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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 224 This is the village we once protected together! (Subscribe)

In the Land of Rain, there was a dead silence in the large tent used as a temporary meeting place, and even the extremely subtle breathing of the crowd was clear.

Outside, the ninja troops stationed by various forces were also very quiet.

Just now, a group of them watched a young official who was not very old nodded respectfully to Hyuga Iroha and invited him in.

What does this mean? The representatives of the major forces are having a meeting, why do they still ask the Hyuga family to come in?

Except for the Hyuga people, everyone else, including Konoha, was puzzled.

In the tent,

everyone first looked at Hyuga Iroha standing next to Kusanagi Akebi with a strange look on their faces, and then turned their eyes to Utane Koharu who was sitting at the conference table.

“Hyuga Iroha, what do you mean?”

With a frown on her face, Utane Koharu couldn’t sit still. She stood up and stared at the pale face not far away with an ugly look, “Can you take responsibility for what you said today?”

She was very angry in her heart, but more panicked.

“I can’t be responsible for my words.”

Standing not far from her, Hyuga Iroha shook his head calmly, “But this is the intention of the head of the family. The head of the family’s order represents Hyuga. This is the decision of all the senior leaders of Hyuga.”

As he said, he wrote a letter and handed it to Utatane Koharu.

When he received the letter, Iroha was also a little surprised and doubtful. He first suspected that the letter was fake.

As a senior leader, he certainly knew the arrangements that the clan had made all along.

Giving up the accumulation of Konoha for so many years and turning to this barren country really made Iroha feel a little unbelievable.

But in fact, this letter is of course true.

The ninja beast responsible for communication was cultivated by the intelligence agency of the clan, and only recognized the blood of Hyuga.

And the letter also has the unique pattern seal of the clan leader. These two materials are enough to prove that the letter is true.

There should be changes in the clan, but the specific situation is not convenient to explain through letters.

Iroha looked at Utatane Koharu who snatched the letter, and he probably had an idea in his mind.

“… I think this meeting needs to be suspended for a while. I need to confirm the authenticity of this news.”

Her face was extremely ugly, but this time, Koharu Utatane did not show the irritability she had before. Instead, she looked at the others around her calmly, “Give me three days to confirm the authenticity of this news.”

That was originally pretended. In front of outsiders, she was still relatively calm.

Whether this news is true or false, it is definitely more important than the application of the Rain Country to join the alliance.

Hyuga is not an ordinary ninja family. As the top family of Konoha, it is also a famous family in the thousands of years of history of the ninja world. Their influence is extremely terrifying.

Now they want to leave Konoha and the Fire Country and settle in the Rain Country. This matter has a profound impact on all parties.

“Indeed, I also need to report the situation to the daimyo again.”

The representative of the Fire Country, Tokugawa Tani, also looked very ugly.

In response, representatives of other forces also nodded one after another. They also need to negotiate with the forces behind them about the follow-up of Hyuga leaving Konoha and settling in the Rain Country.

Regardless of Hyuga’s intentions in this,

Now that the Rain Country has Hyuga, it is no longer a soft persimmon as before. The specific conditions of their application to join the Allied Nations do need to be re-negotiated.

With a gloomy face, after the representatives of other forces nodded in agreement, Utatane Koharu ignored the strange looks of others and came directly to Iroha, “I need to talk to you alone!”

And Tokugawa Tani also came to Iroha’s side, “I think I should also participate!”

“It’s useless for you to talk to me about this matter.”

But Hyuga Iroha shook his head, very disrespectful, “You should send a message back to Konoha and let the people of Konoha talk to our head of the family.”

“I just acted according to orders. I don’t know about other things.”

In fact, as a senior member of Hyuga, he certainly didn’t know everything.

After accepting that the news was true, Hyuga Iroha probably guessed that the clan might have made new progress in the affairs of the other world, so they needed to be so eager to be independent.

But due to his identity, he was unwilling to explain more to Utatane Koharu and others, and there was no need to explain.

Say nothing, is the clearest approach.


As for his lack of respect, Koharu Utatane’s wrinkled face was a little stiff, she was suppressing her anger.

Turning her head, she swept her eyes to the other people watching the show in the tent, “Please leave here first, we have something to understand in the Land of Fire!”

