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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 246 Thank you (Subscribe)

There were no drums beating to boost morale, nor were there any military parades or loud shouts. Swish, swish, swish—It was like the sound of thousands of arrows galloping through the mountains and forests, on the official roads, on the cliffs, in the lakes and rivers. One after another, black shadows were galloping. They were very fast, but they were orderly and maintained the military formation under the command of the captains of each team. “The first medium and long-range combat unit has arrived at the deployment location.” “The second medium and long-range combat unit has arrived at the deployment location.” “The first close-range combat unit has arrived at the deployment location.” “The medical team is ready and can provide rescue support at any time.” “Ordnance and food have arrived at the designated area…” Under the connection of the perception techniques of the perception ninjas, a huge communication network was opened, and the reports were clearly transmitted to the minds of the five shadows. One by one, lights lit up on the map in front of them, and they were very regular. The deployment plan was proceeding completely in the direction they had imagined. “There are no traps, no obstacles, and we have already reached the deployment locations in just half a day…”

Onoki’s voice was a little strange.

Under the defection of the Daimyo of the Land of Water, the Hidden Mist Village did not send any forces to ambush. In just a few days, the Shinobi Army Alliance has already reached various locations near the Hidden Mist Village, and directly controlled the surrounding environment to obtain the best strategic advantage.

Often a war is a struggle for advantages in both open and hidden places.

Like Kikyo Mountain, Tiandi Bridge, Kaminarimon…

These are relatively important strategic locations in each country. Occupying these strategic locations can fight against the enemy in a relatively advantageous environment, thereby reducing losses.

And the time spent in this process is the reason why the war is so long.

The capture of any important strategic location requires a lot of manpower and time. Most of the time in every previous war in the ninja world was around these strategic locations.

But in this battle against the Akatsuki organization, Ohnoki and his men occupied various strategic points without any resistance, which was unexpected by everyone.

“Have they given up resistance?”

Mei Terumi was also somewhat puzzled, “Don’t the people of Akatsuki know that the current situation is almost equivalent to them being completely exposed to our sight?”

Occupying all the key points around the Hidden Mist Village without any obstruction, this means that the ninja coalition can monitor the situation of almost the entire Hidden Mist Village without entering the village.

Even… every household living in the outer area, what they eat every day and how much they eat can be spied on through various techniques.

“Is their barrier technique powerful?”

Rosa thought this was an impossible thing.

Perhaps…the barrier technique mastered by the Akatsuki organization is powerful enough, and they think they can block all perceptions?

“According to the information sent back by the perception team and the intelligence team, we have firmly controlled the situation inside the entire Kirigakure Village, except for the Mizukage office building.”

Darui shook his head, “The public opinion in the village is very complicated. Ordinary people, let alone, would have run away if they were not stopped by the Akatsuki organization.”

“Of course, there are still many ninjas who want to escape, but because they have expelled the Mizukage before, they are afraid that we will not accept their surrender.”

“But in addition to these, there are more Kirigakure ninjas who are in a wait-and-see state.”

“Wait and see?”

Jiraiya caught a strange word.

The Mizukage office may have become the new residence of the Akatsuki organization now, and it is normal that it is not included in the perception range.

But the situation of waiting and watching among the Kirigakure ninjas is more worthy of deep thought.

“Yes, according to what we have monitored, Akatsuki is indeed planning to attack us, probably in the next few days.”

Darui quickly replied, “Soon after we arrived in the Land of Water, Akatsuki’s leader, Nagato, seemed to have mobilized the village.”

“He made public his goal, collecting tailed beasts in order to become the most powerful force in the ninja world, and recruited ninjas in the village.”

“Nagato said that he would use his ability to convince them and make them submit, willingly join Akatsuki, and lead them to the strongest.”

There was no ridicule in the words, only solemnity.

Everyone present did not doubt that Akatsuki had this strength.

In fact, Akatsuki is currently the most powerful force in the ninja world in a sense.

