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Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world — Chapter 267 The Real Thousand-Handed Buddha! (Subscribe)

The giant tree that emerged from the ground soared into the sky.

Compared to the tree-like monster just now, this tree is a real tree.

Although it has no branches and leaves, and the branches look bare, there is a fruit that looks like an eyeball at the top of the tree!

In the sky, the moon that is as bright as a silver plate is smeared with a layer of blood red,

as if it is affected by the red light emitted by the extremely large bright red fruit on the giant tree.

Thump, thump, thump——

The roots that are like whips are densely spread out, like sharp arrows piercing deeply into the soil, as if to grab the core of this planet.

Although the people around do not have the ability to see through the white eyes, they can clearly recognize how deep these roots are from the process of the roots continuously extending downwards, and the continuous downward extension is rapid and seemingly endless.

“Absorb it, absorb it…”

At this time, Uchiha Madara, who had just entered the Six Paths Realm, did not know why, but he could always feel a voice echoing in his mind.

Thinking of the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye that flashed through his mind just after the change, he had a clearer understanding of the next realm in his heart, not just limited to the cold words on the Uchiha stele.

“We need to wait.”

Clearly aware that the giant tree was absorbing the power of the planet, Uchiha Madara suppressed the idea of ​​absorbing this power in his heart.

Rich natural energy gathered from all directions and injected into the giant tree like nutrition to provide it with nutrients.

I think the final posture should be the ripening of the fruit.

But before that…

“Are you sure you can beat me now?”

Turning his head and looking in one direction, Uchiha Madara smiled and said, “If nothing unexpected happens, our current realm level should be in the same state.”

Compared to the hesitation before, between fighting a fair battle with this junior and realizing his plan, he is now completely free of confusion,

because if he can reach the next realm, Uchiha Madara believes that the other party will no longer be his opponent, and will only be left far behind by him like Senju Hashirama.

Therefore, he no longer needs to worry about the problem that the plan for many years cannot be realized as he wished after the subsequent defeat, and no longer considers the situation where he needs to pretend to drag the opponent and prioritize his own goals.

Hyuga Ryosuke, Uchiha Madara wants to defeat him openly and prove that he is the strongest in the world no matter what era!

And the plan… must also be realized!

Although his voice was very weak, as if he was talking to a person face to face, it was as if the sound was transmitted into the ear, and it was clearly transmitted to Ryosuke’s ears across several towns.

“Indeed, we are in the same realm.”

Ryosuke nodded, and his bright eyes observed the other party’s state with interest, “Since I reached the strongest, I haven’t even had the opportunity to show my strength, because no one can be my opponent.”

“I don’t know if there is a chance this time.”

Similarly, his voice was also transmitted to Uchiha Madara’s ears across several towns.

“Arrogant!” Uchiha Madara grinned, “At the same level, do you still think you can beat me, junior!” “The gap between us is the experience accumulated from hundreds or thousands of battles!” After saying that, his figure suddenly disappeared on the battlefield, disappearing in the eyes of all the ninja coalition forces. “The gap caused by age?” Ryosuke remained indifferent, “This kind of thing is of no use to me.” As he said that, he suddenly raised his hand. Uchiha Madara, who was a few towns away, crossed a distance of thousands of miles in an instant and came to him, swinging his scepter fiercely at him. A strong wind blew, Ryosuke clearly felt the strength of his power, and his eyes penetrated his body and saw the degree of muscle tension in his arms. Dong——The dull sound was as subtle as a small stone falling on a calm lake. In front of Ryosuke, there seemed to be a layer of air wall blocking Uchiha Madara’s attack. The force of the opponent’s swinging of the scepter was perfectly offset by his repulsive force. There was no too strong repulsive force to blow the opponent away, nor was he rebounded due to the weak repulsive force. He resisted with the same force without any error.

“This is!”

Uchiha Madara’s eyes condensed slightly, looking at the young man who was close at hand, and he instantly understood what had just happened in his heart, “Then… let’s see how many times you can offset my attack!”

“Senjutsu·Storm Release Light Fang!”

The next moment, a laser-like light came out of his mouth and shot towards Ryosuke in front of him.

Without trying to dodge, Ryosuke tilted his head slightly and narrowly avoided this ray.

Even the hair was completely dodged under his exquisite control, and not a single strand was cut off due to the scattered movement.

And far behind him, probably in the area close to the capital of the Water Country,

the highest mountain in this country was suddenly penetrated by this ray that crossed most of the country, and was flattened in an instant!

“Go ahead!” Uchiha Madara shouted angrily, and then a purple lightning flew out from his hand.

