sage Mode?

After breaking up Naruto’s last shadow clone, Ryosuke observed Naruto galloping in the distance with interest.

Wrapped in a special energy different from chakra, he passed through the acidic fog of boiling escape alone.

The strange energy on Naruto’s body repelled all boiling escape chakra, so that its acid could not melt and erode his body.

With just one glance, Ryosuke took in all the changes in Naruto, both externally and internally, through his Byakugan.

Very good power, it seems that it is time to put the study of natural energy and Sage Mode on the training plan.

With a strong interest in his eyes, Ryosuke also moved his body and rushed towards Naruto.

He planned to contact this Sage Mode head-on and use his body to directly feel the difference between natural energy and ordinary chakra.

However, in a breath of time,

two figures rushed through the fog,

and directly cut the acidic fog with the intention of tearing.

It seemed that the two were about to collide,

but at this moment, a figure wearing an animal mask suddenly flashed onto the battlefield.

In an instant, Ryosuke’s movement stopped,

and Naruto, after rushing out one or two steps, also stopped.

“The Fifth Hokage has ordered that you stop fighting and fight outside the village, unless you can pay for the repairs of the back mountain first.”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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