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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 236: The Mist Hidden in the Sky, which has been missing for most of the book, is now online

Sure enough,

Naruto just said a simple sentence, and Uchiha Sasuke, who was trembling with excitement, calmed down instantly.

His aura was restrained,

even the gritting of teeth suddenly became calm.

“Using others to avenge your family?”

Sasuke took a deep breath and shook his head to deny this sentence, “What a joke, I want to avenge myself!”

“You are right, I can’t beat Uchiha Itachi yet, so there is no point in being so excited.”

Although it is difficult to suppress hatred, at least I managed to control my emotions.

These years, not only Naruto has grown, but I have also grown.

Although I don’t have the opportunity of Naruto, and I have found a good teacher, I feel that my character is becoming more and more stable.

Every time I think back to the little things in my childhood, the pretentious seat dispute when I first entered school, and the arrogant appearance of those tribesmen, Sasuke just feels fortunate that he has not become like them.

The arrogance of Uchiha may be engraved in his bones, but the arrogant and pretentious character is not necessarily innate.

When he was in school, he had two rivals who liked to hide their abilities.

One was Hyuga Ryosuke. That guy’s current fighting power was unfathomable and he was no longer a rival to him.

The other one was Naruto in front of him. He also liked to hide his abilities.

Whether he was a student or now that he had a backer, he would not easily reveal his true fighting power.

Even when fighting with himself, Naruto often kept some strength.

Even after graduation,

Kakashi also liked to hide. He had such a strong fighting power, but in his daily life he acted like a useless uncle who only knew how to read romance novels. These experiences made Uchiha Sasuke unconsciously start to learn from them.

Learn to be patient and learn to hide yourself.

“Although our family heritage is very deep, and although the ability of the Sharingan is very strong, perhaps… I need to find some other help for myself.”

After calming down, Sasuke began to analyze the current situation, “What I have, Uchiha Itachi also has, and he is even older than me, so he has more time to practice than me.”

“In recent years, he has betrayed the village and performed hired tasks for underground exchanges. He must have accumulated more combat and mission experience than me.”

“I have to find some things that Uchiha Itachi has not come into contact with, and some abilities that he does not understand…”

First he talked about medical ninjutsu, then he denied himself and talked about the tailed beasts.

The more excited and thorough Uchiha Sasuke talked, the more Naruto frowned.

In the almost deserted deep forest, only the two people who were performing the garrison mission sat together on the treetops and chatted.

Naruto’s friend in the village is almost only Sasuke,

and Sasuke is the same. Although they each have teammates, the burdens they have carried since childhood have destined them to be unable to stand with their peers.

They can never catch up with the warm and ordinary topics of their peers.

Their persistence and desire to improve their combat power is also incomprehensible to others.

Relying on each other also means confiding in each other.

There are some things that Naruto is not even willing to talk to his teacher Tsunade, but he can talk to Uchiha Sasuke, such as the fact that he once wanted to follow Hinata to leave Konoha.

The same is true for Uchiha Sasuke. After being a rival for so many years,

he is very clear about the amount of knowledge and judgment that his opponent has, so he often talks to him about some things, hoping to get some help in making choices.

But the more Uchiha Sasuke trusts him, the deeper the bond, and the heavier Naruto’s heart becomes.

“Ryosuke, I have poor control over chakra now, so I worshipped Tsunade as my teacher, and wanted to learn medical ninjutsu to further strengthen my control over chakra, so as to better use the power of the tailed beast.”

“Although I have a stronger self-healing ability than ordinary people due to the physical changes brought by being a Jinchūriki, if I can master medical ninjutsu, I can also get more lasting combat power in battle.”

“Grandpa Sarutobi guided me in my understanding of the technique. What I lack now is the experience of physical skills, and it just so happens that Tsunade is good at physical skills…”

Facing Sasuke who was talking endlessly and analyzing and explaining his future training plan without reservation, Naruto was very melancholy in his heart.

He saw his own shadow in the other party.

