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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 238 Testing each other (Subscription required)

In order to reach and annihilate the Akatsuki organization before it evacuates from the Kirigakure,

In just three days, the coalition forces of more than 40,000 ninjas have assembled and marched towards the Land of Water.

Along the way, the small team led by Mei Terumi frequently showed goodwill to Konoha.

There is no doubt that the retreat they chose was the Land of Fire.

The establishment of the Kirigakure was based on the foundation of ninja villages in other countries, and it gathered different ninja families in imitation, so the village was not actually united.

In terms of comprehensive national strength, their Kirigakure had many bloodline families and the existence of the Seven Ninja Swords, which was definitely the top three among the five major countries.

But considering cohesion, the Kirigakure is definitely the worst among the five major countries.

Unlike the Hidden Leaf Village and the Hidden Rock Village, which were built on ideals and have the Will of Fire and the Will of Stone, nor the Hidden Cloud Village, where the Night Moon Clan is the only one in power and holds the position of Raikage and suppresses all the other clans in the village, even the Hidden Sand Village, which has the lowest comprehensive national strength, is more cohesive than the Hidden Mist Village. The tribes of the Land of Water established the Hidden Mist Village completely under the pressure of the situation. Its internal disputes prompted even the senior staff to abandon the villagers who were not familiar with them when the situation was not good. For example, when the Seven Ninja Swordsmen faced Might Dai, they fought on their own and looked down on each other. When the situation became urgent, they did not even look at their injured companions and fled. There are many branches and forces in this village, and the degree of unity between them is not enough. The disputes between the families are not much worse than those in the Warring States Period. It is just that when dealing with foreign enemies, they will be slightly more cohesive. Therefore, Mei Terumi and others did not have so many heavy thoughts about the choice of abandoning the Hidden Mist Village. Good birds choose trees to inhabit, and good officials choose masters to serve.

As for why they chose the Land of Fire and Konoha Village, it was completely the result of the team’s discussion.

Why choose the slightly worse one when you can choose the strongest one?

With the intelligence information dug out from the Akatsuki organization, they sold Konoha a favor, and a large number of people were imprisoned in Konoha to work, so why not take this opportunity to go directly to surrender.

There are no eternal enemies in this world, it depends on whether the ideas and positions are consistent.

As a country that almost dominated the entire ninja world, Konoha has never faced any force in the ninja world one-on-one since its establishment. It has always been a chance for several major forces to unite and compete with Konoha.

This time, after leaving the news defense line of the Land of Water, Mei Terumi and others collected a lot of information, such as the news that Hinata left Konoha.

The three major clans that built the village of Konoha, now the Uchiha and Hyuga have been destroyed and gone, and there is no trace of the remaining Senju. Although their combat power level is no longer as strong as the strongest village in the past, it is precisely for this reason that Konoha is very likely to accept them. After surviving the blood fog disaster that was like hell, they yearn to live in the sun and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere calmly. Konoha is so bright that if they can merge into it, they are certainly willing. As for why they did not speak immediately, but chose to conceal it, it was just to avoid being inferior to other forces in the next battle against the Akatsuki organization and being used as cannon fodder. Just as the ninja coalition team was riding one giant ship after another and heading towards the Land of Water, members of the Akatsuki organization rarely gathered inside the Hidden Mist Village. They were holding a meeting of the Akatsuki organization in the conference room of the Mizukage office building. “Those traitors have been cleared, but the Yuanshi and his men have already fled the Land of Water. I think… the news about this place has been passed on.”

While flipping through the account book, Kakuzu said expressionlessly, “Ze, shouldn’t you explain your dereliction of duty?”

“Mmmm, spare me.”

At the end of the conference table, the Fourth Mizukage, the owner of this village, spoke the unique voice of White Zetsu, which seemed to be composed of two voices superimposed together, “There are so many people in this village, how can I keep an eye on them.”

There was no acknowledgment or panic in his tone, but it was very relaxed, even a little naughty, like a child of a few years old, who didn’t know what fear was.

“So are we going to run away now?”

On the other side, Deidara folded his arms, “I heard that they held the Five Kage Talks before, and wanted to attack us.”

“Now that our position has been exposed, I’m afraid that the army has already crossed the sea by boat and is coming here.”

