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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 203 Sage Mode is finally achieved (Subscription required)

“It’s a natural outcome…”

Joy, excitement, happiness…

Uncontrollable emotions are revealed through words.

In the Hyuga clan’s land, in a quiet room that is almost completely isolated from the outside world,

Ryosuke, wearing a loose white robe, sits cross-legged on a warm and thick animal skin blanket, with dark black lines on his face twisting and turning.

And these eye lines mean…he has successfully entered the Sage Mode!

At this time, the expression on Ryosuke’s face is completely distorted and unmanageable. This distortion is not due to madness, but the excitement derived from joy.

This is his understanding of his current emotional expression, and it is also the reason why he does not force himself to keep this expression.

At this moment, Ryosuke feels very happy,

a bit like a person who has been tortured by illness for decades, and suddenly reborn back to his childhood self, with an indescribable sense of comfort and ease.

The free natural energy in the air no longer makes him feel dangerous and afraid.

He is no longer like a drowning person in the deep sea, facing the endless ocean and feeling desperate.

These natural energies perfectly transformed their identities when he completed the last step of the Sage Mode training, that is, when he successfully entered the Sage Mode. They were no longer enemies who repelled each other, but friends who could fight side by side. Originally, from the moment he felt the existence of natural energy, Ryosuke had always had an inexplicable sense of rejection, as if this world, or this planet, was rejecting him. But this rejection was not because of his identity as a traverser, but because he learned to “see” them and “feel” them. This perception brought about unconscious attention. Even if Ryosuke tried to restrain himself and ignore these energies, this energy was floating in his perception, drowning him like seawater. Even if he had strong self-control, he would always “touch” them inadvertently. This was unavoidable attention. And this attention made these natural energies seem very uncomfortable, causing them to be like a teased kitten. They were near Ryosuke, sometimes well-behaved, but sometimes rioted under his attention. Fortunately, Ryosuke’s problem was solved now, and it was a natural outcome. With Naruto’s help, he directly obtained the final result – Senjutsu Chakra.

By analyzing Senjutsu Chakra, he could clearly perceive natural Chakra.

When Senjutsu Chakra condensed, he also figured out the ratio of physical energy, spiritual energy, and natural energy.

Ryosuke had never tried it, because he lacked a little confidence and a little feeling.

So during this period of time, he had been reading the battle records of Senju Hashirama’s life. Through the construction of illusions, he simulated himself to become Senju Hashirama to fight every battle.

It was a bit similar to the previous description of Hyuga Neji’s graduation test.

But after all, it was just a description of words, and the person involved did not correct it, so the progress of this simulated battle was very slow. It took him a long time to find a little “feeling” of Senju Hashirama from those battles.

“Is this… Sage Mode?”

Ryosuke stood up from the blanket, his body floating in the air.

He felt that he was completely integrated into these natural energies, completely integrated into this planet.

Natural energy exists in every place on this planet. Even if the area where Ryosuke is currently located is a closed place specially built for quietness, there is still natural energy floating around.

“With the help of the power of heaven and earth, with the help of the power of the planet, let your life level undergo a transformation…”

Whispering softly, Ryosuke clenched his fists and tried to feel the changes in his body.

Sage Chakra is a higher energy substance than ordinary Chakra.

When ordinary Chakra flows through the meridians, it can produce an additional amplification effect on the body, improving the body’s ability to resist blows, speed, and strength…

Sage Chakra can also do this, and the effect is more powerful than ordinary Chakra.

