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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 197 Inviting Black Zetsu to Drink Tea (Subscription Request)

“Hey, this is the ninja tool bag prepared for you.”

At the door of the Hyuga family,

Except for Hyuga Hiashi who went out early in the morning, Ryosuke’s family gathered at the door to see off the old cat who was about to go out to perform the first mission in his life.

And farther away, Hyuga Xingcai was quietly waiting.

Tenderly, Hinata squatted in front of the old cat, helped him hang the ninja tool bag on his body, and tied the belt by the way, “There are not many things in it, only a few detonating tags and shurikens.”

“I thought your claws must be sharper and more useful than ninja tools, so I didn’t prepare the ninja tools that are more commonly used in close combat for you.”

“And this and this.”

Next to her, Xiao Hanabi also came up and handed over a small bag, “This is the special soldier pill I gave you-for cats, because there is no time to prepare it, so there are not many in it, you can save it.”

This is a little thing she improved after learning about herbal preparations in school. Except for the change in taste, there is no effect on the efficacy.

“Thank you, Miss and Miss.”

The gray cat spoke human language, with a flattering tone.

But soon, he turned his expectant eyes to the man behind them, who looked gentle and smiling.

“Don’t look at me like that. I didn’t prepare anything for you.”

Facing the old cat’s eyes, Liang Jie waved his hands helplessly, “It’s just a small task. Although it’s complicated, it’s not that difficult.”

“You just go out with me, see the world and come back. It’s very simple.”


The old cat lowered his head in disappointment, but raised it quickly.

“Then I’m leaving, everyone.”

He said reluctantly, standing still.

“Hurry up.”

Seeing his hesitation, Liang Jie urged, “You are already a teenage old cat, what are you afraid of? If those little cats see you, they will laugh at you.”


With a hard heart, the old cat turned around and ran towards Hinata Xingcai who was waiting in the distance.

That was his next superior, he would join Xingcai’s army and become her team member.

Looking at the back of the old cat leaving, Liang Jie and his family didn’t say anything.

Until Hyuga Xingcai said hello to them and left with the old cat, Hinata turned around with some concern and asked, “Is it really okay to let the old cat join such an important mission?”

“Every mission about the other world is very important to us now. You should probably arrange a lighter mission for him to practice.”

Because the research on Sharingan, Wood Release, etc. has come to a temporary end, the research and development team organized by Hyuga Xingcai and many medical elites in the clan has also been temporarily disbanded.

As a subordinate that Ryosuke has always trusted, Hyuga Xingcai was also awarded the position of legion leader this time, and was assigned an extremely important task at the beginning-to explore the possible existence of aliens in the Land of Fire.

Soon after Ryosuke brought back the news that there were aliens in the Land of Fire, relevant intelligence had been reported back.

“Ordinary people” with powers other than ninjas appeared in the country, and even killed a group of wandering ninjas hiding in the Land of Fire. This was the news from several ordinary people, and it was spread several times, and the news could not be traced back to the real witnesses, so this news could never be confirmed.

“Although this mission is important, it is not difficult.” Ryosuke explained, “I arranged for Lao Mao to go there, and there are actually some reasons for me.” “First of all, the requirement of their mission is not to fight with the alien, but to explore relevant information in this regard.” “Exploration and fighting are two different things. It is difficult for us to even say whether the other party is from another world.” “Since it is to explore information, it is more about contact with ordinary people. Xingcai is very familiar with these things. Let Lao Mao go there to learn the tracking methods of ninjas and understand the process of mission execution.” After a pause, looking at Hinata’s sudden realization, he continued, “Besides, my mission requires that you try not to have direct contact with the other party. That is, if the identity of the other party is really confirmed, then… they should pass the news back and wait for subsequent tasks.” “They are just sentinels to help me solve some tasks that waste time and may not get results.” “As for the subsequent contact tasks, maybe I will go there in person, that is another matter.” Hinata nodded, “I understand.” Indeed, her consideration was lacking. They didn’t just stand there at the door. Ryosuke and the others returned to the house soon.

Not long after, Hinata and Hanabi left as usual.

Ryosuke was the only one left in the house, and this time, Old Cat was gone.

After bringing in the coffee table and snacks,

Ryosuke quietly read a book in the inner courtyard.

