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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 198 Further Discussion with the Filial Son (Subscription Request)

Are you still stubborn…

Looking at Black Zetsu’s pretending to be calm, Ryosuke replied casually: “If I hadn’t already obtained extremely accurate evidence to prove that the grand plan you want to complete is to awaken and unlock the taboo that once was, I might really be fooled by your pretense.”

After a pause, as Black Zetsu’s face became increasingly difficult to maintain, he continued to smile and said: “But unfortunately, in front of me who knows the facts, your performance suddenly seems a bit ridiculous. I have said that there is no point in extra temptation.”

This is the third time he mentioned this sentence in a short conversation.

Slowly raising his hand to pick up the teacup and drinking it all, Ryosuke recalled the tea fragrance in it.

Then, regardless of Black Zetsu’s drastic change in expression, he smiled and said: “I will tell you what you want to ask if I am willing to answer it.”

“But if I don’t want to answer it, no matter how you try it, it will be useless.”


Black Zetsu stood up suddenly,

The stone bench fell heavily to the ground under the force of his getting up, making a dull sound.

“You want to stop me?”

His face became a little hideous,

his voice was hoarse like a traveler who was about to die of thirst in the desert, and he tried to make a few notes from his dry throat.

Although he looked like White Zetsu, Black Zetsu at this time had already transferred his gloom and ferocity into this body.

After his plan was exposed, he tried his best to restrain himself, but he could no longer maintain the calmness in his heart.

The boredom, persistence, and forbearance of waiting for a thousand years finally vented out unbearably at this moment!

The atmosphere suddenly became a little tense.

The dormant chakra in both Ryosuke and Black Zetsu flowed slowly.

If the plan fails…

Black Zetsu has never thought about this problem. If the plan fails,

then will he have to endure for another thousand years,

use time to wait for those who can stop him to die one by one, use time to wait for the chess pieces in the plan to mature one by one, and use time to wait for the situation to be gradually stabilized?

It is hard to guarantee that Uchiha Ryosuke, Senju Ryosuke, or even Taketori Ryosuke will not appear at that time!

A thousand years is too long, I can’t wait any longer!

Whether it’s his tone or his expression, Black Zetsu clearly revealed this idea to Ryosuke, and he made no secret that if Ryosuke was not satisfied with his answer, then… he would use extraordinary means.


“What if I want to stop you?”

Ryosuke smiled at Black Zetsu, he just wanted to see what Black Zetsu relied on.

In his body, the rolling chakra surged like waves and gathered in his eye sockets,

The transparent white eyes became brighter and brighter, as pure as the endless blue sky.

He was watching Black Zetsu,

and Black Zetsu was also staring at him, observing his every move, but most of his attention was on his unique eyes.

The white clouds in the sky floated slowly,

The leaves rustled in the breeze,

Ryosuke, who was sitting, did not speak, and Black Zetsu, who was standing, did not speak either, and neither of them broke the peace.

The momentary heat of the head was only a moment.

When Black Zetsu stood up and said that, he regretted what he had done just now.

Under the gaze of the eyes of Ryosuke Otsutsuki in front of him, his inner suspicion, anger, fear, and loneliness slowly fell, sinking to the deepest part of his heart and being covered up again.

These were a pair of eyes that had never existed in his mother’s memory.

Is he really not from the Otsutsuki clan? No, it’s impossible.

Black Zetsu saw the final ending of that battle clearly.

The power of the immortal way that shook the sky with thousands of fist shadows was definitely the eighty gods of air strikes in his mother’s memory!

But…why did he never have any impression of his pupil technique in his own memory? What kind of ability does this unknown pupil technique have?

“I am really from the Hyuga clan.”

In the end, it was Ryosuke who broke the silence, “Sit down, I don’t like looking up at others like this, but I don’t want to look at other places when talking, that would be very impolite.”

Black Zetsu, whose heart had calmed down in the silence just now, went down the steps, picked up the fallen stone bench, and sat in front of Ryosuke again.

