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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 214: First meeting with Shanks (Subscription required)

“Are you… ninjas from Hyuga?”

The next morning, Ryosuke and Hinata came to the front of the Saki family’s mansion.

As soon as they approached, a samurai came forward to ask.

His tone was respectful and vigilant, and there was a hint of delaying time. Perhaps he had sent someone to the house to inform that there were guests.

“Master Hyuga, Ryosuke.”

Holding Hinata’s arm, Ryosuke replied gently.

Since they were visiting, they would definitely not be disguised, so based on the obvious appearance of the Hyuga family, it was not difficult for the samurai to recognize them.

“Hyuga Hinata.”

Beside him, Hinata also spoke politely and explained her identity.


Hearing their introduction, the gatekeeper was stunned at first, then his expression became more respectful, and even his waist was unconsciously lowered a little, “It turns out that the Hyuga clan is visiting. I am sorry for the neglect. Please come in first. I have asked someone to inform my master.”

Welcome the guests directly into the house without further delay.

In the Land of Fire, there is a difference between the people of the Hyuga main family and the people of the branch family. Even though he is a gatekeeper, he is very clear about this.

Nodding gently, Ryosuke and the others entered the mansion under his guidance.

Although the gap between the main family and the branch family is not so obvious within the Hyuga, the long-standing rules are there.

So in the eyes of outsiders, the Hyuga main family represents the real Hyuga, and the status of its royal family is almost the same as that of the first-class advisor of the Konoha Hokage. This is also the reason why Ryosuke pointed out the identity of the main family.

Since it can be convenient, why not do it.

The mansion of the Saki family,

The houses and attics are elegant and simple, and the green forests are very neatly trimmed, which is completely different from the rough style of the Hyuga clan.

In the outer house, there are all kinds of samurai retainers, maids and servants, and the liveliness is not much worse than on the street.

There is even a martial arts field in the open area, and many strong men compete on the ring.

From time to time, you can hear their shouts.

“They are just some superficial physical skills, not comparable to the inheritance of the Hyuga family.”

The samurai noticed that Ryosuke and the others were watching the fight on the ring, and couldn’t help but flatter.

Ryosuke didn’t refute, just glanced casually a few times and then looked away.

There was really nothing worth paying attention to.

It seems that the retainers Shanks is coaching are not these in the outer house.

Through the stone wall covered with exquisite murals, they came to the inner house again.

The man who seemed to be the butler hurried over after receiving the news that there were guests. After seeing that they had entered the house, he was stunned at first, and then flattered them. He seemed to know that those who could be led directly into the house by this gatekeeper were all people of prominent status.

After that, after hearing that Ryosuke and the others were from the Hyuga main family, his attitude became more respectful.

“Please move to the main hall, my master will be here soon.”

The butler took over the work of leading the way from the gatekeeper and led Ryosuke and the others into the main hall.

In the main hall,

the layout and decoration are extremely elegant, and the faint fragrance of flowers is overflowing. As soon as you enter, you will feel relaxed and happy.

“You two, please have tea first.”

As soon as the butler finished speaking, a graceful maid swayed her slender waist like a willow branch and entered the house with tea.

Ryosuke’s attention has been observing the decoration of the room, but he didn’t pay much attention to the maid.

Instead, Hinata, who was sitting next to him, was carefully looking at the maids in cheongsams, looking at their looming slender thighs, secretly envious, and had a sense of comparison.

The maid who brought the tea stood behind them and served them.

Next to them, there was a butler who smiled and repeatedly explained that the hospitality was not good enough and asked them to wait patiently.

Ryosuke and the others did not talk to them, but sat quietly and drank tea.

Soon, hurried footsteps came from outside the house.

Immediately afterwards, Ryosuke saw a white-haired old man coming over here with a middle-aged man.