Yesterday, he hadn’t read all the records of Hashirama Senju in the clan before his death. Today, no one disturbed him, so he wanted to finish reading it all at once.

But after flipping through a few pages, Ryosuke put the book down helplessly.

He felt a little uneasy and expectant.

He raised his hand to pick up the kettle and repeatedly washed the teacup with boiling hot water. He wanted to calm himself down in this way.

In fact, Ryosuke already had a general direction in his mind for Old Cat’s mission this time, but he didn’t tell Hinata in detail just now, so as not to let her worry too much about it.

Can ordinary people kill wandering ninjas? Of course it is possible. After all, the strength of wandering ninjas varies. The weak ones are not even as good as Genin. They are lucky enough to get the chakra refining method by accident and successfully refine chakra. The strong ones are even stronger than ninjas from regular ninja villages. So ordinary people may kill wandering ninjas by surprise. However, according to information, the strength of the wandering ninjas who were killed is not weak. They are considered to be average, and there are a certain number of them, so they are definitely not something that ordinary people can deal with. At least ordinary people in the ninja world, even samurai, can’t do anything. So there is a high probability that there are indeed people from other worlds in the Land of Fire. As for why he is so sure, but still sends a rookie like Lao Mao to fight, it is because Lao Mao’s strength changes much faster than he imagined. Judging from the level of a ninja, Lao Mao’s combat power is only between the level of Jonin. Even when facing some ninjas who are proficient in illusion and ninjutsu, his combat power will drop sharply, and he may even be killed instantly. But…if they were facing someone from another world, a strong person who was not a ninja, then this problem would be solved directly.

Even more, Xingcai’s team would be more confident in facing the other party because of Lao Mao, a strong person who was far superior to Jonin in physical skills.

Ryosuke would not underestimate any guy who came from another world.

Since the suction of the gate to the other world is targeted, the aliens who can come to the ninja world through this world gate are definitely not ordinary.

At least from the perspective of Gintoki, Bruno and others he has contacted so far, but whether it is true or not, he cannot confirm it for the time being.


At this moment, Ryosuke, who was originally rinsing the teacup quietly, suddenly stopped and cast his eyes to the ground.

As his vision moved, the black mud in the ground that he had originally planned to approach directly escaped, away from Ryosuke’s range of a hundred meters.

Black Zetsu…

Ryosuke’s face showed an interested smile.

What is this guy doing here now, to confirm his true identity?

After the last battle in the Hidden Rain Village, Black Zetsu saw that he ran away directly. He could probably guess that this guy had misunderstood something.

Black Zetsu is different from the two brothers Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura. Although he looks like the son of Otsutsuki Kaguya,

but in a sense, he is actually the clone of Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Black Zetsu is the product of Otsutsuki Kaguya’s spiritual will. Although he did not inherit her ability, he knows this mother better than Otsutsuki Hamura and Hagoromo. He inherited her will and memory to a certain extent and knew many things that the two brothers did not know.

Among them, it also includes the origin of Otsutsuki Kaguya.


If he really misunderstood himself as a member of the Otsutsuki clan, would Black Zetsu be sure to get away unscathed?

With Black Zetsu’s character, he would never let himself get stuck in the mud if he was not sure.

But the next thing made Ryosuke’s smile even bigger.

In his field of vision, after Black Zetsu fled far away, he looked at his position for a long time.

Then, he actually attracted a White Zetsu.

“Want to communicate with me in this way?”

Ryosuke had already guessed his thoughts.

As expected, this White Zetsu came towards him as a member of the suicide squad.

It seemed that because of the control of Black Zetsu, this White Zetsu looked a little wretched. After cautiously entering the Hyuga clan, he moved more carefully towards the main house.

When he arrived at Ryosuke’s house and emerged from the ground, and stepped into the inner courtyard, Ryosuke had already prepared tea on the stone table in the courtyard and dragged two stone stools.

“Although you are not a guest, I still prepared a cup of tea for you since you have come from afar.”

Looking at the White Zetsu in front of him with a chuckle, Ryosuke’s clear eyes passed him directly and saw the person behind him who really wanted to talk to him-Black Zetsu.

Black Zetsu was not surprised that Ryosuke discovered his existence and was ready.

Although there was no surprise, he still carefully observed the situation in the yard, and then slowly came to the stone table and sat down with a strange look on his face.

