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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 249 Brothers Meet (Subscribe)

The battle broke out very quickly, but the war did not spread quickly.

The ninja coalition had already deployed and controlled the town, sending all ordinary people to other places in the Land of Water. The Hidden Mist Village, including the three surrounding towns, has become the main battlefield.

“I was once in the center of the war. During the Second Ninja World War, my family and friends were in the Land of Rain. My family was attacked by Konoha ninjas.”

“They regarded my parents as enemies and killed them.”

Nagato calmly told the unforgettable things in the past.

Everyone else silently looked at Jiraiya.

It turns out that your Konoha is the source.

Jiraiya’s expression was also a little unnatural. At that time, the Land of Rain declared war on the Land of Fire, and Konoha had no choice but to attack the Land of Rain.

“You don’t have to look at Jiraiya-sensei like that. I don’t blame him, nor do I blame Konoha.”

Nagato looked compassionate, “In fact, Jiraiya-sensei knew all these things a long time ago, and he even stayed in the Rain Country regardless of past grudges, guiding us orphans on the path of ninja, giving us the opportunity to protect ourselves.”

“I respect him very much, and I don’t want to be his enemy.”

“The emergence of war is wrong. Countries start wars against other countries from different perspectives for their own selfish interests. This is something that should not happen.”

“You kill me, I kill you, the war continues because of hatred, people immersed in sin do not know that they are already in hell, and sober people also It is because of greedy desires and condoning the repeated development of these things. “” Perhaps this world needs someone to stand up, and I am the one who has been selected by the world, so I have such an incredible eye. ” Are you infected with war? Do you all want to live in endless hatred for a lifetime? “” Let go of your sins, I will forgive your sins, work with me, and create a beautiful and peaceful world! ” It ’s either lunatic or fool. Hate can be put down casually, not to mention that you still have to support you as the ninja public enemy! “Wake up!”

In the ninja army, Kakashi and others kept speaking, trying to wake up their companions who were lost in thought.

But in this world that worships the strong, any words and actions of the strong are likely to guide the thoughts of the weak, not to mention that Nagato is now overwhelming the five-nation coalition, and even the five shadows are not sure to take action!

Unconsciously, some ninjas in the ninja army who were not happy in their original villages actually turned around and attacked their companions!

“Damn it! He shouldn’t have been given a chance to speak!”

Onoki looked at the guy in front of him in disbelief. He could speak so confidently with all his twisted logic, and even… he really bewitched their companions!

Maybe he shouldn’t have tried talking therapy at all!

“Do it.”

During this period of time, Jiraiya had accumulated enough sage chakra and entered the sage mode.

“According to the plan, quickly take this guy down, so that no one else can intervene.”

Beside Luosha, the red gourd gushed out dense magnetic sand.

This is the creation condensed by his wife’s life, and at the same time, it is also the relic of his youngest son.

“It seems that you don’t intend to solve this problem peacefully.”

Nagato also saw the changes in the status of several people, and shook his head with regret, “The world is ignorant, Jiraiya teacher, I’m sorry!”

“No more words!”

The next moment, Jiraiya’s body had already soared into the sky.

A huge toad appeared under him in the smoke.

Daroui, covered with electric arcs, also jumped up and rushed towards the sky along the back of the big toad.

“Hmph, overestimating your own abilities.”

Nagato sneered at the two people rushing towards him.

The next moment, Shinra Tensei, who was still skilled in practice, wanted to exclude the two people below.

But then, he stopped his open arms,

turned to seal his hands and slapped them in the void.


Three words came out of his indifferent mouth, and one after another strange-shaped summonings, like moths, flew out of the smoke, flapping their wings at a high frequency and crashing into Jiraiya and Darui.

“Damn it!”

These moths are not only huge in size, but also extremely fast, and there are a lot of them.

Jiraiya and Darui were stopped in mid-air.

Although these moths were not able to cause them harm, they could stop them. After all, they could not fly freely in the sky like Nagato.

“I have also heard a little about Ōnoki’s Dust Release.”

With his arms folded across his chest, looking at Ohnoki who was accumulating chakra below, Nagato raised his body again, making himself higher in the sky, “You want to delay my movements and directly use Dust Release to eliminate me? What a pity.”

“No matter how powerful the technique is, it is meaningless if it can’t hit anyone.”

Although Shinra Tensei is powerful, its power depends on the amount of chakra invested.