It was also such an afternoon that he and Ryosuke were on the Hokage Rock in Konoha Village, looking forward to the village and talking about the future.

At that time, he was like Uchiha Sasuke now, telling Ryosuke about his future training plan and intending to listen to his opinion.

Because he felt the same way, Naruto was very clear about his weight in Sasuke’s heart and his trust in him.

Compared to Ryosuke, who had never deceived him from the beginning and even rescued him from the cage, he was too weak.

For so many years, he couldn’t even make Uchiha Sasuke notice it a little bit.

As a trusted friend, he could only watch him struggle in the nightmare of hatred silently, but he had no way to do anything.


Naruto couldn’t help but interrupt Sasuke’s endless chatter and wanted to tell him something.

Facing the other party’s puzzled eyes, he couldn’t speak even when the words came to his lips.

After a while, he smiled reluctantly, “Have you ever thought about what you would do if you succeeded in revenge?”

Naruto was not the party involved, so he could not understand or guess who was right or wrong in this matter.

Looking at the truth of the facts from different angles, right and wrong are very illusory things.

Just like when Ryosuke guided himself to find and accept the truth, this matter about the meaning of survival is not something that others can help choose and judge, only oneself can bear it.

But there is one thing Naruto can be sure of, that is, the truth is an extremely cruel thing for Sasuke who regards revenge as his survival goal, which is even more cruel than the truth of his life experience that he once faced.

“…After revenge?”

It seems that he has never thought about this question. Sasuke, who was originally immersed in planning his training plan, was stunned and looked down.

For a long time, he lowered his head, as if this was an extremely complicated high-level math problem.


After being quiet for more than ten minutes, Sasuke seemed to have thought of the answer, and then he raised his head and looked at Naruto again, “I don’t know.”

But unfortunately, his answer disappointed Naruto.

“I have never thought about this question. Apart from becoming stronger and taking revenge, I rarely think about other things.”

Sasuke was very casual, “After taking revenge… maybe I will revive the Uchiha clan? Or maybe I will change my goal to defeat you.”

His attitude was very casual. He was completely unaware of the horror of this matter, and he didn’t think it was wrong.

“Then… have you ever thought about how Uchiha Itachi did it on the night of the genocide?”

Facing Sasuke who was so deeply trapped in hatred, Naruto wanted to speak tactfully, “Do you think there is a possibility that he actually…”

But before he finished speaking,

In his perception, several thousand meters away from here, dozens of figures were approaching this side quickly.

“Someone is coming, go and have a look.”

Sasuke didn’t have the opportunity to think deeply. His attention was attracted by the person not far away, and he turned into a black shadow and flew towards the place where there was movement.

When the war was approaching, any slight movement was worth paying attention to, let alone this kind of action that did not conceal any breath.

“It’s so blatant, it could be someone from another country, don’t do it directly.”

Naruto followed closely behind him, feeling a little annoyed that he was interrupted when he finally mustered up the courage to explain.

A distance of several thousand meters is not far, but not close either.

However, Naruto and Sasuke were not slow, and the dozens of approaching figures were not slow either. They ran in both directions, and the distance of one kilometer was shortened too much in just a few minutes.

As they got closer, the situation of the dozens of people was gradually seen through by the two.

“They are ninjas from Kirigakure.”

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Sasuke looked down at the dense forest far away.

The three-magatama Sharingan in his eyes had already been opened, and he clearly and distinctly saw the dozens of fast-moving figures, “They are all Kirigakure ninjas, led by a woman. I didn’t see the Fourth Mizukage Yagura.”

“Kirigakure ninjas… are they here for an appointment?”

Naruto came to his side and looked down, but he couldn’t see anything. He could only vaguely feel that there was a breath approaching.

Although his perception ability was not bad, he didn’t have such a good eye. “But since it’s an appointment, why don’t you inform the Iron Country responsible for mediation first and go to their Kirigakure Village’s base instead of coming to our Konoha’s territory?”

In order to avoid conflicts, this time the five-nation ninja coalition took the building temporarily built for negotiations as the center,

and was arranged by the people of the Iron Country in various places around, and the distance between them was not close.