He didn’t think that with the opponent’s level, he would not know that only immortal arts can cause damage to the transformed body after reaching the Six Paths realm, and he would definitely prepare in advance. This is also the reason why he did not solve the ninja coalition at once before, but only put pressure on the ninja army.

From Nagato’s memory, Uchiha Madara knew a lot of things, including that someone used the technique of Impure World Reincarnation to recall the soul of Senju Tobirama to fight.

As they are both in the Six Paths realm, the key to his victory in the battle with Hyuga Ryosuke may be the use of immortal arts. If he wants to face the opponent with greater confidence, he must learn how to use immortal arts!

And because the only person Uchiha Madara knows who can use immortal arts is Senju Hashirama, he has been delaying and putting pressure on the ninja army, waiting for the coalition to summon Senju Hashirama, and then luring Senju Hashirama to become an immortal and steal his immortal arts.

But now… I attach so much importance to fighting with the opponent, but why does Hyuga Ryosuke not take action! ?

Only dodging, not taking action, is simply an insult to this battle!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara’s face looked a little ugly, and his attack became more fierce.

As the opponent’s angry voice sounded again and again, Ryosuke also avoided the purple lightning again and again.

Yin Dun Lei Pai…

Another fairy technique, from beginning to end, Ryosuke’s eyes were firmly locked on the person in front of him,

The flow of chakra in Uchiha Madara’s body, the tension of his muscles, the heartbeat accelerated by emotional changes… Everything was reflected in his mind. With Ryosuke’s current thinking ability, a small detail, he can figure out dozens of possible means of attack by the opponent, and optimize the most suitable movement trajectory for dodging in advance.

“Let’s change the battlefield.”


Taking advantage of his free time, Ryosuke even distracted some attention to the mountain in the distance that was flattened by the rays and the ground that was directly shattered under the purple lightning.

Without hesitation, he flew freely in the sky.


Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, also flew high, and followed closely.

And the offensive never stopped.

From Hashirama Senju, he learned to feel the existence of natural energy, and then entered the Sage Mode.

Now, after entering the level of the Six Paths, he is more proficient in the use of celestial arts, and he doesn’t even need to absorb natural energy into his body and extract celestial chakra in a time-consuming manner.

As long as his mind moves, the natural energy from all directions can be freely driven by him, directly intersecting with the huge chakra in the outside world and directly using celestial arts!

“More and more proficient.”

He avoided Uchiha Madara’s celestial arts with an extremely reluctant posture, and the chakra in Ryosuke’s body gradually accelerated.

He could feel that the other party was getting more and more familiar with the use of celestial arts.


Suddenly, Ryosuke stopped dodging in the air. The next moment, facing Uchiha Madara who was waving his scepter and rushing towards him, he abruptly changed the way of fighting, no longer dodging and observing, but turning defense into offense!

Ryosuke also used the immortal technique as the basis for the counterattack. He was surrounded by the armed color of domineering, and pointed a finger at Uchiha Madara’s head!

Combining the three systems of ninjutsu, the six styles of the navy, and domineering, his fighting style has been almost perfected.

And correspondingly, he has also figured out the opponent’s fighting thinking thoroughly!


Uchiha Madara’s expression moved slightly. Although he had been chasing, he did not ignore the possibility that the opponent might suddenly counterattack.

So he expected this sudden finger.


“Is this what you have been pursuing? Interesting.”

Uchiha Madara also avoided this finger narrowly, and another purple lightning blasted towards Ryosuke, “You actually used me as a whetstone, kid!”

For some reason, every time he met the person in front of him, he could always quickly figure out the reasons behind each of the other’s actions.

From this finger, Uchiha Madara felt a lot of unusual things, such as the strange momentum used by the red-haired man when he fought with him before, and even the physical skills seemed to be different from this world.

“Are you practicing what you learned secretly through me!”

The outpouring of emotions is another improvement in Uchiha Madara’s speed and strength.

The Ten Tails in his body continuously provides chakra. With almost unlimited chakra, he can unscrupulously maintain the limit that this body can reach without worrying about consumption.

“I have never underestimated any opponent, and I will never take it lightly in battle.”

Ryosuke felt the opponent’s speed and strength begin to increase, gradually approaching the values ​​he speculated, “Confirming the approximate values ​​of the enemy in battle is my way of fighting, so please don’t think I didn’t go all out.”

“But your strength is very strong, even beyond my initial expectations.”

“Because I have never had the opportunity to meet an opponent of the same level, it is difficult for me to make a calculation. Thank you for giving me such a chance.”

Just now, he was not not taking action, but was calmly observing Uchiha Madara’s actions.