“The two young masters of the Hyuga family, please forgive me.” The white-haired old man in a retro kimono said apologetically, “It’s our first meeting. I am the master of the Saki family, Saki Nozomi.” He then introduced the person next to him, “This is my son, Saki Yu.” Although he was older, he did not neglect Ryosuke and the others because of his age. Ryosuke and the others were the same. They did not become arrogant because of their extraordinary combat power. Although Saki Nozomi and the others were ordinary people, they were elders first. When the two entered the room, they stood up humbly. After hearing the introduction of the two, they also hurriedly began to introduce themselves. After a round of greetings, the four sat down at the host and guest seats respectively. Saki Yu did not sit down, but stood beside his father. As for the housekeeper, he had retreated outside the door. There were only a few maids waiting in the house to pour tea and water at any time. “Young Master Ryosuke is very handsome. When I went to the daimyo’s mansion on official business, I often heard the daimyo mention you, saying that you are a dragon among men. Today I saw that it was true.” After sitting down, Nozomi Saki spoke in a gentle voice, and his face looked very kind. “I didn’t expect that I only met the daimyo once, and he remembered me.” Ryosuke smiled and replied, “Dragon among men? This saying is novel, but…” He changed the subject, and the smile on his face gradually became a little arrogant, “How can a dragon and a tiger compare to me?”

Such a gesture and words, not only was Nozomi Saki sitting in the main seat stunned, even Hinata couldn’t help but secretly glance at Ryosuke.

“… Young Master Ryosuke is a little different from what I know.”

However, Nozomi Saki’s doubts were only for a moment, without showing any dissatisfaction, and continued to ask with a smile: “I wonder if Young Master Ryosuke came to discuss something important?”

“This time, there is indeed something I need to discuss with you. I believe that the actions of my clan members when they came to visit before should be clear to you two.”

Ryosuke did not delay and went straight to the point, “I want to meet the samurai named Shanks, and I hope that the head of the Saki family can arrange it.”

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Nozomi Saki’s face slowly withered.

Ryosuke was so direct, and if he continued to smile, it would be a bit like trying to get someone else’s cold butt.

“… Shanks.”

Nozomi Saki pondered for a moment, raised her head and asked seriously: “I wonder if Master Ryosuke’s visit is due to the attitude of your Hyuga clan or… Konoha’s attitude?”

“Of course it is our Hyuga clan’s own attitude.”

Ryosuke did not hide it, “This matter… Konoha is not clear yet.”

Without mentioning the other world, he did not know what information Shanks revealed to the Saki family, and he did not want to point it out.


Whether it was Nozomi Saki or Saki Yu, they had always been very upright, and finally had a different meaning, a flaw revealed by their inner emotions.

“Just now, I found that the decoration of your house is not much worse than that of the daimyo’s mansion.” Before the two of them could speak, Ryosuke suddenly smiled and said, “Although it doesn’t have the solemn and majestic momentum of the daimyo’s mansion, it already has some flavor in its posture.” After a pause, he half-squinted his eyes and looked at the two of them, “I remember… your Sasaki family seems to have not produced a daimyo for a long time.” Unconsciously, Sasaki Nozomi tightened her palms holding the handles of the table and chairs… “The reason why these nobles in the Land of Fire are nobles is because they have more or less the blood of the first daimyo in their bodies.” In the living room, only Ryosuke and Hinata sat quietly, waiting for Shanks to arrive. “In the long history of the country, the position of daimyo is not inherited from one generation to another, but is held by the most capable, and is chosen from among these nobles.”

He explained the situation while drinking tea, “That is, everyone has the opportunity to sit in this position, but it requires competition and depends on the family’s foundation.”

“Whoever has a strong family foundation and great ability can become the master of this country.”

“And the Saki family once served as daimyo for three generations, but after being taken away by the Tokugawa family four hundred years ago, there has been no chance to take office again.”

Hina understood what he meant, “That is to say… these nobles “The families are not connected to each other, but just like the situation in Konoha Village, each family has its own ulterior motives?”

“And because they want to sit on the throne of the country, the Saki family did not pass this matter on to other nobles, or even the daimyo, but concealed it themselves?”


Without exact information, Ryosuke could not give an accurate answer, “At least from their current performance, they do not want the news of Shanks to be passed on, they hope to eat it themselves.”

Hinata nodded, and was about to say something else, but stopped quickly.

She could sense that someone was coming towards the reception room.

A few minutes later, a strong and tall figure appeared at the door.