Her tone was very cold, and she no longer maintained the posture of an old man in his twilight years.

Although she had not personally experienced a life-and-death battle for many years after taking power, Koharu Utatane did not lose her claws because of this.

On the contrary, she was a little arrogant because of her years of power.

Showing the excellence of the former first force in the ninja world, she forcefully called the people from other forces in the tent away.

Although the representatives of other forces were angry in their hearts, they dared not speak out. After all, Konoha was the first force in the alliance.

If the Sand Village was present, perhaps they would have a chance to hide behind the Sand Village and refute, but unfortunately, the Sand Village and the Wind Country have left the Rain Country because of the tailed beast being taken away, so they have no chance to speak.

Others left one after another, and Hyuga Iroha was about to follow, but Utatane Koharu directly blocked him, “I now suspect that you are communicating with the top leaders of the Rain Country and passing on false information.” She looked at Iroha and Kusanagi Azuki expressionlessly, and Tokugawa Tani also stayed beside Utatane Koharu. This is not only a matter for Konoha, but also a matter for the Land of Fire. At this time, there were only four of them in the tent, standing opposite each other. “The letter has the emblem of the head of the family.” Although Hyuga Iroha was stopped, his voice was still very calm, “You can pass on the authenticity of this information to Konoha and let the people in Konoha confirm it.” He always refused to communicate directly with Utatane Koharu and others. “Your goal is to mess up this meeting. You are from the Sand Village.”

But Utatane Koharu shook her head with a cold face, “Because the conditions of the Rain Country are not favorable to them, the Sand Village and the Wind Country have opposed it for a long time.”

“But because the tailed beasts were captured by the Akatsuki organization, they had to leave. Before leaving, they either gave you or you Hyuga generous conditions. You pretended to pass on the message to move into the Rain Country, but in fact you were trying to delay time.”

“I don’t know if you betrayed your Hyuga, or if you Hyuga received the reward from the Wind Country together, but this meeting is not allowed to be disrupted! You deserve to die!”

A few words directly solidified the atmosphere in the tent.

The murderous aura gushed out from her, even ordinary people like Kusanagi and Tokugawa Tani could feel it, and they stepped back unconsciously.

Is this going to take action directly?

They had no chance to think about the meaning of those words, and they were just ready to open the tent and run out as soon as the two people in front of them took action.

But for a long time, the two people who were less than two meters apart did not move at all.

“What a despicable trick.”

Finally, it was Iroha who broke the stalemate, “Are you going to paralyze me with poison and then get rid of me quietly?”

“Advisor Utatane Koharu, although you have not participated in the frontal battlefield for many years, our clan has a lot of information about you. You are an excellent medical ninja and a ninja proficient in poison techniques. Do you think I will not be on guard against you?”

As he said, he casually moved a chair and sat down.

Since he was stopped from leaving, he was not in a hurry to leave.

Iroha seemed very calm. After losing the suppression of status and reputation,

Utatane Koharu, the old Hokage advisor, was actually nothing great to him. He also had a lot of experience brought by age, and was definitely better than the other party in combat ability.


Kusan Ake and Tokugawa Tani’s faces froze, and they held their breath unconsciously.

“Don’t worry, her poisoning method is very sophisticated, and it’s targeting me alone.”

Hinata Iroha seemed to notice that something was wrong with the two of them, and explained softly: “If I hadn’t been prepared in advance, I might have been tricked.”

As he spoke, he had already opened his Byakugan and locked onto the silent Utatane Koharu in front of him.

Although he had been on guard all the time, he really didn’t expect the other party to take action directly, so he didn’t open his Byakugan at the beginning and entered a state of alert.

