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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 195 I Have to Run (Subscribe)

The raging sea of ​​fire was suppressed in an instant.

In the training ground shrouded by rolling black fog,

Ryosuke carried the unconscious kitten, stepped over the hot soil full of charred wood and thick smoke, and came to the edge of the training ground.

“Someone is coming!”

“It’s Lord Ryosuke!”

“Lord Ryosuke is out safely!”

With such a big commotion, it is impossible for the people in the Hyuga clan not to notice it.

From a distance, Ryosuke saw a large group of people standing outside the iron net of the training ground, looking forward to it and shouting loudly.

And the leader was his wife, the future head of the Hyuga family – Hyuga Hinata.

Although she looked a little worried, Hinata was still very calm.

After seeing Ryosuke’s figure, a warm smile slowly appeared on her face.

“I’m glad you’re okay.”

As he approached, Ryosuke heard her soft voice and couldn’t help but chuckle and explain, “The fight was a little too intense.”

Hinata nodded, and then seemed to finally have time to focus on other things, “Wait, is this… an old cat?”

She finally saw the little wild cat in Ryosuke’s hand.

The wild cat’s fur was stained with blood, wet and motionless, as if it was dead.

But from the appearance, it was very familiar, clearly the old cat that had taken the devil fruit and had a human form.

“Why did the old cat change back again?”

Hinata frowned with wide eyes, “You won’t miss, will you?”

She trusted her husband’s strength very much, so she knew that even the raging fire in front of her could not hurt her husband.

Although she was a little worried just now, she was still very calm in her heart.

But it was different for the old cat. It was hard to say whether he would fail. After all, the old cat was carried by Ryosuke every day some time ago and went home looking like he was dying.

“It’s okay. It may be over-consumption, so it changed back.” Ryosuke replied casually, and turned his eyes to the others behind Hinata, “Excuse me, can anyone help clean up?”

He asked politely.

“Of course!”

“Me, me, me!”

“Master Ryosuke, I used to work in logistics on the battlefield, and I am familiar with cleaning up the venue!”

Suddenly, the crowd became excited, and many people raised their arms high, wanting Ryosuke to see them.

While waving, they also promoted themselves, looking very enthusiastic.

“Thank you for your kindness, but we don’t need so many people.” Ryosuke replied with a smile, and looked at the dozen people in front of the crowd, “Then let everyone in the front row help clean up this training ground.” “By the way, help me transplant some trees outside the village to fill the original site. I noticed when I came out that it was burned beyond recognition.” As he said that, he turned his head and looked at the dark training ground, “Then you will dismantle the nearby iron nets later, so that this training ground can be merged with several other training grounds in the clan.” Looking at the puzzled eyes of the clan members, Ryosuke smiled and said, “In the future… there is no need to distinguish the training grounds of the main family and the branch family.” After the family system was changed, the boundary between the main family and the branch family was no longer as clear as before, and there was no restriction on the territory. People from the branch family can also enter this training ground, but perhaps because of habit, few people come to the main family. However, in such a large open space, usually only Hinata, Hanabi and the other two would occasionally come back. Oh, yes, now there is an old cat, but there are only four people in total.

It is a bit too wasteful for four people to occupy such a large training ground.

And in the future, Ryosuke no longer needs to be limited to boring training, but more of a kind of comprehension, a way to verify his own path through the path of others.

So it is a waste to occupy it. It is better to renovate it so that the tribe members can have more space to train themselves.


I don’t know whether it is because of the task or the influence of Ryosuke’s words that there is no need to distinguish between the main family and the branch family. The tribe members present are more excited, and even the voices of the answers are unconsciously raised.

“Then I have to leave first, there are still some things to do.”

He was not polite, and these powers were what Ryosuke deserved.

Amid the warm farewells, he and Hinata walked towards home together…

“You woke up.”

At this time,

Far away in the Land of Water, in a very secret dark room.

Obito and Nepenthes, wearing masks, looked coldly at the man who had woken up on the bed. After being unconscious for more than a week, this reckless guy finally recovered a little under the infusion of various life energies of White Zetsu.

