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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 196 The Establishment of the Ninja Corps System (Subscription Request)

“An alien from a world with super strong technological power…”

“Most of the population is on the expedition to the world of secret treasures in the sea…”

“Different power systems, different development routes…”

The central area of ​​the Hyuga clan,

as a very important meeting hall in the clan, gathers ninjas who hold positions of varying sizes in the clan.

On the high platform, Hyuga Hiashi looked at the people below with his head held high,

and behind him, Hinata and the elders of the clan all stood closely to show their affirmation of his words and arrangements.

“Regarding the news I just heard, everyone present should have more or less come into contact with some things in the previous search missions, and have some ideological foundations.”

There are not many clansmen in the meeting hall, but all of them are the core of the family,

selected after many selections, and hold positions of varying sizes in the clan.

Before this, they were either sent to search for secret treasures in other worlds, or to search for people from other worlds, and some were even responsible for contacting known aliens-the three-person and one-dog combination of the Yorozuya who are still in the Iron Country for the time being.

Therefore, they were not surprised by the information revealed by Hyuga Hiashi, and they had already laid the mental foundation.

“It is foreseeable that this world will be in trouble, and major changes will occur with the appearance of these aliens. Perhaps… if there are extremely strong people among these aliens, they may invade our world and break the current world situation.”

Hyuga Hiashi continued.

The people below had different thoughts, and their expressions were either worried or thoughtful, but they were not panicked.

Hyuga is a family that is very good at hiding regardless of the status of the members, and the senior members of the family have a good experience in this regard. The higher the status, the deeper and more introverted their mind.

And those who are good at hiding are often quite wise.

Although this is not an inevitable rule, people who can be self-restrained are often good at thinking, which is a rule with a high probability.

“The news about the other world has not spread in the ninja world yet.”

“Although this is a major event related to the survival of the ninja world, I have no intention of sharing this information with other families or forces for the time being.”

“Because this is a high-risk and high-reward event. The risk comes from the fact that we cannot judge the strength of the people in the other world, and the reward is that every secret treasure from the other world, and even the world system brought by each person from the other world, may bring about huge changes to us.”

“If we can take advantage of this opportunity to ride the wind and waves, I believe I don’t need to elaborate on the pros and cons, and I believe you all know it. Chu.”

Facing the anxious tribesmen below, Hyuga Hiashi continued: “In response to this incident, I have held several meetings with the elders recently and discussed many plans.”

“First of all, we must of course prepare for possible dangers in the future and prepare for possible opportunities in the future, but you don’t have to worry too much.”

“We Hyuga have a history of more than a thousand years. As an ancient family with a thousand-year heritage, we have been glorious and fallen…”

Changing the subject, Hyuga Hiashi suddenly stopped talking about the other world and talked about the history of the family instead.

“The word Hyuga has been with us since we were born, and it will be engraved on the tombstone until we die. It will always be with us.”

“Remember, it’s us!”

Hyuga Hiashi emphasized the word “us”, stared at the many clansmen below, raised his palm to frame everyone, “Everyone, we have the same blood flowing in our bodies, we have the same eyes, we were born in Hyuga, and we are also proud of our family!”

“It embraces us, protects us, gives us pride and talent, and we! We should also fight hard for the glory of our family!”

“After leaving Konoha, we are still Hyuga, and after leaving the Land of Fire, we are also Hyuga, but if we leave Hyuga, then everyone will only have a name but no surname, and will be homeless!”

These words are a bit explicit, but every member present is loyal.

They did not feel anything wrong with Hyuga Hiashi’s slightly contradictory words, but… they all felt it in their hearts, and it was natural.

This may be the most hidden rule in the family, a rule that has been deeply buried since the establishment of Konoha – being in Konoha, but more in Hyuga!

As the top leaders of the family, none of them are unaware of the family’s attitude towards Konoha.

They do not regard Konoha as their home, but just a place to live.

They did not have absolute power before, so they hid it very secretly, so as not to be rejected by Konoha like Uchiha, but now…

“Everyone present is one of the most important members of our family, and they all know how strong our family is now.”

“Combat power, our Hyuga has developed rapidly in recent years, and there are more than 20 jonins. It is the family with the most jonin positions among the many families in Konoha, and there are countless chunins and genins!”

“Economy, our Hyuga family, under the lobbying and arrangement of the jonin Souji, has various businesses all over the Land of Fire, and even exported overseas, and exported to other countries in the ninja world with the help of commercial allies.”

“Land, the total land area owned by us Hyuga in various countries is enough to rival a small country…”

“All these are the foundation of our Hyuga, and our huge advantage that has been passed down for thousands of years.”

Loudly announcing the obvious foundation of Hyuga, Hyuga Hiashi seemed very proud that he could read everything.


He paused again, “Our greatest foundation of Hyuga is not these, these are just our advantages, which distinguish us from other families in the ninja world.”

“And our greatest foundation, I believe you should all know who it is.”

“Lord Ryosuke!”

Before Hyuga Hiashi spoke, someone in the crowd couldn’t help but shout, and his enthusiasm was almost crazy, but it seemed normal in this meeting hall, because there were many people in the crowd like him.

“That’s right! It’s the future of our Hyuga clan-Hyuga Ryosuke!”

He is also my son-in-law, Hinata’s husband!

A slightly ostentatious smile appeared on Hyuga Hiashi’s face. He had never had such glory in his first half of life. Even when he made the first contribution in a battle of the Ninja World War and was awarded the medal by Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of the whole village of Konoha, he did not feel this excited.

“Although Ryosuke is young, his talent and strength are the best in our Hyuga’s thousand-year history. His talent is even better than that of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, who are passed down by word of mouth in the Ninja World!”