In addition to the substantial changes in the body under the stimulation of the Sage Chakra, there are also some very subtle changes, such as the activity of cells in the body and the strength of the body undergoing small-scale transformation under the impact of natural energy. Although this transformation is not obvious, it is changing his body at a continuous speed, and in a very comfortable feeling, rather than like the progress bar in his mind, where every change makes him feel painful. However, judging from the degree of these subtle changes, the transformation speed of the progress bar in his mind is more real. In addition to the physical changes, even the range of spiritual perception has expanded a lot and is clearer. Although this perception is of no use to him, it is not as clear as he can see the surroundings with his own white eyes, but there are indeed changes. But the most important thing, of course, is the breakthrough of the upper limit of his own chakra, which is the biggest reason for Ryosuke to practice Sage Chakra. Although Ryosuke’s own chakra is enough to compete with the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan, which are blood-related families with superior physiques,

But if he wants to better exert his own strength, then his own chakra amount is not enough, and he needs a higher chakra limit as a basis.

Although Ryosuke can raise his chakra limit as his physical and mental aspects improve during the three-year opening limit,

after all, he is not a person who will wait quietly, and this progress bar is not a heaven-defying system in novels that will give things as long as you sign in. You need to work hard to get something, so he has been looking for ways to increase his chakra limit.

And the Sage Mode is the best choice at this stage.

“It’s about… three minutes.”

While feeling the physical changes brought about by entering the Sage Mode, Ryosuke calculated the time,

and as three minutes passed, the natural energy in his body began to slowly withdraw from his body, even the gathered Sage Chakra was the same.

The withdrawal of these natural energies is not because Ryosuke’s body cannot bear it, or because it has reached the load,

but these natural energies have been “tired” of staying in his body, as if his body and natural energy are not compatible enough, they are not adapted to staying in his body, and cannot last longer.

“Although I have exited the state of Sage Mode, the changes that occurred in my body when I entered it have remained.”

The dark black lines on his face have disappeared with the exit of Sage Mode, and the amplification effect of the sage chakra flowing through the meridians has also retreated, but Ryosuke’s body has been preserved in the subtle transformation during these three minutes.

Including the strength of the body and the upper limit of chakra.

“Yes, changes are good, and the changes in body functions are much more obvious than I thought.”

Ryosuke nodded with satisfaction.

Although it is very subtle, it is also very clear.

After all, since Ryosuke’s strength has become stronger and stronger, any improvement in strength has been extremely subtle, and there are rarely huge breakthroughs.

And he can foresee that as he becomes more and more proficient in Sage Mode in the future, the time he can maintain Sage Mode should be longer and longer, just like Naruto.

At that time, those natural energies can continue to flush and transform his body in the state of Sage Mode, improving the functions of the body itself, rather than short-term changes under the stimulation of Sage Chakra.

“Then… I hope there will be another surprise.”

The training of the Sage Mode has been completed, and Ryosuke walked out of the room in a good mood.

When he tested his changes in the Sage Mode just now, he had sensed that someone was waiting for him in the yard.

When he opened the door, Ryosuke saw a pretty figure.

Under the warm sun of the cold winter,

Hinata was standing quietly in the yard with her hands behind her back, waiting for him.

Her long haze blue hair was tied up with a thin rubber band, which made her look capable and mature beyond her age.

“It’s so cold today, why don’t you wait for me in the inner room.”

Walking forward gently, Ryosuke casually pulled off his white robe and put it on her.

This quiet room was built by him in the main house of Hyuga in order to better perceive the natural energy, so he is actually still in the main house of Hyuga and has not left home.

“I just received the news and thought about coming over to wait.” Hinata first handed him the two letters in her hand, and then tightened her robe, “One is from Captain Xingcai, and the other is from Captain Iroha. After my father got these two letters from the Intelligence Department, he asked me to deliver them quickly.” Ryosuke nodded, and after reaching out to take the two letters, he did not open them immediately to check. “Let’s go, let’s go into the house first.” He put his arm around Hinata’s shoulders and led her to the inner courtyard. When he just scanned the perception, Ryosuke had noticed that Hinata came to deliver a letter, and he was not in a hurry. Judging from the appearance of the two letters, they should be just ordinary work reports, not urgent requests for help. The two entered the inner courtyard and sat down on the bench with expensive leather cushions in the inner room. Drinking hot tea, Ryosuke slowly opened the first letter. “Captain Xingcai’s letter reports basic intelligence information about aliens.”