But this time, there was no other expression on his face, just like a paralyzed face.

“Today is our first official meeting.”

Ryosuke gently picked up the cold teacup in front of Black Zetsu, poured out the tea inside, and refilled it.

“We didn’t have any hatred before, did we? The only person you care about is probably your mother, right?”

He said softly, “The only thing that caused the opposition between us is your mother’s resurrection.”

“You know your mother’s temper. If she really wakes up from the seal, she will undoubtedly come back and make the people of this ninja world and this planet the nutrients of the sacred tree again. This is something I can’t accept.”

“… Then there is nothing to talk about?”

Black Zetsu’s eyes turned cold.

“No, no, no, listen to me.”

Ryosuke waved his hand, “Actually, I am still looking forward to the resurrection of your mother.”

“Although I am a Hyuga, in a sense, I also have the genes and blood of the Otsutsuki clan inherited from your mother.”

“But this inherited gene and bloodline did not bring me any inheritance, so I still want to learn about the abilities of the Otsutsuki clan from your mother.”

“Strictly speaking, we can actually be regarded as people on the same front, connected by each other’s genes, blood, and goals, although this may be very thin.”

“Then you…”

Black Zetsu was stunned.

Could he have met the first true ally in a thousand years?

“Yes, I agree to resurrect your mother, after all, she is also a poor person.”

Ryosuke continued, “But not now, I need time.”

“Are you kidding me?”

Black Zetsu’s stunned face froze,

Sad and happy, Ryosuke’s repeated words made him feel even worse because of the change.

Is this stalling time?

“Relax, don’t be nervous.”

Ryosuke smiled and took another sip of sweet tea to moisten his dry throat. “I don’t know what you feel after reading the history of the ninja world for thousands of years. Will you agree from the bottom of your heart that your mother will turn this planet into a dead star and return to the tragic scene of thousands of years ago.”

“But… I don’t want everything to go back to the past, so I need to have the power to stop your mother, at least I have to have the power to compete with your mother before I agree to rescue her from the seal.”

“Are you kidding? She is Kaguya Otsutsuki!”

Black Zetsu frowned, “Even the legendary Six Paths Sage in your ninja world is her descendant.”

“If there hadn’t been an accident that year, she would not have been sealed at all with her ability, and now you, a young boy, actually want to compete with her, or even… surpass her! Are you dreaming?”

“Do you think I can’t surpass her? Just because she was a goddess a thousand years ago?”

Ryosuke’s helpless explanation , “Unfortunately, the gap between me and her is not that big. It may only take a short period of time and a sacred fruit.”

The frown slowly relaxed, and Black Zetsu’s expression was a little subtle, “You want me to help you get the sacred fruit? That’s not impossible.”

“No, no, no, please don’t get me wrong.”

Ryosuke shook his head, “I don’t plan to improve my strength through the sacred fruit for the time being.”

He paused again, and looked at Black Zetsu with a smile, “What’s more, if I really want the sacred fruit, I won’t choose to cooperate with you.”

“I don’t want to be backstabbed by you, my collaborator, and let you assimilate my body and use my body to revive Kaguya Otsutsuki.”


The stone bench under Black Zetsu’s buttocks broke directly,

and he stood up in time without falling because of the broken stone bench,

but…his attention was not on other things in the outside world at this time, but he was staring at Ryosuke closely, and even unconsciously took a step back.

Originally, as an old monster who has lived for a thousand years and the third son of Kaguya Otsutsuki, although Black Zetsu knew that Ryosuke’s strength was terrifying, and even had deep fear in his heart,

But in fact, he was still very confident in facing Ryosuke, at least he was very confident that he could escape from his hands.

But now, in addition to fear, Black Zetsu’s heart also had a completely unbelievable fear.

Originally, since they met, his attention was mostly locked on Ryosuke’s eyes,

But at this moment, Black Zetsu was a little afraid to look into those eyes, and his eyes became a little evasive.

How did he know? How did he guess what I was thinking and what plans I had?