Although he said so, in fact, everyone present did not pay too much attention to the possible attack of the ninja coalition.

They don’t value the Hidden Mist Village as much as the Ninja Army thinks.

When they used the Hidden Mist Village as their base, they rarely gathered together. Most of the time, they were scattered all over the world, so they didn’t have any sense of belonging or reluctance to leave this village.

“I suggest you stay away from the limelight for now.”

The cold and emotionless voice came from the black-haired and black-eyed man.

Uchiha Itachi didn’t look at the others, but looked directly at the red-haired man in the main seat, “We don’t need to confront them head-on. As long as we withdraw and make sure they can’t find the target to attack, they will naturally disband.”

“The five Kage cannot stay together forever. When they disperse and return to their respective villages, we can strike again.”

“Our only targets are the tailed beasts and the Jinchūriki, right?”

“Indeed, there is no need to confront the people of the five great nations head-on.”

Konan, who was sitting next to Nagato, nodded and agreed to Uchiha Itachi’s proposal.

“But we don’t have time.”

No longer appearing as Pain, Nagato sat in the main seat and directly denied this decision.

At this time, he was no longer as thin as a withered bone before. His muscles were full and full, as if he was infused with infinite vitality.

“This time, the ninja army will attack with a high probability, and they will bring their Jinchūriki with them. This is our great opportunity!”

Nagato stood up and looked around at everyone, “Hyuga Ryosuke has already led the Hyuga clan out of Konoha. They have accumulated enough power and are rising at a very fast speed.”

“Other forces in the ninja world may not know how powerful the Hyuga clan is. After all, they have been hiding under the light of Konoha before, but we know it very well, don’t we?”

“That guy… but he defeated me fair and square! He may even have some strength left!”

“If they really free up their hands, maybe we won’t have a chance to collect all the tailed beasts. We need to control more powerful power as soon as possible to deter the entire ninja world and bring real peace to the world!”

There was a murderous intent in his eyes, as if he would kill anyone who objected.

Sitting next to him, Konan’s eyes were very complicated. He opened his mouth several times, but in the end he didn’t refute it out loud.

“Follow the previous plan. If the ninja army really attacks, I will try to disperse the cohesion of the ninja army.” Seeing that no one spoke, Nagato was very satisfied. “When the ninja army’s forces are dispersed, you should take the opportunity to attack the Jinchūriki in the ninja army and capture them as soon as possible.” “The victory or defeat of this battle is not important to us. What is important is the tailed beasts and the Jinchūriki. Don’t fight to the death!” “But… the news that we are going to attack the ninja village may have been leaked.” Konan hesitated for a moment, “With all countries on guard, Nagato, you should not act alone, right?” “In today’s ninja world, except for that Hyuga Ryosuke who can stop me, who can be my enemy?” Nagato looked down at Konan who was sitting next to him, “It’s just a ninja coalition. I can enter and leave as I want.” “If I wasn’t afraid that group of people would protect the Jinchūriki and hide, I could crush them alone!” The arrogance in his words was undisguised. A defeat made him fall from the altar, but it also aroused his determination to rise up. He found a way to solve the lack of vitality in his body and the inability to control the Samsara Eye, making up for his own shortcomings. Except for that Hyuga Ryosuke, Nagato now has absolute confidence to face everything.

Or… from the beginning, he has never been afraid of any force in the ninja world.

It’s just that the consumption of the Samsara Eye on himself is limited, and he can’t fight for a long time, so he has been hiding and accumulating strength.

But now this problem has been solved, so what if the five major countries unite?

Sometimes Nagato thinks that if he can realize this earlier, maybe he doesn’t need to rely on the power of the tailed beasts at all, and can use the power of the Samsara Eye to deter the ninja world and calm down all the wars.

But now it’s too late, he can’t figure out the upper limit of Hyuga Ryosuke’s combat power.

Even if he makes up for his own shortcomings, Nagato also feels that he should collect all the tailed beasts to make his combat power further, so that he can have the ultimate power to suppress this world.

A pre-war meeting is extremely simple, without the tediousness of the five major countries’ talks, and there is no confrontation.

When the puppet of Six Paths of Pain was damaged and Nagato was forced to step out from behind the scenes, he had already told every member of the Akatsuki organization with absolute power how to write the word obedient.