“Perhaps you plan to get rid of me first, and then blame my death on the Rain Country?” Seeing that Utatane Koharu remained silent, Iroha asked tentatively, “Even… you don’t plan to let go of the other tribesmen I brought with me. You want to keep all the Hyuga here and only let other forces in the allied countries spread the news.” “You have given up the Rain Country. What you want to do should be to disrupt our Hyuga’s entry into the Rain Country.” “In fact, you know very well that the content of the letter is true. It was ordered by the head of the Hyuga Hiashi family himself.” After a pause, he shook his head again, “But in fact, no matter what you plan to do, since the Hyuga has already begun to leave Konoha, it will be inevitable.” “Even if the target is not the Rain Country, there will be many forces that will open their doors to the Hyuga. There is no point in you doing this. Instead, it will affect the friendship between the Hyuga and Konoha.” “You can’t erase all traces of what happened. The Hyuga will definitely find out the truth.” Although Utatane Koharu poisoned him first and wanted to kill him, Hyuga Iroha did not intend to fight back. He didn’t want to do it at all. Even if they, the Hyuga, intend to leave Konoha, at this moment, in this situation, killing Utatane Koharu because of a momentary impulse is not a good thing for the family.

Not far away, Utatane Koharu remained silent.

After a long time, she turned around and left directly,

neither answering Hyuga Iroha’s guess nor refuting his empty words.

In fact, after poisoning in a hurry, she also realized that her approach was a bit inappropriate, but Hyuga is very important to Konoha now!

Since this matter cannot be solved on her side, Utatane Koharu can only pass the news back to Konoha as soon as possible, and let the Fifth Hokage and Mitomon En who are far away in Konoha go to negotiate with Hyuga.

“Hiashi, I still remember that when we went to the battlefield together, you were still a naive kid, and you would be timid when facing the enemy. I didn’t expect that you are now the head of the family.”

In the center of the Hyuga clan, in the ancestral house where the main family is located,

Jiraiya came alone, visiting the Hyuga family as a friend.

At this time, in the living room,

the only person sitting opposite Jiraiya was Hyuga Hiashi, Ryosuke and Hinata were not there, they all had their own things to do.

“Didn’t Jiraiya-sama be just a boy back then?”

And Hyuga Hiashi’s face, which had always been stern, also showed a look of nostalgia.

Jiraiya was a generation older than him, so when he just graduated and went to the battlefield, Jiraiya was already his senior and had seen many of his embarrassing things.

Some embarrassing things may be offensive to mention,

but some things may have been very embarrassing back then, but now that he is old, he actually misses the feeling of youthful vigor.

“Yes, I had just graduated from Sarutobi’s team and had the ability to carry out tasks independently.” Jiraiya laughed at first, but then sighed, “We once went to the battlefield together to protect Konoha, and now there are not many old guys alive.” “You don’t know that the young generation now has not really experienced the cruelty of the battlefield. They are clamoring to fight, vying to go to the battlefield, to defend their country, and to become famous.” “They don’t know how much we paid to protect this village back then.” “Really…” The nostalgia on Hinata Hiashi’s face never faded, “It’s good this way, their innocence, on the contrary, shows that the era of peace It has arrived.”

“Yes, the era of peace has arrived.”

Jiraiya nodded with a complicated expression, “Then…Hinata is not going to enjoy this hard-won peace with us, and abandon this village that we once protected together and leave the Land of Fire?”

The nostalgic look on his face slowly subsided, and Hyuga Hiashi looked at Jiraiya in front of him calmly, “…Hokage-sama is well-informed.”

The gentle expression remained unchanged, and Jiraiya did not explain much, “Haven’t you already started to take action and plan to settle in the Land of Rain? For this reason, you also participated in the affairs of the Land of Rain to join the alliance and support them.”

Before leaving, he gave Koharu Utatane a small toad, so that she could pass on important things through the toad.

So it is not a time-consuming thing to pass the news from the Land of Rain back to Konoha, at least it does not take nearly a month’s journey.

But for this matter, his heart is a little heavy.

Hinata has a complicated relationship with Konoha now.

They Konoha needs the power of Hinata, but they are also afraid of the power of Hinata.

“Hiashi, just call me Jiraiya. I’m here to see you as a friend this time.”

He then continued, “Is this matter really irreversible? After so many years of hard work, and so many ties left in this village, are you really willing to abandon everything and go far away?”

“People want to move forward, and so does Hyuga.”

Hyuga Hiashi replied regretfully: “Hyuga’s development needs a bigger stage. The stage of the Land of Fire belongs to Konoha, and we don’t intend to be enemies with Konoha, so we can only look for another place.”

“But we, Hyuga, will never forget the strong partners and friendship we made in this village. As long as Konoha doesn’t forget Hinata, Hinata will always be Konoha’s friend.”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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