If you want to have the power to bounce Jiraiya and Darui away and avoid backlash, it takes a certain amount of time to accumulate.

And he noticed Ohnoki’s movements at the back, so he gave up using Shinra Tensei and switched to summoning.


As soon as he finished speaking, Nagato suddenly moved his body again.

A ball of acid like clay rushed towards the place where he had just stopped.

After that, one spear after another made of magnetic sand shot at him, not giving him the opportunity to talk leisurely.

Below, the Mizukage Mei Terumi and the Kazekage Rasa were bombarding him with long-range offensives using the techniques they were familiar with.

Beside him, Jiraiya and Darui were following closely with a fierce look in their eyes. Once the summoned beasts they had just summoned were killed, they would turn their attention to him more quickly.

In addition, Ohnoki, who was staring at him like a venomous snake, was concentrating on the Dust Release Technique and was planning to eliminate him all at once.

“It looks like you are in big trouble.”

Black Zetsu appeared again and said to Nagato with a gloating look.


Nagato smiled coldly and stopped his figure escaping in mid-air. “I just wanted to tease them for fun. The more desperate they are, the easier it will be for them to give up and surrender to me.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his palms.

Under the gazes of Mei Terumi and Rasa, Nagato’s palms touched the Dissolution Release and Magnetic Sand that were rushing towards him, and he actually directly extracted the chakra from them, making these techniques invalid.

“I don’t have to rely on the puppet’s vitality to use the ability of the Hungry Ghost Sealing Technique to absorb seals.”

Panting, Nagato could feel the White Zetsu attached to his body begin to wither.

The chakra absorbed by the Hungry Ghost Sealing Technique is not like chakra swallowing, it can feed back to itself, and it consumes a lot of energy.

“By the way… haven’t those guys found the location of the Jinchūriki yet?”

Nagato didn’t even look at the frowning Terumi and Mei below, and cast his eyes on the ninja army fighting in front.

In front of the Hidden Mist Village, the range of a thousand meters turned into yellow earth under Nagato’s Shinra Tensei.

Currently, only the Five Kage and Nagato are in this war zone.

And a thousand meters away,

there is a melee between the ninja coalition and the rebel ninjas of the coalition, the rebel ninjas of the Hidden Mist, and the Hidden Rain Ninja.

The sound of explosions, roars, and cries for help resounded throughout the battlefield.

This situation, which should have been quickly crushed in the war preparation plan, was actually broken with Nagato’s words.

It’s not that there are many ninjas who have turned against us, but the original rule of unifying the ninja forehead protection to distinguish between enemies and friends has been broken.

The military formation was disrupted, and various fogs and dust were scattered. Now the only identification of the coalition forehead protection has lost its function. They can’t tell whether the people around them are enemies or friends.

This also makes it impossible to use a wide range of techniques including the coalition ninjutsu, so as not to harm innocent people.

They can only use physical techniques, sword techniques, small and medium-sized techniques, illusions, etc. to fight against the coalition rebels, the Mist Rebels and the Rain Ninjas, and the rhythm of the battlefield is delayed.

What’s more… there are inexplicably some strong people who pretend to be weak and fish in troubled waters!

“Hey, hey, hey, isn’t it too cheap for us to disguise ourselves as Kirigakure rebels and blend in with them?”

Waving his sickle, Hidan casually shuttled through the fighting ninja army, “I’m really impressed by how happy Deidara is to kill. I really don’t know what’s the point of bullying the weak.”

Whether they were Kirigakure rebels or members of the ninja coalition, as long as they were not Rain Ninjas wearing the uniform of the Rain Village, he would ruthlessly harvest their lives.

Anyway, except for the people of the Rain Village, Nagato never regarded other forces as his own.

And the explosions that came from time to time in the distance made it easy for Hidan to distinguish who the source of the spell was.

The direction from which the explosion god came was exactly where Deidara and Sasori were assigned to blend into the battle in the original plan.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to solve it easily?”

Kakuzu glanced at him, “Do you really think you can do whatever you want just because you are immortal?”

“That’s not the case, it’s just that without an audience watching this feast of slaughter, it’s a little less fun.”

Hidan yawned, “Come to think of it, where did that old guy Ohnoki fall when he was blown away by Nagato? I want to go over and see if that guy has left any blood.”

“Don’t do unnecessary things. Zetsu has already obtained the information about those Jinchūriki from the brain of a senior member of the Hidden Rock Village. They are in the logistics team of the ninja army.”

