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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 259 Change of Mind (Subscription Request)

“Earth Style·Earth and Stone Dragon!”

“Water Style·Water Flow Wall!”

“Lightning Style·Sharp Spear Stab!”

Although the ninja coalition was wearing different clothes, the coalition forehead guards on their foreheads and the god-like enemies in front of them had already closely linked them together.

Roars came from the mouths of every ninja.

They were like beasts struggling desperately in a mountain fire, desperate to survive.

The giant dragon made of rock and soil rushed out from the ground and rushed towards the sky without hesitation.

Following closely behind was a huge spear flashing with lightning.

The coalition’s technique was also like a miracle. The result of hundreds of ninjas performing together was to deduce ordinary high-level techniques to the category of super-high-level techniques.

But even so, they were no match for the lone man in front.

The technique they combined and tried their best was not used to attack the opponent, but to resist the divine technique performed by the opponent!

Far away from them, the complete Susanoo, which was slowly walking towards them, already had a human-like appearance. Its palms formed seals, just like the huge human-shaped stone statue in the valley of the end of the Fire Country.

The dark blue chakra flowed from the visualized meridians, corresponding to Uchiha Madara in it, until the technique was activated!

“Get out of the way!”

“People with chakra, try to protect your companions who have lost their ability to move!”


The command voices rang out one after another, and under the power of the Rinnegan,

the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun fell like meteors and smashed towards the ninja army.

The size of these meteorites is not large, but the number is extremely amazing.

The impact force falling from the sky cannot be resisted by ordinary techniques. Even if the ninja coalition uses joint ninjutsu based on quantity, it can only smash these meteorites.

And in the falling rocks, there are still many ninjas who have no time to dodge and are directly smashed into meat paste, bloody.

Under the command and leadership of the captains of each team, they resisted the inhumane offensive of Uchiha Madara with great difficulty.

With Nagato’s Shinra Tensei as the beginning of the war, they were not unable to accept the strength of Uchiha Madara.


These guys are no longer ninjas, and they can’t even be considered as human beings. They should be regarded as the existence of tailed beasts!

Only tailed beasts with almost infinite chakra can show such sustained endurance in such a battle, and only tailed beasts can casually throw out a spell that can destroy a small country!

Batch after batch of ninja coalitions rushed up, using their lives to stop his progress, and tried their best to squeeze out the last trace of chakra in their bodies.

But Uchiha Madara in Susanoo was as relaxed and leisurely as when he just started the battle, without any scars on his body, as if he had lost nothing, and was a robot that would never get tired.

“It’s over…”

Lowering her arms, Luo Sha, who had just used magnetic escape to protect most of the coalition forces from the rain of falling rocks, collapsed on the ground.

She was soaked in sweat, and her face mixed with mud was very embarrassed, but also extremely decadent.

The chakra in her body had long been exhausted in the continuous battle. At this moment, Luo Sha felt empty and weak, and she didn’t even have the strength to raise her arms.

“Medical team!”

Beside her, Tsunade quickly called the medical team.

But at this moment, she was also soaked in blood. The hemophobia that had been a psychological barrier had long been forgotten in such a war.

The blood on her body was her own blood, but more of it was the blood left by the coalition ninjas beside her.

Too many lives have been lost on this battlefield.

And Jiraiya, Ohnoki, and Mei Terumi, they were all like Luo Sha, almost squeezing every bit of chakra in their bodies while ensuring that they were conscious.

They were not like Uchiha Madara. The continuous fighting had already made them lose too much physical strength. They could only retreat to the coalition temporarily, using the lives of the coalition ninjas to delay time and take a short rest.

“What else can we do against such a monster?”

Mei Terumi also took a step back and collapsed on the ground, her face pale.

She had countless wounds on her body. Although she did not lose her legs like Ohnoki, her internal organs had long been damaged in collisions again and again.

Mei Terumi had only been the Mizukage for more than a year and did not have much experience in large-scale wars.

Compared with the ninja coalition that tried to launch a long-range attack, the five shadows needed to face Uchiha Madara in close combat to find opportunities. Compared with the fifth generation Raikage Darui who had died in the battle, it was extremely difficult for her to be alive.

“The opponent’s casual attack requires us to go all out. Is it really necessary to continue such a war?”

While being healed by the medical ninja next to him, Luo Sha stared blankly at the dark blue giant not far away.