“Afei, you stay.”

Just as everyone was about to leave, Nagato suddenly spoke and called Uchiha Obito’s alias Afei.

Afei did not refuse, and smiled and sat back in his seat.

Although the others were surprised, they did not ask more.

And Xiaonan did not leave, and continued to sit in her seat, and Nagato did not call her away.

Soon, there were only three of them left in the meeting room.

“Why… do you have any tasks for me?”

Obito Uchiha no longer had to hide when the others left. A cold voice sounded from under the mask, full of arrogance.

What he is playing now is his ancestor Uchiha Madara.

Nagato did not speak, first glanced at Xiaonan next to him, then slowly stood up and came to Obito’s side.

“I do have a task for you, senior.”

“But… although you are the top of the last era, it seems that you and I have never had a formal competition.”

The moment the voice fell, he raised his palm abruptly.

A strong suction force emerged from Nagato’s body, trying to absorb the Uzumaki man on the seat.

But after a while, the masked man just stood up calmly, crossed his arms, and stared at him coldly with his scarlet eyes, without being affected by the Ten Thousand Things Heavenly Attraction.

And Xiaonan had already retreated to the door of the conference room, staring at the back of the masked man.

“After regaining your vitality, you seem to be much more arrogant, Nagato.”

A disdainful voice came from under the mask. Obito didn’t even look at Konan behind him, “Don’t forget, I was the one who saved you from Hiruzen Ryosuke.”

“Don’t think that you can be invincible with those eyes just because you have regained your vitality.”

“To me, you are just a little guy.”

Slowly retracting his palm, Nagato was not surprised that the masked man ignored the suction of Wanxiang Tianyin, “I just want to test the level of the senior. After all, what I want to ask the senior is not so easy to accomplish.”

But before he opened his mouth, Obito guessed his plan first, “You want me to destroy the Hidden Rock Village for you and disperse the cohesion of the ninja army?”

The other members of the organization only knew that there was an attack on the ninja village, but they didn’t know which ninja village it was.

These other members did not include himself and Zetsu.

“Except for me, the seniors are the only ones who have this strength in the Akatsuki organization.” Nagato replied, “Although I look down on the ninja coalition, our plan cannot go wrong after all.” “In order for the plan to proceed smoothly, I need more conditions to prevent the ninja army from fighting us wholeheartedly.” After a pause, he explained, “When the news of the destruction of the Hidden Rock Village spreads to the ninja army, Ohnoki is likely to leave the team, which will not only disperse the troops, but also give us a greater chance of capturing the Four-Tails.” “And even if the Hidden Rock Village sees through our idea, Ohnoki resists leaving, and his team will be like a hard thorn, stuck in the ninja army, causing chaos in their morale.” Blocked from both ends, although Nagato once regarded himself as a god, he was defeated after all, so he couldn’t help but be a little cautious in his arrogance, so as not to capsize in the ditch like last time. “Is that so…” After listening to Nagato’s explanation quietly, Uchiha Obito sneered, “Why can’t you go to the Hidden Rock Village and let me face this mighty ninja army?” Suddenly, his figure disappeared from the spot, and when he appeared again, he was next to Nagato, almost body to body. “Are you planning to get rid of me?” Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh–Nagato hadn’t reacted yet, but Konan, who had been guarding the door, swish swoosh swished out several pieces of paper as sharp as a blade, slashing at Obito. “Stop!” Obito didn’t have the slightest intention of dodging Konan’s sneak attack, but the piece of paper suddenly passed through his illusory body and stabbed at Nagato. Fortunately, Nagato had already raised his hand and shook the piece of paper away with the repulsive force of Shinra Tensei. “Because in their eyes, you are a gangster.” Nagato stopped Konan and was not at all flustered by the masked man in front of him. “Since you want to hide in the dark, there is no time for you to prove your identity now.” “And… I am the leader of the Akatsuki organization, right? We have a common goal, and it doesn’t matter who achieves this goal, right?” He asked the masked man in return. At a very close distance, the spiral-patterned Samsara Eye looked directly at the three-scythe-shaped Mangekyō Sharingan. They could hear each other’s extremely subtle and steady breathing. “…Heh” After a long time, the masked man sneered and took a step back, “I will go to the Hidden Rock Village.”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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