“Although he has no time to participate in this important meeting today because he is busy with training, I hope you don’t misunderstand him.”

“Ryosuke’s hard work in training is all for us Hyuga. He is our biggest umbrella for Hyuga. As long as Ryosuke is still here, Hyuga will not die!”

These words are a bit unscrupulous, but no one present refutes them, or feels dissatisfied.

Because this is the fact.

The fact that Hyuga Ryosuke is the future of Hyuga has long been laid in the clan little by little, from a few people, to most people, and then to the entire family.

“Ryosuke is the hope of our Hyuga clan, but we can’t put everything on him. We have to make our own efforts.”

Finally, Hyuga Hiashi talked about the key point of this meeting, “As Hyuga clan leaders, whether as an ordinary ninja, I feel that we can’t be a stone that crawls on Ryosuke and adds burden to him without moving.”

“I can’t do such a shameless and unmotivated thing. The family should be a person who walks with him, not a stone carried by him. What do you think?”

He cast his inquiring eyes downward.

“Of course!”

“Although my strength is far behind Lord Ryosuke, I am willing to give everything I have!”

“Me too!”

The crowd was excited.

Whether it was from the heart or forced to go with the flow, the people present gave a high-spirited answer that satisfied everyone on the podium.

“Very good!”

Hinata Hiashi smiled with satisfaction, but soon put away his smile and shouted seriously: “Some time ago, the clan underwent a huge reform. This reform changed many things, but also many new loopholes appeared.”

“And now, the elders and I decided to take this opportunity to optimize and improve the management system of the clan again in response to the huge turmoil in the ninja world that may be caused by the invasion of the other world.”

“Hinata Iroha, Hinata Hoshicai, Hinata Karamon, Hinata Takashi…”

He called out the names of several powerful senior ninjas who had made great contributions to the family, “From today on, you will establish your own The teams are named after you: Iroha Corps, Xingcai Corps, Huomen Corps, Xiao Corps…”

“Abandon the ninja village ninja position system, refer to the positions in the Warring States period of the ninja world, and divide the corps system into officers, vice-officials, commanders and ordinary team members.”

“In the following period, you can select a certain number of willing clansmen from the clan to join your corps and become an external force to protect our Hyuga.”

“For Ryosuke, for Hyuga, clear most of the threats!”

After entering autumn, the hot weather gradually turned cooler.

When the sun gradually set, the temperature was neither hot nor cold, and was at a just right level.

In the inner courtyard of Hyuga’s house,

Ryosuke, who was practicing hard for the family in the mouth of Hyuga Hiashi, was actually being lazy openly.

There is no room for haste in cultivation.

In his spare time, Ryosuke leaned against the load-bearing wood and sat comfortably on the wooden corridor to read a book. The breeze rustled the leaves in his ears.

Beside him, the fragrance of tea on the coffee table penetrated into his nose with the breeze, fresh and sweet.

Beautiful and peaceful.

“Boss, is there anything I need to pay attention to on my first mission?”

There was a fat cat with gray hair lying on Ryosuke’s left hand.

From the way he spoke human words, it was easy to tell that this was a ninja cat.

“Just pay attention to follow the orders. Your superior is an experienced jonin. She will also serve as your temporary instructor.”

Turning over a page of paper, Ryosuke replied casually, “Although your physical skills have surpassed most jonin in a sense, you are still too weak in other aspects. She will tell you how to make up for your shortcomings.”

The person lying next to him to rest was of course the old cat,

Perhaps, only after mastering the energy of free transformation, can the animal-type fruit be considered a true ability user.

In the previous battle, the old cat successfully entered the state of transformation, making himself closer to the god represented by the mythical beast-type devil fruit.

It is precisely because of this that after he recovered from his serious injury and woke up, he had the ability to freely transform between human form and animal form.

“What’s her personality like? Is she an easy person to get along with?” Lying beside him, the old cat asked nervously, “I haven’t had any formal communication with other humans outside your family. If I behave badly, will she dislike me? Will she kick me out of the team? Or find a reason to get me out…” “She is a very loyal subordinate of my Hyuga clan.” Ryosuke interrupted him and stopped flipping through the book, looking at him, “She will never disobey my orders, I can be 100% sure of that.” “I said let her be your superior and take good care of you, and she will definitely take good care of you.” “Even if your performance is really bad, stupid and naughty, or even if you don’t obey the team’s command, she will guide you diligently and won’t embarrass you.” His tone was serious, with a meaning of not refuting. How could the old cat dare to say anything questioning his trust in him? He could only nod silently. But Ryosuke paused, and then added: “However…if you rely on this and my relationship to bully the team and cause casualties, I will hold you accountable after the mission is over and judge you according to the actual situation.”

“When you are a cat, no one may care about you. When you hunt, you can just rush forward and be free and unscrupulous.”

“But the mission of a ninja is different. Now that you are starting to learn to be a human, then…you should abide by human rules and get used to abiding by the rules.”


The old cat was stunned for a moment, and many bad memories naturally emerged in his mind. He nodded quickly, “Don’t worry, boss, I will study hard and will never let you down.” “Just do your best. In fact, you don’t have to show off too much.” Hearing his promise, Ryosuke put his eyes back on the book in his hand, “The first task I assigned to you is not easy. The main tasks are still distributed among other people. You just paddle around and learn how ninjas do tasks. The main thing is to learn to be obedient.” “I know.” The old cat licked his paw and asked again: “Then… when can I see my team members? And Shangguan.” “Wait for my father’s arrangement, in the next few days.” Ryosuke replied casually, his mind immersed in the records of all the information recorded before Senju Hashirama. Beside him, the old cat was very tactful and did not disturb him again, but lay quietly, enjoying a moment of peace and tranquility.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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