Hearing Obito’s hoarse voice, Nagato sat up and touched his eyes instead of asking about the situation.

After finding that his Samsara Eye was still in his eye socket, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the two people, “Did you save me? Where is Konan?”

This is an extremely small room. Nagato expanded his perception and found that it was in the tree hole of a huge ancient tree.

“We didn’t tell anyone about your news.”

Sitting on a chair beside the bed, Obito explained while playing with the shuriken in his hand, “You have been unconscious for almost two weeks. She doesn’t know you are alive, and the people in the organization think you are dead.”

After a pause, Nagato asked in confusion: “You didn’t see her? Didn’t she call you to save me?”

“We had something to do and had to go back to the Hidden Rain Village. When we got back, we found that the village was gone.” Obito replied, “But you are really a waste. With such a pair of eyes, you can’t even beat a Hyuga person.”

“Hyuga people? You said that guy is from Konoha Hyuga? Impossible! The Byakugan of their clan doesn’t have those abilities at all!”

Nagato was a little unbelievable.

Then, he seemed to realize something, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Obito with a ferocious face, “Where is Pein? Did you bring back the body of Tendo Pein?”

He was still fighting before he fainted. After he woke up, his mind was very confused and his thoughts were also very scattered.

Speaking of the battle, he remembered that he seemed to have lost in the end!

So…where is Yahiko’s body!

“Put away your look, I saved you, is this the attitude you should have towards your savior?”

After scolding him coldly, Obito casually replied: “I didn’t pay much attention to the scene, but it must have been destroyed.”

At that time, his attention was attracted by the ruined Rain Village, and before he had time to pay attention, he was dragged away by Black Zetsu.

“It has turned into ashes.”

Beside him, Nepenthe answered this question for him, “That guy is very powerful, and he directly destroyed your puppet, leaving no residue.”

The person who spoke was not the talkative White Zetsu, but the cold and taciturn Black Zetsu.

“…Gone? Not even a little bit?”

The whole person was stunned, Nagato looked at the two people in front of him in a trance, but his vision seemed to have penetrated thousands of mountains and rivers and saw the scene of the Rain Country.

Gone, really no feeling at all.

He couldn’t feel even a little bit of Yahiko’s breath, those chakra receivers were destroyed! Perhaps also including Yahiko’s body!

“Don’t you think we should be more concerned about what to do next?”

Obito looked at him with disdain, looking down on his willpower, “What are you going to do now? The Hidden Rain Village has been destroyed by that Hyuga kid, and the people in the organization dare not show their heads. In this case, how are you going to continue our plan?”

After a pause, he reminded, “He is from Konoha, and the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is also in Konoha.”

“If you don’t have the power to fight him, you will never be able to collect the tailed beasts completely, and you will not be able to realize your ideal.”

However, Nagato seemed to be still immersed in his thoughts and did not reply immediately.

Obito was not in a hurry, just sitting on the chair and waiting.

After a long time, Nagato came back to his senses, “But Hyuga people can’t have such power!”

“It’s impossible for someone with that kind of god’s power to have Byakugan, and he didn’t show the characteristics of Byakugan at all when he fought with me.”


Obito sneered, “But in fact, he is a Hyuga person. His name is Hyuga Ryosuke, and he is the head of the Hyuga clan.”

“In fact, I have been paying attention to him for a long time, and I have asked some people to test this guy’s strength, and the result is… Hyuga Ryosuke annihilated a ninja army that can compete with the five major villages with his own strength!”

“You knew how powerful this guy was before?”

Nagato was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to realize something,

half-closed his eyes and looked at the two people, “You… don’t seem to be surprised at my identity and appearance?”

Since awakening the power of the Samsara Eye, he has never shown his face in the Akatsuki organization, and has always been using Pein’s puppet to command the organization’s actions.

And those who joined the Akatsuki organization later have only seen Pein.

The only person who knows his true situation is Konan, and she can’t betray him.

Then how did they know?

“I said, I am Uchiha Madara, do you think your clumsy tricks can deceive me?”

With an extremely cold voice, Obito stood up, “His combat power is already qualified to compete with me, Uchiha Madara. As for you…you should just carry out your plan honestly and capture other tailed beasts.”