Even though they were thousands of meters apart, he could clearly feel the power coming from the other party.

The medical ninja who was treating him beside him trembled,

but he quickly maintained his composure and continued the treatment.

Compared to other people, as people who had come into direct contact with Uchiha Madara, they felt more heavy-hearted than other people in the coalition.

The giant, who was even bigger than the tailed beast, could hardly see its head when approaching, and could only see half of its body.

And inside Susanoo, the lofty and empty Uchiha Madara was staring at them with his contemptuous eyes, almost shattering the little hope that people had finally raised in their hearts.

“Enough! You two!”

At this time, under Tsunade’s healing, Ohnoki once again stopped the bleeding from his broken leg and picked up a stone, “Don’t consider any consequences, what we need to consider now is how to fight the enemy and how to move forward!”

As he said, he crushed the stone in his hand fiercely, “The barrier exists in front of us and in your hearts.”

“You are already the shadow of a village, I don’t think you should be afraid of life and death.”

“We don’t have to consider the meaning of this war, we just need to make this lofty man in front of us fall from the altar, that’s enough!”

After speaking, he didn’t care what others thought, his old body soared into the air, went to various battlefields to command the launch of joint techniques, and blocked Uchiha Madara’s progress.

Compared to wars between countries, where negotiations, surrender, and compensation are possible, Ohnoki can’t imagine where to retreat from the war with Uchiha Madara. This guy is abandoned by his own people and is all alone! In this world connected by blood and emotions, this monster that has crawled out of hell has no ties and will not be bound by any emotions. Once such a demon completes the plan to collect the tailed beasts, Ohnoki knows without guessing that the other party will set off something very terrible, such as… destroying the world! Ohnoki’s words made the people present a little silent. However, no matter what they thought in their hearts, after all, they consumed more energy than Ohnoki, who had lost his legs and could only assist from a distance. Therefore, both their physical strength and chakra have reached their limits and they can only take a short rest. “Perhaps… we should consider letting the Jinchūriki join the battle.”

Tsunade looked at the few people who were resting, “Although Uchiha Madara’s target is the Jinchūriki, his strength is already beyond human reach.”

“Except for the power of the tailed beast, we can hardly cause him any harm.”

Unlike Nagato, Uchiha Madara has extremely rich combat experience and has the difficult-to-break Susanoo for protection.

The huge size hardly brings any burden to Susanoo, but instead restores Uchiha Madara’s combat thinking to a 100% degree, which means that they are fighting against a huge ninja who is a hundred times more powerful than them in terms of strength, defense, speed and even chakra.

Faintly, they can even sense that Uchiha Madara in front of them still has some hidden combat power.

“Tsunade is right. Can we still consider giving up at this point? Impossible!”

Sitting down to rest, Jiraiya looked at the people around him, “I don’t know if you noticed that after Uchiha Madara took away Nagato’s Samsara Eye, he could still use the Uchiha eye technique – Susanoo. There are many puzzling questions behind this matter.”

“I may be able to explain this matter.”

At this time, Shima Sage, who was squatting on Jiraiya, couldn’t help but reply, “In fact, the bloodline of the Uchiha clan has been passed down to the legendary Six Paths Sage.”

“So… their Sharingan may evolve into the eye technique possessed by the Six Paths Sage – Samsara Eye.”

The others, including Jiraiya, were not surprised. It seemed that they had already guessed it when they saw Uchiha Madara take the Samsara Eye from Nagato and replace it, but it was not actually confirmed.

“The blood of the Six Paths Sage is widely circulated in the ninja world, and the Uchiha clan is just one of them, inheriting the eye technique of his son Indra.”

Shima Sage continued to explain, “When Jiraiya met the boy with the Rinnegan when he was young, we actually had some guesses.”

“However, the blood of the Uzumaki clan also originated from the Six Paths Sage, and they are the descendants of Ashura, another son of the Six Paths Sage, so they are also likely to awaken the Rinnegan.”

“But now it seems that these eyes should not be awakened by Nagato.”

“That kid obviously struggled when using these eyes, and had to pay the price of vitality, while the Uchiha kid was very handy when using them.”

“So… Nagato may just be a pawn of Uchiha Madara.”