Kakuzu called him coldly, “We have to bypass the battlefield and rush over.”

“Uchiha Itachi will definitely go to find his brother first, and Kisame will probably follow him. There are not many people in the organization who are free to capture those Jinchūriki.”

“As for the Five Kage, Nagato will delay. The outcome of this battle is not important. What’s important is that the Jinchūriki must be in our hands.”

Hidan waved his hand in dissatisfaction, “I know, I know.”

Although he is unscrupulous, he is not ignorant of the overall situation.

And Uchiha Itachi, mentioned by Kakuzu, did not hide his purpose and went straight to his brother.

“Itachi, our mission is to find the Jinchūriki.”

In the chaotic crowd, Kisame reminded beside him.

Although the Samehada in his hand was always swinging at the enemy, he had a faint intention to guard against Uchiha Itachi beside him.

“You go, I have other things to do.”

Uchiha Itachi spoke coldly and rejected his reminder.

Kisame frowned, “Itachi, are you really going to betray us?”

“I don’t have much time, Kisame.” Uchiha Itachi glanced at him, “I don’t want to waste the rest of my time on you, go and do what you should do.”

He did not attack any ninja beside him, whether it was the ninja coalition or the ninja on the Akatsuki side.

After hesitating for a moment, Kisame did not speak again, but did not point the blade at Uchiha Itachi, but followed him silently.

Itachi did not drive Kisame away. He really did not have much time and could not put the extra strength on others.

Everything in front of him began to blur.

In his hazy vision, Itachi finally found the familiar figure.

And similarly, the figure seemed to have seen his presence and froze.

“Uchiha… Itachi!”

He almost shouted his name.

Uchiha Itachi stopped where he was, staring blankly at the figure running towards him step by step, without moving again.

Waving the short blade in his hand, the three magatama in his eyes turned quickly.

No matter whether it was a Genin or a Chunin, there was no way to stop Sasuke’s pace. Even if the Jonin was in front of him, he would kill the opponent at an unimaginable speed!

Harvesting lives is like mowing grass. The level of the ninja has lost its limit in the opponent’s combat power.

“Not bad.”

Whispering in his mouth, Uchiha Itachi’s cold eyes had a hint of warmth.

Compared to a few years ago, he finally looked decent.

But then, his eyes became firm.

Let me…be your last grindstone!

“You said… can they win?”

On an unnamed mountain, the logistics troops marching around did not notice any abnormalities nearby,

and on the top of the mountain, Ryosuke and Shanks were carefully observing the continuation of this war.

“Maybe, there are too many variables on the battlefield.”

Ryosuke replied uncertainly,

Compared to the battlefield far away, their side was very calm and was not affected at all.

Although he didn’t know who would win or lose in the battle between the Five Kage and Nagato,

But Ryosuke was sure that the loser in this battle would definitely be the ninja coalition.

This battle came too early, and many conditions that should have been met in the original timeline have not been met yet.

For example, the new generation of Konoha Village has not grown up,

People like Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Choji, who have just become Genin, are not qualified to participate in this battle,

and Kakashi has not discovered that his Sharingan has the ability to open the Mangekyō, and he has not yet mastered the decisive ability that should have appeared in the Fourth Ninja World War-Kamiu.

On the contrary, the members of Akatsuki did not suffer any loss in the plan to capture the tailed beasts.

Originally, the Akatsuki, which should have been alone at the beginning of the Fourth Ninja World War, was now full of fighting power.

Even Nagato seemed to have gained something from a defeat in a fight with him, making up for the shortcomings caused by the use of the Samsara Eye.

The Akatsuki’s fighting power was preserved, but the Ninja Alliance suffered many losses due to the wars in recent years.

Although there was no trouble brought by Orochimaru this time, and various dead people returned from the world of the dead,

the pressure faced by the Ninja Alliance was still not small.

For example, the death of the fourth generation Raikage, the casualties of the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village, and the casualties caused by various invasions in Konoha, etc., all added invisible pressure to the internal of the Ninja Alliance.

After synthesizing such a huge amount of information, Ryosuke felt that the Ninja Alliance was unlikely to win.

Although this was the case, he did not want to bully those weak guys, nor did he want to miss Kaguya Otsutsuki, so he simply chose not to help and sat here to watch the show with Shanks for the time being.

But speaking of it…

Where did Orochimaru go?

Even Hyuga’s intelligence agency seemed to have not found any news about this guy for a long time, and even his subordinates have been missing for a long time.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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