“Captain Shanks.”

Chuckling and standing up, Ryosuke stared at the person in front of him with his bright eyes without any disguise,

and scanned his body unscrupulously, both externally and internally.

Just by meeting, he could sense a strong aura coming from the person in front of him.

This aura had a domineering and oppressive force that he had never felt before, whether it was Nagato who had the Samsara Eye or the former Sandaime, or the daimyo, who were all top superiors, but they did not have this aura.

Or… Sarutobi Hiruzen had it when he was young, but it gradually faded away after he got old.

“Oh? It’s been a while since I heard someone call me that.”

Walking into the house, Shanks seemed a little surprised, but laughed heartily again, “Although you look familiar to me, I really can’t resist your fiery eyes.”

“Hinata Ryosuke.”

Ryosuke smiled and stretched out his palm, and introduced Hinata next to him, “This is my wife, Hinata.”


Shanks also smiled and stretched out his palm.

There was no competition, they just lightly shook each other’s palms, without using any strength.

Skipping the greetings, Ryosuke and Hinata sat down casually.

After Shanks looked at them unexpectedly, he also sat down.

“So… where do we start?”

Having been waiting for a long time, when they actually met, Shanks was a little speechless and scratched his head in distress, “I have a lot of things I want to ask, and I know you have a lot to ask me, but where do I start?”

Since the other party was unwilling to speak first, Ryosuke took the lead in the conversation directly, “In fact, we have learned a lot about your world from a person from your world.”

“Whether it’s the general structure of your world or the system of power, we actually already know a lot about it.”

Shanks was not surprised by this. He had roughly guessed that Ryosuke and his team had a lot of intelligence information about their world. “So… who is he? Where is he now?”

“Before I answer, I need to mention that his attitude towards us is different from yours.”

Ryosuke explained first, and then replied: “His name is Bruno, from the secret intelligence agency of the World Government.”

“He is the first person from another world we discovered, and in a battle, he led the ninja army of the Hidden Mist Village to raid our Konoha Village and was captured by our clan. Only then did we find out about the other world.”

“As for him, he is now dead.”

“Originally Is it someone from the World Government?” Shanks did not react to the killing of people from the same world. “Since he started it, he was unable to bear the consequences, so it is natural that he died. This kind of thing will not affect our conversation.” “But…besides him, have you contacted any other people from other worlds? Apart from our world.” The indifferent expression became a little surprised. Ryosuke was a little curious about what Shanks revealed in this sentence. “Indeed, apart from your world, we have also contacted people from other worlds.” “Their attitude is quite kind, and they have always had close contact with our clan.” Although Gintoki and his three-man team were unwilling to abandon the business of the Yorozuya and leave the Iron Country to join them in the Fire Country. But their contact with the Hyuga has never decreased. Many projects in the Hyuga clan were also completed under their inspiration. “Really? Then…” Shanks was going to ask something else. But Ryosuke interrupted him with a chuckle, “Since we Hyuga have shown an attitude of willingness to negotiate, then Captain Shanks, should you also show your attitude?” Shanks was stunned for a moment, but did not refuse, “Of course, if you have anything to ask, as long as it is convenient for me, I will tell you everything.” “I need you to do me a small favor first, it will definitely not be something inconvenient for you.” Ryosuke said as he took out a scroll from his arms. Now he didn’t even need to make a seal. As soon as he took it out and spread it flat on the table, a cloud of smoke rose from the scroll. When the smoke dissipated, a strange-looking devil fruit was lying quietly in it. “What a strange method, how much storage space is there in this scroll?” During the process of Ryosuke taking out the devil fruit from the scroll, Shanks did not show any vigilance, but was full of curiosity. “It depends on the complexity of the runes written on it. The specific explanation requires a huge reserve of ninja knowledge. If you are interested, I can have someone send you books on this subject later.”

Ryosuke explained casually. This kind of thing cannot be explained in a few words, let alone a person who comes from another world and has never been exposed to any ninja knowledge.

“Thank you very much.”

Shanks did not refuse, and looked at the devil fruit on the table again, “Do you want me to help you identify this devil fruit?”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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