“I joined your Akatsuki organization, not because of you, but because of your dream. Don’t let me down!”

He seemed very proud and confident.


Looking at the guy wearing a mask, Nagato forced himself to suppress all the doubts in his heart, “I understand, I will do my own thing.”

Although he was very suspicious of this guy’s identity,

there is no doubt that this guy is still fearless in his attitude towards him when he knows his strength, so his combat power is definitely not weaker than him.

Perhaps…I need time to sort out some things. I was a little too confident in the past, so there was a lack of intelligence.

With the precedent of Ryosuke, Nagato can no longer believe that he is invincible with the Samsara Eye.

“Take good care of your wounds. I will pass your information to the others who are trying to stop you.” Obito glanced at him and turned away without saying anything more. Nepenthes followed him.

The two of them left the dark room one after the other and entered another room very skillfully.

“It looks completely different from before. That guy who thinks he is a god and is high and mighty was pulled down all of a sudden. He is really psychologically fragile.”

Without outsiders, Obito no longer pretended to have that hoarse and old voice.

“Don’t underestimate Hyuga Ryosuke, Obito!”

Regarding Uchiha Obito’s evaluation of others’ psychological fragility, Black Zetsu said he would not comment. His attention was not here at all.

Hearing his warning, Obito spread his hands, “Of course I didn’t underestimate him. He was the guy who wiped out a whole ninja army, although it is possible that other people from Konoha assisted him.”

“I think… I may not be sure to solve him for the time being. Maybe I need to take something back.”

“No, I mean… you should raise the threat level of that guy in your mind infinitely.” Black Zetsu repeated again, “Raise him to the level of the real Uchiha Madara and the first generation, or even higher!”

Faced with his straightforward warning, Obito put away his playful smile, and the tone under the mask He became serious, “Is it that exaggerated? I know that you have been feeling a little strange since you met him. Do you know anything?”

“Did Uchiha Madara tell you any information about Hyuga?”

“In any case, don’t act rashly. Just like what you said to Nagato just now, you should start with other tailed beasts. As for the Nine-Tails…”

The part of the pitcher plant that belonged to Black Zetsu gradually broke away, “Uzumaki Naruto, let it go for now and wait for my news.”

As he spoke, his figure slumped on the ground like muddy water, and then penetrated into the ground and disappeared into the dark room.

His figure kept sinking in the mud, and only in this way could Black Zetsu feel some sense of security.

In his heart, the figure from more than a week ago could not be shaken off.

Strictly speaking, that was his third contact with Ryosuke,

but he did not find anything in the previous two times.

The first time was when he heard the news of Konoha’s turmoil and went to Konoha to monitor the situation.

At that time, he was hiding deep underground and felt a sense of being spied on directly, and escaped from Konoha Village without any hesitation.

That was the first time he came into contact with Ryosuke Hyuga, but he didn’t know him at that time.

The second contact was the only one who really knew who the source of the spying feeling was and whose name he knew.

After escaping from Konoha, he felt more and more that something was wrong. In addition, he learned the incredible information about the invaders from another world, so he modified the original plan and asked Obito to send a team of Kirigakure ninjas to Konoha, led by the guy from another world to conduct a test.

But in the end, he paid a ninja army, a strong man who had important information about the other world, and a White Zetsu clone. He only knew that the person who discovered him was called Ryosuke Hyuga and was extremely powerful.

For more detailed information, because White Zetsu was blown to pieces, no information was sent back.

Regarding Ryosuke’s situation, he collected it from the discussions of Konoha ninjas later.

Neither of these two contacts was positive, so Black Zetsu got very little information.

It was only in the third contact more than a week ago that he had the opportunity to really face Ryosuke.

But this time, Black Zetsu felt that he was scared out of his wits.

Bathed in the sun, the man as white as snow waved thousands of fists like a god to hit the power of reincarnation. It was clear that the man was the Otsutsuki clan in my mother’s memory! That boy was not a Hyuga at all, but an Otsutsuki clan! An Otsutsuki clan with the same power as my mother! Suddenly, Black Zetsu panicked and knew that he had to run quickly.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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