Even though the Land of Water had not been on time before, and had not arrived until the negotiations were almost over and the alliance had been reached, their share of the territory was still left to them, vacant and unoccupied.

“Send a flare, we two can’t make the decision on this matter.”

Obviously, even though Naruto now has a high reputation in the village because of his status as the son of the Hokage, he has no real power and cannot receive these people from the Hidden Mist Village as a host.

Uchiha Sasuke did not object, and directly took out a temporary flare from his ninja bag.

The fireworks that soared into the sky exploded in mid-air with a strong smell of gunpowder.

The sound resounded through the dense forest, reaching the ears of the ninjas stationed in Konoha and the Hidden Mist ninjas on the way.

As if to prove that there was no malice, they stopped in the dense forest to rest and no longer approached actively.

And Naruto and Sasuke did not relax at all, and were seriously on guard against the group of people in the dense forest, and no longer chatted like before.

It was only a few minutes after the flare was sent out that they could clearly sense familiar chakra coming towards them.

Soon, Kakashi arrived with Might Guy and Asuma.

“They are ninjas from Kirigakure. They don’t seem to have any bad intentions.”

They are all acquaintances, and there is no further introduction. Sasuke directly reported the current situation. “After we sent out the flare, they stopped to repair and wait for our contact.”

Kakashi nodded, lowered his mask, and used the single three-magatama Sharingan to watch the Kirigakure ninjas not far away.

From the clothes and forehead protectors, they are indeed Kirigakure people, but these can be disguised.

“No, it’s too far away. I can’t tell whether they are Kirigakure people or not.”

But unfortunately, the distance was too far, and he couldn’t see the faces of these Mist Ninjas clearly.

“Then let’s get closer.”

Asuma suggested, “Alas, if Hinata was still there…”

His tone was full of regret, but no one spoke to him. There was no need to mention the family that had left the village. It was hard to say whether they could fight side by side in the future.

“You two stay here.”

Naruto and Sasuke were originally planning to raise their feet to follow, but Kakashi suddenly turned around and said, “If something happens, you report back to the base in time.”

He didn’t let Naruto and Sasuke follow. Although their current combat power was strictly not weaker than himself and others, they were just lacking in qualifications and experience, but their identities were more sensitive and they should not accompany them to go deeper.

As for the caution of Kakashi and others, the Mist Ninjas waited calmly in place.

Even when the three of them approached, they did not take a defensive posture.

“Mei Terumi?”

As soon as he approached, Kakashi called out the name of one of them.

Under the charming face, there is an extremely proud figure.

Beauty is always easy to attract attention, not to mention standing at the forefront of many Kirigakure, suspected to be the leader.

“And… Zabuza, Ao, Master?!”

One after another, Kakashi was recognized, frowning, and the old man surrounded by many Kirigakure ninjas in the center made his expression slightly changed.

Master, this is a person of the same era as Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara!

He is the oldest person in Kirigakure. Although he sits in the position of elder, his status and prestige are the same as Mizukage, and even higher than Mizukage in a sense!

“Why is this old guy old? At his age, he can’t go to the battlefield at all?”

Kakashi and the other two who were originally planning to approach stopped.

Recognizing this person, they were all a little moved.

“And didn’t Momochi Zabuza betray the village? Why is he following the Kirigakure team now?”

One question after another made them very confused and more cautious.

Among the dozens of figures, the weakest ones had fought on the battlefield and had no low-end combat power compared to the elite Kirigakure Chunin, which forced them to stop.

Once they got too close, even if the three of them had strong combat power, it would be difficult to escape.

“Hatake Kakashi!”

Kakashi and the others recognized Mei Terumi and the others, and in return, they were recognized by the other party.

At a long distance, Mei Terumi from the Kirigakure team actually left the team directly and walked slowly towards them alone, “I am the newly appointed fifth generation Mizukage of Kirigakure Village, and I am here to discuss the matter of attacking the Akatsuki organization!”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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