Observing the appearance of the person in front of him more closely, he was more convinced of his previous thoughts.

Hyuga Ryosuke is not a member of the Hyuga clan at all. He should be called Otsutsuki Ryosuke! Ryosuke didn’t know what Black Zetsu was thinking, but he could guess it from his careful observation. “Please.” Picking up the teacup with bamboo tweezers and placing it in front of Black Zetsu, he gently explained: “The tea is from the best tea in the country of soup, and the water is sweet spring water specially brought from the mountain. Please try it.” Staring at the clear tea, Black Zetsu hesitated for a moment, but still raised his hand to pick up the teacup and drank it all, like a cow chewing a peony, eating without knowing the taste. Shaking his head regretfully, Ryosuke didn’t say much, and talked about the topic directly, “Come to me, what’s the matter?” Black Zetsu was a little confused by Ryosuke’s calm hospitality and straightforwardness. But since the other party was so direct, he didn’t hide it and said some specious nonsense. “…Who are you?” “Hyuga Ryosuke, don’t you know?” Ryosuke replied casually. “But your pupil technique is different from that of Hyuga.”

Without directly talking about the Otsutsuki, Black Zetsu said tentatively: “You are not from the Hyuga clan, you are just related to them by blood.”

The cool breeze blew the leaves,

except for the voices of the two and the rustling of the leaves, the courtyard was very quiet.

Take a sip of tea and feel the sweet taste on the taste buds. Ryosuke nodded comfortably, and drank it again, his mouth full of tea fragrance.

Then, he finally said: “There is no need to continue the extra test, I am not from the Otsutsuki clan.”

While speaking, he poured out the remaining tea in the teacup, and took back the teacup in front of Black Zetsu with bamboo tweezers and began to wash the cup.

Sitting opposite him,

Black Zetsu was stunned, he stared at Ryosuke’s actions blankly.

From the moment he saw Ryosuke, he had been confused.

After a long time, he asked again: “But if you are not from Otsutsuki, why do you know this?”

The real historical records about Kaguya’s arrival in the ninja world have basically been destroyed by him.

The rest are only some specious myths and legends that are completely inconsistent with the actual situation.

So… where did this guy get the news from?

“I won’t answer this question for you.”

After cleaning the teacups, Ryosuke poured boiling hot tea into them again, and put one of them in front of Black Zetsu, “You can only ask the questions I want to answer. After all, you and I are temporarily enemies in terms of identity.”

Half-squinting his eyes, Black Zetsu asked strangely: “Why do you think we are enemies?”

He was trying to find his own conversation rhythm. He had never felt this way before, and it was very uncomfortable.

“Don’t you know what you want to do, why are we enemies?”

Ryosuke asked back.

“What do you know?”

Black Zetsu frowned, “In terms of blood relationship, we are actually the same people, aren’t we? Why are we enemies?”

He asked the question again.

“I’ve said it before, there’s no point in extra probing.” Ryosuke shook his head and looked at him seriously, “I know exactly what you’ve been doing and what you want to do.”

His eyes were so serious that Black Zetsu, who was sitting opposite him, was unconsciously shaken and flustered.

But after all, he has lived to such an old age, and he still has the necessary self-control. He replied indifferently: “There are many people in the history of the ninja world who think they are in control of the situation. I have seen many of them, but in fact, they don’t know that they are also in the game.”

After a pause, his expression was somewhat meaningful, “What you know is not necessarily true.”

“Ha, interesting.”

Ryosuke seemed to be unable to help laughing, “Does this include you?”

Black Zetsu’s face did not change for his words, staring at Ryosuke’s eyes.

Ignoring his stare, Ryosuke continued to speak slowly, “Including the fact that you think you are in control of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito, and have calculated everything, but in fact the situation has long been out of your control, but you yourself don’t know this thing?”


This sentence was like thunder, exploding directly in Black Zetsu’s heart.

This was his final secret for more than a hundred years, and also the final plan for more than a thousand years, but… how did this guy know it!

Even though Black Zetsu thought he had good self-control, he couldn’t help but panic at this moment.

However, on the surface, he could still barely maintain it, “What are you talking about? Can you explain it in more detail? I don’t understand what you are saying, maybe… what you know is not the same as the facts.”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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