Too many questions surged in Black Zetsu’s heart.

Just now, Ryosuke revealed his inner thoughts a second ago, which almost made him directly disconnect from this White Zetsu and flee far away.

But then, Black Zetsu suddenly remembered what he had seen in his mother’s memory, which was about her life on her own planet, that was the life of the Otsutsuki clan.

Suddenly, he wanted to suppress his inner thoughts like crazy.

See through the future!

See through the heart!

Black Zetsu soon realized where Ryosuke’s ability came from, and even figured out why Ryosuke had such a strong strength!

“You are indeed a member of the Hyuga clan.”

Black Zetsu took another step back and spoke cautiously, “But… you are definitely not an ordinary Hyuga clan member, your blood has returned to your ancestors! You have blood and abilities that are closer to Kaguya than Hamura!”

His voice was very sure.

As the third son of Kaguya Otsutsuki, he is a collection of her negative emotions and will, so he knows a lot about his mother.

Among them, there is also the point about the Byakugan ability that the Otsutsuki clan itself possesses.

Black Zetsu knows very well that the Byakugan of the Otsutsuki and the Hyuga clan are different.

The Byakugan of the Otsutsuki has a variety of powers that are not inferior to the Sharingan, or even the Samsara Eye, and it also includes unimaginable abilities such as seeing through people’s hearts and seeing through the future.

However, it seems that because of the combination with the people on this planet, neither Hamura, who inherited the other half of Kaguya’s power, the power of the Byakugan, nor Hamura’s descendants were able to exert the power of the Byakugan itself, and they did nothing for a thousand years.

So later, Black Zetsu stopped paying attention to the Hyuga clan.

But now it seems that I was careless!

“Not bad.”

Ryosuke chuckled and clapped his hands in admiration, “Although you can find out this information after investigating it later, you can guess it in this direction after just a short contact. I have to say it is still very powerful.”

As for his blood returning to his ancestors, after he exposed his strength, many people in the clan had actually speculated in this regard.

So in fact, whether Ryosuke said it now or not, with Black Zetsu’s own ability to investigate information, he would definitely be able to dig out information in this regard later, so he simply admitted it directly.

And Black Zetsu, who was standing not far away and got the confirmation, turned around without hesitation.

He didn’t want to stay here any longer.

With the two abilities of seeing through the future and seeing through people’s hearts, what’s the point of him standing here?

No matter what conspiracy he had in his heart, in front of this guy, it was like writing it in a diary for the other party to see.

Even the other party might see through the ending of his plan through those eyes. In this case, the longer he stayed here, the more he would be exposed.


Ryosuke was also a little confused about Black Zetsu’s decisive turn and preparation to leave, and hurriedly called him out.

He didn’t know that the other party had misunderstood something about his ability.

“There is another thing, it’s about the other world!”

He hurriedly stood up and shouted.

After a pause, Black Zetsu stopped the action of blending into the soil and turned to look at him.

“There was a guy from another world among the people sent by you and Obito at that time. I believe you have learned a lot about his information and the world behind him through memory exploration, right?”

The foreshadowing in his heart has been planted. In this case, Ryosuke spoke quickly on the second matter, and did not act cautiously as before.

“Since you have explored the other party’s memory, you should also know that other worlds have different cultivation systems.”

“Although the people in Bruno’s world that you explored do not seem to exist and can threaten your mother, there are still many people from other worlds in this ninja world besides that guy, and they are even from different worlds.”

Black Zetsu did not speak, but just stood there and listened silently, seeming to restrain his inner thoughts.

“There are many guys among these aliens, and I also feel very difficult.”

“Even the world behind them has guys called gods.”

Ryosuke took a step forward and wanted to walk over, but after seeing Black Zetsu silently step back, he could only stand there helplessly, “Times have changed, and the situation in this world is now very complicated.”

“Even if you really wake up your mother, she may not be able to control the world like before.”

“Black Zetsu, we don’t have to be enemies.”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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