Beside him, Hinata couldn’t wait to explain: “It was previously circulated in the Land of Fire that the identity of the powerful warrior can be basically confirmed as an alien. His appearance is attributed to a broken arm, red hair, and a strong kendo talent.”

“It sounds familiar.”

Ryosuke’s face was a little surprised, but he soon smiled, “I seem to have guessed who this alien is. In the information I learned before, there is news about this person.”


Hinata was a little surprised, “Is it the technological world that stepped out of the planet and into the universe, or… the world full of pirates looking for treasure?”

The only information about the other world they have now is these two worlds.

Staring at the letter in front of him, Ryosuke read the contents carefully and said two words with a smile, “Pirates.”

Red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors in the pirate camp in the world of One Piece.

The title of Emperor is a high-end title in any world, and the same is true in the Pirate World.

Hinata asked again: “Do I need to send them a letter to deliver new mission instructions?”

“No need.”

Ryosuke shook his head, “I plan to go there in person. If it is Red-haired Shanks, then Xingcai and the others can’t keep an eye on him.”

“Once they find the target, they may not even have a chance to track him, and they will be discovered immediately.”

Although it is difficult to make a substantial judgment on combat power in different worlds and different power systems,

For example, from the world of One Piece, the combat power level of Bruno he met before was probably at the middle and lower level in their world,

and after coming to this world, Bruno has a White Zetsu in his body to help him resist illusions and assist him in attacking, and only with the Six Styles of the Navy can he barely have the strength of a jonin.

But if he leaves White Zetsu,

with only his physical skills and the crude development of the Door-to-Door Fruit, Bruno is probably only at the level of a chunin,

even if he faces those chunins who are proficient in illusions, he may not even have a chance to fight and will be knocked down.

This is the judgment that cannot be made under different systems.

Bruno’s physical skills are definitely at the level of a jonin, and even stronger than many jonin, but limited by other factors, his combat power plummets, just like the current situation of Lao Mao.

But… Shanks is different. The gap between him and Bruno is too big. Bruno is a low-level fry in the One Piece world. If he meets someone from other One Piece worlds and mentions his name, perhaps Ryosuke will face a lot of blank and ignorant faces. After all, this guy has no fame. But Shanks is a top figure in the Pirate World Combat Power Ranking and one of the Four Emperors. Perhaps as long as it is a guy from the One Piece world, when Ryosuke mentions the name Shanks, he will definitely not face a blank and ignorant face. He may face an excited and admiring face, or an indignant face. In short, it is not that no one has heard of it. It is just that different emotions will appear because of their different professions. “I told you before that in that world full of pirates, in addition to the secret treasures and physical skills such as devil fruits, kendo, and the Six Styles of the Navy, there is also an ability called Haki.”

Ryosuke sorted out his thoughts and explained to Hinata: “Armament Haki can be understood as an energy substance similar to chakra, which can harden a person’s body to increase defense and attack power, and even release it to cause long-range attacks like the Eight Diagrams Palm.”

“Observation Haki is an ability similar to the mind’s eye. If it is trained to the extreme, it can even predict the enemy’s attack methods in battle.”

“Finally, there is the Conqueror Haki, which is equivalent to A secret technique that has been cultivated to the extreme of mental oppression. “After a pause, his tone became somewhat expectant, “And this Shanks is a top-notch warrior who is proficient in Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and Conqueror Haki, and has high attainments in swordsmanship and physical skills.” “He is an all-round warrior, and his physical training and mental will are almost the same as the mechanism of their world.” “Facing him, the most commonly used illusion methods we originally planned to use against people from other worlds may become ineffective. I can be sure that his Conqueror Haki has the effect of resisting illusions, but I am not sure what level of illusions the limit of resistance is. “


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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not work with dark mode