Mei Terumi spoke in a deep voice, “He planned everything and died peacefully, and waited for decades later, when the Akatsuki organization’s plan to collect the tailed beasts came to an end, he would use his eye technique to resurrect? Even this resurrection is a one-for-one price.”

Just now, Nagato was held in the hand of Uchiha Madara with his head held like a dead person, and they all saw it.

“What a scary guy! It’s hard to imagine how the martyrs dealt with such a powerful and scheming man.”

Jiraiya stood up tiredly from the ground, having long since exited the state of Sage Mode, “But we can’t give up, we still need to seize any possibility of victory!”

“We need to communicate with the ninjas in the barrier behind us and let the jinchuriki join the battle!”

Although the other Kages had some concerns, they nodded silently at this point.

“Sage Fukasaku, I need to ask you for something. Help me communicate with Shikaku who is far away in Konoha through the spiritual contract of Myoboku Mountain, and let him give the cells of the first Hokage to the toad, and then let the toad bring it here.”

As if he had made a decision, Jiraiya asked the Toad Sage beside him again.


As soon as the words came out, the two immortals realized Jiraiya’s plan.

Even Tsunade next to him was stunned for a moment.

It seemed that they did not expect Jiraiya, who always adhered to the ninja way, to make such a decision.

“Xi, help me communicate with Yamato of the frontline combat troops and ask him to come as soon as possible.”

Then, Jiraiya communicated with Xi, the senior ninja of Kumogakure who was responsible for the connection of the nearby sensory network.

“Fifth Hokage, do you have any way to deal with it?”

Facing Jiraiya with a complicated expression, Mei Terumi and others were confused and asked.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiraiya said: “Since we are going to deal with the enemies of the previous generation, we can only seek help from our companions of the previous era.”

It was extremely difficult for him to make this decision, as if he had parted ways with his former self.

If he had not served as the fifth Hokage, perhaps he would not have issued such an order even if the ninja world was destroyed,

But now… he is no longer free with a huge responsibility, and he must make a choice.

Looking ahead in a trance, Jiraiya did not dare to cast his eyes on Tsunade beside him.

People will always change, it’s just that the time has not come yet, Jiraiya, you will change one day.

The words of my former best friend echoed in my mind, after all… I lost.

“Are you still struggling in vain?”

In Susanoo, Uchiha Madara controlled the body of the God of War under him and moved forward slowly.

After all, he has not yet achieved the full plan, and has not yet reached the ideal state. He cannot completely ignore the joint offensive of the technique.

Even the perfect Susanoo will be delayed by the huge joint ninjutsu.

However, as the number of ninja coalition forces in front of him continued to decrease, his speed of movement was also getting faster and faster.

And the battlefield at this time was no longer the wasteland at the beginning.

Under the meteorite bombardment of the Tianai Zhenxing, the ninja coalition forces fought and retreated repeatedly. Now they are no longer in front of the Hidden Mist Village, and have retreated to the town where the original logistics troops were located.

Uchiha Madara could also sense the approaching Jinchūriki through the Samsara Eye.

With the inferior barrier technique, the ninja coalition could not block the perception of the Samsara Eye at all.

“You have to fight for your life to grasp those little hopes, and even ignore the identity of each other’s enemy villages?”

Looking down at the ninja coalition who helped and saved each other, Uchiha Madara’s eyes revealed a hint of complexity, “It’s really not easy to see this scene. I have waited for more than a hundred years.”

“If it were me decades ago, I might really believe that people can rely on mutual understanding, let go of the chains of hatred, and shake hands and make peace.”

“But unfortunately, after going through the underworld, I have long let go of unnecessary emotions.”

The complexity in his eyes was only a little bit, and soon he returned to his former coldness.

“Lord Madara, you seem to be stalling for time.” Black Zetsu stood beside him and said respectfully, “With your current strength, you can crush these new-age ninjas and capture the Jinchūriki directly, but it seems… you have been putting pressure on these people instead of using your full strength?” “Humph!” Seeing that the person next to him guessed his thoughts, Uchiha Madara was not surprised. After all, the other party was created by his will. “You guessed right. I suddenly want to fight with that junior before completing the plan.” After a pause, he said solemnly, “Hinata Ryosuke.” “I want to fight him, maybe I need to complete a more perfect posture.” Black Zetsu was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, “Will you have a chance to defeat him when you activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi?” When he said this, there was a strong coldness in his eyes.


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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