Ryosuke never underestimated any opponent in battle, and he always remained vigilant even against ordinary ninjas who were extremely weak compared to him.

Although he had observed Uchiha Madara for a long time before he entered the Six Paths, after all, Uchiha Madara became several times stronger in combat power after reaching the Six Paths realm. This is a good object for observation and learning.

Compared to what he thought earlier, he could not learn any ability from Uchiha Madara. The situation is a little different now.

After all, reaching the Six Paths realm through different paths, there are still some differences in ability.

“Is it possible to confirm the victory or defeat by calculating the enemy’s physical values?”

Uchiha Madara sneered, “Fighting… depends on instinct! Instinct!”

“Fighting power is just a string of numbers. What really determines the victory or defeat is the desire for victory and the instinct to fight!”

The next moment, his figure suddenly paused.

In his eyes, four shadows that look exactly like him are waving their scepters at Hyuga Ryosuke from different directions.

Whether you can feel my breath or detect my attack, I have blocked all your movement routes!


The thought was only a blink of an eye, and a pale white flame suddenly ignited on the surface of Ryosuke’s body.

This flame was transformed from the Samsara Eye Chakra and entered the Samsara Eye Chakra mode!

Sorry, I don’t need to dodge at all.


Ryosuke guessed his intention at a glance about the attack direction of the four shadows created by Uchiha Madara.

Then, an incredible repulsive force surged from his body.

At the same time, there was also a gravitational force that gathered towards Ryosuke from a very far distance. In just a moment, the two interacting gravitational and repulsive forces washed together and directly crushed the shadows caught in it!

For the use of repulsion and gravity, the ability of the Samsara Eye is far more powerful than that of the Samsara Eye. It can even affect the movement trajectory of the planet, not to mention just crushing four shadows!

“Are you finally going to take action!”

Uchiha Madara was not surprised that his four shadows were destroyed. He clapped his hands and endless chakra vented out of his body.

Boom boom boom——

A huge statue of Guanyin emerged from his body, and its body continued to expand as chakra flowed in, until it finally occupied an area the size of a town.

All the trees, houses, and creatures around it were crushed to pieces under the crush of this huge Guanyin statue!

“Senju·Wood Release·True Thousand Hands on the Top of the Buddha!”

The wooden man that Hashirama Senju had previously summoned using the wooden man technique was only the size of the Buddha’s head in front of this huge Thousand Hands Guanyin statue.

Then, as the pupil power surged out again, the dark blue chakra covered the body of the huge Guanyin statue, giving it a thick layer of Susanoo armor.


Uchiha Madara shouted excitedly.

On the Guanyin statue, thousands of arms turned into phantoms, like endless fists smashing towards Hyuga Ryosuke!

Uchiha Madara, who had suffered a great loss from this magic, knew how terrifying the power of this magic was. Moreover, the amount of magic chakra he had injected was far greater than that of Hashirama Senju when he was alive, plus the complete Susanoo armor!

It is no exaggeration to say that Uchiha Madara felt that this attack could not only crush Hyuga Ryosuke, but also directly smash the land of the Land of Water, one of the five great countries under his feet! Let this great maritime country become the best grave for this younger generation!


As for the huge Guanyin statue that had completely blocked the blood moon in the sky and the countless tens of millions of fist shadows, the white flames burning all over Ryosuke’s body rose again, “This time it is a one-minute superposition… Eighty Gods Air Strike!”


Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Konoha: I turn on the limiter in the ninja world

Status: Completed Author:


[New book, this Uchiha Itachi is very aloof, interested book friends can learn more]
Original name: Young son-in-law of the Hinata family
"Master... Madam has given birth to a girl."
In the courtyard, the stern-faced Hinata Hinata spoke seriously to Ryousuke, "From today on, you will marry into the lineage of our head Hyuga family and become Hinata's husband."
Ryosuke, who has a childish face, looks very mature.
As a traveler, he has his own support.
The restriction is released once every three years. As long as he is given enough time, he is absolutely sure to become the most powerful being in the ninja world.
Six years later.
"Ryosuke, I always feel like you are very ordinary in everything except training."
In the courtyard under the setting sun, a charming and quiet girl with long hair was sitting on the walkway, swaying her feet and pretending to be angry and asked: "Do you not love me anymore?"
"How can there be..."
Ryousuke, who was soaked with sweat, turned around helplessly, "My dear future head of the family, there are so many visitors from other worlds in the ninja world today. If I don't work hard quickly, I will soon be surpassed by others."
"Liar, Ryousuke has been very powerful since he was a child. He has always been."
As the heir to the clan leader, Hinata Hinata sighed, "Forget it, no matter where you go, I will always stand behind you with my family and accompany you..."


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