With six tailed beasts in hand, it is enough to rival many Kage-level rebel ninjas, and there are also a large number of Rain Village ninjas and Mist Village ninjas under his command.

A single force in the ninja world has no ability to compete with Akatsuki, even the five major countries.

However… only the top leaders of the five ninja villages knew about this matter. In the eyes of the outside world, with unequal intelligence, other people in the ninja world generally believed that this was a crushing battle.

“Actually… we can speculate from another angle.”

At this time, Mifune of the Iron Country suddenly spoke up, breaking the calm, “If we assume that the people of the Akatsuki organization are too arrogant and conceited, then it seems understandable that they are not prepared for our deployment at all.”

His expression was a little strange, “The goal of Akatsuki is to collect the tailed beasts, and we keep the Jinchūriki with us for the safety of the Jinchūriki.”

“The Akatsuki is not on guard against us because they hope we can get deeper and closer to them.”

“They are very confident that they can win this battle and take away the Jinchūriki, so they don’t plan to give us more chances to escape…”

From the perspective of the Shinobi Alliance, considering from the perspective of having an advantage, it is definitely impossible to figure out the Akatsuki’s plan.

But if the advantage is defined as the Akatsuki, then their indifference seems to be justified.

The people of Akatsuki think they have enough combat power to crush the Shinobi Alliance, so they are indifferent to their various deployments.

“But if they really have this strength, why do they have to hide for so many years?”

Although everything makes sense, Ohnoki is a little confused, “And if they really have the combat power to crush the five major countries, why do they still want to collect the tailed beasts?”

“Is their goal really just to use the power of the tailed beasts to dominate the ninja world?”

No one at the scene answered Ohnoki’s question, but they felt something was wrong.

“Itachi, where are you going?”

The Mizukage office building,

now has been completely cleared, whether it is the hall for handling government affairs, the conference room for regular meetings, or the reception room for entertaining guests.

After the extra things were cleared out, each room here became a lounge for each member of the Akatsuki organization.

The rooms are evenly divided, and they are combined into one room in pairs.

“Go to the bathroom.”

Itachi said coldly, opened the door and left.

Behind him, Hoshigaki Kisame stared at the door that was closed again, and finally did not get up and follow.

Click, click.

In the quiet corridor, only Uchiha Itachi’s footsteps could be heard.

But he would not think that he was the only one in this corridor now.

The speed of movement was very slow, and there was no change in the expression on his face. With the bathroom as the target, he took steps at a steady speed step by step, and there was no abnormal movement until he came to the door of the bathroom.

“Do you still want to follow me when you get inside?”

Standing in front of the door, Uchiha Itachi was silent for a long time, and suddenly spoke.

In the silent corridor, the plain voice was extremely harsh, but no one answered, but he could clearly feel that the sense of being watched on him had slightly weakened.

But… it was only weakened a little.

After standing in front of the door for a while, Uchiha Itachi finally gave up the argument, opened the door and walked into the bathroom.

“Oh… What a coincidence, are you going to the bathroom too?”

After all, it was a public bathroom, and there would of course be other people in it.


Looking at the strange guy in front of him, who was a combination of yin and yang, Uchiha Itachi casually replied, “Even if it’s acting, it’s too stiff, isn’t it?”

Before he came in, there was no one here.

Maybe the guy who was secretly spying just now was this guy, but he was able to get in before him and quietly enter this public toilet first, which was a bit weird.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi had a few more question marks about Jue’s identity in his heart.

This guy was the only one he couldn’t figure out since he had infiltrated the Akatsuki organization for so long.

All the records before he entered the organization were forged. His past was covered by thick fog, as if he appeared out of thin air in the ninja world.

Perhaps he was a person from another world like Bruno?

“Itachi’s acting skills are also a bit poor.”

Jue leaned against the sink, “But is Konoha really that good? It requires you to plunge into it recklessly and sacrifice yourself.”

Itachi paused, staring into his eyes, the black three magatama had already rotated rapidly and gradually connected together.

“He is a cruel person, but he doesn’t talk much.”

Also looking directly at Itachi, Jue only felt that the space around him was gradually distorted. When he appeared again, he had come to a world constructed by blood.

Tied to the black cross, his expression did not seem nervous, but rather curious, looking around.

“Is this the illusion time constructed by Tsukuyomi? This is the first time I have seen an Uchiha with such an illusion in all these years.”

After observing this bloody world, Zetsu looked at Uchiha Itachi with some expectation, “So what are you going to do next?”

The moment the voice fell, a long black sword had already pierced his body fiercely.

This long sword seemed to appear out of thin air, and it was completely black. Whether its blade was sharp or not could not be observed by the naked eye, but it was such a sword that easily pierced his body.

The pain that penetrated his soul made Bai Zetsu scream.

But before he could continue to say something about the pain, the second black blade had appeared out of thin air and pierced him again,

making him scream before he could say the words at his lips.

One after another,

Uchiha Itachi stood in front of him expressionlessly, and did not react to such torture and screaming Bai Zetsu at all.

Because his eyes were staring straight at the half black body.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded again, and the black blade appeared again, but the target was no longer the white half.

With overwhelming force, the black blade, like its master, stabbed at the black half-body at a very decisive speed without any hesitation.


The next moment, Uchiha Itachi saw the black half-body with closed eyes slowly opened his eyes, full of coldness.

Then, a huge spiritual energy surged from the other party’s body, like a surging river, directly filling this piece of Tsukuyomi space.

Blood and tears flowed from Uchiha Itachi’s eyes.

The body, which was already weak because of the Mangekyō Sharingan, was overdrawn again and backfired.

Unspeakable fatigue and weakness rose from his mind. He could hardly stand up and had to lean on the wall to stabilize his body.

“Time, space, and environment are all controlled by you. It is almost the most powerful mental attack I have ever seen in my life.”

The white half-body collapsed like a withered plant, and the black half-body occupied most of the body and dominated the control.

“But unfortunately, your eyes are still incomplete kaleidoscopes. Every time you use the eye technique, it will cause irreversible damage.”

Black Zetsu looked coldly at Uchiha Itachi, who had an expressionless face in front of him. “After so many years of overload use, your body has long been exhausted like an oil lamp.”

“Your mental and physical energy do not support you to exert the true level of Tsukuyomi at all. It’s really a waste of such a powerful eye technique.”

“You seem to know Uchiha very well.”

Uchiha Itachi looked at Black Zetsu in front of him tiredly, and he had already denied his identity as a visitor from another world in his heart.

In fact, he was not surprised that the other party called out his undercover identity.

In addition to the person in front of him, there are at least three people in the Akatsuki organization who suspect his identity. Everyone is using each other and taking what they need.

The only thing he cares about is Black Zetsu’s identity.

“No need to test it. There is still some time before the final day I predicted.”

Black Zetsu turned his back and emerged from the white half body like mud. “You had a chance to witness all this, but unfortunately, you took the initiative to attack me and suffered a backlash from the illusion. You probably won’t have much time left.”

The illusion is broken, not without a price. The more powerful the illusion is, the more terrible the damage caused by the backlash after it is broken.

For illusions of the level of Tsukuyomi, the price after being backfired is vitality. Uchiha Itachi doesn’t have much time left, unless…

“Do you need me to help you fulfill your last wish? I heard that your brother is also in the ninja coalition this time.”

Black Zetsu smiled at Uchiha Itachi, “Your brother’s talent is not as good as yours, and he has been hovering in the state of three magatama for so many years.”

“He still needs more emotional stimulation to enter the Mangekyō Sharingan.”

“You should want to leave your eyes to your brother, right? After all, you love him so much.”

“Do you need me to help you fulfill this wish and find some opportunities to stimulate him in this battle?”

After saying that, he stared at Uchiha Itachi in front of him, looking forward to his next answer.

Will he rarely show emotions? Or…

“…Thank you very much.”

Before Black Zetsu thought about it, Uchiha Itachi in front of him had already left a cold word, turned around, opened the door and left.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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